22 research outputs found

    Efficient reconfigurable techniques for VLSI arrays with 6-port switches

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    This paper proposes an efficient techniques to reconfigure a two-dimensional degradable very large scale integration/wafer scale integration (VLSI/WSI) array under the row and column routing constraints, which has been shown to be NP-complete. The proposed VLSI/WSI array consists of identical processing elements such as processors or memory cells embedded in a 6-port switch lattice in the form of a rectangular grid. It has been shown that the proposed VLSI structure with 6-port switches eliminates the need to incorporate internal bypass within processing elements and leads to notable increase in the harvest when compared with the one using 4-port switches. A new greedy rerouting algorithm and compensation approaches are also proposed to maximize harvest through reconfiguration. Experimental results show that the proposed VLSI array with 6-port switches consistently outperforms the most efficient alternative, proposed in literature, toward maximizing the harvest in the presence of fault processing elements

    A self-reconfigurable hardware architecture for mesh arrays using single/double vertical track switches

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:14380138・基盤研究(B)(2)・14~16/研究代表者:堀口, 進 死亡(奥様 堀口悦子)/超高速ノンブロック・ネットワーク構成方式に関する研究

    Detailed Modeling and Reliability Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Processor Arrays

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    Recent advances in VLSI/WSI technology have led to the design of processor arrays with a large number of processing elements confined in small areas. The use of redundancy to increase fault-tolerance has the effect of reducing the ratio of area dedicated to processing elements over the area occupied by other resources in the array. The assumption of fault-free hardware support (switches, buses, interconnection links, etc.,), leads at best to conservative reliability estimates. However, detailed modeling entails not only an explosive growth in the model state space but also a difficult model construction process. To address the latter problem, a systematic method to construct Markov models for the reliability evaluation of processor arrays is proposed. This method is based on the premise that the fault behavior of a processor array can be modeled by a Stochastic Petri Net (SPN). However, in order to obtain a more compact representation, a set of attributes is associated with each transition in the Petri net model. This representation is referred to as a Modified Stochastic Petri Net (MSPN) model. A MSPN allows the construction of the corresponding Markov model as the reachability graph is being generated. The Markov model generated can include the effect of failures of several different components of the array as well as the effect of a peculiar distribution of faults when the reconfiguration occurs. Specific reconfiguration schemes such as Successive Row Elimination (SRE), Alternate Row-Column Elimination (ARCE) and Direct Reconfiguration (DR), are analyze

    Reliable and Efficient Parallel Processing Algorithms and Architectures for Modern Signal Processing

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    Least-squares (LS) estimations and spectral decomposition algorithms constitute the heart of modern signal processing and communication problems. Implementations of recursive LS and spectral decomposition algorithms onto parallel processing architectures such as systolic arrays with efficient fault-tolerant schemes are the major concerns of this dissertation. There are four major results in this dissertation. First, we propose the systolic block Householder transformation with application to the recursive least-squares minimization. It is successfully implemented on a systolic array with a two-level pipelined implementation at the vector level as well as at the word level. Second, a real-time algorithm-based concurrent error detection scheme based on the residual method is proposed for the QRD RLS systolic array. The fault diagnosis, order degraded reconfiguration, and performance analysis are also considered. Third, the dynamic range, stability, error detection capability under finite-precision implementation, order degraded performance, and residual estimation under faulty situations for the QRD RLS systolic array are studied in details. Finally, we propose the use of multi-phase systolic algorithms for spectral decomposition based on the QR algorithm. Two systolic architectures, one based on triangular array and another based on rectangular array, are presented for the multiphase operations with fault-tolerant considerations. Eigenvectors and singular vectors can be easily obtained by using the multi-pase operations. Performance issues are also considered

    System-on-Chip design for reliability

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    Reconfiguration for Fault Tolerance and Performance Analysis

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    Architecture reconfiguration, the ability of a system to alter the active interconnection among modules, has a history of different purposes and strategies. Its purposes develop from the relatively simple desire to formalize procedures that all processes have in common to reconfiguration for the improvement of fault-tolerance, to reconfiguration for performance enhancement, either through the simple maximizing of system use or by sophisticated notions of wedding topology to the specific needs of a given process. Strategies range from straightforward redundancy by means of an identical backup system to intricate structures employing multistage interconnection networks. The present discussion surveys the more important contributions to developments in reconfigurable architecture. The strategy here is in a sense to approach the field from an historical perspective, with the goal of developing a more coherent theory of reconfiguration. First, the Turing and von Neumann machines are discussed from the perspective of system reconfiguration, and it is seen that this early important theoretical work contains little that anticipates reconfiguration. Then some early developments in reconfiguration are analyzed, including the work of Estrin and associates on the fixed plus variable restructurable computer system, the attempt to theorize about configurable computers by Miller and Cocke, and the work of Reddi and Feustel on their restructable computer system. The discussion then focuses on the most sustained systems for fault tolerance and performance enhancement that have been proposed. An attempt will be made to define fault tolerance and to investigate some of the strategies used to achieve it. By investigating four different systems, the Tandern computer, the C.vmp system, the Extra Stage Cube, and the Gamma network, the move from dynamic redundancy to reconfiguration is observed. Then reconfiguration for performance enhancement is discussed. A survey of some proposals is attempted, then the discussion focuses on the most sustained systems that have been proposed: PASM, the DC architecture, the Star local network, and the NYU Ultracomputer. The discussion is organized around a comparison of control, scheduling, communication, and network topology. Finally, comparisons are drawn between fault tolerance and performance enhancement, in order to clarify the notion of reconfiguration and to reveal the common ground of fault tolerance and performance enhancement as well as the areas in which they diverge. An attempt is made in the conclusion to derive from this survey and analysis some observations on the nature of reconfiguration, as well as some remarks on necessary further areas of research

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    Fault-tolerant computer study

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    A set of building block circuits is described which can be used with commercially available microprocessors and memories to implement fault tolerant distributed computer systems. Each building block circuit is intended for VLSI implementation as a single chip. Several building blocks and associated processor and memory chips form a self checking computer module with self contained input output and interfaces to redundant communications buses. Fault tolerance is achieved by connecting self checking computer modules into a redundant network in which backup buses and computer modules are provided to circumvent failures. The requirements and design methodology which led to the definition of the building block circuits are discussed