27 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of complete interval tournaments

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    Let a,ba, b and nn be nonnegative integers (b≥a, b>0, n≥1)(b \geq a, \ b > 0, \ n \geq 1), Gn(a,b)\mathcal{G}_n(a,b) be a multigraph on nn vertices in which any pair of vertices is connected with at least aa and at most bb edges and \textbf{v =} (v1,v2,...,vn)(v_1, v_2, ..., v_n) be a vector containing nn nonnegative integers. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such orientation of the edges of Gn(a,b)\mathcal{G}_n(a,b), that the resulted out-degree vector equals to \textbf{v}. We describe a reconstruction algorithm. In worst case checking of \textbf{v} requires Θ(n)\Theta(n) time and the reconstruction algorithm works in O(bn3)O(bn^3) time. Theorems of H. G. Landau (1953) and J. W. Moon (1963) on the score sequences of tournaments are special cases b=a=1b = a = 1 resp. b=a≥1b = a \geq 1 of our result

    On Scores, Losing Scores and Total Scores in Hypertournaments

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    A kk-hypertournament is a complete kk-hypergraph with each kk-edge endowed with an orientation, that is, a linear arrangement of the vertices contained in the edge. In a kk-hypertournament, the score sis_{i} (losing score rir_{i}) of a vertex viv_{i} is the number of arcs containing viv_{i} in which viv_{i} is not the last element (in which viv_{i} is the last element). The total score of viv_{i} is defined as ti=si−rit_{i}=s_{i}-r_{i}. In this paper we obtain stronger inequalities for the quantities ∑i∈Iri\sum_{i\in I}r_{i}, ∑i∈Isi\sum_{i\in I}s_{i} and ∑i∈Iti\sum_{i\in I}t_{i}, where I⊆{1,2,…,n}I\subseteq \{ 1,2,\ldots,n\}. Furthermore, we discuss the case of equality for these inequalities. We also characterize total score sequences of strong kk-hypertournaments

    Imbalances in directed multigraphs

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    In a directed multigraph, the imbalance of a vertex viv_{i} is defined as bvi=dvi+−dvi−b_{v_{i}}=d_{v_{i}}^{+}-d_{v_{i}}^{-}, where dvi+d_{v_{i}}^{+} and dvi−d_{v_{i}}^{-} denote the outdegree and indegree respectively of viv_{i}. We characterize imbalances in directed multigraphs and obtain lower and upper bounds on imbalances in such digraphs. Also, we show the existence of a directed multigraph with a given imbalance set

    Score lists in multipartite hypertournaments

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    Given non-negative integers nin_{i} and αi\alpha_{i} with 0≤αi≤ni0 \leq \alpha_{i} \leq n_i (i=1,2,...,k)(i=1,2,...,k), an [α1,α2,...,αk][\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2},...,\alpha_{k}]-kk-partite hypertournament on ∑1kni\sum_{1}^{k}n_{i} vertices is a (k+1)(k+1)-tuple (U1,U2,...,Uk,E)(U_{1},U_{2},...,U_{k},E), where UiU_{i} are kk vertex sets with ∣Ui∣=ni|U_{i}|=n_{i}, and EE is a set of ∑1kαi\sum_{1}^{k}\alpha_{i}-tuples of vertices, called arcs, with exactly αi\alpha_{i} vertices from UiU_{i}, such that any ∑1kαi\sum_{1}^{k}\alpha_{i} subset ∪1kUi′\cup_{1}^{k}U_{i}^{\prime} of ∪1kUi\cup_{1}^{k}U_{i}, EE contains exactly one of the (∑1kαi)!(\sum_{1}^{k} \alpha_{i})! ∑1kαi\sum_{1}^{k}\alpha_{i}-tuples whose entries belong to ∪1kUi′\cup_{1}^{k}U_{i}^{\prime}. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for kk lists of non-negative integers in non-decreasing order to be the losing score lists and to be the score lists of some kk-partite hypertournament