8 research outputs found

    Designing an Adaptive Assisting Interface for Learning Virtual Filmmaking

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present an adaptive assisting interface for learning virtual filmmaking. The design of the system is based on the scaffolding theory, to provide timely guidance to the user in the form of visual and audio messages that are adapted to each person's skill level and performance. The system was developed on an existing virtual filmmaking setup. We conducted a study with 24 participants, who were asked to operate the film set with or without our adaptive assisting interface. Results suggest that our system can provide users with a better learning experience and positive knowledge harvest

    Smooth Key-framing using the Image Plane

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    This paper demonstrates the use of image-space constraints for key frame interpolation. Interpolating in image-space results in sequences with predictable and controlable image trajectories and projected size for selected objects, particularly in cases where the desired center of rotation is not fixed or when the key frames contain perspective distortion changes. Additionally, we provide the user with direct image-space control over {\em how} the key frames are interpolated by allowing them to directly edit the object\u27s projected size and trajectory. Image-space key frame interpolation requires solving the inverse camera problem over a sequence of point constraints. This is a variation of the standard camera pose problem, with the additional constraint that the sequence be visually smooth. We use image-space camera interpolation to globally control the projection, and traditional camera interpolation locally to avoid smoothness problems. We compare and contrast three different constraint-solving systems in terms of accuracy, speed, and stability. The first approach was originally developed to solve this problem [Gleicher and Witken 1992]; we extend it to include internal camera parameter changes. The second approach uses a standard single-frame solver. The third approach is based on a novel camera formulation and we show that it is particularly suited to solving this problem

    Control of constraint weights for an autonomous camera

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    Constraint satisfaction based techniques for camera control has the flexibility to add new constraints easily to increase the quality of a shot. We address the problem of deducing and adjusting constraint weights at run time to guide the movement of the camera in an informed and controlled way in response to the requirement of the shot. This enables the control of weights at the frame level. We analyze the mathematical representation of the cost structure of the domain of constraint search so that the constraint solver can search the domain efficiently. We start with a simple tracking shot of a single target. The cost structure of the domain of search suggests the use of a binary search which searches along a curve for 2D and on a surface for 3D by utilizing the information about the cost structure. The problems of occlusion and collision avoidance have also been addressed

    Techniques de mise en scène pour le jeu vidéo et l'animation

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    Eurographics State of the Art Report (STAR).International audienceOver the last forty years, researchers in computer graphics have proposed a large variety of theoretical models and computer implementations of a virtual film director, capable of creating movies from minimal input such as a screenplay or storyboard. The underlying film directing techniques are also in high demand to assist and automate the generation of movies in computer games and animation. The goal of this survey is to characterize the spectrum of applications that require film directing, to present a historical and up-to-date summary of research in algorithmic film directing, and to identify promising avenues and hot topics for future research.Depuis quarante ans, les chercheurs en informatique graphique ont proposé une grande variété de modèles théoriques et d'implémentations de réalisateurs virtuels, capables de créer des films automatiquement à partir de scénarios ou de storyboards. Les techniques de mise en scène sous-jacentes peuvent également être très utiles pour assister et automatiser la création de films dans le jeu vidéo et l'animation. Le but de cet état de l'art est de caractériser le spectre des applications qui peuvent bénéficier des techniques de mise en scène, de donner un compte rendu historique de la recherche en mise en scène algorithmique, et d'identifier les tendances et perspectives du domaine

    Applications of CSP solving in computer games (camera control)

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    While camera control systems of commercial 3D games have improved greatly in recent years, they are not as fully developed as are other game components such as graphics and physics engines. Bourne and Sattar (2006) have proposed a reactive constraint based third person perspective camera control system. We have extended the capability of their system to handle occlusion while following the main character, and have used camera cuts to find appropriate camera positions for a few difficult situations. We have developed a reactive constraint based third person perspective chase camera control system to follow a character in a 3D environment. The camera follows the character from (near) optimal positions defined by a camera profile. The desired values of the height and distance constraints of the camera profile are changed appropriately whenever the character enters a semi-enclosed or an enclosed area, and the desired value of the orientation constraint of the camera profile is changed incrementally whenever theoptimal camera view is obstructed. Camera cuts are used whenever the main character backs up to a wall or any other obstructions, or comes out of a semi-enclosed or an enclosed area. Two auxiliary cameras to observe the main camera positions from top and side views have been added. The chase camera control system achieved real-time performance while following the main character in a typical 3D environment, and maintained an optimal view based on a user specified/selected camera profile

    Automatisation de la création de scénarios pour les scènes de la visualisation scientifique

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    RÉSUMÉ Bien que l’automatisation de la génération des chemins de caméra soit une pratique courante dans le cinéma et le jeu vidéo, elle fait preuve d’un retard important dans le milieu de la visualisation scientifique. La taille, la nature, la densité du maillage ainsi que l’absence de notions scénaristiques telles que les personnages et les actions font que l’opération d’import de règles de composition issues de domaines artistiques comme le cinéma ou la photographie ainsi que l’application des règles du montage deviennent plus complexe. Ce mémoire introduit une méthodologie qui propose une métamodélisation des attentes des scientifiques vis-à-vis de leurs données ainsi qu’une modélisation des comportements de données qui peuvent les intéresser. Ces modèles permettent de bâtir plus facilement des chemins de caméra pour des scènes numériques issues de simulations ou d’acquisitions. L’application des règles issues de la composition et du montage dans le but de produire des déplacements de caméra préservent l’intention du scientifique deviennent alors plus simple. La méthode a été expérimentée sur un ensemble de scènes issues de la mécanique des fluides et du génie biomédical; les résultats obtenus sur ces scènes nous ont permis de valider le fonctionnement de la méthodologie. Sont également proposés par la méthode un ensemble de paramètres de contrôle afin de modifier le processus de génération pour mieux l’adapter aux besoins précis que peut avoir un scientifique vis-à-vis d’une scène.----------ABSTRACT Automatic camera path generation is a common practice in film making and video games. However, it demonstrated a significant delay in scientific visualization due to the size, the nature, the mesh density and the lack of scriptwriting notions such as characters and actions. In this case, importing cinematography composition, photography composition and match cut rules becomes a more complex operation. This thesis presents a methodology that provides meta-models for the scientists' visualization expectations regarding their data and for the data behaviors that may interest them. These models make the camera paths generation process more intuitive. The application of composition and match cut rules, in order to produce camera moves that preserves the scientist's intention, becomes simpler. The method was tested on a set of scenes from fluid mechanics and biomedical engineering; the obtained results showed that our approach is a simple and efficient way for producing presentation videos. A set of control parameters are also provided by this method, in order to adapt the generation process to the specific needs that a scientist can have regarding his data

    Amélioration de la perception spatiale et émotive d'un environnement virtuel interactif par la gestion cinématographique des prises de vue

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