1,465 research outputs found

    Reconstruction with Voronoi Centered Radial Basis Functions

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    The dinosaur model is courtesy of Cyberware, other models being courtesy of the AIM@SHAPE shape repositoryWe consider the problem of reconstructing a surface from scattered points sampled on a physical shape. The sampled shape is approximated as the zero level set of a function. This function is defined as a linear combination of compactly supported radial basis functions. We depart from previous work by using as centers of basis functions a set of points located on an estimate of the medial axis, instead of the input data points. Those centers are selected among the vertices of the Voronoi diagram of the sample data points. Being a Voronoi vertex, each center is associated with a maximal empty ball. We use the radius of this ball to adapt the support of each radial basis function. Our method can fit a user-defined budget of centers: The selected subset of Voronoi vertices is filtered using the notion of lambda medial axis, then clustered to fit the allocated budget

    Weighted frames of exponentials and stable recovery of multidimensional functions from nonuniform Fourier samples

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of recovering a compactly supported multivariate function from a collection of pointwise samples of its Fourier transform taken nonuniformly. We do this by using the concept of weighted Fourier frames. A seminal result of Beurling shows that sample points give rise to a classical Fourier frame provided they are relatively separated and of sufficient density. However, this result does not allow for arbitrary clustering of sample points, as is often the case in practice. Whilst keeping the density condition sharp and dimension independent, our first result removes the separation condition and shows that density alone suffices. However, this result does not lead to estimates for the frame bounds. A known result of Groechenig provides explicit estimates, but only subject to a density condition that deteriorates linearly with dimension. In our second result we improve these bounds by reducing the dimension dependence. In particular, we provide explicit frame bounds which are dimensionless for functions having compact support contained in a sphere. Next, we demonstrate how our two main results give new insight into a reconstruction algorithm---based on the existing generalized sampling framework---that allows for stable and quasi-optimal reconstruction in any particular basis from a finite collection of samples. Finally, we construct sufficiently dense sampling schemes that are often used in practice---jittered, radial and spiral sampling schemes---and provide several examples illustrating the effectiveness of our approach when tested on these schemes

    Multi-Dimensional, Compressible Viscous Flow on a Moving Voronoi Mesh

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    Numerous formulations of finite volume schemes for the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations exist, but in the majority of cases they have been developed for structured and stationary meshes. In many applications, more flexible mesh geometries that can dynamically adjust to the problem at hand and move with the flow in a (quasi) Lagrangian fashion would, however, be highly desirable, as this can allow a significant reduction of advection errors and an accurate realization of curved and moving boundary conditions. Here we describe a novel formulation of viscous continuum hydrodynamics that solves the equations of motion on a Voronoi mesh created by a set of mesh-generating points. The points can move in an arbitrary manner, but the most natural motion is that given by the fluid velocity itself, such that the mesh dynamically adjusts to the flow. Owing to the mathematical properties of the Voronoi tessellation, pathological mesh-twisting effects are avoided. Our implementation considers the full Navier-Stokes equations and has been realized in the AREPO code both in 2D and 3D. We propose a new approach to compute accurate viscous fluxes for a dynamic Voronoi mesh, and use this to formulate a finite volume solver of the Navier-Stokes equations. Through a number of test problems, including circular Couette flow and flow past a cylindrical obstacle, we show that our new scheme combines good accuracy with geometric flexibility, and hence promises to be competitive with other highly refined Eulerian methods. This will in particular allow astrophysical applications of the AREPO code where physical viscosity is important, such as in the hot plasma in galaxy clusters, or for viscous accretion disk models.Comment: 26 pages, 21 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    High Order Cell-Centered Lagrangian-Type Finite Volume Schemes with Time-Accurate Local Time Stepping on Unstructured Triangular Meshes

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    We present a novel cell-centered direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) finite volume scheme on unstructured triangular meshes that is high order accurate in space and time and that also allows for time-accurate local time stepping (LTS). The new scheme uses the following basic ingredients: a high order WENO reconstruction in space on unstructured meshes, an element-local high-order accurate space-time Galerkin predictor that performs the time evolution of the reconstructed polynomials within each element, the computation of numerical ALE fluxes at the moving element interfaces through approximate Riemann solvers, and a one-step finite volume scheme for the time update which is directly based on the integral form of the conservation equations in space-time. The inclusion of the LTS algorithm requires a number of crucial extensions, such as a proper scheduling criterion for the time update of each element and for each node; a virtual projection of the elements contained in the reconstruction stencils of the element that has to perform the WENO reconstruction; and the proper computation of the fluxes through the space-time boundary surfaces that will inevitably contain hanging nodes in time due to the LTS algorithm. We have validated our new unstructured Lagrangian LTS approach over a wide sample of test cases solving the Euler equations of compressible gasdynamics in two space dimensions, including shock tube problems, cylindrical explosion problems, as well as specific tests typically adopted in Lagrangian calculations, such as the Kidder and the Saltzman problem. When compared to the traditional global time stepping (GTS) method, the newly proposed LTS algorithm allows to reduce the number of element updates in a given simulation by a factor that may depend on the complexity of the dynamics, but which can be as large as 4.7.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figure
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