14 research outputs found

    Structured general corecursion and coinductive graphs [extended abstract]

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    Bove and Capretta's popular method for justifying function definitions by general recursive equations is based on the observation that any structured general recursion equation defines an inductive subset of the intended domain (the "domain of definedness") for which the equation has a unique solution. To accept the definition, it is hence enough to prove that this subset contains the whole intended domain. This approach works very well for "terminating" definitions. But it fails to account for "productive" definitions, such as typical definitions of stream-valued functions. We argue that such definitions can be treated in a similar spirit, proceeding from a different unique solvability criterion. Any structured recursive equation defines a coinductive relation between the intended domain and intended codomain (the "coinductive graph"). This relation in turn determines a subset of the intended domain and a quotient of the intended codomain with the property that the equation is uniquely solved for the subset and quotient. The equation is therefore guaranteed to have a unique solution for the intended domain and intended codomain whenever the subset is the full set and the quotient is by equality.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2012, arXiv:1202.317

    The rôle of linear logic in coalgebraical approach of computing

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    Linear logic provides a logical perspective on computational issues such as control of resources and order of evaluation. The most important feature of linear logic is that formulae are considered as actions. While classical logic treats the sentences that are always true or false, in linear logic it depends on an internal state of a dynamic system. Curry-Howard correspondence is a correspondence between logic and computing in informatics. In this contribution we present two ways of computations which correctness we prove by Curry-Howard correspondence. We show a standard way and a new way of computing based on hylomorphism by using coalgebras which is an alternative method. Our method of recursive and corecursive computations we apply in simple authentication system

    A coalgebraic view of bar recursion and bar induction

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    We reformulate the bar recursion and induction principles in terms of recursive and wellfounded coalgebras. Bar induction was originally proposed by Brouwer as an axiom to recover certain classically valid theorems in a constructive setting. It is a form of induction on non- wellfounded trees satisfying certain properties. Bar recursion, introduced later by Spector, is the corresponding function defnition principle. We give a generalization of these principles, by introducing the notion of barred coalgebra: a process with a branching behaviour given by a functor, such that all possible computations terminate. Coalgebraic bar recursion is the statement that every barred coalgebra is recursive; a recursive coalgebra is one that allows defnition of functions by a coalgebra-to-algebra morphism. It is a framework to characterize valid forms of recursion for terminating functional programs. One application of the principle is the tabulation of continuous functions: Ghani, Hancock and Pattinson defned a type of wellfounded trees that represent continuous functions on streams. Bar recursion allows us to prove that every stably continuous function can be tabulated to such a tree where by stability we mean that the modulus of continuity is also continuous. Coalgebraic bar induction states that every barred coalgebra is well-founded; a wellfounded coalgebra is one that admits proof by induction

    Coalgebra Learning via Duality

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    Automata learning is a popular technique for inferring minimal automata through membership and equivalence queries. In this paper, we generalise learning to the theory of coalgebras. The approach relies on the use of logical formulas as tests, based on a dual adjunction between states and logical theories. This allows us to learn, e.g., labelled transition systems, using Hennessy-Milner logic. Our main contribution is an abstract learning algorithm, together with a proof of correctness and termination

    Coalgebra learning via duality

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    Automata learning is a popular technique for inferring minimal automata through membership and equivalence queries. In this paper, we generalise learning to the theory of coalgebras. The approach relies on the use of logical formulas as tests, based on a dual adjunction between states and logical theories. This allows us to learn, e.g., labelled transition systems, using Hennessy-Milner logic. Our main contribution is an abstract learning algorithm, together with a proof of correctness and termination

    Non-Deterministic Kleene Coalgebras

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    In this paper, we present a systematic way of deriving (1) languages of (generalised) regular expressions, and (2) sound and complete axiomatizations thereof, for a wide variety of systems. This generalizes both the results of Kleene (on regular languages and deterministic finite automata) and Milner (on regular behaviours and finite labelled transition systems), and includes many other systems such as Mealy and Moore machines

    CoCaml: Functional Programming with Regular Coinductive Types

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    Functional languages offer a high level of abstraction, which results in programs that are elegant and easy to understand. Central to the development of functional programming are inductive and coinductive types and associated programming constructs, such as pattern-matching. Whereas inductive types have a long tradition and are well supported in most languages, coinductive types are subject of more recent research and are less mainstream. We present CoCaml, a functional programming language extending OCaml, which allows us to define recursive functions on regular coinductive datatypes. These functions are defined like usual recursive functions, but parameterized by an equation solver. We present a full implementation of all the constructs and solvers and show how these can be used in a variety of examples, including operations on infinite lists, infinitary γ-terms, and p-adic numbers

    Well-Pointed Coalgebras

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    For endofunctors of varieties preserving intersections, a new description of the final coalgebra and the initial algebra is presented: the former consists of all well-pointed coalgebras. These are the pointed coalgebras having no proper subobject and no proper quotient. The initial algebra consists of all well-pointed coalgebras that are well-founded in the sense of Osius and Taylor. And initial algebras are precisely the final well-founded coalgebras. Finally, the initial iterative algebra consists of all finite well-pointed coalgebras. Numerous examples are discussed e.g. automata, graphs, and labeled transition systems

    On Well-Founded and Recursive Coalgebras

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    This paper studies fundamental questions concerning category-theoretic models of induction and recursion. We are concerned with the relationship between well-founded and recursive coalgebras for an endofunctor. For monomorphism preserving endofunctors on complete and well-powered categories every coalgebra has a well-founded part, and we provide a new, shorter proof that this is the coreflection in the category of all well-founded coalgebras. We present a new more general proof of Taylor's General Recursion Theorem that every well-founded coalgebra is recursive, and we study under which hypothesis the converse holds. In addition, we present a new equivalent characterization of well-foundedness: a coalgebra is well-founded iff it admits a coalgebra-to-algebra morphism to the initial algebra

    Recursive coalgebras of finitary functors

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    For finitary set functors preserving inverse images, recursive coalgebras A of Paul Taylor are proved to be precisely those for which the system described by A always halts in finitely many steps