31 research outputs found

    The world of hereditary graph classes viewed through Truemper configurations

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    In 1982 Truemper gave a theorem that characterizes graphs whose edges can be labeled so that all chordless cycles have prescribed parities. The characterization states that this can be done for a graph G if and only if it can be done for all induced subgraphs of G that are of few speci c types, that we will call Truemper con gurations. Truemper was originally motivated by the problem of obtaining a co-NP characterization of bipartite graphs that are signable to be balanced (i.e. bipartite graphs whose node-node incidence matrices are balanceable matrices). The con gurations that Truemper identi ed in his theorem ended up playing a key role in understanding the structure of several seemingly diverse classes of objects, such as regular matroids, balanceable matrices and perfect graphs. In this survey we view all these classes, and more, through the excluded Truemper con gurations, focusing on the algorithmic consequences, trying to understand what structurally enables e cient recognition and optimization algorithms

    A structure theorem for graphs with no cycle with a unique chord and its consequences

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    We give a structural description of the class C of graphs that do not contain a cycle with a unique chord as an induced subgraph. Our main theorem states that any connected graph in C is a either in some simple basic class or has a decomposition. Basic classes are cliques, bipartite graphs with one side containing only nodes of degree two and induced subgraph of the famous Heawood or Petersen graph. Decompositions are node cutsets consisting of one or two nodes and edge cutsets called 1-joins. Our decomposition theorem actually gives a complete structure theorem for C, i.e. every graph in C can be built from basic graphs that can be explicitly constructed, and gluing them together by prescribed composition operations ; and all graphs built this way are in C. This has several consequences : an O(nm)-time algorithm to decide whether a graph is in C, an O(n+m)-time algorithm that finds a maximum clique of any graph in C and an O(nm)-time coloring algorithm for graphs in C. We prove that every graph in C is either 3-colorable or has a coloring with ω colors where ω is the size of a largest clique. The problem of finding a maximum stable set for a graph in C is known to be NP-hard.Cycle with a unique chord, decomposition, structure, detection, recognition, Heawood graph, Petersen graph, coloring.

    A structure theorem for graphs with no cycle with a unique chord and its consequences

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    URL des Documents de travail :http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/cesdp/CESFramDP2008.htmDocuments de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2008.21 - ISSN : 1955-611XWe give a structural description of the class C of graphs that do not contain a cycle with a unique chord as an induced subgraph. Our main theorem states that any connected graph in C is a either in some simple basic class or has a decomposition. Basic classes are cliques, bipartite graphs with one side containing only nodes of degree two and induced subgraph of the famous Heawood or Petersen graph. Decompositions are node cutsets consisting of one or two nodes and edge cutsets called 1-joins. Our decomposition theorem actually gives a complete structure theorem for C, i.e. every graph in C can be built from basic graphs that can be explicitly constructed, and gluing them together by prescribed composition operations ; and all graphs built this way are in C. This has several consequences : an O(nm)-time algorithm to decide whether a graph is in C, an O(n+m)-time algorithm that finds a maximum clique of any graph in C and an O(nm)-time coloring algorithm for graphs in C. We prove that every graph in C is either 3-colorable or has a coloring with ω colors where ω is the size of a largest clique. The problem of finding a maximum stable set for a graph in C is known to be NP-hard.Soit C la classe de graphes ne contenant pas de cycle avec une seule corde en tant que sous-graphe induit. Nous montrons que tout graphe de C est ou bien "basique" ou bien "décomposable". Par graphe basique, nous entendons : clique, graphe biparti avec un côté ne contenant que des sommets de degré 2, et sous-graphe induit du graphe de Petersen ou de Heawood. Par décomposable, nous entendons : possédant un sommet ou une paire de sommets d'articulation ou possédant un 1-joint. Notre résultat est un théorème de structure, c'est-à-dire qu'il est réversible. Nous prouvons quelques conséquences : la preuve que tout graphe de C est ou bien coloriable avec 3 couleurs, ou bien avec ω couleurs où ω est la taille d'une plus grande clique. Nous donnons un algorithme de coloration en O(nm). Nous donnons un algorithme de reconnaissance en O(nm) pour la classe C. Cet algorithme répond à des questions intéressantes concernant la détection de sous-graphes induits

    Limit sets for modules over groups on CAT(0) spaces -- from the Euclidean to the hyperbolic

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    The observation that the 0-dimensional Geometric Invariant Σ0(G;A)\Sigma ^{0}(G;A) of Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz can be interpreted as a horospherical limit set opens a direct trail from Poincar\'e's limit set Λ(Γ)\Lambda (\Gamma) of a discrete group Γ\Gamma of M\"obius transformations (which contains the horospherical limit set of Γ\Gamma ) to the roots of tropical geometry (closely related to Σ0(G;A)\Sigma ^{0}(G;A) when G is abelian). We explore this trail by introducing the horospherical limit set, Σ(M;A)\Sigma (M;A), of a G-module A when G acts by isometries on a proper CAT(0) metric space M. This is a subset of the boundary at infinity of M. On the way we meet instances where Σ(M;A)\Sigma (M;A) is the set of all conical limit points, the complement of a spherical building, the complement of the radial projection of a tropical variety, or (via the Bieri-Neumann-Strebel invariant) where it is closely related to the Thurston norm.Comment: This is the final published versio

    On hereditary graph classes defined by forbidding Truemper configurations: recognition and combinatorial optimization algorithms, and χ-boundedness results

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    Truemper configurations are four types of graphs that helped us understand the structure of several well-known hereditary graph classes. The most famous examples are perhaps the class of perfect graphs and the class of even-hole-free graphs: for both of them, some Truemper configurations are excluded (as induced subgraphs), and this fact appeared to be useful, and played some role in the proof of the known decomposition theorems for these classes. The main goal of this thesis is to contribute to the systematic exploration of hereditary graph classes defined by forbidding Truemper configurations. We study many of these classes, and we investigate their structure by applying the decomposition method. We then use our structural results to analyze the complexity of the maximum clique, maximum stable set and optimal coloring problems restricted to these classes. Finally, we provide polynomial-time recognition algorithms for all of these classes, and we obtain χ-boundedness results

    Foundations of secure computation

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    Issued as Workshop proceedings and Final report, Project no. G-36-61

    Clique-cutsets beyond chordal graphs

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    Truemper configurations (thetas, pyramids, prisms, and wheels) have played an important role in the study of complex hereditary graph classes (eg, the class of perfect graphs and the class of even‐hole‐free graphs), appearing both as excluded configurations, and as configurations around which graphs can be decomposed. In this paper, we study the structure of graphs that contain (as induced subgraphs) no Truemper configurations other than (possibly) universal wheels and twin wheels. We also study several subclasses of this class. We use our structural results to analyze the complexity of the recognition, maximum weight clique, maximum weight stable set, and optimal vertex coloring problems for these classes. Furthermore, we obtain polynomial x-bounding functions for these classes