1,330 research outputs found

    Optimal fault-tolerant flight control for aircraft with actuation impairments

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    Current trends towards greater complexity and automation are leaving modern technological systems increasingly vulnerable to faults. Without proper action, a minor error may lead to devastating consequences. In flight control, where the controllability and dynamic stability of the aircraft primarily rely on the control surfaces and engine thrust, faults in these effectors result in a higher extent of risk for these aspects. Moreover, the operation of automatic flight control would be suddenly disturbed. To address this problem, different methodologies of designing optimal flight controllers are presented in this thesis. For multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, the feedback optimal control is a prominent technique that solves a multi-objective cost function, which includes, for instance, tracking requirements and control energy minimisation. The first proposed method is based on a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control law augmented with a fault-compensation scheme. This fault-tolerant system handles the situation in an adaptive way by solving the optimisation cost function and considering fault information, while assuming an effective fault detection system is available. The developed scheme was tested in a six-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear environment to validate the linear-based controller. Results showed that this fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy managed to handle high magnitudes of the actuator’s loss of effciency faults. Although the rise time of aircraft response became slower, overshoot and settling errors were minimised, and the stability of the aircraft was maintained. Another FTC approach has been developed utilising the features of controller robustness against the system parametric uncertainties, without the need for reconfiguration or adaptation. Two types of control laws were established under this scheme, the H∞ and µ-synthesis controllers. Both were tested in a nonlinear environment for three points in the flight envelope: ascending, cruising, and descending. The H∞ controller maintained the requirements in the intact case; while in fault, it yielded non-robust high-frequency control surface deflections. The µ-synthesis, on the other hand, managed to handle the constraints of the system and accommodate faults reaching 30% loss of effciency in actuation. The final approach is based on the control allocation technique. It considers the tracking requirements and the constraints of the actuators in the design process. To accommodate lock-in-place faults, a new control effort redistribution scheme was proposed using the fuzzy logic technique, assuming faults are provided by a fault detection system. The results of simulation testing on a Boeing 747 multi-effector model showed that the system managed to handle these faults and maintain good tracking and stability performance, with some acceptable degradation in particular fault scenarios. The limitations of the controller to handle a high degree of faults were also presented

    Supervisory fault tolerant control of the NASA airstar aircraft

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    A fault tolerant direct control allocation scheme with integral sliding modes

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    PublishedJournal Article© by Mirza Tariq Hamayun 2015. In this paper, integral sliding mode control ideas are combined with direct control allocation in order to create a fault tolerant control scheme. Traditional integral sliding mode control can directly handle actuator faults; however, it cannot do so with actuator failures. Therefore, a mechanism needs to be adopted to distribute the control effort amongst the remaining functioning actuators in cases of faults or failures, so that an acceptable level of closed-loop performance can be retained. This paper considers the possibility of introducing fault tolerance even if fault or failure information is not provided to the control strategy. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed scheme, a high fidelity nonlinear model of a large civil aircraft is considered in the simulations in the presence of wind, gusts and sensor noise.This paper was partially funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under the grant no. Gr/33/5. The first and the last author, therefore, acknowledge with thanks the DSR financial support

    Supervisory fault tolerant control of the GTM UAV using LPV methods

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    A multi-level reconfiguration framework is proposed for fault tolerant control of over-actuated aerial vehicles, where the levels indicate how much authority is given to the reconfiguration task. On the lowest, first level the fault is accommodated by modifying only the actuator/sensor configuration, so the fault remains hidden from the baseline controller. A dynamic reallocation scheme is applied on this level. The allocation mechanism exploits the actuator/sensor redundancy available on the aircraft. When the fault cannot be managed at the actuator/sensor level, the reconfiguration process has access to the baseline controller. Based on the LPV control framework, this is done by introducing fault-specific scheduling parameters. The baseline controller is designed to provide an acceptable performance level along all fault scenarios coded in these scheduling variables. The decision on which reconfiguration level has to be initiated in response to a fault is determined by a supervisor unit. The method is demonstrated on a full six-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear simulation model of the GTM UAV

    Fault tolerant longitudinal aircraft control using non-linear integral sliding mode

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    Copyright © 2014 Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)This study proposes a novel non-linear fault tolerant scheme for longitudinal control of an aircraft system, comprising an integral sliding mode control allocation scheme and a backstepping structure. In fault free conditions, the closed loop system is governed by the backstepping controller and the integral sliding mode control allocation scheme only influences the performance if faults/failures occur in the primary control surfaces. In this situation, the allocation scheme redistributes the control signals to the secondary control surfaces and the scheme is able to tolerate total failures in the primary actuator. A backstepping scheme taken from the existing literature is designed for flight path angle tracking (based on the non-linear equations of motion) and this is used as the underlying baseline controller in nominal conditions. The efficacy of the scheme is demonstrated using a high-fidelity aircraft benchmark model. Excellent results are obtained in the presence of plant/model uncertainty in both fault free and faulty conditions

    Control Allocation with Load Balancing

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    Next generation aircraft with a large number of actuators will require advanced control allocation methods to compute the actuator commands needed to follow desired trajectories while respecting system constraints. Previously, algorithms were proposed to minimize the l1 or l2 norms of the tracking error and of the actuator deflections. The paper discusses the alternative choice of the l(infinity) norm, or sup norm. Minimization of the control effort translates into the minimization of the maximum actuator deflection (min-max optimization). The paper shows how the problem can be solved effectively by converting it into a linear program and solving it using a simplex algorithm. Properties of the algorithm are also investigated through examples. In particular, the min-max criterion results in a type of load balancing, where the load is th desired command and the algorithm balances this load among various actuators. The solution using the l(infinity) norm also results in better robustness to failures and to lower sensitivity to nonlinearities in illustrative examples

    Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    With the increasing demand for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in both military and civilian applications, critical safety issues need to be specially considered in order to make better and wider use of them. UAVs are usually employed to work in hazardous and complex environments, which may seriously threaten the safety and reliability of UAVs. Therefore, the safety and reliability of UAVs are becoming imperative for development of advanced intelligent control systems. The key challenge now is the lack of fully autonomous and reliable control techniques in face of different operation conditions and sophisticated environments. Further development of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) control systems is required to be reliable in the presence of system component faults and to be insensitive to model uncertainties and external environmental disturbances. This thesis research aims to design and develop novel control schemes for UAVs with consideration of all the factors that may threaten their safety and reliability. A novel adaptive sliding mode control (SMC) strategy is proposed to accommodate model uncertainties and actuator faults for an unmanned quadrotor helicopter. Compared with the existing adaptive SMC strategies in the literature, the proposed adaptive scheme can tolerate larger actuator faults without stimulating control chattering due to the use of adaptation parameters in both continuous and discontinuous control parts. Furthermore, a fuzzy logic-based boundary layer and a nonlinear disturbance observer are synthesized to further improve the capability of the designed control scheme for tolerating model uncertainties, actuator faults, and unknown external disturbances while preventing overestimation of the adaptive control parameters and suppressing the control chattering effect. Then, a cost-effective fault estimation scheme with a parallel bank of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) is proposed to accurately estimate actuator fault magnitude and an active fault-tolerant control (FTC) framework is established for a closed-loop quadrotor helicopter system. Finally, a reconfigurable control allocation approach is combined with adaptive SMC to achieve the capability of tolerating complete actuator failures with application to a modified octorotor helicopter. The significance of this proposed control scheme is that the stability of the closed-loop system is theoretically guaranteed in the presence of both single and simultaneous actuator faults

    Integrated approaches to handle UAV actuator fault

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    Unmanned AerialVehicles (UAV) has historically shown to be unreliable when compared to their manned counterparts. Part of the reason is they may not be able to a ord the redundancies required to handle faults from system or cost constraints. This research explores instances when actuator fault handling may be improved with integrated approaches for small UAVs which have limited actuator redundancy. The research started with examining the possibility of handling the case where no actuator redundancy remains post fault. Two fault recovery schemes, combing control allocation and hardware means, for a Quad Rotor UAV with no redundancy upon fault event are developed to enable safe emergency landing. Inspired by the integrated approach, a proposed integrated actuator control scheme is developed, and shown to reduce the magnitude of the error dynamics when input saturation faults occur. Geometrical insights to the proposed actuator scheme are obtained. Simulations using an Aerosonde UAV model with the proposed scheme showed significant improvements to the fault tolerant stuck fault range and improved guidance tracking performance. While much research literature has previously been focused on the controller to handle actuator faults, fault tolerant guidance schemes may also be utilized to accommodate the fault. One possible advantage of using fault tolerant guidance is that it may consider the fault degradation e ects on the overall mission. A fault tolerant guidance reconfiguration method is developed for a path following mission. The method provides an additional degree of freedom in design, which allows more flexibility to the designer to meet mission requirements. This research has provided fresh insights into the handling UAV extremal actuator faults through integrated approaches. The impact of this work is to expand on the possibilities a practitioner may have for improving the fault handling capabilities of a UAV

    UAS Model Identification and Simulation to Support In-Flight Testing of Discrete Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control Laws

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    In mission-critical applications of unmanned and autonomous aerial systems(UAS), it is of significant importance to develop robust strategies for fault-tolerant systems that can countermeasure system degradation and consequently support the integration into the National Airspace (NAS). This thesis research illustrates the results of systems identification that is performed using DATCOM followed by the flight test data. This data is acquired from conducting an intensive flight testings program of a fixed-wing UAS to determine the state-space model of the aircraft. A discrete state-space system is reconstructed from these models to derive Auto-Regressive Moving-Average (ARMA) models used to design a Discrete Direct and Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Control. Description of the UAS, sub-systems, and integration is presented in this thesis along with analysis of results from numerical simulation to support the design, development, and validation of adaptive control laws for fault tolerance. A set of performance metrics are defined to perform the analysis in terms of control effort, tracking performance, and reconfiguration of control laws under commonly occurring failures such as partial control surface damage, pilot-induced oscillations, and uncertain ice accretion