25 research outputs found

    Optimizing the Landside Operation of a Container Terminal

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    This paper concerns the problem of operating a landside container exchange area that is serviced by multiple semi-automated rail mounted gantry cranes (RMGs) that are moving on a single bi-directional traveling lane. Such a facility is built by Patrick Corporation at the Port Botany terminal in Sydney. The gantry cranes are a scarce resource and handle the bulk of container movements. Thus, they require a sophisticated analysis to achieve near optimal utilization. We present a three stage algorithm to manage the container exchange facility, including the scheduling of cranes, the control of associated short-term container stacking, and the allocation of delivery locations for trucks and other container transporters. The key components of our approach are a time scale decomposition, whereby an integer program controls decisions across a long time horizon to produce a balanced plan that is fed to a series of short time scale online subproblems, and a highly efficient space-time divisioning of short term storage areas

    Pengembangan Model Dan Algoritma Heuristik Untuk Mengoptimumkan Pengoperasian Twin Automatic Stacking Crane Pada Automated Container Yard Dengan Mensinkronisasikan Perencanaan Kedatangan Kapal Dan Truk Angkut

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    Penggunaan Twin Automatic Stacking Crane (Twin ASC) pada terminal peti kemas terotomasi memerlukan strategi pengoperasian yang tepat. Adanya dua ASC dengan ukuran yang sama dapat meningkatkan efektifitas CY (Container Yard). Namun karena ASC memiliki ukuran yang sama maka ASC tidak dapat saling melewati, sehingga memerlukan jarak antar ASC. Pada jarak tersebut salah satu ASC akan berhenti untuk menunggu ASC lainnya menyelesaikan tugasnya dan menjauh. Pengoperasian ASC tergantung oleh jadwal kedatangan kapal dan truk angkut. Jadwal kedatangan kapal bersandar di dermaga untuk melakukan bongkar muat mempengaruhi jadwal penerimaan (receiving) atau jadwal pengiriman (delivery) peti kemas oleh ASC di area waterside. Sedangkan jadwal kedatangan truk angkut memepengaruhi jadwal penerimaan atau jadwal pengiriman peti kemas oleh ASC di area landside. Informasi tersebut sangat mempengaruhi kinerja ASC dan pelayanan dari pelabuhan peti kemas. Karena itu perlu adanya sinkronisasi antara pengoperasian kedua ASC dengan perencanaan kedatangan kapal dan truk. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengembangan model dan algoritma heuristik untuk mengoptimalkan pengoperasian Twin ASC dengan mensinkronisasikan perencanaan kedatangan kapal dan truk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model dan algoritma yang dapat mengoptimumkan pengoperasian ASC dengan menghasilkan total travel distance, total travel time dan biaya energi yang minimum. Hasil percobaan numerik dari model dan algoritma yang dikembangkan menunjukkan bahwa pengoperasian Twin ASC dengan memperhatikan rencana kedatangan truk angkut lebih optimal dibandingkan memperhatikan rencana kedatangan kapal ataupun ketika menggabungkan rencana kedatangan kapal dan truk angkut. Hal ini dikarenakan tingginya variasi kedatangan truk dibandingkan kedatangan kapal, sehingga membutuhkan adanya prioritas alokasi slot agar tidak terjadi pemindahan ulang peti kemas saat truk datang. Dengan demikian dapat menghasilkan total travel distance, total travel time dan biaya energi Twin ASC yang minimum. ========================================================== The usage of Twin Automatic Stacking Crane (Twin ASC) at the automated container terminal require proper operation strategy. The existence of two ASC in one block of CY can improve the effectiveness CY (Container Yard). But because the ASC have the same size, the ASC can not pass each other, thus requiring the distance between ASC. At that distance, one of ASC will stop and wait other ASC completed the task and move away. To facilitate the operation, CY is divided into two sides of the landside (near Gate) and the waterside (near berth). The ASC operation depends on the arrival time of vessel and truck. Berthing time of the vessel for loading and unloading affect the schedule reception (receiving) or delivery schedules (delivery) of containers by ASC in the waterside area. While the arrival time of trucks affect receiving or delivery schedule containers by ASC in the landside area. Operation of ASC in serving containers from a vessel or truck also affect the arrival and departure time of vessel and dump trucks. Such information greatly affect the performance and service of the ASC container port. So we need to synchronize twin ASC operation with the planning of arrival of ships and trucks. In this research will be develop a model and a heuristic algorithm to optimize the operation of Twin ASC by synchronizing the arrival time planning of ships and trucks. The purpose of this research is to develop models and algorithms that can optimize the operation of the ASC to produce a total travel distance, total travel time and minimum energy costs. The results of numerical experiments of models and algorithms developed indicate that the operation of the Twin ASC by observing the planned arrival haul trucks is more optimal than pay attention to the planned arrival or ship when dovetail arrival of the ship and truck transport. This is because the variation in the arrival of the truck than the arrival of the vessel, thus requiring their priority slot allocation in order to prevent the removal of the container when the truck comes. Therefore, it can produce a total travel distance, total travel time and costs Twin ASC minimum energy

    Sea Container Terminals

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    Due to a rapid growth in world trade and a huge increase in containerized goods, sea container terminals play a vital role in globe-spanning supply chains. Container terminals should be able to handle large ships, with large call sizes within the shortest time possible, and at competitive rates. In response, terminal operators, shipping liners, and port authorities are investing in new technologies to improve container handling infrastructure and operational efficiency. Container terminals face challenging research problems which have received much attention from the academic community. The focus of this paper is to highlight the recent developments in the container terminals, which can be categorized into three areas: (1) innovative container terminal technologies, (2) new OR directions and models for existing research areas, and (3) emerging areas in container terminal research. By choosing this focus, we complement existing reviews on container terminal operations

    Future Greener Seaports:A Review of New Infrastructure, Challenges, and Energy Efficiency Measures

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    Recently, the application of renewable energy sources (RESs) for power distribution systems is growing immensely. This advancement brings several advantages, such as energy sustainability and reliability, easier maintenance, cost-effective energy sources, and ecofriendly. The application of RESs in maritime systems such as port microgrids massively improves energy efficiency and reduces the utilization of fossil fuels, which is a serious threat to the environment. Accordingly, ports are receiving several initiatives to improve their energy efficiency by deploying different types of RESs based on the power electronic converters. This paper conducts a systematic review to provide cutting-edge state-of-the-art on the modern electrification and infrastructure of seaports taking into account some challenges such as the environmental aspects, energy efficiency enhancement, renewable energy integration, and legislative and regulatory requirements. Moreover, the technological methods, including electrifications, digitalization, onshore power supply applications, and energy storage systems of ports, are addressed. Furthermore, details of some operational strategies such as energy-aware operations and peak-shaving are delivered. Besides, the infrastructure scheme to enhance the energy efficiency of modern ports, including port microgrids and seaport smart microgrids are delivered. Finally, the applications of nascent technologies in seaports are presented

    A framework for generating efficient yard plans for marine container terminals

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    Model of Twin Automatic Stacking Crane Operation Strategy with Dynamic Handshake Area in an Automated Container Terminal

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    This paper proposes a new idea for allocating a handshake area of an automated container yard. A block of automated container yards (CY) consists of two areas, which are the import (waterside) and export (landside) areas. The CY has two major activities (loading and unloading), where both are served by Twin Automatic Stacking Cranes (Twin-ASCs). A handshake area in the middle of the CY serves as a temporary slot for both ASCs. This situation causes an imbalance between the ASCs when the demands of each side differ significantly. Thus, we proposed using a dynamic location of the handshake area corresponding to the proportion demand of export and import containers. We developed a heuristics model and algorithms of ASC’s operations to compare the efficiency of the ASC operations between the fixed and the dynamic location. Based on our model and algorithm, we developed simulation software. Finally, we explored some numerical experiments to compare the performance of both policies in dealing with different export and import demand scenarios. Our result showed that the proposed approach outperformed the existing one in reducing unnecessary ASC movements

    Analysis of ICT solutions integration for tracking purposes in container terminal management and operation

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    El tráfico marítimo de mercancías está experimentando un crecimiento acelerado principalmente debido a la globalización de la economía y la liberalización del comercio internacional. El principal propósito de este proyecto es: en primer lugar, analizar los efectos de introducir sistemas TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación) de seguimiento en la operación de la terminal; y en segundo lugar, proponer un método para normalizar el funcionamiento de los procesos que tienen lugar en una terminal de contenedores, permitiendo una buena organización operativa de futuras implementaciones de terminales automatizadas