1,511 research outputs found

    Robust Multi-Person Tracking from Moving Platforms

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    In this paper, we address the problem of multi-person tracking in busy pedestrian zones, using a stereo rig mounted on a mobile platform. The complexity of the problem calls for an integrated solution, which extracts as much visual information as possible and combines it through cognitive feedback. We propose such an approach, which jointly estimates camera position, stereo depth, object detection, and tracking. We model the interplay between these components using a graphical model. Since the model has to incorporate object-object interactions, and temporal links to past frames, direct inference is intractable. We therefore propose a two-stage procedure: for each frame we first solve a simplified version of the model (disregarding interactions and temporal continuity) to estimate the scene geometry and an overcomplete set of object detections. Conditioned on these results, we then address object interactions, tracking, and prediction in a second step. The approach is experimentally evaluated on several long and difficult video sequences from busy inner-city locations. Our results show that the proposed integration makes it possible to deliver stable tracking performance in scenes of realistic complexity

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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    An Improved Approach For Multi-Robot Localization

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    Cooperative multi-robot localization techniques use sensor measurements to estimate poses (locations, orientations) of robots relative to a given map of the environment. Existing approaches update a robot\u27s pose instantly whenever it detects another robot. However, such instant update may not be always necessary and effective, since both robots\u27 pose estimates could be highly uncertain at the time of the detection. In this thesis, we develop a new information exchange mechanism to collaborative multi-robot localization. We also propose a new scheme to calculate how much information is contained in a robot\u27s belief by using entropy. Instead of updating beliefs whenever detection occurs, our approach first compares the beliefs of the robots which are involved in the detection, and then decide whether the information exchange is necessary. Therefore, it avoids unnecessary information exchange whenever one robot perceives another robot. On the other hand, this approach does allow information exchange between detecting robots and such information exchange always contributes positively to the localization process, hence, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of multi-robot localization. The technique has been implemented and tested using two mobile robots as well as simulations. The results indicate significant improvements in localization speed and accuracy when compared to the single mobile robot localization

    A cognitive ego-vision system for interactive assistance

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    With increasing computational power and decreasing size, computers nowadays are already wearable and mobile. They become attendant of peoples' everyday life. Personal digital assistants and mobile phones equipped with adequate software gain a lot of interest in public, although the functionality they provide in terms of assistance is little more than a mobile databases for appointments, addresses, to-do lists and photos. Compared to the assistance a human can provide, such systems are hardly to call real assistants. The motivation to construct more human-like assistance systems that develop a certain level of cognitive capabilities leads to the exploration of two central paradigms in this work. The first paradigm is termed cognitive vision systems. Such systems take human cognition as a design principle of underlying concepts and develop learning and adaptation capabilities to be more flexible in their application. They are embodied, active, and situated. Second, the ego-vision paradigm is introduced as a very tight interaction scheme between a user and a computer system that especially eases close collaboration and assistance between these two. Ego-vision systems (EVS) take a user's (visual) perspective and integrate the human in the system's processing loop by means of a shared perception and augmented reality. EVSs adopt techniques of cognitive vision to identify objects, interpret actions, and understand the user's visual perception. And they articulate their knowledge and interpretation by means of augmentations of the user's own view. These two paradigms are studied as rather general concepts, but always with the goal in mind to realize more flexible assistance systems that closely collaborate with its users. This work provides three major contributions. First, a definition and explanation of ego-vision as a novel paradigm is given. Benefits and challenges of this paradigm are discussed as well. Second, a configuration of different approaches that permit an ego-vision system to perceive its environment and its user is presented in terms of object and action recognition, head gesture recognition, and mosaicing. These account for the specific challenges identified for ego-vision systems, whose perception capabilities are based on wearable sensors only. Finally, a visual active memory (VAM) is introduced as a flexible conceptual architecture for cognitive vision systems in general, and for assistance systems in particular. It adopts principles of human cognition to develop a representation for information stored in this memory. So-called memory processes continuously analyze, modify, and extend the content of this VAM. The functionality of the integrated system emerges from their coordinated interplay of these memory processes. An integrated assistance system applying the approaches and concepts outlined before is implemented on the basis of the visual active memory. The system architecture is discussed and some exemplary processing paths in this system are presented and discussed. It assists users in object manipulation tasks and has reached a maturity level that allows to conduct user studies. Quantitative results of different integrated memory processes are as well presented as an assessment of the interactive system by means of these user studies

    Sensor fusion in distributed cortical circuits

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    The substantial motion of the nature is to balance, to survive, and to reach perfection. The evolution in biological systems is a key signature of this quintessence. Survival cannot be achieved without understanding the surrounding world. How can a fruit fly live without searching for food, and thereby with no form of perception that guides the behavior? The nervous system of fruit fly with hundred thousand of neurons can perform very complicated tasks that are beyond the power of an advanced supercomputer. Recently developed computing machines are made by billions of transistors and they are remarkably fast in precise calculations. But these machines are unable to perform a single task that an insect is able to do by means of thousands of neurons. The complexity of information processing and data compression in a single biological neuron and neural circuits are not comparable with that of developed today in transistors and integrated circuits. On the other hand, the style of information processing in neural systems is also very different from that of employed by microprocessors which is mostly centralized. Almost all cognitive functions are generated by a combined effort of multiple brain areas. In mammals, Cortical regions are organized hierarchically, and they are reciprocally interconnected, exchanging the information from multiple senses. This hierarchy in circuit level, also preserves the sensory world within different levels of complexity and within the scope of multiple modalities. The main behavioral advantage of that is to understand the real-world through multiple sensory systems, and thereby to provide a robust and coherent form of perception. When the quality of a sensory signal drops, the brain can alternatively employ other information pathways to handle cognitive tasks, or even to calibrate the error-prone sensory node. Mammalian brain also takes a good advantage of multimodal processing in learning and development; where one sensory system helps another sensory modality to develop. Multisensory integration is considered as one of the main factors that generates consciousness in human. Although, we still do not know where exactly the information is consolidated into a single percept, and what is the underpinning neural mechanism of this process? One straightforward hypothesis suggests that the uni-sensory signals are pooled in a ploy-sensory convergence zone, which creates a unified form of perception. But it is hard to believe that there is just one single dedicated region that realizes this functionality. Using a set of realistic neuro-computational principles, I have explored theoretically how multisensory integration can be performed within a distributed hierarchical circuit. I argued that the interaction of cortical populations can be interpreted as a specific form of relation satisfaction in which the information preserved in one neural ensemble must agree with incoming signals from connected populations according to a relation function. This relation function can be seen as a coherency function which is implicitly learnt through synaptic strength. Apart from the fact that the real world is composed of multisensory attributes, the sensory signals are subject to uncertainty. This requires a cortical mechanism to incorporate the statistical parameters of the sensory world in neural circuits and to deal with the issue of inaccuracy in perception. I argued in this thesis how the intrinsic stochasticity of neural activity enables a systematic mechanism to encode probabilistic quantities within neural circuits, e.g. reliability, prior probability. The systematic benefit of neural stochasticity is well paraphrased by the problem of Duns Scotus paradox: imagine a donkey with a deterministic brain that is exposed to two identical food rewards. This may make the animal suffer and die starving because of indecision. In this thesis, I have introduced an optimal encoding framework that can describe the probability function of a Gaussian-like random variable in a pool of Poisson neurons. Thereafter a distributed neural model is proposed that can optimally combine conditional probabilities over sensory signals, in order to compute Bayesian Multisensory Causal Inference. This process is known as a complex multisensory function in the cortex. Recently it is found that this process is performed within a distributed hierarchy in sensory cortex. Our work is amongst the first successful attempts that put a mechanistic spotlight on understanding the underlying neural mechanism of Multisensory Causal Perception in the brain, and in general the theory of decentralized multisensory integration in sensory cortex. Engineering information processing concepts in the brain and developing new computing technologies have been recently growing. Neuromorphic Engineering is a new branch that undertakes this mission. In a dedicated part of this thesis, I have proposed a Neuromorphic algorithm for event-based stereoscopic fusion. This algorithm is anchored in the idea of cooperative computing that dictates the defined epipolar and temporal constraints of the stereoscopic setup, to the neural dynamics. The performance of this algorithm is tested using a pair of silicon retinas

    Sensor fusion in distributed cortical circuits

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    The substantial motion of the nature is to balance, to survive, and to reach perfection. The evolution in biological systems is a key signature of this quintessence. Survival cannot be achieved without understanding the surrounding world. How can a fruit fly live without searching for food, and thereby with no form of perception that guides the behavior? The nervous system of fruit fly with hundred thousand of neurons can perform very complicated tasks that are beyond the power of an advanced supercomputer. Recently developed computing machines are made by billions of transistors and they are remarkably fast in precise calculations. But these machines are unable to perform a single task that an insect is able to do by means of thousands of neurons. The complexity of information processing and data compression in a single biological neuron and neural circuits are not comparable with that of developed today in transistors and integrated circuits. On the other hand, the style of information processing in neural systems is also very different from that of employed by microprocessors which is mostly centralized. Almost all cognitive functions are generated by a combined effort of multiple brain areas. In mammals, Cortical regions are organized hierarchically, and they are reciprocally interconnected, exchanging the information from multiple senses. This hierarchy in circuit level, also preserves the sensory world within different levels of complexity and within the scope of multiple modalities. The main behavioral advantage of that is to understand the real-world through multiple sensory systems, and thereby to provide a robust and coherent form of perception. When the quality of a sensory signal drops, the brain can alternatively employ other information pathways to handle cognitive tasks, or even to calibrate the error-prone sensory node. Mammalian brain also takes a good advantage of multimodal processing in learning and development; where one sensory system helps another sensory modality to develop. Multisensory integration is considered as one of the main factors that generates consciousness in human. Although, we still do not know where exactly the information is consolidated into a single percept, and what is the underpinning neural mechanism of this process? One straightforward hypothesis suggests that the uni-sensory signals are pooled in a ploy-sensory convergence zone, which creates a unified form of perception. But it is hard to believe that there is just one single dedicated region that realizes this functionality. Using a set of realistic neuro-computational principles, I have explored theoretically how multisensory integration can be performed within a distributed hierarchical circuit. I argued that the interaction of cortical populations can be interpreted as a specific form of relation satisfaction in which the information preserved in one neural ensemble must agree with incoming signals from connected populations according to a relation function. This relation function can be seen as a coherency function which is implicitly learnt through synaptic strength. Apart from the fact that the real world is composed of multisensory attributes, the sensory signals are subject to uncertainty. This requires a cortical mechanism to incorporate the statistical parameters of the sensory world in neural circuits and to deal with the issue of inaccuracy in perception. I argued in this thesis how the intrinsic stochasticity of neural activity enables a systematic mechanism to encode probabilistic quantities within neural circuits, e.g. reliability, prior probability. The systematic benefit of neural stochasticity is well paraphrased by the problem of Duns Scotus paradox: imagine a donkey with a deterministic brain that is exposed to two identical food rewards. This may make the animal suffer and die starving because of indecision. In this thesis, I have introduced an optimal encoding framework that can describe the probability function of a Gaussian-like random variable in a pool of Poisson neurons. Thereafter a distributed neural model is proposed that can optimally combine conditional probabilities over sensory signals, in order to compute Bayesian Multisensory Causal Inference. This process is known as a complex multisensory function in the cortex. Recently it is found that this process is performed within a distributed hierarchy in sensory cortex. Our work is amongst the first successful attempts that put a mechanistic spotlight on understanding the underlying neural mechanism of Multisensory Causal Perception in the brain, and in general the theory of decentralized multisensory integration in sensory cortex. Engineering information processing concepts in the brain and developing new computing technologies have been recently growing. Neuromorphic Engineering is a new branch that undertakes this mission. In a dedicated part of this thesis, I have proposed a Neuromorphic algorithm for event-based stereoscopic fusion. This algorithm is anchored in the idea of cooperative computing that dictates the defined epipolar and temporal constraints of the stereoscopic setup, to the neural dynamics. The performance of this algorithm is tested using a pair of silicon retinas

    Autocalibrating vision guided navigation of unmanned air vehicles via tactical monocular cameras in GPS denied environments

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    This thesis presents a novel robotic navigation strategy by using a conventional tactical monocular camera, proving the feasibility of using a monocular camera as the sole proximity sensing, object avoidance, mapping, and path-planning mechanism to fly and navigate small to medium scale unmanned rotary-wing aircraft in an autonomous manner. The range measurement strategy is scalable, self-calibrating, indoor-outdoor capable, and has been biologically inspired by the key adaptive mechanisms for depth perception and pattern recognition found in humans and intelligent animals (particularly bats), designed to assume operations in previously unknown, GPS-denied environments. It proposes novel electronics, aircraft, aircraft systems, systems, and procedures and algorithms that come together to form airborne systems which measure absolute ranges from a monocular camera via passive photometry, mimicking that of a human-pilot like judgement. The research is intended to bridge the gap between practical GPS coverage and precision localization and mapping problem in a small aircraft. In the context of this study, several robotic platforms, airborne and ground alike, have been developed, some of which have been integrated in real-life field trials, for experimental validation. Albeit the emphasis on miniature robotic aircraft this research has been tested and found compatible with tactical vests and helmets, and it can be used to augment the reliability of many other types of proximity sensors

    Proceedings of the 2018 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    The Proceeding of the annual joint workshop of the Fraunhofer IOSB and the Vision and Fusion Laboratory (IES) 2018 of the KIT contain technical reports of the PhD-stundents on the status of their research. The discussed topics ranging from computer vision and optical metrology to network security and machine learning. This volume provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the research program of the IES Laboratory and the Fraunhofer IOSB
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