402 research outputs found

    Estimation of groundwater recharge and assessment of groundwater quality in urban landscapes : a case study of the Wattle Grove area

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    United Nations Population Fund estimated that half of the world’s population lived in urban areas in 2008 and projected that by the year 2050, the population living in towns and cities would be up by 68%. Furthermore, half of the world’s urban population depends on groundwater as the main source of water supply which puts pressure on groundwater as the urban population grows. The main aim of this research is to estimate the groundwater recharge within urban centres with water table fluctuation (WTF) method and to evaluate physico-chemical quality of groundwater using Wattle Grove area, Sydney, Australia as a case study. The groundwater table depths were continuously monitored on an hourly basis over one year with data loggers installed in the four newly developed boreholes. The groundwater samples were collected on a monthly basis and taken to the university environmental laboratory for physico-chemical analysis. The concept of rainfall-induced groundwater recharge is taken as groundwater recharge caused solely by rainfall while total groundwater recharge is caused by all other factors including rainfall. Both were estimated by considering the wet and dry periods in the year. On average, during the rainy periods, BH1 had the highest recharge per day of 1.67 mm/day while BH4 with 0.28 mm/day was the least. The variation of recharge estimates across the four sites could be attributed to different surface topography, presence of water bodies and underground water movement. In spring and summer season, the groundwater-level response to rainfall shows that BH4 recorded the shortest lag time of 3 days while BH2 recorded the longest time of 14 days. The fastest time is as a result of fissure flow while the longest time is attributed to slow matrix flow. The combined analysis of spring and summer also shows that BH4 has the shortest response time and rainfall has a direct impact on groundwater level fluctuations. For all the four boreholes pH, calcium and potassium concentrations in groundwater were within Australian Drinking Water Guideline (ADWG) and World Health Organisation (WHO) standards. Only BH1 has a high sodium concentration of over 4000 mg/L and a magnesium concentration of 500 mg/L and both exceed the aforementioned guidelines value of (50 – 300 mg/L). Too, the TDS value of BH1 exceeds EPA’s guideline value of 1500 – 2600 mg/L and that makes the groundwater unsuitable for irrigation. This indicates that the groundwater may be contaminated by the salt. The source for the salt, at this stage, is unknown. The groundwater from the four boreholes exceeds the turbidity limit of 5 NTU and it cannot be used directly for drinking

    Water Quality in the Yangtze River at Shanghai and the Role of Coastal Reservoirs in Shanghai’s Water Supply

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    Shanghai is the largest city in China and third largest in the world. It is home to more than 24 million people and is the largest commercial and industrial centre in China. Challenges to water supply in coastal mega cities are becoming apparent worldwide, and Shanghai was predicted to be among one of the most likely to suffer severe water crisis. To meet its rapidly growing demand for municipal water supply, Shanghai has turned to the enormous fresh water resource provided by the Yangtze River at its estuary. Coastal reservoirs have been constructed to capture, store and protect water supplies in the estuary; these reservoirs now provide around 70% of Shanghai’s water supply. This thesis is designed to examine the implications of using coastal reservoirs in Shanghai’s municipal water supply system by describing relevant water quality characteristics of the Yangtze River at points of diversion to Shanghai’s coastal reservoirs and evaluating the effect of water quality processes in these reservoirs on downstream water treatment operations. A critical literature review covering Shanghai’s municipal water supply and the water quality at the Yangtze River Estuary was undertaken. From literature sources, data on key water quality parameters at the estuary and the Qingcaosha Reservoir, Shanghai’s largest coastal reservoir, has been collected. The data has been assembled and compared with relevant standards, and Mann-Kendall analysis applied to trends in key nutrients and total suspended solids concentrations. The settling characteristics of the Qingcaosha Reservoir have been assessed by treating the reservoir as an ideal settling basin and potential algal growth behaviour analysed using the lake ecology model PCLake+. Potential management options for algal blooming in the Qingcaosha Reservoir are explored

    The Role of Organic Matter in the Fate and Transport of Antibiotic Resistance, Metals, and Nutrients in the Karst of Northwest Arkansas

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    Organic matter (OM) in the environment acts as a nutrient, but may also act as a transport vector for harmful chemical compounds and bacteria. Acetate is a labile form of OM produced during fermentation in anaerobic lagoons used to store animal fecal-waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Dry and liquid fertilizers from CAFOs pose a threat to groundwater by introducing excessive amounts of nutrients (e.g. OM, nitrate and ammonia), metals, and antibiotic compounds. In the epikarst of Northern Arkansas in the Buffalo River watershed additional input of labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from liquid CAFO waste-fertilizers was hypothesized to increase microbial activity along groundwater flowpaths. In addition, high metal and antibiotic concentrations associated with increasing concentrations of DOC were hypothesized to be detrimental to microbial processes, with exception given to resistant bacteria species. Laboratory microcosm experiments were conducted to characterize microbial DIC production and denitrification. The microcosms were treated with acetate, nitrate, phosphate, and/or various metal species to characterize concentration effects on microbial activity. Field studies were used to calibrate laboratory conditions, and to compare biomass production and composition. Isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon (Ύ13C-DIC), nitrate (Ύ15N-NO3), and dissolved oxygen (DO) were used to assess microbial responses to increasing DOC concentrations. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis was used to characterize biomass produced during the experiments. Conversion of DOC-DIC and decreasing NO3 concentrations were observed in the microcosms. Microbial productivity was greatest when DOC concentrations were 10 times greater than NO3 concentrations. When metals were added to the microcosms, microbial activity was inhibited with exception being microcosms containing metal concentrations below 10 ”g/L. FAME biomarkers indicated gram-negative bacteria were present in biomass samples from the spring orifice and metal-treated microcosms, but microcosms amended with nutrients and DOC displayed indicators of predominantly gram-positive bacteria. Critical findings of this study were: bacteria species transported in spring discharge were resistant to antibiotics and metals, high concentrations of DOC and nitrate increase biological productivity in epikarst and metal exposure inhibits nitrate removal and causes ecological shifts in biofilms selecting for resistant bacteria strains

    Climate change and future flooding in the UK

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The electrochemical behaviour of lead dioxide electrodes

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    The electrochemistry of planar and porous lead dioxide electrodes has been investigated using the techniques: linear sweep voltammetry, potentiostatic pulse experiments and Faradaic (a.c.) impedance studies. The first two techniques were digitally controlled and the data were acquired at high speed and could be easily retrieved after storage. A morphological examination on the electrodes was also carried out using scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical behaviour of flat lead in sulphuric acid at concentrations in excess of 5 mol dm-3 has been studied. Various solid lead alloys in different sulphuric acid concentrations were investigated together with porous PbO2 on different lead alloy supports. It was found that the acid concentration had a marked effect on the electrochemistry of the electrodes. The current transients obtained from potentiostatic step experiments with the porous PbO2 electrodes were nearly all of a complex nature and some attempt was made to match the data with established mathematical relationships for electracrystallisation processes. The alloys used were of industrial importance and they were lead-antimonyp lead-tin-calcium and lead-tin-bismuth-calcium. Also various automotive positive pastes were employed to form the porous PbO2 structure. A.C. impedance studies were carried out on the porous PbO2 electrodes. An analogue was found which described the discharge process of Pb02

    Phase II Transport Model of Corrective Action Unit 98: Frenchman Flat, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada, Revision 1

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    Fate of organic micropollutants in a karst aquifer system - Implications for sustainable raw water management

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    Das grundsĂ€tzliche VerstĂ€ndnis von Karstgrundwasserleitern ist essentiell fĂŒr das nachhaltige Management der RohwasserqualitĂ€t und letztendlich fĂŒr sauberes Trinkwasser fĂŒr bis zu 25 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung. Um dieses VerstĂ€ndnis zu verbessern, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Speicher- und Attenuationspotential eines Karstgrundwasserleiters untersucht. Hierbei werden organische Spurenstoffe als Indikatoren fĂŒr Transportpfade, Attenuation und Attenuationsprozessen eingesetzt. Als Voraussetzung fĂŒr die Erfassung belastbarer Daten, wurden geeignete Stabilisierungsstrategien fĂŒr organische Spurenstoffe in Wasserproben bewertet: Zugabe der Biozide (i) Kupfersulphat und (ii) Natriumazid zu Wasserproben nach der Probenahme und anschließende Lagerung der Proben in flĂŒssiger Form sowie (iii) sofortige Festphasenextraktion (SPE), was zu einer Stabilisierung der Proben durch eine Reduktion des Wassergehaltes fĂŒhrt. Es wurden Fluss- und behandeltes Abwasser untersucht. Diese zeichnen sich ĂŒblicherweise durch ein hohes Potential fĂŒr biologische AktivitĂ€t und demnach hohe Biotransformationsraten aus. Analysiert wurde der Einfluss der Lagerungstemperatur von 4 und 28° C fĂŒr die Proben, die in flĂŒssiger Form gelagert wurden und von 4, 20 und 40° C fĂŒr die Lagerung der SPE-Kartuschen. KĂŒhlen der Wasserproben allein reichte nicht aus, um die Proben fĂŒr lĂ€ngere Zeit (> 24 h) zu stabilisieren. Die Zugabe von Kupfersulphat fĂŒhrte zu Problemen mit Azol- und Imidazol-Ă€hnlichen Verbindungen. Natriumazid erwies sich als geeigneter Stabilisierungszusatz. Die besten Ergebnisse konnten fĂŒr kĂŒhl gelagerte SPE-Kartuschen beobachtet werden. Im darauffolgenden Kapitel wird das Langzeitspeicherpotential von Karstgrundwasserleitern untersucht. Um eine nachhaltige RohwasserqualitĂ€t zu gewĂ€hrleisten ist das VerstĂ€ndnis dieses Potentials essentiell. Die Transportdynamik der zwei Herbizide Metazachlor und Atrazin sowie dessen Abbauprodukt (Desethylatrazin) wurde an einer Karstquelle untersucht. Sogar 20 Jahre nach dessen Anwendungsverbot konnten Atrazin und dessen Abbauprodukt nahezu immer im Quellwasser in geringen Konzentrationen (wenige ng L‒1) nachgewiesen werden. Metazachlor dagegen tritt nur nach Niederschlagsereignissen auf und die beobachteten Konzentrationen sind deutlich höher. Ein Vergleich der Dynamik der zwei Herbizide mit der der anorganischen Kationen Ca2+, Mg2+ und der elektrischen LeitfĂ€higkeit zeigte, dass Atrazin mit diesen Parametern korreliert. Aus dieser Beobachtung konnte abgeleitet werden, dass Atrazin innerhalb der Gesteinsmatrix vorliegt und die RohwasserqualitĂ€t fĂŒr Jahrzehnte beeinflusst. Um das in-situ Attenuationspotential innerhalb des Röhrensystems eines Karstgrundwasserleiters zu identifizieren und das Risiko, das von organischen Spurenstoffen ausgeht, abzuschĂ€tzen, wurde ein Doppeltracer-Experiment durchgefĂŒhrt: Der reaktive Stoff Coffein wurde als Markierungsstoff genutzt um das in-situ Attenuationspotential des untersuchten Grundwasserleiters zu bewerten. Aufgrund der niedrigen Bestimmungsgrenze konnten sehr geringe Mengen eingesetzt werden. Um ein Modell zu kalibrieren und die Attenuation des Coffeins zu visualisieren wurde der konservative Markierungsstoff Uranin simultan eingegeben. Diese Methodik wurde in einem gut charakterisierten Karstgrundwasserleiter in Baden-WĂŒrttemberg getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine deutlich höhere Attenuationsrate als fĂŒr einen Karstgrundwasserleiter erwartet wurde. Die Attenuation wurde als Prozess erster Ordnung beschrieben; die bestimmte Halbwertszeit betrug 104 h. Diese geringe Halbwertszeit deutet darauf hin, dass das generell angenommene geringe Attenuationspotential nicht gerechtfertigt ist. Der beobachtete Massenverlust des Coffeins zeigt auf, dass Coffein als reaktiver Markierungsstoff in hydraulisch hochdurchlĂ€ssigen Systemen, wie Karstgrundwasserleitern, zur Untersuchung des in-situ Attenuationspotentials geeignet ist. Aufgrund der hohen Attenuationsrate des Coffeins, ist nicht mit einer Langzeitkontamination zu rechnen. In der Kombination mit einem konservativen Referenzmarkierungsstoff wird in diesem Kapitel eine ökonomische und ökologisch ungefĂ€hrliche Methode zur Bestimmung des in-situ Attenuationspotentials vorgestellt. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse des Doppeltracer-Experiments wurde ein Multitracer-Experiment durchgefĂŒhrt um das ermittelte Attenuationspotential zu verifizieren, dessen Übertragbarkeit auf andere Stoffe zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen und die Attenuationsprozesse zu spezifizieren. Als Referenzsubstanzen wurden Uranin, Acesulfam und Carbamazepin gemeinsam mit den reaktiven Markierungsstoffen Atenolol, Coffein, Cyclamat, Ibuprofen und Paracetamol in eine Doline eingegeben. Die Durchbruchskurven der reaktiven Markierungsstoffe wurden relativ zu den Referenzsubstanzen ausgewertet. FĂŒr keinen der Stoffe konnte eine signifikante Retardation beobachtet werden. Die ermittelten Halbwertszeiten betrugen 38 bis 1400 h (d. h. stabil innerhalb des Beobachtungszeitraums) in der folgenden Reihenfolge (von hoher zu keiner Attenuation absteigend sortiert): Paracetamol > Atenolol ≈ Ibuprofen > Coffein >> Cyclamat. Die Attenuationsraten stimmen generell mit denen aus anderen Studien, die andere Umweltkompartimente untersuchten, und den Ergebnissen des Doppeltracer-Experiments ĂŒberein. Das Auftreten des Biotransformationsproduktes AtenololsĂ€ure diente dem Nachweis von in-situ Biotransformation innerhalb des Karstgrundwasserleitersystems
