2,032 research outputs found

    Vortex Counting and Lagrangian 3-manifolds

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    To every 3-manifold M one can associate a two-dimensional N=(2,2) supersymmetric field theory by compactifying five-dimensional N=2 super-Yang-Mills theory on M. This system naturally appears in the study of half-BPS surface operators in four-dimensional N=2 gauge theories on one hand, and in the geometric approach to knot homologies, on the other. We study the relation between vortex counting in such two-dimensional N=(2,2) supersymmetric field theories and the refined BPS invariants of the dual geometries. In certain cases, this counting can be also mapped to the computation of degenerate conformal blocks in two-dimensional CFT's. Degenerate limits of vertex operators in CFT receive a simple interpretation via geometric transitions in BPS counting.Comment: 70 pages, 29 figure

    Knot Invariants from Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory

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    It has been argued based on electric-magnetic duality and other ingredients that the Jones polynomial of a knot in three dimensions can be computed by counting the solutions of certain gauge theory equations in four dimensions. Here, we attempt to verify this directly by analyzing the equations and counting their solutions, without reference to any quantum dualities. After suitably perturbing the equations to make their behavior more generic, we are able to get a fairly clear understanding of how the Jones polynomial emerges. The main ingredient in the argument is a link between the four-dimensional gauge theory equations in question and conformal blocks for degenerate representations of the Virasoro algebra in two dimensions. Along the way we get a better understanding of how our subject is related to a variety of new and old topics in mathematical physics, ranging from the Bethe ansatz for the Gaudin spin chain to the MM-theory description of BPS monopoles and the relation between Chern-Simons gauge theory and Virasoro conformal blocks.Comment: 117 page

    Time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields

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    We present an improved model and theory for time-causal and time-recursive spatio-temporal receptive fields, based on a combination of Gaussian receptive fields over the spatial domain and first-order integrators or equivalently truncated exponential filters coupled in cascade over the temporal domain. Compared to previous spatio-temporal scale-space formulations in terms of non-enhancement of local extrema or scale invariance, these receptive fields are based on different scale-space axiomatics over time by ensuring non-creation of new local extrema or zero-crossings with increasing temporal scale. Specifically, extensions are presented about (i) parameterizing the intermediate temporal scale levels, (ii) analysing the resulting temporal dynamics, (iii) transferring the theory to a discrete implementation, (iv) computing scale-normalized spatio-temporal derivative expressions for spatio-temporal feature detection and (v) computational modelling of receptive fields in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and the primary visual cortex (V1) in biological vision. We show that by distributing the intermediate temporal scale levels according to a logarithmic distribution, we obtain much faster temporal response properties (shorter temporal delays) compared to a uniform distribution. Specifically, these kernels converge very rapidly to a limit kernel possessing true self-similar scale-invariant properties over temporal scales, thereby allowing for true scale invariance over variations in the temporal scale, although the underlying temporal scale-space representation is based on a discretized temporal scale parameter. We show how scale-normalized temporal derivatives can be defined for these time-causal scale-space kernels and how the composed theory can be used for computing basic types of scale-normalized spatio-temporal derivative expressions in a computationally efficient manner.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables in Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, published online Dec 201

    D-branes, orbifolds, and Ext groups

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    In this note we extend previous work on massless Ramond spectra of open strings connecting D-branes wrapped on complex manifolds, to consider D-branes wrapped on smooth complex orbifolds. Using standard methods, we calculate the massless boundary Ramond sector spectra directly in BCFT, and find that the states in the spectrum are counted by Ext groups on quotient stacks (which provide a notion of homological algebra relevant for orbifolds). Subtleties that cropped up in our previous work also appear here. We also use the McKay correspondence to relate Ext groups on quotient stacks to Ext groups on (large radius) resolutions of the quotients. As stacks are not commonly used in the physics community, we include pedagogical discussions of some basic relevant properties of stacks.Comment: 51 pages, 3 figures; v2: material on Freed-Witten added; v3: more typos fixe

    Robust and efficient Fourier-Mellin transform approximations for invariant grey-level image description and reconstruction

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the gray-level image representation ability of the Fourier-Mellin Transform (FMT) for pattern recognition, reconstruction and image database retrieval. The main practical di±culty of the FMT lies in the accuracy and e±ciency of its numerical approximation and we propose three estimations of its analytical extension. Comparison of these approximations is performed from discrete and ¯nite-extent sets of Fourier- Mellin harmonics by means of experiments in: (i) image reconstruction via both visual inspection and the computation of a reconstruction error; and (ii) pattern recognition and discrimination by using a complete and convergent set of features invariant under planar similarities. Experimental results on real gray-level images show that it is possible to recover an image to within a speci¯ed degree of accuracy and to classify objects reliably even when a large set of descriptors is used. Finally, an example will be given, illustrating both theoretical and numerical results in the context of content-based image retrieval