1,794 research outputs found

    Medical vision: web and mobile medical image retrieval system based on google cloud vision

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    The application of information technology is rapidly utilized in the medical system. There is also a massive development in the automatic method for recognizing and detecting objects in the real world. In this study, we present a system called Medical Vision which is designed for people who has no expertise in medical. Medical Vision is a web and mobile-based application to give an initial knowledge in a medical image. This system has 5 features; object detection, web detection, object labeling, safe search, and image properties. These features are run by embedding Google Vision API in the system. We evaluate this system by observing the result of some medical images which inputted into the system. The results showed that our system presents a promising performance and able to give relevant information related to the given image

    Image similarity in medical images

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    Recent experiments have indicated a strong influence of the substrate grain orientation on the self-ordering in anodic porous alumina. Anodic porous alumina with straight pore channels grown in a stable, self-ordered manner is formed on (001) oriented Al grain, while disordered porous pattern is formed on (101) oriented Al grain with tilted pore channels growing in an unstable manner. In this work, numerical simulation of the pore growth process is carried out to understand this phenomenon. The rate-determining step of the oxide growth is assumed to be the Cabrera-Mott barrier at the oxide/electrolyte (o/e) interface, while the substrate is assumed to determine the ratio β between the ionization and oxidation reactions at the metal/oxide (m/o) interface. By numerically solving the electric field inside a growing porous alumina during anodization, the migration rates of the ions and hence the evolution of the o/e and m/o interfaces are computed. The simulated results show that pore growth is more stable when β is higher. A higher β corresponds to more Al ionized and migrating away from the m/o interface rather than being oxidized, and hence a higher retained O:Al ratio in the oxide. Experimentally measured oxygen content in the self-ordered porous alumina on (001) Al is indeed found to be about 3% higher than that in the disordered alumina on (101) Al, in agreement with the theoretical prediction. The results, therefore, suggest that ionization on (001) Al substrate is relatively easier than on (101) Al, and this leads to the more stable growth of the pore channels on (001) Al

    Image similarity in medical images

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    Improved Alzheimer’s disease detection by MRI using multimodal machine learning algorithms

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    Dementia is one of the huge medical problems that have challenged the public health sector around the world. Moreover, it generally occurred in older adults (age > 60). Shockingly, there are no legitimate drugs to fix this sickness, and once in a while it will directly influence individual memory abilities and diminish the human capacity to perform day by day exercises. Many health experts and computing scientists were performing research works on this issue for the most recent twenty years. All things considered, there is an immediate requirement for finding the relative characteristics that can figure out the identification of dementia. The motive behind the works presented in this thesis is to propose the sophisticated supervised machine learning model in the prediction and classification of AD in elder people. For that, we conducted different experiments on open access brain image information including demographic MRI data of 373 scan sessions of 150 patients. In the first two works, we applied single ML models called support vectors and pruned decision trees for the prediction of dementia on the same dataset. In the first experiment with SVM, we achieved 70% of the prediction accuracy of late-stage dementia. Classification of true dementia subjects (precision) is calculated as 75%. Similarly, in the second experiment with J48 pruned decision trees, the accuracy was improved to the value of 88.73%. Classification of true dementia cases with this model was comprehensively done and achieved 92.4% of precision. To enhance this work, rather than single modelling we employed multi-modelling approaches. In the comparative analysis of the machine learning study, we applied the feature reduction technique called principal component analysis. This approach identifies the high correlated features in the dataset that are closely associated with dementia type. By doing the simultaneous application of three models such as KNN, LR, and SVM, it has been possible to identify an ideal model for the classification of dementia subjects. When compared with support vectors, KNN and LR models comprehensively classified AD subjects with 97.6% and 98.3% of accuracy respectively. These values are relatively higher than the previous experiments. However, because of the AD severity in older adults, it should be mandatory to not leave true AD positives. For the classification of true AD subjects among total subjects, we enhanced the model accuracy by introducing three independent experiments. In this work, we incorporated two new models called Naïve Bayes and Artificial Neural Networks along support vectors and KNN. In the first experiment, models were independently developed with manual feature selection. The experimental outcome suggested that KNN 3 is the optimal model solution because of 91.32% of classification accuracy. In the second experiment, the same models were tested with limited features (with high correlation). SVM was produced a high 96.12% of classification accuracy and NB produced a 98.21% classification rate of true AD subjects. Ultimately, in the third experiment, we mixed these four models and created a new model called hybrid type modelling. Hybrid model performance is validated AU-ROC curve value which is 0.991 (i.e., 99.1% of classification accuracy) has achieved. All these experimental results suggested that the ensemble modelling approach with wrapping is an optimal solution in the classification of AD subjects

    Heterogeneidad tumoral en imágenes PET-CT

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica, leída el 28/01/2021Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality [1]. The most frequent cancers worldwide are non–small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) and breast cancer [2], being their management a challenging task [3]. Tumor diagnosis is usually made through biopsy [4]. However, medical imaging also plays an important role in diagnosis, staging, response to treatment, and recurrence assessment [5]. Tumor heterogeneity is recognized to be involved in cancer treatment failure, with worse clinical outcomes for highly heterogeneous tumors [6,7]. This leads to the existence of tumor sub-regions with different biological behavior (some more aggressive and treatment-resistant than others) [8-10]. Which are characterized by a different pattern of vascularization, vessel permeability, metabolism, cell proliferation, cell death, and other features, that can be measured by modern medical imaging techniques, including positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) [10-12]. Thus, the assessment of tumor heterogeneity through medical images could allow the prediction of therapy response and long-term outcomes of patients with cancer [13]. PET/CT has become essential in oncology [14,15] and is usually evaluated through semiquantitative metabolic parameters, such as maximum/mean standard uptake value (SUVmax, SUVmean) or metabolic tumor volume (MTV), which are valuables as prognostic image-based biomarkers in several tumors [16-17], but these do not assess tumor heterogeneity. Likewise, fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) PET/CT is important to differentiate malignant from benign solitary pulmonary nodules (SPN), reducing so the number of patients who undergo unnecessary surgical biopsies. Several publications have shown that some quantitative image features, extracted from medical images, are suitable for diagnosis, tumor staging, the prognosis of treatment response, and long-term evolution of cancer patients [18-20]. The process of extracting and relating image features with clinical or biological variables is called “Radiomics” [9,20-24]. Radiomic parameters, such as textural features have been related directly to tumor heterogeneity [25]. This thesis investigated the relationships of the tumor heterogeneity, assessed by 18F-FDG-PET/CT texture analysis, with metabolic parameters and pathologic staging in patients with NSCLC, and explored the diagnostic performance of different metabolic, morphologic, and clinical criteria for classifying (malignant or not) of solitary pulmonary nodules (SPN). Furthermore, 18F-FDG-PET/CT radiomic features of patients with recurrent/metastatic breast cancer were used for constructing predictive models of response to the chemotherapy, based on an optimal combination of several feature selection and machine learning (ML) methods...El cáncer es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad. Los más frecuentes son el carcinoma de pulmón de células no pequeñas (NSCLC) y el cáncer de mama, siendo su tratamiento un reto. El diagnóstico se suele realizar mediante biopsia. La heterogeneidad tumoral (HT) está implicada en el fracaso del tratamiento del cáncer, con peores resultados clínicos para tumores muy heterogéneos. Esta conduce a la existencia de subregiones tumorales con diferente comportamiento biológico (algunas más agresivas y resistentes al tratamiento); las cuales se caracterizan por diferentes patrones de vascularización, permeabilidad de los vasos sanguíneos, metabolismo, proliferación y muerte celular, que se pueden medir mediante imágenes médicas, incluida la tomografía por emisión de positrones/tomografía computarizada con fluorodesoxiglucosa (18F-FDG-PET/CT). La evaluación de la HT a través de imágenes médicas, podría mejorar la predicción de la respuesta al tratamiento y de los resultados a largo plazo, en pacientes con cáncer. La 18F-FDG-PET/CT es esencial en oncología, generalmente se evalúa con parámetros metabólicos semicuantitativos, como el valor de captación estándar máximo/medio (SUVmáx, SUVmedio) o el volumen tumoral metabólico (MTV), que tienen un gran valor pronóstico en varios tumores, pero no evalúan la HT. Asimismo, es importante para diferenciar los nódulos pulmonares solitarios (NPS) malignos de los benignos, reduciendo el número de pacientes que van a biopsias quirúrgicas innecesarias. Publicaciones recientes muestran que algunas características cuantitativas, extraídas de las imágenes médicas, son robustas para diagnóstico, estadificación, pronóstico de la respuesta al tratamiento y la evolución, de pacientes con cáncer. El proceso de extraer y relacionar estas características con variables clínicas o biológicas se denomina “Radiomica”. Algunos parámetros radiómicos, como la textura, se han relacionado directamente con la HT. Esta tesis investigó las relaciones entre HT, evaluada mediante análisis de textura (AT) de imágenes 18F-FDG-PET/CT, con parámetros metabólicos y estadificación patológica en pacientes con NSCLC, y exploró el rendimiento diagnóstico de diferentes criterios metabólicos, morfológicos y clínicos para la clasificación de NPS. Además, se usaron características radiómicas de imágenes 18F-FDG-PET/CT de pacientes con cáncer de mama recurrente/metastásico, para construir modelos predictivos de la respuesta a la quimioterapia, combinándose varios métodos de selección de características y aprendizaje automático (ML)...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Applying novel machine learning technology to optimize computer-aided detection and diagnosis of medical images

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    The purpose of developing Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) schemes is to assist physicians (i.e., radiologists) in interpreting medical imaging findings and reducing inter-reader variability more accurately. In developing CAD schemes, Machine Learning (ML) plays an essential role because it is widely used to identify effective image features from complex datasets and optimally integrate them with the classifiers, which aims to assist the clinicians to more accurately detect early disease, classify disease types and predict disease treatment outcome. In my dissertation, in different studies, I assess the feasibility of developing several novel CAD systems in the area of medical imaging for different purposes. The first study aims to develop and evaluate a new computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) scheme based on analysis of global mammographic image features to predict the likelihood of cases being malignant. CADx scheme is applied to pre-process mammograms, generate two image maps in the frequency domain using discrete cosine transform and fast Fourier transform, compute bilateral image feature differences from left and right breasts, and apply a support vector machine (SVM) method to predict the likelihood of the case being malignant. This study demonstrates the feasibility of developing a new global image feature analysis based CADx scheme of mammograms with high performance. This new CADx approach is more efficient in development and potentially more robust in future applications by avoiding difficulty and possible errors in breast lesion segmentation. In the second study, to automatically identify a set of effective mammographic image features and build an optimal breast cancer risk stratification model, I investigate advantages of applying a machine learning approach embedded with a locally preserving projection (LPP) based feature combination and regeneration algorithm to predict short-term breast cancer risk. To this purpose, a computer-aided image processing scheme is applied to segment fibro-glandular tissue depicted on mammograms and initially compute 44 features related to the bilateral asymmetry of mammographic tissue density distribution between left and right breasts. Next, an embedded LLP algorithm optimizes the feature space and regenerates a new operational vector with 4 features using a maximal variance approach. This study demonstrates that applying the LPP algorithm effectively reduces feature dimensionality, and yields higher and potentially more robust performance in predicting short-term breast cancer risk. In the third study, to more precisely classify malignant lesions, I investigate the feasibility of applying a random projection algorithm to build an optimal feature vector from the initially CAD-generated large feature pool and improve the performance of the machine learning model. In this process, a CAD scheme is first applied to segment mass regions and initially compute 181 features. An SVM model embedded with the feature dimensionality reduction method is then built to predict the likelihood of lesions being malignant. This study demonstrates that the random project algorithm is a promising method to generate optimal feature vectors to improve the performance of machine learning models of medical images. The last study aims to develop and test a new CAD scheme of chest X-ray images to detect coronavirus (COVID-19) infected pneumonia. To this purpose, the CAD scheme first applies two image preprocessing steps to remove the majority of diaphragm regions, process the original image using a histogram equalization algorithm, and a bilateral low-pass filter. Then, the original image and two filtered images are used to form a pseudo color image. This image is fed into three input channels of a transfer learning-based convolutional neural network (CNN) model to classify chest X-ray images into 3 classes of COVID-19 infected pneumonia, other community-acquired no-COVID-19 infected pneumonia, and normal (non-pneumonia) cases. This study demonstrates that adding two image preprocessing steps and generating a pseudo color image plays an essential role in developing a deep learning CAD scheme of chest X-ray images to improve accuracy in detecting COVID-19 infected pneumonia. In summary, I developed and presented several image pre-processing algorithms, feature extraction methods, and data optimization techniques to present innovative approaches for quantitative imaging markers based on machine learning systems in all these studies. The studies' simulation and results show the discriminative performance of the proposed CAD schemes on different application fields helpful to assist radiologists on their assessments in diagnosing disease and improve their overall performance

    Developing and Applying CAD-generated Image Markers to Assist Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis Prediction

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    Developing computer-aided detection and/or diagnosis (CAD) schemes has been an active research topic in medical imaging informatics (MII) with promising results in assisting clinicians in making better diagnostic and/or clinical decisions in the last two decades. To build robust CAD schemes, we need to develop state-of-the-art image processing and machine learning (ML) algorithms to optimize each step in the CAD pipeline, including detection and segmentation of the region of interest, optimal feature generation, followed by integration to ML classifiers. In my dissertation, I conducted multiple studies investigating the feasibility of developing several novel CAD schemes in the field of medicine concerning different purposes. The first study aims to investigate how to optimally develop a CAD scheme of contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) images to classify breast masses. CEDM includes both low energy (LE) and dual-energy subtracted (DES) images. A CAD scheme was applied to segment mass regions depicting LE and DES images separately. Optimal segmentation results generated from DES images were also mapped to LE images or vice versa. After computing image features, multilayer perceptron-based ML classifiers integrated with a correlation-based feature subset evaluator and leave-one-case-out cross-validation method were built to classify mass regions. The study demonstrated that DES images eliminated the overlapping effect of dense breast tissue, which helps improve mass segmentation accuracy. By mapping mass regions segmented from DES images to LE images, CAD yields significantly improved performance. The second study aims to develop a new quantitative image marker computed from the pre-intervention computed tomography perfusion (CTP) images and evaluate its feasibility to predict clinical outcome among acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients undergoing endovascular mechanical thrombectomy after diagnosis of large vessel occlusion. A CAD scheme is first developed to pre-process CTP images of different scanning series for each study case, perform image segmentation, quantify contrast-enhanced blood volumes in bilateral cerebral hemispheres, and compute image features related to asymmetrical cerebral blood flow patterns based on the cumulative cerebral blood flow curves of two hemispheres. Next, image markers based on a single optimal feature and ML models fused with multi-features are developed and tested to classify AIS cases into two classes of good and poor prognosis based on the Modified Rankin Scale. The study results show that ML model trained using multiple features yields significantly higher classification performance than the image marker using the best single feature (p<0.01). This study demonstrates the feasibility of developing a new CAD scheme to predict the prognosis of AIS patients in the hyperacute stage, which has the potential to assist clinicians in optimally treating and managing AIS patients. The third study aims to develop and test a new CAD scheme to predict prognosis in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) patients using brain CT images. Each patient had two sets of CT images acquired at admission and prior to discharge. CAD scheme was applied to segment intracranial brain regions into four subregions, namely, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), and extraparenchymal blood (EPB), respectively. CAD then computed nine image features related to 5 volumes of the segmented sulci, EPB, CSF, WM, GM, and four volumetrical ratios to sulci. Subsequently, 16 ML models were built using multiple features computed either from CT images acquired at admission or prior to discharge to predict eight prognosis related parameters. The results show that ML models trained using CT images acquired at admission yielded higher accuracy to predict short-term clinical outcomes, while ML models trained using CT images acquired prior to discharge had higher accuracy in predicting long-term clinical outcomes. Thus, this study demonstrated the feasibility of predicting the prognosis of aSAH patients using new ML model-generated quantitative image markers. The fourth study aims to develop and test a new interactive computer-aided detection (ICAD) tool to quantitatively assess hemorrhage volumes. After loading each case, the ICAD tool first segments intracranial brain volume, performs CT labeling of each voxel. Next, contour-guided image-thresholding techniques based on CT Hounsfield Unit are used to estimate and segment hemorrhage-associated voxels (ICH). Next, two experienced neurology residents examine and correct the markings of ICH categorized into either intraparenchymal hemorrhage (IPH) or intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) to obtain the true markings. Additionally, volumes and maximum two-dimensional diameter of each sub-type of hemorrhage are also computed for understanding ICH prognosis. The performance to segment hemorrhage regions between semi-automated ICAD and the verified neurology residents’ true markings is evaluated using dice similarity coefficient (DSC). The data analysis results in the study demonstrate that the new ICAD tool enables to segment and quantify ICH and other hemorrhage volumes with higher DSC. Finally, the fifth study aims to bridge the gap between traditional radiomics and deep learning systems by comparing and assessing these two technologies in classifying breast lesions. First, one CAD scheme is applied to segment lesions and compute radiomics features. In contrast, another scheme applies a pre-trained residual net architecture (ResNet50) as a transfer learning model to extract automated features. Next, the principal component algorithm processes both initially computed radiomics and automated features to create optimal feature vectors. Then, several support vector machine (SVM) classifiers are built using the optimized radiomics or automated features. This study indicates that (1) CAD built using only deep transfer learning yields higher classification performance than the traditional radiomic-based model, (2) SVM trained using the fused radiomics and automated features does not yield significantly higher AUC, and (3) radiomics and automated features contain highly correlated information in lesion classification. In summary, in all these studies, I developed and investigated several key concepts of CAD pipeline, including (i) pre-processing algorithms, (ii) automatic detection and segmentation schemes, (iii) feature extraction and optimization methods, and (iv) ML and data analysis models. All developed CAD models are embedded with interactive and visually aided graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to provide user functionality. These techniques present innovative approaches for building quantitative image markers to build optimal ML models. The study results indicate the underlying CAD scheme's potential application to assist radiologists in clinical settings for their assessments in diagnosing disease and improving their overall performance

    The pediatrician and the digital clinic

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