15,051 research outputs found

    Engineering visualization utilizing advanced animation

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    Engineering visualization is the use of computer graphics to depict engineering analysis and simulation in visual form from project planning through documentation. Graphics displays let engineers see data represented dynamically which permits the quick evaluation of results. The current state of graphics hardware and software generally allows the creation of two types of 3D graphics. The use of animated video as an engineering visualization tool is presented. The engineering, animation, and videography aspects of animated video production are each discussed. Specific issues include the integration of staffing expertise, hardware, software, and the various production processes. A detailed explanation of the animation process reveals the capabilities of this unique engineering visualization method. Automation of animation and video production processes are covered and future directions are proposed

    Pycortex: an interactive surface visualizer for fMRI.

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    Surface visualizations of fMRI provide a comprehensive view of cortical activity. However, surface visualizations are difficult to generate and most common visualization techniques rely on unnecessary interpolation which limits the fidelity of the resulting maps. Furthermore, it is difficult to understand the relationship between flattened cortical surfaces and the underlying 3D anatomy using tools available currently. To address these problems we have developed pycortex, a Python toolbox for interactive surface mapping and visualization. Pycortex exploits the power of modern graphics cards to sample volumetric data on a per-pixel basis, allowing dense and accurate mapping of the voxel grid across the surface. Anatomical and functional information can be projected onto the cortical surface. The surface can be inflated and flattened interactively, aiding interpretation of the correspondence between the anatomical surface and the flattened cortical sheet. The output of pycortex can be viewed using WebGL, a technology compatible with modern web browsers. This allows complex fMRI surface maps to be distributed broadly online without requiring installation of complex software

    Constrained Texture Mapping And Foldover-free Condition

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    Texture mapping has been widely used in image processing and graphics to enhance the realism of CG scenes. However to perfectly match the feature points of a 3D model with the corresponding pixels in texture images, the parameterisation which maps a 3D mesh to the texture space must satisfy the positional constraints. Despite numerous research efforts, the construction of a mathematically robust foldover-free parameterisation subject to internal constraints is still a remaining issue. In this paper, we address this challenge by developing a two-step parameterisation method. First, we produce an initial parameterisation with a method traditionally used to solve structural engineering problems, called the bar-network. We then derive a mathematical foldover-free condition, which is incorporated into a Radial Basis Function based scheme. This method is therefore able to guarantee that the resulting parameterization meets the hard constraints without foldovers

    Haptic Gdraw: A fun and Easy to Use 3D Haptically Enhanced Sculpting Program

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    We have developed a simple haptically-enhanced 3D sculpting application which utilizes Hermite spline-based primitives as building blocks to construct more complex solid models. To accomplish this, we have constructed a VR work environment which is intuitive and whose control affordances are made clear through the use of graspable handles. Haptics is used to support handle selection and provide physical constraints on handle movements consistent with their visual affordances. Our goal is to demonstrate how relatively simple haptic force constraints can combine with a visually intuitive and compelling environment to enable a program that is fun and easy to use


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    The purpose of this research project is to exhibit an efficient method of creating dynamic lighting and shadowing for the generation of forests on terrain. In this research project, I use textures which contain images of trees from a bird’s eye view in order to create a high scale forest. Furthermore, by manipulating the transparency and color of the textures according to the algorithmic calculations of light and shadow on terrain, I provide the functionality of dynamic lighting and shadowing. Finally, by analyzing the OpenGL pipeline, I design my code in order to allow efficient rendering of the forest

    De/construction sites: Romans and the digital playground

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    The Roman world as attested to archaeologically and as interacted with today has its expression in a great many computational and other media. The place of visualisation within this has been paramount. This paper argues that the process of digitally constructing the Roman world and the exploration of the resultant models are useful methods for interpretation and influential factors in the creation of a popular Roman aesthetic. Furthermore, it suggests ways in which novel computational techniques enable the systematic deconstruction of such models, in turn re-purposing the many extant representations of Roman architecture and material culture

    Fast Simulation of Skin Sliding

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    Skin sliding is the phenomenon of the skin moving over underlying layers of fat, muscle and bone. Due to the complex interconnections between these separate layers and their differing elasticity properties, it is difficult to model and expensive to compute. We present a novel method to simulate this phenomenon at real--time by remeshing the surface based on a parameter space resampling. In order to evaluate the surface parametrization, we borrow a technique from structural engineering known as the force density method which solves for an energy minimizing form with a sparse linear system. Our method creates a realistic approximation of skin sliding in real--time, reducing texture distortions in the region of the deformation. In addition it is flexible, simple to use, and can be incorporated into any animation pipeline
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