10,405 research outputs found

    Agent Behaviour Simulator (ABS):a platform for urban behaviour development

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    Computer Graphics have become important for many applicationsand the quality of the produced images have greatly improved. Oneof the interesting remaining problems is the representation of densedynamic environments such as populated cities. Although recentlywe saw some successfulwork on the rendering such environments,the real?time simulation of virtual cities populated by thousands ofintelligent animated agents is still very challenging.In this paperwe describe a platformthat aims to accelerate the developmentof agent behaviours. The platform makes it easy to enterlocal rules and callbacks which govern the individual behaviours.It automatically performs the routine tasks such as collision detectionallowing the user to concentrate on defining the more involvedtasks. The platform is based on a 2D-grid with a four-layered structure.The two first layers are used to compute the collision detectionagainst the environment and other agents and the last two are usedfor more complex behaviours.A set of visualisation tools is incorporated that allows the testingof the real?time simulation. The choices made for the visualisationallow the user to better understand the way agents move inside theworld and how they take decisions, so that the user can evaluate ifit simulates the expected behaviour.Experimentation with the system has shown that behaviours inenvironments with thousands of agents can be developed and visualisedin effortlessly

    Real-time shadows for animated crowds in virtual cities

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    The Technologies of Isolation

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    In this investigation of the Japanese film Kairo, I contemplate how the horrors present in the film relate to the issue of self, by examining a number of interlocking motifs. These include thematic foci on disease and technology which are more intimately and inwardly focused that the film's conclusion first appears to suggest. The true horror here, I argue, is ontological: centred on the self and its divorcing from the exterior world, especially founded in an increased use of and reliance on communicative technologies. I contend that these concerns are manifested in Kairo by presenting the spread of technology as disease-like, infecting the city and the individuals who are isolated and imprisoned by their urban environment. Finally, I investigate the meanings of the apocalypse, expounding how it may be read as hopeful for the future rather than indicative of failure or doom

    The technologies of isolation: apocalypse and self in Kurosawa Kiyoshi's Kairo

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    In this investigation of the Japanese film Kairo, I contemplate how the horrors present in the film relate to the issue of self, by examining a number of interlocking motifs. These include thematic foci on disease and technology which are more intimately and inwardly focused that the film's conclusion first appears to suggest. The true horror here, I argue, is ontological: centred on the self and its divorcing from the exterior world, especially founded in an increased use of and reliance on communicative technologies. I contend that these concerns are manifested in Kairo by presenting the spread of technology as disease-like, infecting the city and the individuals who are isolated and imprisoned by their urban environment. Finally, I investigate the meanings of the apocalypse, expounding how it may be read as hopeful for the future rather than indicative of failure or doom

    Group emotion modelling and the use of middleware for virtual crowds in video-games

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    In this paper we discuss the use of crowd simulation in video-games to augment their realism. Using previous works on emotion modelling and virtual crowds we define a game world in an urban context. To achieve that, we explore a biologically inspired human emotion model, investigate the formation of groups in crowds, and examine the use of physics middleware for crowds. Furthermore, we assess the realism and computational performance of the proposed approach. Our system runs at interactive frame-rate and can generate large crowds which demonstrate complex behaviour

    Image-based crowd rendering

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    Relief impostor selection for large scale urban rendering

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    Image-based rendering techniques are often the preferred choice to accelerate the exploration of massive outdoor models and complex human-made structures. In the last few years, relief mapping has been shown to be extremely useful as a compact representation of highly-detailed 3D models. In this paper we describe a rendering system for interactive, high-quality visualization of large scale urban models through a hierarchical collection of properly-oriented relief-mapped polygons. At the heart of our approach is a visibilityaware algorithm for the selection of the set of viewing planes supporting the relief maps. Our selection algorithm optimizes both the sampling density and the coverage of the relief maps and its running time is mostly independent on the underlying geometry. We show that our approach is suitable for navigating through large scale urban models at interactive rates while preserving both geometric and appearance details.Postprint (published version

    Efficient conservative collision detection for populated virtual worlds

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    Large virtual worlds, with considerable level of detail are starting to emerge everywhere, from large areas of actual cities to archaeological detailed reconstructions of sites. Populating a virtual world adds an extra touch to the visualization of these worlds, but unfortunately it also brings an extra burden to the system. Several tasks are required when adding animated characters to a virtual world, such as collision detection, path planning and other AI algorithms, rendering of dynamic geometry, amongst others. In here a method for efficient and scalable conservative collision detection, that is able to deal with large scenes and thousands of avatars, is presented. This method does not perform exact collision detection, hence it is conservative. The method is suitable as a basis for path planning algorithms and other AI algorithms where an avatar is often regarded as ’something’ that can be bounded by a cylinder, or a box. The algorithm is capable of dealing with arbitrarily complex 3D worlds, and does not require any a priori knowledge of the geometry

    Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) Communication for Collision Avoidance for Multi-Copters Flying in UTM -TCL4

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    NASAs UAS Traffic management (UTM) research initiative is aimed at identifying requirements for safe autonomous operations of UAS operating in dense urban environments. For complete autonomous operations vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communications has been identified as an essential tool. In this paper we simulate a complete urban operations in an high fidelity simulation environment. We design a V2V communication protocol and all the vehicles participating communicate over this system. We show how V2V communication can be used for finding feasible, collision-free paths for multi agent systems. Different collision avoidance schemes are explored and an end to end simulation study shows the use of V2V communication for UTM TCL4 deployment
