69 research outputs found

    Classical And Quantum Mechanical Simulations Of Condensed Systems And Biomolecules

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    This work describes the fundamental study of two enzymes of Fe(II)/-KG super family enzymes (TET2 and AlkB) by applying MD and QM/MM approaches, as well as the development of multipolar-polarizable force field (AMOEBA/GEM-DM) for condensed systems (ionic liquids and water). TET2 catalytic activity has been studied extensively to identify the potential source of its substrate preference in three iterative oxidation steps. Our MD results along with some experimental data show that the wild type TET2 active site is shaped to enable higher order oxidation. We showed that the scaffold stablished by Y1902 and T1372 is required for iterative oxidation. The mutation of these residues perturbs the alignment of the substrate in the active site, resulting in “5hmC-stalling” phenotype in some of the mutants. We provided more details on 5hmC to 5fC oxidation mechanism for wild type and one of the “5hmC-stallling” mutants (E mutant). We showed that 5hmC oxidizes to 5fC in the wild type via three steps. The first step is the hydrogen atom abstraction from hydroxyl group of 5hmC, while the second hydrogen is transferred from methylene group of 5hmC through the third transition state as a proton. Our results suggest that the oxidation in E mutant is kinetically unfavorable due to its high barrier energy. Many analyses have been performed to qualitatively describe our results and we believed our results can be used as a guide for other researchers. In addition, two MD approaches (explicit ligand sampling and WHAM) are used to study the oxygen molecule diffusion into the active site of AlkB. Our results showed that there are two possible channels for oxygen diffusion, however, diffusion through one of them is thermodynamically favorable. We also applied multipolar-polarizable force field to describe the oxygen diffusion along the preferred tunnel. We showed that the polarizable force field can describe the behavior of the highly polarizable systems accurately. We also developed a new multipolar-polarizable force field (AMOEBA/GEM-DM) to calculate the properties of imidazolium- and pyrrolidinium- based ionic liquids and water in a range of temperature. Our results agree well with the experimental data. The good agreement between our results and experimental data is because our new parameters provide an accurate description of non-bonded interactions. We fit all the non-bonded parameters against QM. We use the multipoles extracted from fitted electron densities (GEM) and we consider both inter- and intra-molecular polarization. We believe this method can accurately calculate the properties of condensed systems and can be helpful for designing new systems such as electrolytes

    Evaluating parameterization protocols for hydration free energy calculations with the AMOEBA polarizable force field

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    Hydration free energy (HFE) calculations are often used to assess the performance of biomolecular force fields and the quality of assigned parameters. The AMOEBA polarizable force field moves beyond traditional pairwise additive models of electrostatics and may be expected to improve upon predictions of thermodynamic quantities such as HFEs over and above fixed point charge models. The recent SAMPL4 challenge evaluated the AMOEBA polarizable force field in this regard, but showed substantially worse results than those using the fixed point charge GAFF model. Starting with a set of automatically generated AMOEBA parameters for the SAMPL4 dataset, we evaluate the cumulative effects of a series of incremental improvements in parameterization protocol, including both solute and solvent model changes. Ultimately the optimized AMOEBA parameters give a set of results that are not statistically significantly different from those of GAFF in terms of signed and unsigned error metrics. This allows us to propose a number of guidelines for new molecule parameter derivation with AMOEBA, which we expect to have benefits for a range of biomolecular simulation applications such as protein ligand binding studie

    Non-empirical Force-Field Development for Weakly-Bound Organic Molecules

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    This thesis pioneers the development of non-empirical anisotropic atom-atom force-fields for organic molecules, and their use as state-of-the-art intermolecular potentials for modelling the solid-state. The long-range electrostatic, polarization and dispersion terms have been derived directly from the molecular charge density, while the short-range terms are obtained through fitting to the symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT(DFT)) intermolecular interaction energies of a large number of different dimer configurations. This study aims to establish how far this approach, previously used for small molecules, could be applied to specialty molecules, and whether these potentials improve on the current empirical force-fields FIT and WILLIAMS01. The scaling of the underlying electronic structure calculations with system size means many adaptions have been made. This project aims to generate force-fields suitable for use in Crystal Structure Prediction (CSP) and for modelling possible polymorphs, particularly high-pressure polymorphs. By accurately modelling the repulsive wall of the potential energy surface, the high pressure/temperature conditions typically sampled by explosive materials could be studied reliably, as shown in a CSP study of pyridine using a non-empirical potential. This thesis also investigates the transferability of these potentials from the gas to condensed-phase, as well as the transferability and importance of the intermolecular interactions of flexible functional groups, in particular NO2 groups. The charge distribution was found to be strongly influenced by variations in the observed NO2 torsion angle and the conformation of the rest of the molecule. This conformation dependence coupled with the novelty of the methods and size of the molecules has made developing non-empirical models for flexible nitro-energetic materials very challenging. The thesis culminates in the development of a bespoke non-empirical force-field for rigid trinitrobenzene and its use in a CSP study