3,686 research outputs found

    Facial Expression Recognition

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    Automatic recognition of fingerspelled words in British Sign Language

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    We investigate the problem of recognizing words from video, fingerspelled using the British Sign Language (BSL) fingerspelling alphabet. This is a challenging task since the BSL alphabet involves both hands occluding each other, and contains signs which are ambiguous from the observer’s viewpoint. The main contributions of our work include: (i) recognition based on hand shape alone, not requiring motion cues; (ii) robust visual features for hand shape recognition; (iii) scalability to large lexicon recognition with no re-training. We report results on a dataset of 1,000 low quality webcam videos of 100 words. The proposed method achieves a word recognition accuracy of 98.9%

    Unconstrained Scene Text and Video Text Recognition for Arabic Script

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    Building robust recognizers for Arabic has always been challenging. We demonstrate the effectiveness of an end-to-end trainable CNN-RNN hybrid architecture in recognizing Arabic text in videos and natural scenes. We outperform previous state-of-the-art on two publicly available video text datasets - ALIF and ACTIV. For the scene text recognition task, we introduce a new Arabic scene text dataset and establish baseline results. For scripts like Arabic, a major challenge in developing robust recognizers is the lack of large quantity of annotated data. We overcome this by synthesising millions of Arabic text images from a large vocabulary of Arabic words and phrases. Our implementation is built on top of the model introduced here [37] which is proven quite effective for English scene text recognition. The model follows a segmentation-free, sequence to sequence transcription approach. The network transcribes a sequence of convolutional features from the input image to a sequence of target labels. This does away with the need for segmenting input image into constituent characters/glyphs, which is often difficult for Arabic script. Further, the ability of RNNs to model contextual dependencies yields superior recognition results.Comment: 5 page

    Action Recognition Using 3D Histograms of Texture and A Multi-Class Boosting Classifier

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    Human action recognition is an important yet challenging task. This paper presents a low-cost descriptor called 3D histograms of texture (3DHoTs) to extract discriminant features from a sequence of depth maps. 3DHoTs are derived from projecting depth frames onto three orthogonal Cartesian planes, i.e., the frontal, side, and top planes, and thus compactly characterize the salient information of a specific action, on which texture features are calculated to represent the action. Besides this fast feature descriptor, a new multi-class boosting classifier (MBC) is also proposed to efficiently exploit different kinds of features in a unified framework for action classification. Compared with the existing boosting frameworks, we add a new multi-class constraint into the objective function, which helps to maintain a better margin distribution by maximizing the mean of margin, whereas still minimizing the variance of margin. Experiments on the MSRAction3D, MSRGesture3D, MSRActivity3D, and UTD-MHAD data sets demonstrate that the proposed system combining 3DHoTs and MBC is superior to the state of the art

    Canonical Correlation Analysis of Video Volume Tensors for Action Categorization and Detection

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    Abstract—This paper addresses a spatiotemporal pattern recognition problem. The main purpose of this study is to find a right representation and matching of action video volumes for categorization. A novel method is proposed to measure video-to-video volume similarity by extending Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), a principled tool to inspect linear relations between two sets of vectors, to that of two multiway data arrays (or tensors). The proposed method analyzes video volumes as inputs avoiding the difficult problem of explicit motion estimation required in traditional methods and provides a way of spatiotemporal pattern matching that is robust to intraclass variations of actions. The proposed matching is demonstrated for action classification by a simple Nearest Neighbor classifier. We, moreover, propose an automatic action detection method, which performs 3D window search over an input video with action exemplars. The search is speeded up by dynamic learning of subspaces in the proposed CCA. Experiments on a public action data set (KTH) and a self-recorded hand gesture data showed that the proposed method is significantly better than various state-ofthe-art methods with respect to accuracy. Our method has low time complexity and does not require any major tuning parameters. Index Terms—Action categorization, gesture recognition, canonical correlation analysis, tensor, action detection, incremental subspace learning, spatiotemporal pattern classification. Ç
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