2,841 research outputs found

    A Predictive Model with Data Scaling Methodologies for Forecasting Spare Parts Demand in Military Logistics

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    This study addresses the challenge of accurately forecasting demand for maintenance-related spare parts of the K-X tank, influenced by high uncertainty and external factors. Deep learning models with RobustScaler demonstrate significant improvements, achieving an accuracy of 86.90% compared to previous methods. RobustScaler outperforms other scaling models, enhancing machine learning performance across time series and data mining. By collecting eight years’ worth of demand data and utilising various consumption data items, this study develops accurate forecasting models that contribute to the advancement of spare parts demand forecasting. The results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed approach, showcasing its superiority in accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score. RobustScaler particularly excels in time series analysis, further emphasizing its potential for enhancing machine learning performance on diverse datasets. This study provides innovative techniques and insights, demonstrating the effectiveness of deep learning and data scaling methodologies in improving forecasting accuracy for maintenance spare parts demand

    Value Creation in Connectionist Artificial Intelligence – A Research Agenda

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    Artificial Intelligence enables innovative applications, and applications based on Artificial Intelligence are increasingly important for all aspects of the Digital Economy. However, the question of how AI resources such as tools and data can be linked to provide an AI-capability and create business value is still open. Therefore, this paper identifies the value-creating mechanisms of connectionist artificial intelligence using a capability-oriented view and points out the connections to different kinds of business value. The analysis supports an agenda that identifies areas that need further research to understand the mechanism of value creation in connectionist artificial intelligence

    A Deep Learning Approach to Integrate Medical Big Data for Improving Health Services in Indonesia

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    Medical Informatics to support health services in Indonesia is proposed in this paper. The focuses of paper to the analysis of Big Data for health care purposes with the aim of improving and developing clinical decision support systems (CDSS) or assessing medical data both for quality assurance and accessibility of health services. Electronic health records (EHR) are very rich in medical data sourced from patient. All the data can be aggregated to produce information, which includes medical history details such as, diagnostic tests, medicines and treatment plans, immunization records, allergies, radiological images, multivariate sensors device, laboratories, and test results. All the information will provide a valuable understanding of disease management system. In Indonesia country, with many rural areas with limited doctor it is an important case to investigate. Data mining about large-scale individuals and populations through EHRs can be combined with mobile networks and social media to inform about health and public policy. To support this research, many researchers have been applied the Deep Learning (DL) approach in data-mining problems related to health informatics. However, in practice, the use of DL is still questionable due to achieve optimal performance, relatively large data and resources are needed, given there are other learning algorithms that are relatively fast but produce close performance with fewer resources and parameterization, and have a better interpretability. In this paper, the advantage of Deep Learning to design medical informatics is described, due to such an approach is needed to make a good CDSS of health services

    Machine Learning based Models for Fresh Produce Yield and Price Forecasting for Strawberry Fruit

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    Building market price forecasting models of Fresh Produce (FP) is crucial to protect retailers and consumers from highly priced FP. However, the task of forecasting FP prices is highly complex due to the very short shelf life of FP, inability to store for long term and external factors like weather and climate change. This forecasting problem has been traditionally modelled as a time series problem. Models for grain yield forecasting and other non-agricultural prices forecasting are common. However, forecasting of FP prices is recent and has not been fully explored. In this thesis, the forecasting models built to fill this void are solely machine learning based which is also a novelty. The growth and success of deep learning, a type of machine learning algorithm, has largely been attributed to the availability of big data and high end computational power. In this thesis, work is done on building several machine learning models (both conventional and deep learning based) to predict future yield and prices of FP (price forecast of strawberries are said to be more difficult than other FP and hence is used here as the main product). The data used in building these prediction models comprises of California weather data, California strawberry yield, California strawberry farm-gate prices and a retailer purchase price data. A comparison of the various prediction models is done based on a new aggregated error measure (AGM) proposed in this thesis which combines mean absolute error, mean squared error and R^2 coefficient of determination. The best two models are found to be an Attention CNN-LSTM (AC-LSTM) and an Attention ConvLSTM (ACV-LSTM). Different stacking ensemble techniques such as voting regressor and stacking with Support vector Regression (SVR) are then utilized to come up with the best prediction. The experiment results show that across the various examined applications, the proposed model which is a stacking ensemble of the AC-LSTM and ACV-LSTM using a linear SVR is the best performing based on the proposed aggregated error measure. To show the robustness of the proposed model, it was used also tested for predicting WTI and Brent crude oil prices and the results proved consistent with that of the FP price prediction

    Organizational readiness for implementation of Supply Chain Analytics

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    Supply chains today are amassed with data. To remain competitive in a global economy, supply chain organizations need to constantly derive meaningful information from this plethora of data and make critical business decisions. This process is also referred to as Supply Chain Analytics (SCA). This paper attempts to measure the readiness of organizations to implement Business Analytics – a more generic form of SCA. The results were derived from the survey analysis of 112 respondents in 7 countries from various industries and professional backgrounds. This survey analyzed organizations in four broad categories – standardized and integrated data, well-established infrastructure, sound technical and non-technical expertise and the organizational culture and strategy – and attempted to determine their readiness for implementing Analytics in the organization

    Artificial Intelligence Applied to Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Systematic Literature Review

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    The growing impact of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) on supply chain management and logistics is remarkable. This technological advance has the potential to significantly transform the handling and transport of goods. The implementation of these technologies has boosted efficiency, predictive capabilities and the simplification of operations. However, it has also raised critical questions about AI-based decision-making. To this end, a systematic literature review was carried out, offering a comprehensive view of this phenomenon, with a specific focus on management. The aim is to provide insights that can guide future research and decision-making in the logistics and supply chain management sectors. Both the articles in this thesis and that form chapters present detailed methodologies and transparent results, reinforcing the credibility of the research for researchers and managers. This contributes to a deeper understanding of the impact of technology on logistics and supply chain management. This research offers valuable information for both academics and professionals in the logistics sector, revealing innovative solutions and strategies made possible by automation. However, continuous development requires vigilance, adaptation, foresight and a rapid problem-solving capacity. This research not only sheds light on the current panorama, but also offers a glimpse into the future of logistics in a world where artificial intelligence is set to prevail

    Towards Regulatable AI Systems: Technical Gaps and Policy Opportunities

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    There is increasing attention being given to how to regulate AI systems. As governing bodies grapple with what values to encapsulate into regulation, we consider the technical half of the question: To what extent can AI experts vet an AI system for adherence to regulatory requirements? We investigate this question through two public sector procurement checklists, identifying what we can do now, what we should be able to do with technical innovation in AI, and what requirements necessitate a more interdisciplinary approach

    DeepCause: Hypothesis Extraction from Information Systems Papers with Deep Learning for Theory Ontology Learning

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    This paper applies different deep learning architectures for sequence labelling to extract causes, effects, moderators, and mediators from hypotheses of information systems papers for theory ontology learning. We compared a variety of recurrent neural networks (RNN) architectures, like long short-term memory (LSTM), bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM), simple RNNs, and gated recurrent units (GRU). We analyzed GloVe word embedding, character level vector representation of words, and part-of-speech (POS) tags. Furthermore, we evaluated various hyperparameters and architectures to achieve the highest performance scores. The prototype was evaluated on hypotheses from the AIS basket of eight. The F1 result for the sequence labelling task of causal variables on a chunk level was 80%, with a precision of 80% and a recall of 80%

    A Comparison of Machine Learning and Traditional Demand Forecasting Methods

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    Obtaining accurate forecasts has been a challenging task to achieve for many organizations, both public and private. Today, many firms choose to share their internal information with supply chain partners to increase planning efficiency and accuracy in the hopes of making appropriate critical decisions. However, forecast errors can still increase costs and reduce profits. As company datasets likely contain both trend and seasonal behavior, this motivates the need for computational resources to find the best parameters to use when forecasting their data. In this thesis, two industrial datasets are examined using both traditional and machine learning (ML) forecasting methods. The traditional methods considered are moving average, exponential smoothing, and autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, while K-nearest neighbor, random forests, and neural networks were the ML techniques explored. Experimental results confirm the importance of performing a parametric grid search when using any forecasting method, as the output of this process directly determines the effectiveness of each model. In general, ML models are shown to be powerful tools for analyzing industrial datasets
