130 research outputs found

    Localization And Mapping Of Unknown Locations And Tunnels With Unmanned Ground Vehicles

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    The main goals of this research were to enhance a commercial off the shelf (COTS) software platform to support unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) exploring the complex environment of tunnels, to test the platform within a simulation environment, and to validate the architecture through field testing. Developing this platform will enhance the U. S. Army Engineering Research and Development Center’s (ERDC’s) current capabilities and create a safe and efficient autonomous vehicle to perform the following functions within tunnels: (1) localization (e.g., position tracking) and mapping of its environment, (2) traversing varied terrains, (3) sensing the environment for objects of interest, and (4) increasing the level of autonomy of UGVs available at the ERDC. The simulation experiments were performed in the STAGE Simulator, a physics-based multi-scale numerical test bed developed by Robotic Operating System (ROS). Physical testing was conducted in Vicksburg, MS using a Coroware Explorer. Both the simulation and physical testing evaluated three SLAM algorithms, i.e., Hector SLAM, gMapping, and CORESLAM to determine the superior algorithm. The superior algorithm was then used to localize the robot to the environment and autonomously travel from a start location to a destination location. Completion of this research has increased the ERDC’s level of autonomy for UGVs from tether to tele-operated to autonomous

    Path planning algorithms for autonomous navigation of a non-holonomic robot in unstructured environments

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    openPath planning is a crucial aspect of autonomous robot navigation, enabling robots to efficiently and safely navigate through complex environments. This thesis focuses on autonomous navigation for robots in dynamic and uncertain environments. In particular, the project aims to analyze the localization and path planning problems. A fundamental review of the existing literature on path planning algorithms has been carried on. Various factors affecting path planning, such as sensor data fusion, map representation, and motion constraints, are also analyzed. Thanks to the collaboration with E80 Group S.p.A., the project has been developed using ROS (Robot Operating System) on a Clearpath Dingo-O, an indoor mobile robot. To address the challenges posed by unstructured and dynamic environments, ROS follows a combined approach of using a global planner and a local planner. The global planner generates a high-level path, considering the overall environment, while the local planner handles real-time adjustments to avoid moving obstacles and optimize the trajectory. This thesis describes the role of the global planner in a ROS-framework. Performance benchmarking of traditional algorithms like Dijkstra and A*, as well as other techniques, is fundamental in order to understand the limits of these methods. In the end, the Hybrid A* algorithm is introduced as a promising approach for addressing the issues of unstructured environments for autonomous navigation of a non-holonomic robot. The core concepts and implementation details of the algorithm are discussed, emphasizing its ability to efficiently explore continuous state spaces and generate drivable paths.The effectiveness of the proposed path planning algorithms is evaluated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments using the mobile platform. Performance metrics such as path length, execution time, and collision avoidance are analyzed to assess the efficiency and reliability of the algorithms.Path planning is a crucial aspect of autonomous robot navigation, enabling robots to efficiently and safely navigate through complex environments. This thesis focuses on autonomous navigation for robots in dynamic and uncertain environments. In particular, the project aims to analyze the localization and path planning problems. A fundamental review of the existing literature on path planning algorithms has been carried on. Various factors affecting path planning, such as sensor data fusion, map representation, and motion constraints, are also analyzed. Thanks to the collaboration with E80 Group S.p.A., the project has been developed using ROS (Robot Operating System) on a Clearpath Dingo-O, an indoor mobile robot. To address the challenges posed by unstructured and dynamic environments, ROS follows a combined approach of using a global planner and a local planner. The global planner generates a high-level path, considering the overall environment, while the local planner handles real-time adjustments to avoid moving obstacles and optimize the trajectory. This thesis describes the role of the global planner in a ROS-framework. Performance benchmarking of traditional algorithms like Dijkstra and A*, as well as other techniques, is fundamental in order to understand the limits of these methods. In the end, the Hybrid A* algorithm is introduced as a promising approach for addressing the issues of unstructured environments for autonomous navigation of a non-holonomic robot. The core concepts and implementation details of the algorithm are discussed, emphasizing its ability to efficiently explore continuous state spaces and generate drivable paths.The effectiveness of the proposed path planning algorithms is evaluated through extensive simulations and real-world experiments using the mobile platform. Performance metrics such as path length, execution time, and collision avoidance are analyzed to assess the efficiency and reliability of the algorithms

    A testbed for multi-robot systems

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    This thesis investigates the problem of multiple robot path planning. In the first chapter of the thesis, we propose a general purpose multi-robots testbed Cy-Eye. Typical applications include target detection, tracking, and surveillance can be tested on this testbed. Its architecture makes it suitable for centralized and distributed experiments. In the second chapter, we present one formation control problem. When multiple robots working together, it is often that they have to assign targets among themselves, and then plan and schedule their collision-free paths to their targets. Specifically, we present a navigation strategy for multiple ground-based robots in row crop field. We show that obtaining the solution to the problem of minimizing the length of the distance traveled by the robots, and subsequent rearrangement can lead to paths on which the robots only collide at a few intersections. Controlling the passage of robots at those intersections with local interactions can lead to collision-free paths. In the third chapter, we present the current progress of a multiple player pursuit-evasion game. The objects for the aerial pursuers are maximizing the tracking time for keep multiple evaders in the field of view. We propose a tracking strategy and show the simulation

    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping and Tag-Based Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This paper presents navigation techniques for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in a virtual simulation of an indoor environment using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and April Tag markers to reach a target destination. In many cases, UAVs can access locations that are inaccessible to people or regular vehicles in indoor environments, making them valuable for surveillance purposes. This study employs the Robot Operating System (ROS) to simulate SLAM techniques using LIDAR and GMapping packages for UAV navigation in two different environments. In the Tag-based simulation, the input topic for April Tag in ROS is camera images, and the calibration of position with a tag is done through assigning a message to each ID and its marker image. On the other hand, navigation in SLAM was achieved using a global and local planner algorithm. For localization, an Adaptive Monte-Carlo Localization (AMCL) technique has been used to identify factors contributing to inconsistent mapping results, such as heavy computational load, grid mapping accuracy, and inadequate UAV localization. Furthermore, this study analyzed the April Tag-based navigation algorithm, which showed satisfactory outcomes due to its lighter computing requirements. It can be ascertained that by using ROS packages, the simulation of SLAM and Tag-based UAV navigation inside a building can be achieved. &nbsp

    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping and Tag-Based Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This paper presents navigation techniques for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in a virtual simulation of an indoor environment using Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and April Tag markers to reach a target destination. In many cases, UAVs can access locations that are inaccessible to people or regular vehicles in indoor environments, making them valuable for surveillance purposes. This study employs the Robot Operating System (ROS) to simulate SLAM techniques using LIDAR and GMapping packages for UAV navigation in two different environments. In the Tag-based simulation, the input topic for April Tag in ROS is camera images, and the calibration of position with a tag is done through assigning a message to each ID and its marker image. On the other hand, navigation in SLAM was achieved using a global and local planner algorithm. For localization, an Adaptive Monte-Carlo Localization (AMCL) technique has been used to identify factors contributing to inconsistent mapping results, such as heavy computational load, grid mapping accuracy, and inadequate UAV localization. Furthermore, this study analyzed the April Tag-based navigation algorithm, which showed satisfactory outcomes due to its lighter computing requirements. It can be ascertained that by using ROS packages, the simulation of SLAM and Tag-based UAV navigation inside a building can be achieved. &nbsp

    Motion Planning

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    Motion planning is a fundamental function in robotics and numerous intelligent machines. The global concept of planning involves multiple capabilities, such as path generation, dynamic planning, optimization, tracking, and control. This book has organized different planning topics into three general perspectives that are classified by the type of robotic applications. The chapters are a selection of recent developments in a) planning and tracking methods for unmanned aerial vehicles, b) heuristically based methods for navigation planning and routes optimization, and c) control techniques developed for path planning of autonomous wheeled platforms

    Fast, Autonomous Flight in GPS-Denied and Cluttered Environments

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    One of the most challenging tasks for a flying robot is to autonomously navigate between target locations quickly and reliably while avoiding obstacles in its path, and with little to no a-priori knowledge of the operating environment. This challenge is addressed in the present paper. We describe the system design and software architecture of our proposed solution, and showcase how all the distinct components can be integrated to enable smooth robot operation. We provide critical insight on hardware and software component selection and development, and present results from extensive experimental testing in real-world warehouse environments. Experimental testing reveals that our proposed solution can deliver fast and robust aerial robot autonomous navigation in cluttered, GPS-denied environments.Comment: Pre-peer reviewed version of the article accepted in Journal of Field Robotic

    Towards an Abstract Lightweight Multi-robot ROS Simulator for Rapid Experimentation

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    Modern robot simulators are commonly highly complex, offering 3D graphics, and simulation of physics, sensors, and actuators. The computational complexity of simulating large multi-robot systems in these simulators can be prohibitively high. To achieve faster-than-realtime simulation of a multi-robot system for rapid experimentation, we present `move_base_abstract', a ROS package providing a high-level abstraction of robot navigation as a ``drop-in'' replacement for the standard `move_base' navigation, and a bespoke integrated minimal simulator. This bespoke simulator is compatible with ROS and strips the simulation of robots down to the representation of robot poses in 2D space, control of robots via navigation goals, and control of simulation time over ROS topic messages. Replication of an existing MRS simulated study using `move_base_abstract' executed 2.87 times faster than the real-time that was simulated in the study, and analysis of the results of this replication shows room for further optimisations
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