255 research outputs found

    Fudge: Fuzzy ontology building with consensuated fuzzy datatypes

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    An important problem in Fuzzy OWL 2 ontology building is the definition of fuzzy membership functions for real-valued fuzzy sets (so-called fuzzy datatypes in Fuzzy OWL 2 terminology). In this paper, we present a tool, called Fudge, whose aim is to support the consensual creation of fuzzy datatypes by aggregating the specifications given by a group of experts. Fudge is freeware and currently supports several linguistic aggregation strategies, including the convex combination, linguistic OWA, weighted mean and fuzzy OWA, and easily allows to build others in. We also propose and have implemented two novel linguistic aggregation operators, based on a left recursive form of the convex combination and of the linguistic OWA

    An aggregation rule based on the binomial distribution

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    Many decision-making situations require the evaluation of several voters or agents. In a situation where voters evaluate candidates, the question arises of how best to aggregate evaluations so as to compare the candidates. The aim of this work is to propose a method of aggregating the evaluations of the voters, which has outstanding properties and serve as a potential evaluative tool in many contexts. Ordered weighted averages is a family of rules appropriate for studying this problem. In this paper, I propose as a solution an ordered weighted average that satisfies compelling properties and whose weights are derived from the binomial distribution.This research is part of the I+D+i project PID2019-104987GB-I00 supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Enabling Explainable Fusion in Deep Learning with Fuzzy Integral Neural Networks

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    Information fusion is an essential part of numerous engineering systems and biological functions, e.g., human cognition. Fusion occurs at many levels, ranging from the low-level combination of signals to the high-level aggregation of heterogeneous decision-making processes. While the last decade has witnessed an explosion of research in deep learning, fusion in neural networks has not observed the same revolution. Specifically, most neural fusion approaches are ad hoc, are not understood, are distributed versus localized, and/or explainability is low (if present at all). Herein, we prove that the fuzzy Choquet integral (ChI), a powerful nonlinear aggregation function, can be represented as a multi-layer network, referred to hereafter as ChIMP. We also put forth an improved ChIMP (iChIMP) that leads to a stochastic gradient descent-based optimization in light of the exponential number of ChI inequality constraints. An additional benefit of ChIMP/iChIMP is that it enables eXplainable AI (XAI). Synthetic validation experiments are provided and iChIMP is applied to the fusion of a set of heterogeneous architecture deep models in remote sensing. We show an improvement in model accuracy and our previously established XAI indices shed light on the quality of our data, model, and its decisions.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy System

    Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines Using Intelligent Machine Learning Techniques

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    Wind Turbine condition monitoring can detect anomalies in turbine performance which have the potential to result in unexpected failure and financial loss. This study examines common Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) data over a period of 20 months for 21 pitch regulated 2.3 MW turbines and is presented in three manuscripts. First, power curve monitoring is targeted applying various types of Artificial Neural Networks to increase modeling accuracy. It is shown how the proposed method can significantly improve network reliability compared with existing models. Then, an advance technique is utilized to create a smoother dataset for network training followed by establishing dynamic ANFIS network. At this stage, designed network aims to predict power generation in future hours. Finally, a recursive principal component analysis is performed to extract significant features to be used as input parameters of the network. A novel fusion technique is then employed to build an advanced model to make predictions of turbines performance with favorably low errors

    Computable Aggregations

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    In this paper, we postulate computation as a key element in assuring the consistency of a family of aggregation functions so that such a family of operators can be considered an aggregation rule. In particular, we suggest that the concept of an aggregation rule should be defined from a computational point of view, focusing on the computational properties of such an aggregation, i.e., on the manner in which the aggregation values are computed. The new algorithmic definition of aggregation we propose provides an operational approach to aggregation, one that is based upon lists of variable length and that produces a solution even when portions of data are inserted or deleted. Among other advantages, this approach allows the construction of different classifications of aggregation rules according to the programming paradigms used for their computation or according to their computational complexity

    Statistical relational learning with soft quantifiers

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    Quantification in statistical relational learning (SRL) is either existential or universal, however humans might be more inclined to express knowledge using soft quantifiers, such as ``most'' and ``a few''. In this paper, we define the syntax and semantics of PSL^Q, a new SRL framework that supports reasoning with soft quantifiers, and present its most probable explanation (MPE) inference algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, PSL^Q is the first SRL framework that combines soft quantifiers with first-order logic rules for modelling uncertain relational data. Our experimental results for link prediction in social trust networks demonstrate that the use of soft quantifiers not only allows for a natural and intuitive formulation of domain knowledge, but also improves the accuracy of inferred results