12 research outputs found

    Predicting power scalability in a reconfigurable platform

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    This thesis focuses on the evolution of digital hardware systems. A reconfigurable platform is proposed and analysed based on thin-body, fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator Schottky-barrier transistors with metal gates and silicide source/drain (TBFDSBSOI). These offer the potential for simplified processing that will allow them to reach ultimate nanoscale gate dimensions. Technology CAD was used to show that the threshold voltage in TBFDSBSOI devices will be controllable by gate potentials that scale down with the channel dimensions while remaining within appropriate gate reliability limits. SPICE simulations determined that the magnitude of the threshold shift predicted by TCAD software would be sufficient to control the logic configuration of a simple, regular array of these TBFDSBSOI transistors as well as to constrain its overall subthreshold power growth. Using these devices, a reconfigurable platform is proposed based on a regular 6-input, 6-output NOR LUT block in which the logic and configuration functions of the array are mapped onto separate gates of the double-gate device. A new analytic model of the relationship between power (P), area (A) and performance (T) has been developed based on a simple VLSI complexity metric of the form ATσ = constant. As σ defines the performance “return” gained as a result of an increase in area, it also represents a bound on the architectural options available in power-scalable digital systems. This analytic model was used to determine that simple computing functions mapped to the reconfigurable platform will exhibit continuous power-area-performance scaling behavior. A number of simple arithmetic circuits were mapped to the array and their delay and subthreshold leakage analysed over a representative range of supply and threshold voltages, thus determining a worse-case range for the device/circuit-level parameters of the model. Finally, an architectural simulation was built in VHDL-AMS. The frequency scaling described by σ, combined with the device/circuit-level parameters predicts the overall power and performance scaling of parallel architectures mapped to the array

    Addressing On-Chip Power Conversion and Dissipation Issues in Many-Core System-on-a-Chip based on Conventional Silicon and Emerging Nanotechnologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed August 27, 2018Dissertation advisor: Masud H ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 158-163)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering and Department of Physics and Astronomy. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2017Integrated circuits (ICs) are moving towards system-on-a-chip (SOC) designs. SOC allows various small and large electronic systems to be implemented in a single chip. This approach enables the miniaturization of design blocks that leads to high density transistor integration, faster response time, and lower fabrication costs. To reap the benefits of SOC and uphold the miniaturization of transistors, innovative power delivery and power dissipation management schemes are paramount. This dissertation focuses on on-chip integration of power delivery systems and managing power dissipation to increase the lifetime of energy storage elements. We explore this problem from two different angels: On-chip voltage regulators and power gating techniques. On-chip voltage regulators reduce parasitic effects, and allow faster and efficient power delivery for microprocessors. Power gating techniques, on the other hand, reduce the power loss incurred by circuit blocks during standby mode. Power dissipation (Ptotal = Pstatic and Pdynamic) in a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuit comes from two sources: static and dynamic. A quadratic dependency on the dynamic switching power and a more than linear dependency on static power as a form of gate leakage (subthreshold current) exist. To reduce dynamic power loss, the supply power should be reduced. A significant reduction in power dissipation occurs when portions of a microprocessor operate at a lower voltage level. This reduction in supply voltage is achieved via voltage regulators or converters. Voltage regulators are used to provide a stable power supply to the microprocessor. The conventional off-chip switching voltage regulator contains a passive floating inductor, which is difficult to be implemented inside the chip due to excessive power dissipation and parasitic effects. Additionally, the inductor takes a very large chip area while hampering the scaling process. These limitations make passive inductor based on-chip regulator design very unattractive for SOC integration and multi-/many-core environments. To circumvent the challenges, three alternative techniques based on active circuit elements to replace the passive LC filter of the buck convertor are developed. The first inductorless on-chip switching voltage regulator architecture is based on a cascaded 2nd order multiple feedback (MFB) low-pass filter (LPF). This design has the ability to modulate to multiple voltage settings via pulse with modulation (PWM). The second approach is a supplementary design utilizing a hybrid low drop-out scheme to lower the output ripple of the switching regulator over a wider frequency range. The third design approach allows the integration of an entire power management system within a single chipset by combining a highly efficient switching regulator with an intermittently efficient linear regulator (area efficient), for robust and highly efficient on-chip regulation. The static power (Pstatic) or subthreshold leakage power (Pleak) increases with technology scaling. To mitigate static power dissipation, power gating techniques are implemented. Power gating is one of the popular methods to manage leakage power during standby periods in low-power high-speed IC design. It works by using transistor based switches to shut down part of the circuit block and put them in the idle mode. The efficiency of a power gating scheme involves minimum Ioff and high Ion for the sleep transistor. A conventional sleep transistor circuit design requires an additional header, footer, or both switches to turn off the logic block. This additional transistor causes signal delay and increases the chip area. We propose two innovative designs for next generation sleep transistor designs. For an above threshold operation, we present a sleep transistor design based on fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) device. For a subthreshold circuit operation, we implement a sleep transistor utilizing the newly developed silicon-on ferroelectric-insulator field effect transistor (SOFFET). In both of the designs, the ability to control the threshold voltage via bias voltage at the back gate makes both devices more flexible for sleep transistors design than a bulk MOSFET. The proposed approaches simplify the design complexity, reduce the chip area, eliminate the voltage drop by sleep transistor, and improve power dissipation. In addition, the design provides a dynamically controlled Vt for times when the circuit needs to be in a sleep or switching mode.Introduction -- Background and literature review -- Fully integrated on-chip switching voltage regulator -- Hybrid LDO voltage regulator based on cascaded second order multiple feedback loop -- Single and dual output two-stage on-chip power management system -- Sleep transistor design using double-gate FDSOI -- Subthreshold region sleep transistor design -- Conclusio

    Millimeter-scale RF Integrated Circuits and Antennas for Energy-efficient Wireless Sensor Nodes

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    Recently there has been increased demand for a millimeter-scale wireless sensor node for applications such as biomedical devices, defense, and surveillance. This form-factor is driven by a desire to be vanishingly small, injectable through a needle, or implantable through a minimally-invasive surgical procedure. Wireless communication is a necessity, but there are several challenges at the millimeter-scale wireless sensor node. One of the main challenges is external components like crystal reference and antenna become the bottleneck of realizing the mm-scale wireless sensor node device. A second challenge is power consumption of the electronics. At mm-scale, the micro-battery has limited capacity and small peak current. Moreover, the RF front-end circuits that operates at the highest frequency in the system will consume most of the power from the battery. Finally, as node volume reduces, there is a challenge of integrating the entire system together, in particular for the RF performance, because all components, including the battery and ICs, need to be placed in close proximity of the antenna. This research explores ways to implement low-power integrated circuits in an energy-constrained and volume constrained application. Three different prototypes are mainly conducted in the proposal. The first is a fully-encapsulated, autonomous, complete wireless sensor node with UWB transmitter in 10.6mm3 volume. It is the first time to demonstrate a full and stand-alone wireless sensing functionality with such a tiny integrated system. The second prototype is a low power GPS front-end receiver that supports burst-mode. A double super-heterodyne topology enables the reception of the three public GPS bands, L1, L2 and L5 simultaneously. The third prototype is an integrated rectangular slot loop antenna in a standard 0.13-μm BiCMOS technology. The antenna is efficiently designed to cover the bandwidth at 60 GHz band and easily satisfy the metal density rules and can be integrated with other circuitry in a standard process.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143972/1/hskims_1.pd

    Circuit designs for low-power and SEU-hardened systems

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    The desire to have smaller and faster portable devices is one of the primary motivations for technology scaling. Though advancements in device physics are moving at a very good pace, they might not be aggressive enough for now-a-day technology scaling trends. As a result, the MOS devices used for present day integrated circuits are pushed to the limit in terms of performance, power consumption and robustness, which are the most critical criteria for almost all applications. Secondly, technology advancements have led to design of complex chips with increasing chip densities and higher operating speeds. The design of such high performance complex chips (microprocessors, digital signal processors, etc) has massively increased the power dissipation and, as a result, the operating temperatures of these integrated circuits. In addition, due to the aggressive technology scaling the heat withstanding capabilities of the circuits is reducing, thereby increasing the cost of packaging and heat sink units. This led to the increase in prominence for smarter and more robust low-power circuit and system designs. Apart from power consumption, another criterion affected by technology scaling is robustness of the design, particularly for critical applications (security, medical, finance, etc). Thus, the need for error free or error immune designs. Until recently, radiation effects were a major concern in space applications only. With technology scaling reaching nanometer level, terrestrial radiation has become a growing concern. As a result Single Event Upsets (SEUs) have become a major challenge to robust designs. Single event upset is a temporary change in the state of a device due to a particle strike (usually from the radiation belts or from cosmic rays) which may manifest as an error at the output. This thesis proposes a novel method for adaptive digital designs to efficiently work with the lowest possible power consumption. This new technique improves options in performance, robustness and power. The thesis also proposes a new dual data rate flipflop, which reduces the necessary clock speed by half, drastically reducing the power consumption. This new dual data rate flip-flop design culminates in a proposed unique radiation hardened dual data rate flip-flop, Firebird\u27. Firebird offers a valuable addition to the future circuit designs, especially with the increasing importance of the Single Event Upsets (SEUs) and power dissipation with technology scaling.\u2

    Técnicas de bajo consumo en FPGAs

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    Todo diseño electrónico tiene tres restricciones principales que son área, velocidad y consumo. De las tres, el consumo es la variable más complicada de manejar para un diseñador: tiene incertidumbres, es difícil de estimar, y depende de varios parámetros, algunos tan dispares como el funcionamiento del sistema o los datos que ingresan al mismo. Pero por otro lado el consumo se está volviendo la restricción más importante para un gran número de aplicaciones. En esta tesis se presentan una serie de herramientas y metodologías para poder manejar adecuadamente la variable consumo en FPGAs. Se trabaja con un enfoque fuertemente experimental y desde el punto de vista de un usuario de este tipo de dispositivos, validando los resultados con más de 350 experimentos. Uno de los aportes de esta tesis, es una metodología completa de medición de consumo para FPGAs, que permite la calibración de herramientas de estimación. Como parte de esta metodología se incluyen los circuitos eléctricos necesarios para realizar las medidas y un conjunto de diseños o benchmarks para realizar pruebas incluyendo generadores de vectores de entradas. Se desarrolla además una herramienta específica de automedida de consumo para FPGAs. La misma tiene varias aplicaciones que permitirán ampliar y mejorar los experimentos de bajo consumo en futuras investigaciones, usando recursos muy sencillos y de muy bajo costo. Se presentan una serie de experimentos con varias técnicas de reducción de consumo en FPGAs, y se cuantifican los resultados obtenidos con cada una de ellas. Finalmente se concluye con un caso de estudio, la reducción de consumo de un circuito en particular: el microcontrolador openMSP430

    FDSOI Design using Automated Standard-Cell-Grained Body Biasing

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    With the introduction of FDSOI processes at competitive technology nodes, body biasing on an unprecedented scale was made possible. Body biasing influences one of the central transistor characteristics, the threshold voltage. By being able to heighten or lower threshold voltage by more than 100mV, the very physics of transistor switching can be manipulated at run time. Furthermore, as body biasing does not lead to different signal levels, it can be applied much more fine-grained than, e.g., DVFS. With the state of the art mainly focused on combinations of body biasing with DVFS, it has thus ignored granularities unfeasible for DVFS. This thesis fills this gap by proposing body bias domain partitioning techniques and for body bias domain partitionings thereby generated, algorithms that search for body bias assignments. Several different granularities ranging from entire cores to small groups of standard cells were examined using two principal approaches: Designer aided pre-partitioning based determination of body bias domains and a first-time, fully automatized, netlist based approach called domain candidate exploration. Both approaches operate along the lines of activation and timing of standard cell groups. These approaches were evaluated using the example of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor (DRP), a highly efficient category of reconfigurable architectures which consists of an array of processing elements and thus offers many opportunities for generalization towards many-core architectures. Finally, the proposed methods were validated by manufacturing a test-chip. Extensive simulation runs as well as the test-chip evaluation showed the validity of the proposed methods and indicated substantial improvements in energy efficiency compared to the state of the art. These improvements were accomplished by the fine-grained partitioning of the DRP design. This method allowed reducing dynamic power through supply voltage levels yielding higher clock frequencies using forward body biasing, while simultaneously reducing static power consumption in unused parts.Die Einführung von FDSOI Prozessen in gegenwärtigen Prozessgrößen ermöglichte die Nutzung von Substratvorspannung in nie zuvor dagewesenem Umfang. Substratvorspannung beeinflusst unter anderem eine zentrale Eigenschaft von Transistoren, die Schwellspannung. Mittels Substratvorspannung kann diese um mehr als 100mV erhöht oder gesenkt werden, was es ermöglicht, die schiere Physik des Schaltvorgangs zu manipulieren. Da weiterhin hiervon der Signalpegel der digitalen Signale unberührt bleibt, kann diese Technik auch in feineren Granularitäten angewendet werden, als z.B. Dynamische Spannungs- und Frequenz Anpassung (Engl. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, Abk. DVFS). Da jedoch der Stand der Technik Substratvorspannung hauptsächlich in Kombinationen mit DVFS anwendet, werden feinere Granularitäten, welche für DVFS nicht mehr wirtschaftlich realisierbar sind, nicht berücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt diese Lücke, indem sie Partitionierungsalgorithmen zur Unterteilung eines Entwurfs in Substratvorspannungsdomänen vorschlägt und für diese hierdurch unterteilten Domänen entsprechende Substratvorspannungen berechnet. Hierzu wurden verschiedene Granularitäten berücksichtigt, von ganzen Prozessorkernen bis hin zu kleinen Gruppen von Standardzellen. Diese Entwürfe wurden dann mit zwei verschiedenen Herangehensweisen unterteilt: Chipdesigner unterstützte, vorpartitionierungsbasierte Bestimmung von Substratvorspannungsdomänen, sowie ein erstmals vollautomatisierter, Netzlisten basierter Ansatz, in dieser Arbeit Domänen Kandidaten Exploration genannt. Beide Ansätze funktionieren nach dem Prinzip der Aktivierung, d.h. zu welchem Zeitpunkt welcher Teil des Entwurfs aktiv ist, sowie der Signallaufzeit durch die entsprechenden Entwurfsteile. Diese Ansätze wurden anhand des Beispiels Dynamisch Rekonfigurierbarer Prozessoren (DRP) evaluiert. DRPs stellen eine Klasse hocheffizienter rekonfigurierbarer Architekturen dar, welche hauptsächlich aus einem Feld von Rechenelementen besteht und dadurch auch zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zur Verallgemeinerung hinsichtlich Many-Core Architekturen zulässt. Schließlich wurden die vorgeschlagenen Methoden in einem Testchip validiert. Alle ermittelten Ergebnisse zeigen im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik drastische Verbesserungen der Energieeffizienz, welche durch die feingranulare Unterteilung in Substratvorspannungsdomänen erzielt wurde. Hierdurch konnten durch die Anwendung von Substratvorspannung höhere Taktfrequenzen bei gleicher Versorgungsspannung erzielt werden, während zeitgleich in zeitlich unkritischen oder ungenutzten Entwurfsteilen die statische Leistungsaufnahme minimiert wurde

    Design of Logic-Compatible Embedded Flash Memories for Moderate Density On-Chip Non-Volatile Memory Applications

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. December 2013. Major: Electrical Engineering. Advisor: Chris H. Kim. 1 computer file (PDF); xx, 129 pages.An on-chip embedded NVM (eNVM) enables a zero-standby power system-on-a-chip with a smaller form factor, faster access speed, lower access power, and higher security than an off-chip NVM. Differently from the high density eNVM technologies such as dual-poly eflash, FeRAM, STT-MRAM, and RRAM that typically require process overhead beyond standard logic process, the moderate density eNVM technologies such as e-fuse, anti-fuse, and single-poly embedded flash (eflash) can be fabricated in a standard logic process with no process overhead. Among them, a single-poly eflash is a unique multiple-time programmable moderate density eNVM, while it is expected to play a key role in mitigating variability and reliability issues of the future VLSI technologies; however, the challenges such as a high voltage disturbance, an implementation of logic compatible High Voltage Switch (HVS), and a limited sensing margin are required to be solved for its implementation using a standard I/O device. This thesis focuses on alleviating such challenges of the single-poly eflash memory with three single-poly eflash designs proposed in a generic logic process for moderate density eNVM applications. Firstly, the proposed 5T eflash features a WL-by-WL accessible architecture with no disturbance issue of the unselected WL cells, an overstress-free multi-story HVS expanding the cell sensing margin, and a selective WL refresh scheme for the higher cell endurance. The most favorable eflash cell configuration is also studied when the performance, endurance, retention, and disturbance characteristics are all considered. Secondly, the proposed 6T eflash features the bit-by-bit re-write capability for the higher overall cell endurance, while not disturbing the unselected WL cells. The logic compatible on-chip charge pump to provide the appropriate high voltages for the proposed eflash operations is also discussed. Finally, the proposed 10T eflash features a multi-configurable HVS that does not require the boosted read supplies, and a differential cell architecture with improved retention time. All these proposed eflash memories were implemented in a 65nm standard logic process, and the test chip measurement results confirmed the functionality of the proposed designs with a reasonable retention margin, showing the competitiveness of the proposed eflash memories compared to the other moderate density eNVM candidates