9 research outputs found

    A Note on the Observability of Temporal Boolean Control Network

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    Temporal Boolean network is a generalization of the Boolean network model that takes into account the time series nature of the data and tries to incorporate into the model the possible existence of delayed regulatory interactions among genes. This paper investigates the observability problem of temporal Boolean control networks. Using the semi tensor product of matrices, the temporal Boolean networks can be converted into discrete time linear dynamic systems with time delays. Then, necessary and sufficient conditions on the observability via two kinds of inputs are obtained. An example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results

    A Note on the Observability of Temporal Boolean Control Network

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    Temporal Boolean network is a generalization of the Boolean network model that takes into account the time series nature of the data and tries to incorporate into the model the possible existence of delayed regulatory interactions among genes. This paper investigates the observability problem of temporal Boolean control networks. Using the semi tensor product of matrices, the temporal Boolean networks can be converted into discrete time linear dynamic systems with time delays. Then, necessary and sufficient conditions on the observability via two kinds of inputs are obtained. An example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results

    Analisi e controllo delle Boolean control networks

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    In questa tesi vengono analizzate le principali proprietĂ  delle Boolean netwroks (BN) e Boolean control networks (BCN). In particolare l'attenzione sarĂ  focalizzata sull'espressione algebrica di una BN e sullo studio della stabilitĂ , stabilizzabilitĂ  e controllabilitĂ . Sono riportate inoltre due applicazioni entrambe riguardanti il ciclo cellulare: il ciclo cellulare del lievito a fissione e il ciclo cellulare dei mammifer