6 research outputs found

    Foundational (co)datatypes and (co)recursion for higher-order logic

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    We describe a line of work that started in 2011 towards enriching Isabelle/HOL's language with coinductive datatypes, which allow infinite values, and with a more expressive notion of inductive datatype than previously supported by any system based on higher-order logic. These (co)datatypes are complemented by definitional principles for (co)recursive functions and reasoning principles for (co)induction. In contrast with other systems offering codatatypes, no additional axioms or logic extensions are necessary with our approach

    Foundational Extensible Corecursion

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    This paper presents a formalized framework for defining corecursive functions safely in a total setting, based on corecursion up-to and relational parametricity. The end product is a general corecursor that allows corecursive (and even recursive) calls under well-behaved operations, including constructors. Corecursive functions that are well behaved can be registered as such, thereby increasing the corecursor's expressiveness. The metatheory is formalized in the Isabelle proof assistant and forms the core of a prototype tool. The corecursor is derived from first principles, without requiring new axioms or extensions of the logic

    Friends with benefits: implementing corecursion in foundational proof assistants

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    We introduce AmiCo, a tool that extends a proof assistant, Isabelle/HOL, with flexible function definitions well beyond primitive corecursion. All definitions are certified by the assistant’s inference kernel to guard against inconsistencies. A central notion is that of friends: functions that preserve the productivity of their arguments and that are allowed in corecursive call contexts. As new friends are registered, corecursion benefits by becoming more expressive. We describe this process and its implementation, from the user’s specification to the synthesis of a higher-order definition to the registration of a friend. We show some substantial case studies where our approach makes a difference

    Friends with benefits: implementing corecursion in foundational proof assistants

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    We introduce AmiCo, a tool that extends a proof assistant, Isabelle/HOL, with flexible function definitions well beyond primitive corecursion. All definitions are certified by the assistant’s inference kernel to guard against inconsistencies. A central notion is that of friends: functions that preserve the productivity of their arguments and that are allowed in corecursive call contexts. As new friends are registered, corecursion benefits by becoming more expressive. We describe this process and its implementation, from the user’s specification to the synthesis of a higher-order definition to the registration of a friend. We show some substantial case studies where our approach makes a difference

    Recursive Functions on Lazy Lists via Domains and Topologies

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    Lazy Evaluation: From natural semantics to a machine-checked compiler transformation

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    In order to solve a long-standing problem with list fusion, a new compiler transformation, \u27Call Arity\u27 is developed and implemented in the Haskell compiler GHC. It is formally proven to not degrade program performance; the proof is machine-checked using the interactive theorem prover Isabelle. To that end, a formalization of Launchbury`s Natural Semantics for Lazy Evaluation is modelled in Isabelle, including a correctness and adequacy proof