1,048 research outputs found

    A distributed Real-Time Java system based on CSP

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    CSP is a fundamental concept for developing software for distributed real time systems. The CSP paradigm constitutes a natural addition to object orientation and offers higher order multithreading constructs. The CSP channel concept that has been implemented in Java deals with single- and multi-processor environments and also takes care of the real time priority scheduling requirements. For this, the notion of priority and scheduling has been carefully examined and as a result it was reasoned that priority scheduling should be attached to the communicating channels rather than to the processes. In association with channels, a priority based parallel construct is developed for composing processes: hiding threads and priority indexing from the user. This approach simplifies the use of priorities for the object oriented paradigm. Moreover, in the proposed system, the notion of scheduling is no longer connected to the operating system but has become part of the application instead

    Model Checking Real Time Java Using Java PathFinder

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    The Real Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) is an augmentation of Java for real time applications of various degrees of hardness. The central features of RTSJ are real time threads; user defined schedulers; asynchronous events, handlers, and control transfers; a priority inheritance based default scheduler; non-heap memory areas such as immortal and scoped, and non-heap real time threads whose execution is not impeded by garbage collection. The Robust Software Systems group at NASA Ames Research Center has JAVA PATHFINDER (JPF) under development, a Java model checker. JPF at its core is a state exploring JVM which can examine alternative paths in a Java program (e.g., via backtracking) by trying all nondeterministic choices, including thread scheduling order. This paper describes our implementation of an RTSJ profile (subset) in JPF, including requirements, design decisions, and current implementation status. Two examples are analyzed: jobs on a multiprogramming operating system, and a complex resource contention example involving autonomous vehicles crossing an intersection. The utility of JPF in finding logic and timing errors is illustrated, and the remaining challenges in supporting all of RTSJ are assessed

    Towards an embedded real-time Java virtual machine

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    Most computers today are embedded, i.e. they are built into some products or system that is not perceived as a computer. It is highly desirable to use modern safe object-oriented software techniques for a rapid development of reliable systems. However, languages and run-time platforms for embedded systems have not kept up with the front line of language development. Reasons include complex and, in some cases, contradictory requirements on timing, concurrency, predictability, safety, and flexibility. A carefully tailored Java virtual machine (called IVM) is proposed as an approach to overcome these difficulties. In particular, real-time garbage collection has been considered an essential part. The set of bytecodes has been revised to require less memory and to facilitate predictable execution. To further reduce the memory footprint, the class loader can be located outside the embedded processor. Since the accomplished concurrency is crucial for the function of many embedded applications, the scheduling can be defined on the application level in Java. Finally considering future needs for flexibility and on-line configuration of embedded system, the IVM has a unique structure with which, for instance, methods being objects that can be replaced and GCed. The approach has been experimentally verified by a full prototype implementation of such a virtual machine. By making the prototype available for development of real products, this in turn has confronted the solutions with real industrial demands. It was found that the IVM can be easily integrated in typical systems today and the mentioned requirements are fulfilled. Based on experiences from more than 10 projects utilising the novel Java-oriented techniques, there are reasons to believe that the proposed approach is very promising for future flexible embedded systems

    Checking Correctness At Runtime using Real-Time Java

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    Correctness of a real-time system depends on its computation as well as its timeliness. In recent years, research has been focusing on verifying the correctness of a real-time system during runtime by monitoring its runtime execution and checking it against its formal specifications. Such verification method is called Runtime Verification. While a few existing runtime verification tools verify both computational correctness and timeliness correctness, those that provide timeliness correctness fail to detect timeliness violations as soon as violations occur. In this paper, we investigate the verification of timeliness correctness by providing quantitative property specifications, address the problem why those tools fail to detect as soon as violations occur, provide an efficient solution, and present how to implement it in Real-Time Java

    Towards a Reconfiguration Service for Distributed Real-Time Java

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    REACTION 2012. 1st International workshop on Real-time and distributed computing in emerging applications. December 4th, 2012, San Juan, Puerto Rico.Ancient monolithic distributed systems were attached to well-known development practices and offline analysis. Current scenarios are more dynamic, and open, plenty of applications and services which appear and disappear dynamically at runtime. Likewise, these scenarios require taking into account actions that were traditionally addressed offline, this time in an online scenario. This paper contributes a reconfiguration service in the context of distributed real-time Java application as a means to include real-time reconfiguration into next generation real-time Java systems. The paper addresses the integration taking into account changes required in the API and the cost of some reconfiguration strategies.This research was partially supported by the European Commission (ARTIST2 NoE, ST-2004-004527; iLAND ARTEMIS-JU Call 1) and by the Spanish national project REM4VSS (TIN-2011-28339)

    Hard real-time Java virtual machine for Space applications

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    International audienceThe AERO ($UFKLWHFWXUH IRU (QKDQFHG 5HSURJUDPPDELOLW\ DQG 2SHUDELOLW\) is an ESA project with the objectives to investigate on a real-time Java virtual machine for ERC32 processor. Special attention was put on the garbage collection mechanism and deterministic execution model. The project have first investigate existing virtual machine to choose a potential candidate that will be customized, are then investigates the definition of requirements concerning a real-time interpreter in on-board systems. The second phase of the project was dedicated to the definition of software functions of the real-time Java virtual machine and to their implementation and assessment through validation tests. The resulting application is the AERO-JVM

    Abstraction and Verification of Properties of a Real-Time Java

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    International audienceWe present a tool for analysing resource sharing conflicts in multithreaded Java programs. Java programs are translated to timed automata models verified afterwards by the Uppaal model checker. Analysed programs are annotated with timing information indicating the execution duration of a particular statement. Based on the timing information, the analysis of execution paths is performed, which gives an answer whether resource sharing conflicts are possible in a multithreaded Java program. If the analysis succeeds, resource locks may be eliminated from the Java program

    LARVA - safer monitoring of real-time Java programs (tool paper)

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    The use of runtime verification, as a lightweight approach to guarantee properties of systems, has been increasingly employed on real-life software. In this paper, we present the tool LARVA, for the runtime verification of properties of Java programs, including real-time properties. Properties can be expressed in a number of notations, including timed-automata enriched with stopwatches, Lustre, and a subset of the duration calculus. The tool has been successfully used on a number of case-studies, including an industrial system handling financial transactions. LARVA also performs analysis of real-time properties, to calculate, if possible, an upper-bound on the memory and temporal overheads induced by monitoring. Moreover, through property analysis, LARVA assesses the impact of slowing down the system through monitoring, on the satisfaction of the properties.peer-reviewe
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