15 research outputs found

    A framework for the development and maintenance of adaptive, dynamic, context-aware information services

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    This paper presents an agent-based methodological approach to design distributed service-oriented systems which can adapt their behaviour according to changes in the environment and in the user needs, even taking the initiative to make suggestions and proactive choices. The highly dynamic, regulated, complex nature of the distributed, interconnected services is tackled through a methodological framework composed of three interconnected levels. The framework relies on coordination and organisational techniques, as well as on semantically annotated Web services to design, deploy and maintain a distributed system, using both a top-down and bottom-up approach. We present results based on a real use case: interactive community displays with tourist information and services, dynamically personalised according to user context and preferences.Preprin

    A preference meta-model for logic programs with possibilistic ordered disjunction

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    This paper presents an approach for specifying user preferences related to services by means of a preference meta-model, which is mapped to logic programs with possibilistic ordered disjunction following a Model-Driven Methodology (MDM). MDM allows to specify problem domains by means of meta-models which can be converted to instance models or other meta-models through transformation functions. In particular we propose a preference meta-model that defines an abstract preference specification language allowing users to specify preferences in a more friendly way using models. We also present a meta-model for logic programs with possibilistic order disjunction. Then we show how we conceptually map the preference meta-model to logic programs with possibilistic ordered disjunction by means of a mapping function.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    What Else Would I Like? A User Simulator using Alternatives for Improved Evaluation of Fashion Conversational Recommendation Systems

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    In Conversational Recommendation Systems (CRS), a user can provide feedback on recommended items at each interaction turn, leading the CRS towards more desirable recommendations. Currently, different types of CRS offer various possibilities for feedback, i.e., natural language feedback, or answering clarifying questions. In most cases, a user simulator is employed for training as well as evaluating the CRS. Such user simulators typically critique the current retrieved items based on knowledge of a single target item. Still, evaluating systems in offline settings with simulators suffers from problems, such as focusing entirely on a single target item (not addressing the exploratory nature of a recommender system), and exhibiting extreme patience (consistent feedback over a large number of turns). To overcome these limitations, we obtain extra judgements for a selection of alternative items in common CRS datasets, namely Shoes and Fashion IQ Dresses. Going further, we propose improved user simulators that allow simulated users not only to express their preferences about alternative items to their original target, but also to change their mind and level of patience. In our experiments using the relative image captioning CRS setting and different CRS models, we find that using the knowledge of alternatives by the simulator can have a considerable impact on the evaluation of existing CRS models, specifically that the existing single-target evaluation underestimates their effectiveness, and when simulated users are allowed to instead consider alternatives, the system can rapidly respond to more quickly satisfy the user

    On the complexity of mCP-nets

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from AAAI Publications via the link in this recordmCP-nets are an expressive and intuitive formalism based on CP-nets to reason about preferences of groups of agents. The dominance semantics of mCP-nets is based on the concept of voting, and different voting schemes give rise to different dominance semantics for the group. Unlike CP-nets, which received an extensive complexity analysis, mCP-nets, as reported multiple times in the literature, lack a precise study of the voting tasks' complexity. Prior to this work, only a complexity analysis of brute-force algorithms for these tasks was available, and this analysis only gave EXPTIME upper bounds for most of those problems. In this paper, we start to fill this gap by carrying out a precise computational complexity analysis of voting tasks on acyclic binary polynomially connected mCP-nets whose constituents are standard CP-nets. Interestingly, all these problems actually belong to various levels of the polynomial hierarchy, and some of them even belong to PTIME or LOGSPACE. Furthermore, for most of these problems, we provide completeness results, which show tight lower bounds for problems that (up to date) did not have any explicit non-obvious lower bound.This work has received funding from the EPSRC grants EP/J008346/1, EP/L012138/1, and EP/M025268/1

    Generative Recommendation: Towards Next-generation Recommender Paradigm

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    Recommender systems typically retrieve items from an item corpus for personalized recommendations. However, such a retrieval-based recommender paradigm faces two limitations: 1) the human-generated items in the corpus might fail to satisfy the users' diverse information needs, and 2) users usually adjust the recommendations via inefficient passive feedback, e.g., clicks. Nowadays, AI-Generated Content (AIGC) has revealed significant success, offering the potential to overcome these limitations: 1) generative AI can produce personalized items to satisfy users' information needs, and 2) the newly emerged large language models significantly reduce the efforts of users to precisely express information needs via natural language instructions. In this light, the boom of AIGC points the way towards the next-generation recommender paradigm with two new objectives: 1) generating personalized content through generative AI, and 2) integrating user instructions to guide content generation. To this end, we propose a novel Generative Recommender paradigm named GeneRec, which adopts an AI generator to personalize content generation and leverages user instructions. Specifically, we pre-process users' instructions and traditional feedback via an instructor to output the generation guidance. Given the guidance, we instantiate the AI generator through an AI editor and an AI creator to repurpose existing items and create new items. Eventually, GeneRec can perform content retrieval, repurposing, and creation to satisfy users' information needs. Besides, to ensure the trustworthiness of the generated items, we emphasize various fidelity checks. Moreover, we provide a roadmap to envision future developments of GeneRec and several domain-specific applications of GeneRec with potential research tasks. Lastly, we study the feasibility of implementing AI editor and AI creator on micro-video generation

    On Graphical Modeling of Preference and Importance

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    In recent years, CP-nets have emerged as a useful tool for supporting preference elicitation, reasoning, and representation. CP-nets capture and support reasoning with qualitative conditional preference statements, statements that are relatively natural for users to express. In this paper, we extend the CP-nets formalism to handle another class of very natural qualitative statements one often uses in expressing preferences in daily life - statements of relative importance of attributes. The resulting formalism, TCP-nets, maintains the spirit of CP-nets, in that it remains focused on using only simple and natural preference statements, uses the ceteris paribus semantics, and utilizes a graphical representation of this information to reason about its consistency and to perform, possibly constrained, optimization using it. The extra expressiveness it provides allows us to better model tradeoffs users would like to make, more faithfully representing their preferences

    Combining Coordination and Organisation Mechanisms for the Development of a Dynamic Context-aware Information System Personalised by means of Logic-based Preference Methods

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    The general objective of this thesis is to enhance current ICDs by developing a personalised information system stable over dynamic and open environments, by adapting the behaviour to different situations, and handle user preferences in order to effectively provide the content (by means of a composition of several information services) the user is waiting for. Thus, the system combines two different usage contexts: the adaptive behaviour, in which the system adapts to unexpected events (e.g., the sudden failure of a service selected as information source), and the information customisation, in which the system proactively personalises a list of suggestions by considering user鈥檚 context and preferences

    The Role of preferences in logic programming: nonmonotonic reasoning, user preferences, decision under uncertainty

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    Intelligent systems that assist users in fulfilling complex tasks need a concise and processable representation of incomplete and uncertain information. In order to be able to choose among different options, these systems also need a compact and processable representation of the concept of preference. Preferences can provide an effective way to choose the best solutions to a given problem. These solutions can represent the most plausible states of the world when we model incomplete information, the most satisfactory states of the world when we express user preferences, or optimal decisions when we make decisions under uncertainty. Several domains, such as, reasoning under incomplete and uncertain information, user preference modeling, and qualitative decision making under uncertainty, have benefited from advances on preference representation. In the literature, several symbolic approaches of nonclassical reasoning have been proposed. Among them, logic programming under answer set semantics offers a good compromise between symbolic representation and computation of knowledge and several extensions for handling preferences. Nevertheless, there are still some open issues to be considered in logic programming. In nonmonotonic reasoning, first, most approaches assume that exceptions to logic program rules are already specified. However, sometimes, it is possible to consider implicit preferences based on the specificity of the rules to handle incomplete information. Secondly, the joint handling of exceptions and uncertainty has received little attention: when information is uncertain, the selection of default rules can be a matter of explicit preferences and uncertainty. In user preference modeling, although existing logic programming specifications allow to express user preferences which depend both on incomplete and contextual information, in some applications, some preferences in some context may be more important than others. Furthermore, more complex preference expressions need to be supported. In qualitative decision making under uncertainty, existing logic programming-based methodologies for making decisions seem to lack a satisfactory handling of preferences and uncertainty. The aim of this dissertation is twofold: 1) to tackle the role played by preferences in logic programming from different perspectives, and 2) to contribute to this novel field by proposing several frameworks and methods able to address the above issues. To this end, we will first show how preferences can be used to select default rules in logic programs in an implicit and explicit way. In particular, we propose (i) a method for selecting logic program rules based on specificity, and (ii) a framework for selecting uncertain default rules based on explicit preferences and the certainty of the rules. Then, we will see how user preferences can be modeled and processed in terms of a logic program (iii) in order to manage user profiles in a context-aware system and (iv) in order to propose a framework for the specification of nested (non-flat) preference expressions. Finally, in the attempt to bridge the gap between logic programming and qualitative decision under uncertainty, (v) we propose a classical- and a possibilistic-based logic programming methodology to compute an optimal decision when uncertainty and preferences are matters of degrees.Els sistemes intel.ligents que assisteixen a usuaris en la realitzaci贸 de tasques complexes necessiten una representaci贸 concisa i formal de la informaci贸 que permeti un raonament nomon貌ton en condicions d鈥檌ncertesa. Per a poder escollir entre les diferents opcions, aquests sistemes solen necessitar una representaci贸 del concepte de prefer猫ncia. Les prefer猫ncies poden proporcionar una manera efectiva de triar entre les millors solucions a un problema. Aquestes solucions poden representar els estats del m贸n m茅s plausibles quan es tracta de modelar informaci贸 incompleta, els estats del m贸n m茅s satisfactori quan expressem prefer猫ncies de l鈥檜suari, o decisions 貌ptimes quan estem parlant de presa de decisi贸 incorporant incertesa. L鈥櫭簊 de les prefer猫ncies ha beneficiat diferents dominis, com, el raonament en pres猫ncia d鈥檌nformaci贸 incompleta i incerta, el modelat de prefer猫ncies d鈥檜suari, i la presa de decisi贸 sota incertesa. En la literatura, s鈥檋i troben diferents aproximacions al raonament no cl脿ssic basades en una representaci贸 simb貌lica de la informaci贸. Entre elles, l鈥檈nfocament de programaci贸 l貌gica, utilitzant la sem脿ntica de answer set, ofereix una bona aproximaci贸 entre representaci贸 i processament simb貌lic del coneixement, i diferents extensions per gestionar les prefer猫ncies. No obstant aix貌, en programaci贸 l貌gica es poden identificar diferents problemes pel que fa a la gesti贸 de les prefer猫ncies. Per exemple, en la majoria d鈥檈nfocaments de raonament no-mon貌ton s鈥檃ssumeix que les excepcions a default rules d鈥檜n programa l貌gic ja estan expressades. Per貌 de vegades es poden considerar prefer猫ncies impl铆cites basades en l鈥檈specificitat de les regles per gestionar la informaci贸 incompleta. A m茅s, quan la informaci贸 茅s tamb茅 incerta, la selecci贸 de default rules pot dependre de prefer猫ncies expl铆cites i de la incertesa. En el modelatge de prefer猫ncies del usuari, encara que els formalismes existents basats en programaci贸 l貌gica permetin expressar prefer猫ncies que depenen d鈥檌nformaci贸 contextual i incompleta, en algunes aplicacions, donat un context, algunes prefer猫ncies poden ser m茅s importants que unes altres. Per tant, resulta d鈥檌nter猫s un llenguatge que permeti capturar prefer猫ncies m茅s complexes. En la presa de decisions sota incertesa, les metodologies basades en programaci贸 l貌gica creades fins ara no ofereixen una soluci贸 del tot satisfact貌ria pel que fa a la gesti贸 de les prefer猫ncies i la incertesa. L鈥檕bjectiu d鈥檃questa tesi 茅s doble: 1) estudiar el paper de les prefer猫ncies en la programaci贸 l貌gica des de diferents perspectives, i 2) contribuir a aquesta jove 脿rea d鈥檌nvestigaci贸 proposant diferents marcs te貌rics i m猫todes per abordar els problemes anteriorment citats. Per a aquest prop貌sit veurem com les prefer猫ncies es poden utilitzar de manera impl铆cita i expl铆cita per a la selecci贸 de default rules proposant: (i) un m猫tode basat en l鈥檈specificitat de les regles, que permeti seleccionar regles en un programa l貌gic; (ii) un marc te貌ric per a la selecci贸 de default rules incertes basat en prefer猫ncies expl铆cites i la incertesa de les regles. Tamb茅 veurem com les prefer猫ncies de l鈥檜suari poden ser modelades i processades usant un enfocament de programaci贸 l貌gica (iii) que suporti la creaci贸 d鈥檜n mecanisme de gesti贸 dels perfils dels usuaris en un sistema amb reconeixement del context; (iv) que permeti proposar un marc te貌ric capa莽 d鈥檈xpressar prefer猫ncies amb f貌rmules imbricades. Per 煤ltim, amb l鈥檕bjectiu de disminuir la dist脿ncia entre programaci贸 l貌gica i la presa de decisi贸 amb incertesa proposem (v) una metodologia basada en programaci贸 l貌gica cl脿ssica i en una extensi贸 de la programaci贸 l貌gica que incorpora l貌gica possibil铆stica per modelar un problema de presa de decisions i per inferir una decisi贸 貌ptima.Los sistemas inteligentes que asisten a usuarios en tareas complejas necesitan una representaci贸n concisa y procesable de la informaci贸n que permita un razonamiento nomon贸tono e incierto. Para poder escoger entre las diferentes opciones, estos sistemas suelen necesitar una representaci贸n del concepto de preferencia. Las preferencias pueden proporcionar una manera efectiva para elegir entre las mejores soluciones a un problema. Dichas soluciones pueden representar los estados del mundo m谩s plausibles cuando hablamos de representaci贸n de informaci贸n incompleta, los estados del mundo m谩s satisfactorios cuando hablamos de preferencias del usuario, o decisiones 贸ptimas cuando estamos hablando de toma de decisi贸n con incertidumbre. El uso de las preferencias ha beneficiado diferentes dominios, como, razonamiento en presencia de informaci贸n incompleta e incierta, modelado de preferencias de usuario, y toma de decisi贸n con incertidumbre. En la literatura, distintos enfoques simb贸licos de razonamiento no cl谩sico han sido creados. Entre ellos, la programaci贸n l贸gica con la sem谩ntica de answer set ofrece un buen acercamiento entre representaci贸n y procesamiento simb贸lico del conocimiento, y diferentes extensiones para manejar las preferencias. Sin embargo, en programaci贸n l贸gica se pueden identificar diferentes problemas con respecto al manejo de las preferencias. Por ejemplo, en la mayor铆a de enfoques de razonamiento no-mon贸tono se asume que las excepciones a default rules de un programa l贸gico ya est谩n expresadas. Pero, a veces se pueden considerar preferencias impl铆citas basadas en la especificidad de las reglas para manejar la informaci贸n incompleta. Adem谩s, cuando la informaci贸n es tambi茅n incierta, la selecci贸n de default rules pueden depender de preferencias expl铆citas y de la incertidumbre. En el modelado de preferencias, aunque los formalismos existentes basados en programaci贸n l贸gica permitan expresar preferencias que dependen de informaci贸n contextual e incompleta, in algunas aplicaciones, algunas preferencias en un contexto puede ser m谩s importantes que otras. Por lo tanto, un lenguaje que permita capturar preferencias m谩s complejas es deseable. En la toma de decisiones con incertidumbre, las metodolog铆as basadas en programaci贸n l贸gica creadas hasta ahora no ofrecen una soluci贸n del todo satisfactoria al manejo de las preferencias y la incertidumbre. El objectivo de esta tesis es doble: 1) estudiar el rol de las preferencias en programaci贸n l贸gica desde diferentes perspectivas, y 2) contribuir a esta joven 谩rea de investigaci贸n proponiendo diferentes marcos te贸ricos y m茅todos para abordar los problemas anteriormente citados. Para este prop贸sito veremos como las preferencias pueden ser usadas de manera impl铆cita y expl铆cita para la selecci贸n de default rules proponiendo: (i) un m茅todo para seleccionar reglas en un programa basado en la especificad de las reglas; (ii) un marco te贸rico para la selecci贸n de default rules basado en preferencias expl铆citas y incertidumbre. Tambi茅n veremos como las preferencias del usuario pueden ser modeladas y procesadas usando un enfoque de programaci贸n l贸gica (iii) para crear un mecanismo de manejo de los perfiles de los usuarios en un sistema con reconocimiento del contexto; (iv) para crear un marco te贸rico capaz de expresar preferencias con formulas anidadas. Por 煤ltimo, con el objetivo de disminuir la distancia entre programaci贸n l贸gica y la toma de decisi贸n con incertidumbre proponemos (v) una metodolog铆a para modelar un problema de toma de decisiones y para inferir una decisi贸n 贸ptima usando un enfoque de programaci贸n l贸gica cl谩sica y uno de programaci贸n l贸gica extendida con l贸gica posibil铆stica.Sistemi intelligenti, destinati a fornire supporto agli utenti in processi decisionali complessi, richiedono una rappresentazione dell鈥檌nformazione concisa, formale e che permetta di ragionare in maniera non monotona e incerta. Per poter scegliere tra le diverse opzioni, tali sistemi hanno bisogno di disporre di una rappresentazione del concetto di preferenza altrettanto concisa e formale. Le preferenze offrono una maniera efficace per scegliere le miglior soluzioni di un problema. Tali soluzioni possono rappresentare gli stati del mondo pi霉 credibili quando si tratta di ragionamento non monotono, gli stati del mondo pi霉 soddisfacenti quando si tratta delle preferenze degli utenti, o le decisioni migliori quando prendiamo una decisione in condizioni di incertezza. Diversi domini come ad esempio il ragionamento non monotono e incerto, la strutturazione del profilo utente, e i modelli di decisione in condizioni d鈥檌ncertezza hanno tratto beneficio dalla rappresentazione delle preferenze. Nella bibliografia disponibile si possono incontrare diversi approcci simbolici al ragionamento non classico. Tra questi, la programmazione logica con answer set semantics offre un buon compromesso tra rappresentazione simbolica e processamento dell鈥檌nformazione, e diversi estensioni per la gestione delle preferenze sono state proposti in tal senso. Nonostante ci贸, nella programmazione logica esistono ancora delle problematiche aperte. Prima di tutto, nella maggior parte degli approcci al ragionamento non monotono, si suppone che nel programma le eccezioni alle regole siano gi脿 specificate. Tuttavia, a volte per trattare l鈥檌nformazione incompleta 猫 possibile prendere in considerazione preferenze implicite basate sulla specificit脿 delle regole. In secondo luogo, la gestione congiunta di eccezioni e incertezza ha avuto scarsa attenzione: quando l鈥檌nformazione 猫 incerta, la scelta di default rule pu貌 essere una questione di preferenze esplicite e d鈥檌ncertezza allo stesso tempo. Nella creazione di preferenze dell鈥檜tente, anche se le specifiche di programmazione logica esistenti permettono di esprimere preferenze che dipendono sia da un鈥檌nformazione incompleta che da una contestuale, in alcune applicazioni talune preferenze possono essere pi霉 importanti di altre, o espressioni pi霉 complesse devono essere supportate. In un processo decisionale con incertezza, le metodologie basate sulla programmazione logica viste sinora, non offrono una gestione soddisfacente delle preferenze e dell鈥檌ncertezza. Lo scopo di questa dissertazione 猫 doppio: 1) chiarire il ruolo che le preferenze giocano nella programmazione logica da diverse prospettive e 2) contribuire proponendo in questo nuovo settore di ricerca, diversi framework e metodi in grado di affrontare le citate problematiche. Per prima cosa, dimostreremo come le preferenze possono essere usate per selezionare default rule in un programma in maniera implicita ed esplicita. In particolare proporremo: (i) un metodo per la selezione delle regole di un programma logico basato sulla specificit脿 dell鈥檌nformazione; (ii) un framework per la selezione di default rule basato sulle preferenze esplicite e sull鈥檌ncertezza associata alle regole del programma. Poi, vedremo come le preferenze degli utenti possono essere modellate attraverso un programma logico, (iii) per creare il profilo dell鈥檜tente in un sistema context-aware, e (iv) per proporre un framework che supporti la definizione di preferenze complesse. Infine, per colmare le lacune in programmazione logica applicata a un processo di decisione con incertezza (v) proporremo una metodologia basata sulla programmazione logica classica e una metodologia basata su un鈥檈stensione della programmazione logica con logica possibilistica