92 research outputs found

    Exact resultants for corner-cut unmixed multivariate polynomial systems using the dixon formulation

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    Structural conditions on the support of a multivariate polynomial system are developed for which the Dixon-based resultant methods compute exact resultants. For cases when this cannot be done, an upper bound on the degree of the extraneous factor in the projection operator can be determined a priori, thus resulting in quick identification of the extraneous factor in the projection operator. (For the bivariate case, the degree of the extraneous factor in a projection operator can be determined a priori.) The concepts of a corner-cut support and almost corner-cut support of an unmixed polynomial system are introduced. For generic unmixed polynomial systems with corner-cut and almost corner-cut supports, the Dixon based methods can be used to compute their resultants exactly. These structural conditions on supports are based on analyzing how such supports differ from box supports of n-degree systems for which the Dixon formulation is known to compute the resultants exactly. Such an analysis also gives a sharper bound on the complexity of resultant computation using the Dixon formulation in terms of the support and the mixed volume of the Newton polytope of the support. These results are a direct generalization of the authors ’ results on bivariate systems including the results of Zhang and Goldman as well as of Chionh for generic unmixed bivariate polynomial systems with corner-cut supports

    Loose entry formulas and the reduction of dixon determinant entries

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    Hybrid resultant matrix algorithm based on the sylvester-bezout formulation

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    The resultant of a system of polynomial equations is a factor of the determinant of the resultant matrix. The matrix is said to be optimal when its determinant equals exactly the resultant. Other factors besides the determinant are known as extraneous factors and it has been the major interest among researches to seek for a determinantal resultant formula that gives optimal resultant matrix whose determinant exactly equals the resultant. If such determinantal formula does not exist, a formulation that reduces the existence of these extraneous factors is sought. This thesis focuses on the construction and implementations of determinantal formulas that gives exact resultant for certain classes of multihomogeneous multivariate polynomial equations. For the class of multigraded polynomial systems, a Sylvester type formula giving exact resultant can be derived out of certain degree vectors. The first part of this thesis implements the Sylvester type formula for determining the entries and dimension of the Sylvester type matrix of multigraded systems by applying the properties of certain linear maps and permutations of groups of variables. Even though the Sylvester type formula gives exact resultants for multigraded systems, this approach does not take advantage of the sparseness conditions when considering sparse polynomials. Sparse systems can be utilized by considering the underlying properties of its Newton polytopes, the convex hull of the support of the system. Preliminary observations on the properties of mixed volumes of the polytopes in comparison to the degree of the resultant of polynomial systems derived from Sylvester type matrices are used in the determination of whether the resultant matrix is optimal. This research proceeds to construct and implement a new hybrid resultant matrix algorithm based on the Sylvester-B´ezout formulation. The basis of this construction applies some related concepts and tools from algebraic geometry such as divisors, fans and cones, homogeneous coordinate rings and the projective space. The major tasks in the construction are determining the degree vector of the homogeneous variables known as homogeneous coordinates and solving a set of linear inequalities. In this work, the method of solving these equations involves a systematic procedure or combinatorial approach on the set of exponent vectors of the monomials. Two new rules are added as a termination criterion for obtaining the unique solutions for the B´ezout matrix. The implementation of the new algorithm on certain class of unmixed multigraded systems of bivariate polynomial equations with some coefficients being zero suggests conditions that can produce exact resultant. From the results, some theorems on these conditions and properties are proven. An application of the hybrid resultant matrix to solving the multivariate polynomial equations in three variables is discussed. Upon completion of this research two new computer algebra packages have been developed, namely the Sylvester matrix package for multivariate polynomial equations and the hybrid Sylvester- B´ezout matrix package for computing the resultant of bivariate polynomial equations

    Compact Formulae in Sparse Elimination

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    International audienceIt has by now become a standard approach to use the theory of sparse (or toric) elimination, based on the Newton polytope of a polynomial, in order to reveal and exploit the structure of algebraic systems. This talk surveys compact formulae, including older and recent results, in sparse elimination. We start with root bounds and juxtapose two recent formulae: a generating function of the m-Bézout bound and a closed-form expression for the mixed volume by means of a matrix permanent. For the sparse resultant, a bevy of results have established determinantal or rational formulae for a large class of systems, starting with Macaulay. The discriminant is closely related to the resultant but admits no compact formula except for very simple cases. We offer a new determinantal formula for the discriminant of a sparse multilinear system arising in computing Nash equilibria. We introduce an alternative notion of compact formula, namely the Newton polytope of the unknown polynomial. It is possible to compute it efficiently for sparse resultants, discriminants, as well as the implicit equation of a parameterized variety. This leads us to consider implicit matrix representations of geometric objects

    Resultants and Discriminants for Bivariate Tensor-product Polynomials

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    International audienceOptimal resultant formulas have been systematically constructed mostly for unmixed polynomial systems, that is, systems of polynomials which all have the same support. However , such a condition is restrictive, since mixed systems of equations arise frequently in practical problems. We present a square, Koszul-type matrix expressing the resultant of arbitrary (mixed) bivariate tensor-product systems. The formula generalizes the classical Sylvester matrix of two univariate polynomials, since it expresses a map of degree one, that is, the entries of the matrix are simply coefficients of the input polynomials. Interestingly, the matrix expresses a primal-dual multiplication map, that is, the tensor product of a univariate multiplication map with a map expressing derivation in a dual space. Moreover, for tensor-product systems with more than two (affine) variables, we prove an impossibility result: no universal degree-one formulas are possible, unless the system is unmixed. We present applications of the new construction in the computation of discriminants and mixed discriminants as well as in solving systems of bivariate polynomials with tensor-product structure

    Macaulay style formulas for sparse resultants

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    We present formulas for computing the resultant of sparse polyno- mials as a quotient of two determinants, the denominator being a minor of the numerator. These formulas extend the original formulation given by Macaulay for homogeneous polynomials

    Matrix formulae for Resultants and Discriminants of Bivariate Tensor-product Polynomials

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    International audienceThe construction of optimal resultant formulae for polynomial systems is one of the main areas of research in computational algebraic geometry. However, most of the constructions are restricted to formulae for unmixed polynomial systems, that is, systems of polynomials which all have the same support. Such a condition is restrictive, since mixed systems of equations arise frequently in many problems. Nevertheless, resultant formulae for mixed polynomial systems is a very challenging problem. We present a square, Koszul-type, matrix, the determinant of which is the resultant of an arbitrary (mixed) bivariate tensor-product polynomial system. The formula generalizes the classical Sylvester matrix of two univariate polynomials, since it expresses a map of degree one, that is, the elements of the corresponding matrix are up to sign the coefficients of the input polynomials. Interestingly, the matrix expresses a primal-dual multiplication map, that is, the tensor product of a univariate multiplication map with a map expressing derivation in a dual space. In addition we prove an impossibility result which states that for tensor-product systems with more than two (affine) variables there are no universal degree-one formulae, unless the system is unmixed. Last but not least, we present applications of the new construction in the efficient computation of discriminants and mixed discriminants

    Representing rational curve segments and surface patches using semi-algebraic sets

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    We provide a framework for representing segments of rational planar curves or patches of rational tensor product surfaces with no singularities using semi-algebraic sets. Given a rational planar curve segment or a rational tensor product surface patch with no singularities, we find the implicit equation of the corresponding unbounded curve or surface and then construct an algebraic box defined by some additional equations and inequalities associated to the implicit equation. This algebraic box is proved to include only the given curve segment or surface patch without any extraneous parts of the unbounded curve or surface. We also explain why it is difficult to construct such an algebraic box if the curve segment or surface patch includes some singular points such as self-intersections. In this case, we show how to isolate a neighborhood of these special points from the corresponding curve segment or surface patch and to represent these special points with small curve segments or surface patches. This framework allows us to dispense with expensive approximation methods such as voxels for representing surface patches.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidade

    Fabrication and experimental evaluation of common domes having waffle-like stiffening. part i- program development

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    Determination of minimum weight shape and stiffening configuration for doubly curved shells subjected to external buckling pressure