398 research outputs found

    Intelligent Luminaire based Real-time Indoor Positioning for Assisted Living

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    This paper presents an experimental evaluation on the accuracy of indoor localisation. The research was carried out as part of a European Union project targeting the creation of ICT solutions for older adult care. Current expectation is that advances in technology will supplement the human workforce required for older adult care, improve their quality of life and decrease healthcare expenditure. The proposed approach is implemented in the form of a configurable cyber-physical system that enables indoor localization and monitoring of older adults living at home or in residential buildings. Hardware consists of custom developed luminaires with sensing, communication and processing capabilities. They replace the existing lighting infrastructure, do not look out of place and are cost effective. The luminaires record the strength of a Bluetooth signal emitted by a wearable device equipped by the monitored user. The system's software server uses trilateration to calculate the person's location based on known luminaire placement and recorded signal strengths. However, multipath fading caused by the presence of walls, furniture and other objects introduces localisation errors. Our previous experiments showed that room-level accuracy can be achieved using software-based filtering for a stationary subject. Our current objective is to assess system accuracy in the context of a moving subject, and ascertain whether room-level localization is feasible in real time

    Towards the internet of agents: an analysis of the internet of things from the intelligence and autonomy perspective

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    Recently, the scientific community has demonstrated a special interest in the process related to the integration of the agent-oriented technology with Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. Then, it arises a novel approach named Internet of Agents (IoA) as an alternative to add an intelligence and autonomy component for IoT devices and networks. This paper presents an analysis of the main benefits derived from the use of the IoA approach, based on a practical point of view regarding the necessities that humans demand in their daily life and work, which can be solved by IoT networks modeled as IoA infrastructures. It has been presented 24 study cases of the IoA approach at different domains ––smart industry, smart city and smart health wellbeing–– in order to define the scope of these proposals in terms of intelligence and autonomy in contrast to their corresponding generic IoT applications.En los últimos años, la comunidad científica ha mostrado un interés especial en torno al proceso de integración de la tecnología orientada a agentes sobre plataformas de Internet de las Cosas (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés). Surge así, un nuevo enfoque denominado Internet de los Agentes (IoA, por sus siglas en inglés) como una alternativa para añadir un componente de inteligencia y autonomía sobre los dispositivos y redes de IoT. El presente trabajo muestra un análisis de los principales beneficios derivados del uso del enfoque del IoA, visto desde las actuales necesidades que el ser humano demanda en su trabajo y vida cotidiana, las cuales pueden ser resueltas por redes de IoT modeladas como infraestructuras de IoA. Se plantea un total de 24 casos prácticos de aplicaciones de IoA en diferentes dominios ––industria, ciudad, y salud y bienestar inteligente–– a fin de determinar el alcance de dichas aplicaciones en términos de inteligencia y autonomía respecto a sus correspondientes aplicaciones genéricas de IoT.This study was founded by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT)

    Design and technical evaluation of an enhanced location-awareness service enabler for spatial disorientation management of elderly with mild cognitive impairment

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    The progressive ageing of population has turned the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) into a prevalent disease suffered by elderly. Consequently, the spatial disorientation has become a significant problem for older people and their caregivers. The ambient-assisted living applications are offering location-based services for empowering elderly to go outside and encouraging a greater independence. Therefore, this paper describes the design and technical evaluation of a location-awareness service enabler aimed at supporting and managing probable wandering situations of a person with MCI. Through the presence capabilities of the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) architecture, the service will alert patient's contacts if a hazardous situation is detected depending on his location. Furthermore, information about the older person's security areas has been included in the user profile managed by IMS. In doing so, the service enabler introduced contribute to “context-awareness” paradigm allowing the adaptation and personalization of services depending on user's context and specific conditions or preferences

    Analysis and evaluation of Wi-Fi indoor positioning systems using smartphones

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    This paper attempts to analyze the main algorithms used in Machine Learning applied to the indoor location. New technologies are facing new challenges. Satellite positioning has become a typical application of mobile phones, but stops working satisfactorily in enclosed spaces. Currently there is a problem in positioning which is unresolved. This circumstance motivates the research of new methods. After the introduction, the first chapter presents current methods of positioning and the problem of positioning indoors. This part of the work shows globally the current state of the art. It mentions a taxonomy that helps classify the different types of indoor positioning and a selection of current commercial solutions. The second chapter is more focused on the algorithms that will be analyzed. It explains how the most widely used of Machine Learning algorithms work. The aim of this section is to present mathematical algorithms theoretically. These algorithms were not designed for indoor location but can be used for countless solutions. In the third chapter, we learn gives tools work: Weka and Python. the results obtained after thousands of executions with different algorithms and parameters showing main problems of Machine Learning shown. In the fourth chapter the results are collected and the conclusions drawn are shown

    A data-globe and immersive virtual reality environment for upper limb rehabilitation after spinal cord injury

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    While a number of virtual data-gloves have been used in stroke, there is little evidence about their use in spinal cord injury (SCI). A pilot clinical experience with nine SCI subjects was performed comparing two groups: one carried out a virtual rehabilitation training based on the use of a data glove, CyberTouch combined with traditional rehabilitation, during 30 minutes a day twice a week along two weeks; while the other made only conventional rehabilitation. Furthermore, two functional indexes were developed in order to assess the patient’s performance of the sessions: normalized trajectory lengths and repeatability. While differences between groups were not statistically significant, the data-glove group seemed to obtain better results in the muscle balance and functional parameters, and in the dexterity, coordination and fine grip tests. Related to the indexes that we implemented, normalized trajectory lengths and repeatability, every patient showed an improvement in at least one of the indexes, either along Y-axis trajectory or Z-axis trajectory. This study might be a step in investigating new ways of treatments and objective measures in order to obtain more accurate data about the patient’s evolution, allowing the clinicians to develop rehabilitation treatments, adapted to the abilities and needs of the patients

    A multimodal Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning System for airports

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    [EN] Indoor Localization techniques are becoming popular in order to provide a seamless indoor positioning system enhancing the traditional GPS service that is only suitable for outdoor environments. Though there are proprietary and costly approaches targeting high accuracy positioning, Wi-Fi and BLE networks are widely deployed in many public and private buildings (e.g. shopping malls, airports, universities, etc.). These networks are accessible through mobile phones resulting in an effective commercial off-the-self basic infrastructure for an indoor service. The obtained positioning accuracy is still being improved and there is on-going research on algorithms adapted for Wi-Fi and BLE and also for the particularities of indoor environments. This paper focuses not only on indoor positioning techniques, but also on a multimodal approach. Traditional proposals employ only one network technology whereas this paper integrates two different technologies in order to provide improved accuracy. It also sets the basis for combining (merging) additional technologies, if available. The initial results show that the positioning service performs better with a multimodal approach compared to individual (monomodal) approaches and even compared with GoogleÂżs geolocation service in public spaces such as airports.This work was supported in part by the European Commission through the Door to Door Information for Airports and Airlines Project under Grant GA 635885 and in part by the European Commission through the Interoperability of Heterogeneous IoT Platforms Project under Grant 687283.Molina Moreno, B.; Olivares-Gorriti, E.; Palau Salvador, CE.; Esteve Domingo, M. (2018). A multimodal Fingerprint-based Indoor Positioning System for airports. IEEE Access. 6:10092-10106. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2798918S1009210106

    GNSS-free outdoor localization techniques for resource-constrained IoT architectures : a literature review

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    Large-scale deployments of the Internet of Things (IoT) are adopted for performance improvement and cost reduction in several application domains. The four main IoT application domains covered throughout this article are smart cities, smart transportation, smart healthcare, and smart manufacturing. To increase IoT applicability, data generated by the IoT devices need to be time-stamped and spatially contextualized. LPWANs have become an attractive solution for outdoor localization and received significant attention from the research community due to low-power, low-cost, and long-range communication. In addition, its signals can be used for communication and localization simultaneously. There are different proposed localization methods to obtain the IoT relative location. Each category of these proposed methods has pros and cons that make them useful for specific IoT systems. Nevertheless, there are some limitations in proposed localization methods that need to be eliminated to meet the IoT ecosystem needs completely. This has motivated this work and provided the following contributions: (1) definition of the main requirements and limitations of outdoor localization techniques for the IoT ecosystem, (2) description of the most relevant GNSS-free outdoor localization methods with a focus on LPWAN technologies, (3) survey the most relevant methods used within the IoT ecosystem for improving GNSS-free localization accuracy, and (4) discussion covering the open challenges and future directions within the field. Some of the important open issues that have different requirements in different IoT systems include energy consumption, security and privacy, accuracy, and scalability. This paper provides an overview of research works that have been published between 2018 to July 2021 and made available through the Google Scholar database.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/

    An innovative AAL system based on neural networks and IoT-aware technologies to improve the quality of life in elderly people

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    Nowadays more and more elderly people need support in daily activities. This is due to the increase of cognitive diseases and other conditions which lead the elderly to not being self-sufficient. Considering this, providing an Ambient Assisted Living system could improve significantly people life quality and could support caregivers' tasks. The combination of Ambient Assisted Living systems and information and communication technologies achieve this purpose perfectly. They exploit internet of things and artificial intelligence paradigms to make daily challenges easier for people with neurodegenerative diseases. This work melds technologies mentioned above providing a smart system for elderly to manage goods and fill in shopping lists. It was possible using software, hardware, and cloud systems combined with a neural network aimed to recognise products. The proposed system has been validated both from a functional point of view through a proof-of-concept and quantitatively by a performance analysis of its components

    Cenários comunicacionais baseados em IOT para a promoção do bem-estar físico, psicológico e social dos séniores

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    The main objective of this research is to design and validate IoT based social hybrid scenario model that has the potential to promote psychological and physical wellbeing among older adults. The main reason to design and validate the model is age growth, older adults face psychological, physical and social well-being problems that increase mild cognitive impairment and frailty among older adults. Thus, to overcome older adults' problems, the study proposes and validates an IoT-based social hybrid scenario model. The model's features contain passive communication in which Drs, caregivers, and family members can monitor older adults' physical data from long distances. The model's features also contained intentional communication in which Older adults can interact online by text, audio, video calls, sharing images, and online activities such as painting, exercises and cooking. Moreover, older adults can do outdoor activities by inviting peers, friends or family members; the activities can be location-based IoT games, city tours, groups gardening and dinners. The outcomes of model validation will indicate how IoT characteristics can promote physical, psychological and social well-being and provide an opportunity for older adults to spend their life independently. The research that embodies this thesis includes 411 senior Portuguese Universities which are located mainland and on the island of Portugal. Using descriptive research methodology, where quantitative results are analysed, the results indicated a holistic scenario of passive and intentional communication in the context of well-being promotion among olderadults. from here, the social hybrid scenario is outlined, a hybrid model that offers passive and intentional communication between olderadults, family and medical doctors in the context of well-being promotion. The design and characteristics of the model are based on the existing knowledg, and needs of older adults, family members and also medical doctors. Such as model is a compound of passive and intentional characteristics that helps to reduce problem-related mental and physical health. The Passive and intentional communication characteristics are capable to create an environment for older adultsto take care of their psychological and physical health without any intervention and also increase their social physical and online activities, these activities help to promote the well-being of olderadults andd improve the daily lifestyle.O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é projetar e validar um modelo de cenário híbrido social baseado em IoT que tenha o potencial de promover o bem-estar psicológico e físico entre os idosos. A principal razão para projetar e validar o modelo é o crescimento da idade, os idosos enfrentam problemas psicológicos, físicos e de bem-estar social que aumentam o comprometimento cognitivo leve e a fragilidade entre os idosos. Assim, para superar os problemas dos idosos, o estudo propõe e valida um modelo de cenário híbrido social baseado em IoT. Os recursos do modelo contêm comunicação passiva na qual médicos, cuidadores e familiares podem monitorar os dados físicos dos idosos a longas distâncias. As características do modelo também contemplam comunicação intencional em que os idosos podem interagir online por meio de texto, áudio, videochamadas, compartilhamento de imagens e atividades online como pintura, exercícios e culinária. Além disso, os idosos podem fazer atividades ao ar livre convidando colegas, amigos ou familiares; as atividades podem ser jogos de IoT baseados em localização, passeios pela cidade, jardinagem em grupo e jantares. Os resultados da validação do modelo indicam como as características da IoT podem promover o bem-estar físico, psicológico e social e fornecer uma oportunidade para os idosos passarem sua vida de forma independente. A investigação que dá corpo a esta tese inclui 411 universidades portuguesas seniores localizadas no continente e na ilha de Portugal. Utilizando metodologia de pesquisa descritiva, onde são analisados resultados quantitativos, os resultados indicaram um cenário holístico de comunicação passiva e intencional no contexto da promoção do bem-estar entre idosos. a partir daqui, delineia-se o cenário social híbrido, um modelo híbrido que oferece comunicação passiva e intencional entre idosos, médicos de família e médicos no contexto da promoção do bem-estar. O desenho e as características do modelo baseiam-se no conhecimento existente e nas necessidades dos idosos, familiares e também médicos. Tal modelo é um composto de características passivas e intencionais que ajuda a reduzir os problemas relacionados com a saúde mental e física. As características de comunicação passiva e intencional são capazes de criar um ambiente para que os idosos cuidem de sua saúde psicológica e física e também aumentem suas atividades sociais físicas e online, essas atividades ajudam a promover o bem-estar dos idosos e melhorar o estilo de vida diário.Programa Doutoral em Informação e Comunicação em Plataformas Digitai
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