9,677 research outputs found

    Restart-Based Fault-Tolerance: System Design and Schedulability Analysis

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    Embedded systems in safety-critical environments are continuously required to deliver more performance and functionality, while expected to provide verified safety guarantees. Nonetheless, platform-wide software verification (required for safety) is often expensive. Therefore, design methods that enable utilization of components such as real-time operating systems (RTOS), without requiring their correctness to guarantee safety, is necessary. In this paper, we propose a design approach to deploy safe-by-design embedded systems. To attain this goal, we rely on a small core of verified software to handle faults in applications and RTOS and recover from them while ensuring that timing constraints of safety-critical tasks are always satisfied. Faults are detected by monitoring the application timing and fault-recovery is achieved via full platform restart and software reload, enabled by the short restart time of embedded systems. Schedulability analysis is used to ensure that the timing constraints of critical plant control tasks are always satisfied in spite of faults and consequent restarts. We derive schedulability results for four restart-tolerant task models. We use a simulator to evaluate and compare the performance of the considered scheduling models

    Requirements for implementing real-time control functional modules on a hierarchical parallel pipelined system

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    Analysis of a robot control system leads to a broad range of processing requirements. One fundamental requirement of a robot control system is the necessity of a microcomputer system in order to provide sufficient processing capability.The use of multiple processors in a parallel architecture is beneficial for a number of reasons, including better cost performance, modular growth, increased reliability through replication, and flexibility for testing alternate control strategies via different partitioning. A survey of the progression from low level control synchronizing primitives to higher level communication tools is presented. The system communication and control mechanisms of existing robot control systems are compared to the hierarchical control model. The impact of this design methodology on the current robot control systems is explored

    An Abstraction-Refinement Theory for the Analysis and Design of Concurrent Real-Time Systems

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    Concurrent real-time systems with shared resources belong to the class of safety-critical systems for which it is required to determine both temporally and functionally conservative guarantees. However, the growing complexity of real-time systems makes it more and more challenging to apply standard techniques for their analysis. Especially the presence of both cyclic data dependencies and cyclic resource dependencies makes many related analysis approaches inapplicable. The usage of Static Priority Preemptive (SPP) scheduling further impedes the employment of many "classical" analysis techniques. To address this growing complexity and to be able to give guarantees nevertheless we present an abstraction-refinement theory for real-time systems. We introduce a timed component model that is defined in such a generic way that both real-time system implementations and any kinds of analysis models for such applications can be expressed therein. Thereafter, we devise three different abstraction-refinement theories for the timed component model, exclusion, inclusion and bounding. Exclusion can be used to remove unconsidered corner cases, inclusion allows for the substitution of uncertainty with non-determinism, while bounding permits to replace non-determinism with determinism. The latter enables the creation of efficiently analyzable models that can be used to give temporal or functional guarantees on non-deterministic and non-monotone implementations. We use such abstractions to construct analysis models from concurrent real-time systems with shared resources and SPP scheduling. On these models we apply various analysis techniques, with the goal to increase analysis accuracy. Our first accuracy improvement is achieved by combining the rather coarse state-of-the-art period-and-jitter interference characterization with an explicit consideration of cyclic data dependencies. The interference-limiting effect of such cycles can be exploited even more with an "iterative buffer sizing". Next we replace period-and-jitter with execution intervals, resulting in an even higher accuracy. In our last approach we increase both accuracy and applicability by enabling the support of real-time systems with tasks consisting of multiple phases and operating at different rates. With a modification of this approach we further enable the analysis of applications with multiple shared resources. Finally, we also present the so-called HAPI simulator that is capable of simulating any kinds of concurrent real-time systems with shared resources

    Blocking time under basic priority inheritance: Polynomial bound and exact computation

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    The Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP) is arguably the best-known protocol for resource sharing under real-time constraints. Its importance in modern applications is undisputed. Nevertheless, because jobs may be blocked under PIP for a variety of reasons, determining a job's maximum blocking time could be difficult, and thus far no exact method has been proposed that does it. Existing analysis methods are inefficient, inaccurate, and of limited applicability. This article proposes a new characterization of the problem, thus allowing a polynomial method for bounding the blocking time, and an exact, optimally efficient method for blocking time computation under priority inheritance that have a general applicability

    The Synchronized Filtering Dataflow

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    In the past decade, the world has seen the rise of big data, which calls for a paradigm shift in data processing. Streaming processing, where data are processed in their spatial or temporal order, is increasingly common. Meanwhile, parallel computing has become a household term in the computing world. The combination of streaming processing and parallel computing, streaming computing, has been playing an important role in data processing. A streaming computing system is a network of nodes connected by unidirectional first-in first-out (FIFO) data channels. When a node has multiple input channels, to ensure the deterministic behavior of the whole system, synchronization is required on those channels when the node consumes data. After a streaming computing node finishes a computation, it may choose not to produce output on some of its output channels. This behavior, known as filtering, is data-dependent and unpredictable. When filtered data streams are synchronized, applications can deadlock due to empty and full channel buffers. To avoid deadlocks and ensure bounded-memory execution, we turn to model-based approaches. In this dissertation, we propose the synchronized filtering dataflow (SFDF) to model synchronization and filtering behaviors. We avoid deadlocks in SFDF applications by augmenting data streams with dummy messages. We design decentralized algorithms that compute a dummy interval for each channel during compilation time and schedule dummy messages according to the dummy intervals during runtime. The runtime parts of our algorithms are very efficient, adding little overhead to computing nodes, but computing dummy intervals could be very time-consuming on general dataflow graphs. We design efficient algorithms to compute dummy intervals for streaming applications with special topologies. In particular, we focus on series-parallel directed acyclic graphs (SP-DAGs) and CS4 DAGs, where each undirected cycle is single-source and single-sink. We further extend our work to describe a set of polyhedral constraints that define all sets of safe dummy intervals for any dataflow graphs, which gives us more flexibility to choose dummy intervals. We also provide a polynomial-time algorithm to verify the safety of given dummy intervals for SP-DAGs. Dummy messages are only one type of control message used by streaming applications. We extend our SFDF model to support more types of control message, which are precisely synchronized with data streams. We use two types of control messages, dummy message and credit message, to guarantee bounded-memory execution. We demonstrate that the extended model can help improve performance of some applications by adding filtering behavior to non-filtering applications

    Methodology for object-oriented real-time systems analysis and design: Software engineering

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    Successful application of software engineering methodologies requires an integrated analysis and design life-cycle in which the various phases flow smoothly 'seamlessly' from analysis through design to implementation. Furthermore, different analysis methodologies often lead to different structuring of the system so that the transition from analysis to design may be awkward depending on the design methodology to be used. This is especially important when object-oriented programming is to be used for implementation when the original specification and perhaps high-level design is non-object oriented. Two approaches to real-time systems analysis which can lead to an object-oriented design are contrasted: (1) modeling the system using structured analysis with real-time extensions which emphasizes data and control flows followed by the abstraction of objects where the operations or methods of the objects correspond to processes in the data flow diagrams and then design in terms of these objects; and (2) modeling the system from the beginning as a set of naturally occurring concurrent entities (objects) each having its own time-behavior defined by a set of states and state-transition rules and seamlessly transforming the analysis models into high-level design models. A new concept of a 'real-time systems-analysis object' is introduced and becomes the basic building block of a series of seamlessly-connected models which progress from the object-oriented real-time systems analysis and design system analysis logical models through the physical architectural models and the high-level design stages. The methodology is appropriate to the overall specification including hardware and software modules. In software modules, the systems analysis objects are transformed into software objects

    Scheduling with Machine Conflicts

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    We study the scheduling problem of makespan minimization while taking machine conflicts into account. Machine conflicts arise in various settings, e.g., shared resources for pre- and post-processing of tasks or spatial restrictions. In this context, each job has a blocking time before and after its processing time, i.e., three parameters. We seek for conflict-free schedules in which the blocking times of no two jobs intersect on conflicting machines. Given a set of jobs, a set of machines, and a graph representing machine conflicts, the problem SchedulingWithMachineConflicts (SMC), asks for a conflict-free schedule of minimum makespan. We show that, unless P=NP\textrm{P}=\textrm{NP}, SMC on mm machines does not allow for a O(m1−ε)\mathcal{O}(m^{1-\varepsilon})-approximation algorithm for any ε>0\varepsilon>0, even in the case of identical jobs and every choice of fixed positive parameters, including the unit case. Complementary, we provide approximation algorithms when a suitable collection of independent sets is given. Finally, we present polynomial time algorithms to solve the problem for the case of unit jobs on special graph classes. Most prominently, we solve it for bipartite graphs by using structural insights for conflict graphs of star forests.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Optimally Handling Commitment Issues in Online Throughput Maximization

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    TrueTime: Real-time Control System Simulation with MATLAB/Simulink

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    Traditional control design using MATLAB/Simulink, often disregards the temporal effects arising fromthe actual implementation of the controllers. Nowadays, controllersare often implemented as tasks in a real-time kernel and communicatewith other nodes over a network. Consequently, the constraints of thetarget system, e.g., limited CPU speed and network bandwidth, must betaken into account at design time.For this purpose we have developed TrueTime, a toolbox forsimulation of distributed real-time control systems. TrueTimemakes it possible to simulate the timely behavior of real-time kernelsexecuting controller tasks. TrueTime also makes it possibleto simulate simple models of network protocols and their influence onnetworked control loops.TrueTime consists of a kernel block and a network block, bothvariable-step S-functions written in C++. TrueTimealso provides a collection of MATLAB functions used to, e.g., do A/Dand D/A conversion, send and receive network messages, set up timers,and change task attributes. The TrueTime blocks are connectedwith ordinary continuous Simulink blocks to form a real-time controlsystem.The TrueTime kernel block simulates a computer with anevent-driven real-time kernel, A/D and D/A converters, a networkinterface, and external interrupt channels. The kernel executesuser-defined tasks and interrupt handlers, representing, e.g., I/Otasks, control algorithms, and communication tasks. Execution isdefined by user-written code functions (C++ functions orm-files) or graphically using ordinary discrete Simulink blocks. Thesimulated execution time of the code may be modeled as constant,random or even data-dependent. Furthermore, the real-time schedulingpolicy of the kernel is arbitrary and decided by the user.The TrueTime network block is event driven and distributesmessages between computer nodes according to a chosen network model.Currently five of the most common medium access control protocols aresupported (CSMA/CD (Ethernet), CSMA/CA (CAN), token-ring, FDMA, andTDMA). It is also possible to specify network parameters such astransmission rate, pre- and post-processing delays, frame overhead,and loss probability.TrueTime is currently used as an experimental platform forresearch on flexible approaches to real-time implementation andscheduling of controller tasks. One example is feedback schedulingwhere feedback is used in the real-time system to dynamicallydistribute resources according to the current situation in the system
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