392 research outputs found

    Lazy Probabilistic Model Checking without Determinisation

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    The bottleneck in the quantitative analysis of Markov chains and Markov decision processes against specifications given in LTL or as some form of nondeterministic B\"uchi automata is the inclusion of a determinisation step of the automaton under consideration. In this paper, we show that full determinisation can be avoided: subset and breakpoint constructions suffice. We have implemented our approach---both explicit and symbolic versions---in a prototype tool. Our experiments show that our prototype can compete with mature tools like PRISM.Comment: 38 pages. Updated version for introducing the following changes: - general improvement on paper presentation; - extension of the approach to avoid full determinisation; - added proofs for such an extension; - added case studies; - updated old case studies to reflect the added extensio

    Complementation and Inclusion of Weighted Automata on Infinite Trees

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    Weighted automata can be seen as a natural generalization of finite state automata to more complex algebraic structures. The standard reasoning tasks for unweighted automata can also be generalized to the weighted setting. In this report we study the problems of intersection, complementation and inclusion for weighted automata on infinite trees and show that they are not harder than reasoning with unweighted automata. We also present explicit methods for solving these problems optimally

    A Component-oriented Framework for Autonomous Agents

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    The design of a complex system warrants a compositional methodology, i.e., composing simple components to obtain a larger system that exhibits their collective behavior in a meaningful way. We propose an automaton-based paradigm for compositional design of such systems where an action is accompanied by one or more preferences. At run-time, these preferences provide a natural fallback mechanism for the component, while at design-time they can be used to reason about the behavior of the component in an uncertain physical world. Using structures that tell us how to compose preferences and actions, we can compose formal representations of individual components or agents to obtain a representation of the composed system. We extend Linear Temporal Logic with two unary connectives that reflect the compositional structure of the actions, and show how it can be used to diagnose undesired behavior by tracing the falsification of a specification back to one or more culpable components

    The Infimum Problem as a Generalization of the Inclusion Problem for Automata

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    This thesis is concerned with automata over infinite trees. They are given a labeled infinite tree and accept or reject this tree based on its labels. A generalization of these automata with binary decisions are weighted automata. They do not just decide 'yes' or 'no', but rather compute an arbitrary value from a given algebraic structure, e.g., a semiring or a lattice. When passing from unweighted to weighted formalisms, many problems can be translated accordingly. The purpose of this work is to determine the feasibility of solving the inclusion problem for automata on infinite trees and its generalization to weighted automata, the infimum aggregation problem

    Reasoning About Strategies: On the Model-Checking Problem

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    In open systems verification, to formally check for reliability, one needs an appropriate formalism to model the interaction between agents and express the correctness of the system no matter how the environment behaves. An important contribution in this context is given by modal logics for strategic ability, in the setting of multi-agent games, such as ATL, ATL\star, and the like. Recently, Chatterjee, Henzinger, and Piterman introduced Strategy Logic, which we denote here by CHP-SL, with the aim of getting a powerful framework for reasoning explicitly about strategies. CHP-SL is obtained by using first-order quantifications over strategies and has been investigated in the very specific setting of two-agents turned-based games, where a non-elementary model-checking algorithm has been provided. While CHP-SL is a very expressive logic, we claim that it does not fully capture the strategic aspects of multi-agent systems. In this paper, we introduce and study a more general strategy logic, denoted SL, for reasoning about strategies in multi-agent concurrent games. We prove that SL includes CHP-SL, while maintaining a decidable model-checking problem. In particular, the algorithm we propose is computationally not harder than the best one known for CHP-SL. Moreover, we prove that such a problem for SL is NonElementarySpace-hard. This negative result has spurred us to investigate here syntactic fragments of SL, strictly subsuming ATL\star, with the hope of obtaining an elementary model-checking problem. Among the others, we study the sublogics SL[NG], SL[BG], and SL[1G]. They encompass formulas in a special prenex normal form having, respectively, nested temporal goals, Boolean combinations of goals and, a single goal at a time. About these logics, we prove that the model-checking problem for SL[1G] is 2ExpTime-complete, thus not harder than the one for ATL\star

    One Theorem to Rule Them All: A Unified Translation of LTL into {\omega}-Automata

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    We present a unified translation of LTL formulas into deterministic Rabin automata, limit-deterministic B\"uchi automata, and nondeterministic B\"uchi automata. The translations yield automata of asymptotically optimal size (double or single exponential, respectively). All three translations are derived from one single Master Theorem of purely logical nature. The Master Theorem decomposes the language of a formula into a positive boolean combination of languages that can be translated into {\omega}-automata by elementary means. In particular, Safra's, ranking, and breakpoint constructions used in other translations are not needed
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