252 research outputs found

    Кибербезопасность в образовательных сетях

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    The paper discusses the possible impact of digital space on a human, as well as human-related directions in cyber-security analysis in the education: levels of cyber-security, social engineering role in cyber-security of education, “cognitive vaccination”. “A Human” is considered in general meaning, mainly as a learner. The analysis is provided on the basis of experience of hybrid war in Ukraine that have demonstrated the change of the target of military operations from military personnel and critical infrastructure to a human in general. Young people are the vulnerable group that can be the main goal of cognitive operations in long-term perspective, and they are the weakest link of the System.У статті обговорюється можливий вплив цифрового простору на людину, а також пов'язані з людиною напрямки кібербезпеки в освіті: рівні кібербезпеки, роль соціального інжинірингу в кібербезпеці освіти, «когнітивна вакцинація». «Людина» розглядається в загальному значенні, головним чином як та, що навчається. Аналіз надається на основі досвіду гібридної війни в Україні, яка продемонструвала зміну цілей військових операцій з військовослужбовців та критичної інфраструктури на людину загалом. Молодь - це вразлива група, яка може бути основною метою таких операцій в довгостроковій перспективі, і вони є найслабшою ланкою системи.В документе обсуждается возможное влияние цифрового пространства на человека, а также связанные с ним направления в анализе кибербезопасности в образовании: уровни кибербезопасности, роль социальной инженерии в кибербезопасности образования, «когнитивная вакцинация». «Человек» рассматривается в общем смысле, в основном как ученик. Анализ представлен на основе опыта гибридной войны в Украине, которая продемонстрировала изменение цели военных действий с военного персонала и критической инфраструктуры на человека в целом. Молодые люди являются уязвимой группой, которая может быть главной целью когнитивных операций в долгосрочной перспективе, и они являются самым слабым звеном Систем

    Technological advances relevant to transport – understanding what drives them

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    Transport policy makers are increasingly perplexed by the pace of change in their sector and by the increasing influence of external actors. This leads to a variety of responses, including “business as usual”, technological optimism, technological fatalism and technological ignorance. To explore this perplexity and its justification, we examine four areas of technological advance relevant to transport: mobility as a service; unmanned aerial vehicles (drones); automated vehicles; and telehealth. In each case, we identify the principal underlying shifts which are driving these technological advances, concluding that there is considerable overlap: three of the advances rely on ubiquitous sensing and on artificial intelligence and all four rely, to some degree, on connectedness. We then explore these three “drivers”, finding that progress is steadier than may be generally thought. We discuss the implications for our set of transport-related technological developments, concluding that policy makers could approach the future with greater confidence than is currently typical. They could also draw on the concepts of anticipatory governance to support their management of emerging technology and, at the same time, of the influence of external actors

    Development and evaluation of a haptic framework supporting telerehabilitation robotics and group interaction

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    Telerehabilitation robotics has grown remarkably in the past few years. It can provide intensive training to people with special needs remotely while facilitating therapists to observe the whole process. Telerehabilitation robotics is a promising solution supporting routine care which can help to transform face-to-face and one-on-one treatment sessions that require not only intensive human resource but are also restricted to some specialised care centres to treatments that are technology-based (less human involvement) and easy to access remotely from anywhere. However, there are some limitations such as network latency, jitter, and delay of the internet that can affect negatively user experience and quality of the treatment session. Moreover, the lack of social interaction since all treatments are performed over the internet can reduce motivation of the patients. As a result, these limitations are making it very difficult to deliver an efficient recovery plan. This thesis developed and evaluated a new framework designed to facilitate telerehabilitation robotics. The framework integrates multiple cutting-edge technologies to generate playful activities that involve group interaction with binaural audio, visual, and haptic feedback with robot interaction in a variety of environments. The research questions asked were: 1) Can activity mediated by technology motivate and influence the behaviour of users, so that they engage in the activity and sustain a good level of motivation? 2) Will working as a group enhance users’ motivation and interaction? 3) Can we transfer real life activity involving group interaction to virtual domain and deliver it reliably via the internet? There were three goals in this work: first was to compare people’s behaviours and motivations while doing the task in a group and on their own; second was to determine whether group interaction in virtual and reala environments was different from each other in terms of performance, engagement and strategy to complete the task; finally was to test out the effectiveness of the framework based on the benchmarks generated from socially assistive robotics literature. Three studies have been conducted to achieve the first goal, two with healthy participants and one with seven autistic children. The first study observed how people react in a challenging group task while the other two studies compared group and individual interactions. The results obtained from these studies showed that the group interactions were more enjoyable than individual interactions and most likely had more positive effects in terms of user behaviours. This suggests that the group interaction approach has the potential to motivate individuals to make more movements and be more active and could be applied in the future for more serious therapy. Another study has been conducted to measure group interaction’s performance in virtual and real environments and pointed out which aspect influences users’ strategy for dealing with the task. The results from this study helped to form a better understanding to predict a user’s behaviour in a collaborative task. A simulation has been run to compare the results generated from the predictor and the real data. It has shown that, with an appropriate training method, the predictor can perform very well. This thesis has demonstrated the feasibility of group interaction via the internet using robotic technology which could be beneficial for people who require social interaction (e.g. stroke patients and autistic children) in their treatments without regular visits to the clinical centres

    Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology in South Africa: Clinical Training and Service in the Era of COVID-19

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    Introduction and purpose: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) presented new and unanticipated challenges to the provision of clinical services, from student training to the care of patients with speech-language and hearing (SLH) disorders. Prompt changes in information and communication technologies (ICT), were required to ensure that clinical training continued to meet the Health Professions Council of South Africa’s regulations and patients received effective clinical care. The purpose of this study was to investigate online clinical training and supervision to inform current and future training and clinical care provision in SLH professions. Methodology: A scoping review was conducted using the Arksey and O'Malley (2005) framework. The electronic bibliographic databases Science Direct, PubMed, Scopus, MEDLINE, and ProQuest were searched to identify publications about online clinical training and supervision and their impact on clinical service during COVID-19. Selection and analysis were performed by three independent reviewers using pretested forms. Results and Conclusions: The findings revealed important benefits of teletraining and telepractice with potential application to South African clinical training and service provision. Five themes emerged: (1) practice produces favorable outcomes, (2) appreciation for hybrid models of training and service delivery, (3) cost effectiveness is a “big win” (4) internationalization of remote clinical training and service provision, and (5) comparable modality outcomes. These findings may have significant implications for teletraining and telepractice in low-and-middle income countries (LMICs) in the COVID-19 era and beyond, wherein demand versus capacity challenges (e.g., in human resources) persist. Current findings highlight the need for SLH training programmes to foster a hybrid clinical training model.  Few studies were conducted in LMICs, indicating a gap in such research. &nbsp

    Trust in Human-Robot Interaction Within Healthcare Services: A Review Study

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    There has always been a dilemma of the extent to which human can rely on machines in different activities of daily living. Ranging from riding on a self-driving car to having an iRobot vacuum clean the living room. However, when it comes to healthcare settings where robots are intended to work next to human, making decision gets difficult because repercussions may jeopardize people’s life. That has led scientists and engineers to take one step back and think out of the box. Having concept of trust under scrutiny, this study helps deciphering complex human-robot interaction (HRI) attributes. Screening essential constituents of what shapes the trust in human mind as s/he is working with a robot will provide a more in-depth insight through how to build and consolidate the trust. In physiotherapeutic realm, this feeds into improving safety protocols and level of comfort; as well as increasing the efficacy of robot-assisted physical therapy and rehabilitation. This paper provides a comprehensive framework for measuring trust through introducing several scenarios that are prevalent in rehabilitation environment. This proposed framework highlights importance of clear communication between physicians and how they expect robot to intervene in a human centered task. In addition, it reflects on patients’ perception of robot assistance. Ultimately, recommendations are made in order to maximize trust earned from the patients which then feeds into enhancing efficacy of the therapy. This is an ongoing study; authors are working with a local hospital to implement the know in a real-world application

    Uma arquitetura de telerreabilitação baseada em realidade aumentada para apoiar o treinamento de usuários de cadeiras de rodas motorizadas

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    Many people worldwide have been experimenting a decrease in their mobility as a result of aging, accidents and degenerative diseases. In many cases, a Powered Wheelchair (PW) is an alternative help. Currently, in Brazil, patients can receive a PW from the Unified Health System, following prescription criteria. However, they do not have an appropriate previous training for driving the PW. Consequently, users might suffer accidents since a customized training protocol is not available. Nevertheless, due to financial and/or health limitations, many users are unable to attend a rehabilitation center. To overcome these limitations, we developed an Augmented Reality (AR) Telerehabilitation System Architecture based on the Power Mobility Road Test (PMRT), for supporting PW user’s training. In this system, the therapists can remotely customize and evaluate training tasks and the user can perform the training in safer conditions. Video stream and data transfer between each environment were made possible through UDP (User Datagram Protocol). To evaluate and present the system architecture potential, a preliminary test was conducted with 3 spinal cord injury participants. They performed 3 basic training protocols defined by a therapist. The following metrics were adopted for evaluation: number of control commands; elapsed time; number of collisions; biosignals and a questionary was used to evaluate system features by participants. Results demonstrate the specific needs of individuals using a PW, thanks to adopted (qualitative and emotional) metrics. Also, the results have shown the potential of the training system with customizable protocols to fulfill these needs. User’s evaluation demonstrates that the combination of AR techniques with PMRT adaptations, increases user’s well-being after training sessions. Furthermore, a training experience helps users to overcome their displacement problems, as well as for appointing challenges before large scale use. The proposed system architecture allows further studies on telerehabilitation of PW users.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorTese (Doutorado)Muitas pessoas em todo o mundo estão vivenciando uma diminuição de sua mobili- dade como resultado de envelhecimento, acidentes e doenças degenerativas. Em muitos casos, uma cadeira de rodas motorizada (CRM) é uma ajuda alternativa. Atualmente, no Brasil, os pacientes podem receber uma CRM do Sistema Único de Saúde, seguindo os critérios de prescrição. No entanto, eles não têm um treinamento prévio apropriado para dirigir a CRM. Conseqüentemente, os usuários podem sofrer acidentes, pois um protocolo de treinamento personalizado não está disponível. Além disto, devido a limi- tações financeiras e / ou de saúde, muitos usuários não podem comparecer a um centro de reabilitação. Para superar essas limitações, desenvolvemos uma arquitetura de sistema de telereabilitação com Realidade Aumentada (RA) baseado no PMRT (Power Mobility Road Test), para apoiar o treinamento de usuários de CRM. Nesse sistema, os terapeutas podem personalizar e avaliar remotamente as tarefas de treinamento e o usuário pode realizar o treinamento em condições mais seguras. O fluxo de vídeo e a transferência de dados entre cada ambiente foram possíveis através do UDP (User Datagram Protocol). Para avaliar e apresentar o potencial da arquitetura do sistema, foi realizado um teste preliminar de três participantes com lesão medular. Eles realizaram três protocolos básicos de treinamento definidos por um terapeuta. As seguintes métricas adotadas para avaliação foram: número de comandos de controle; tempo decorrido; número de colisões e biossinais. Além disso, um questionário foi usado para avaliar os recursos do sistema. Os resultados demonstram as necessidades específicas dos indivíduos que usam uma CRM, graças às métricas adotadas (qualitativas e emocionais). Além disso, os resultados mostraram o potencial do sistema de treinamento com protocolos personalizáveis para atender a essas necessidades. A avaliação do usuário demonstra que a combinação de técnicas de RA com adaptações PMRT aumenta o bem-estar do usuário após as sessões de treinamento. Além disso, esta experiência de treinamento ajuda os usuários a superar seus problemas de deslocamento, bem como a apontar desafios antes do uso em larga escala. A arquitetura de sistema proposta, permite estudos adicionais sobre a telerreabilitação de usuários de CRM

    User Interface Abstraction for enabling TV set based Inclusive Access to the Information Society

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    199 p.The television (TV) set is present in most homes worldwide, and is the most used Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Despite its large implantation in the market, the interactive services consumption on TV set is limited. This thesis focuses on overcoming the following limiting factors: (i) limited Human Computer Interaction and (ii) lack of considering user’s real life context in the digital television (dTV) service integration strategy. Making interactive services accessible to TV set’s large user base, and especially to the most vulnerable ones, is understood as the path to integrate the mankind with the information society. This thesis explores the use of user interface abstraction technologies to reach the introduced goals. The main contributions of this thesis are: (i) an approach to enable the universally accessible remote control of the TV set, (ii) an approach for the provision of universally accessible interactive services through TV sets, and (iii) an approach for the provision of universally accessible services in the TV user’s real life context. We have implemented the contributing approaches for different use cases, and we have evaluated them with real users, achieving good results

    Med-e-Tel 2013

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    Health-5G: A Mixed Reality-Based System for Remote Medical Assistance in Emergency Situations

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    Mixed reality is the combination of virtual and augmented reality to interactively and believably merge physical and computer-generated environments. This paper discusses the design of Health5G, a scalable mixed reality-based system that facilitates and supports emergency response by medical emergency teams. Health-5G is supported by a distributed architecture divided into four interrelated applications responsible for advanced computer-human interaction, effective real-time videoconference, medical device integration, and communication infrastructure, respectively. The mixed reality layer is provided by the headset Microsoft Hololens 2™. Health-5G is based on scenarios in which emergency personnel wear mixed reality glasses that can transmit audio, video, and data streams bidirectionally over a 5G network to medical specialists stationed in a hospital at any distance. Thanks to Health-5G, the specialist will be able to access the emergency team’s point of view at any time and provide verbal and visual instructions, including gestures and positioning of graphical markers in 3D space. In this way, emergency personnel can provide the best possible care to the patient without having to wait for them to arrive at the hospital, saving a lot of time in scenarios where every second can make a difference. Health-5G also addresses the integration of medical devices and the collection of the patient’s medical data in a scalable way through optical character recognition. A case study is discussed where Health-5G is used to attend a patient in the street suffering from syncope due to third-degree atrioventricular block. Latency and performance tests over a 5G network are also discussed. To the best of our knowledge, there is no comprehensive solution in the literature that provides all the capabilities offered by Health-5G in terms of functionality and advanced interaction mechanisms within the context of remote, immersive support in emergency situations