2,396 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Mobile Games Using Android, Arduino and HTML5

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    Mobiilitehnoloogiate areng ja nutitelefonide kiire levik loob uusi võimalusi mobiilirakenduste arendamiseks ning palju rõhku pannakse mängudele. Loodavad mängud muutuvad aga keerulisemaks, sest üha enam kasutatakse keskkonnast tulevat informatsiooni, et kohandada mängu vastavalt kasutaja asukohale ja kontekstile. Mänge, mis seovad kasutaja füüsile asukoha ja oleku virtuaalmaailmaga keskkonnateadlikuks mänguks. Üha enam luuakse rakendusi veebiplatvormile, mitte kindlatele operatsioonisüsteemidele, sest veebitehnoloogiad võimaldavad luua võrdväärse funktsionaalsuse ning kasutajamugavusega rakendusi. Veebipõhiste rakenduste suurimaks eeliseks on see, et nende tööks on vaja ainult veebibrauserit ning igale operastioonisüteemile ei pea kirjutama eraldi programmi. Antud tehnoloogiad on jõudnud ka mobiilimaailma, kus iga operatsioonisõsteemi jaoks peab arendama eraldiseisva rakenduse, sest iga tootja süsteem on teistest erinev. Antud bakalaurusetöö eesmärgiks on luua veebitehnoloogiaid kasutades mobiilimäng, mille juhtimiseks kasutatakse nutitelefonis olevaid sensoreid ning lisaks Arduino mikrokontrolleritest tulevat väliskeskoona informatsiooni. Antud bakalaurusetöö suurimaks panuseks on PhoneGap raamistikule loodud moodul, mis võimaldab pärida Arduino mikrokontrollerist saadetud sensorite informatsiooni kliendipoolsest koodist, mis tavaliste lahendustega pole võimalik.Latest technological achievements in mobile and open-source electronics platforms made it possible to develop pervasive applications that use environmental information to enhance software usability aspects in real-time, like in the case of context-aware mobile games. However, the development of this kind of pervasive applications is tied to speci c aspects owned by each mobile platform (e.g. programming language, SDK and tools, etc.). Moreover, a considerable effort and knowledge in low-level programming techniques is required for porting the applications between platforms, and thus in general most of the solutions are targeted at particular platform. In order to investigate the possibility of creating portable pervasive applications that combine sensor information from the multiple micromechanical artefacts embedded within the smartphones, we used contextual sensor data provided by Arduino Microcontroller. The current thesis proposed extending the existing implementation of PhoneGap to create hybrid mobile applications based on HTML5 that are easy to port, maintain and reuse

    Freegaming: Mobile, Collaborative, Adaptive and Augmented Exergaming

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    An infrastructure service recommendation system for cloud applications with real-time QoS requirement constraints

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    The proliferation of cloud computing has revolutionized the hosting and delivery of Internet-based application services. However, with the constant launch of new cloud services and capabilities almost every month by both big (e.g., Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure) and small companies (e.g., Rackspace and Ninefold), decision makers (e.g., application developers and chief information officers) are likely to be overwhelmed by choices available. The decision-making problem is further complicated due to heterogeneous service configurations and application provisioning QoS constraints. To address this hard challenge, in our previous work, we developed a semiautomated, extensible, and ontology-based approach to infrastructure service discovery and selection only based on design-time constraints (e.g., the renting cost, the data center location, the service feature, etc.). In this paper, we extend our approach to include the real-time (run-time) QoS (the end-to-end message latency and the end-to-end message throughput) in the decision-making process. The hosting of next-generation applications in the domain of online interactive gaming, large-scale sensor analytics, and real-time mobile applications on cloud services necessitates the optimization of such real-time QoS constraints for meeting service-level agreements. To this end, we present a real-time QoS-aware multicriteria decision-making technique that builds over the well-known analytic hierarchy process method. The proposed technique is applicable to selecting Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud offers, and it allows users to define multiple design-time and real-time QoS constraints or requirements. These requirements are then matched against our knowledge base to compute the possible best fit combinations of cloud services at the IaaS layer. We conducted extensive experiments to prove the feasibility of our approach

    Exploring social gambling: scoping, classification and evidence review

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    The aim of this report is to speculate on the level of concern we might have regarding consumer risk in relation to ‘social gambling.’ In doing so, this report is intended to help form the basis to initiate debate around a new and under-researched social issue; assist in setting a scientific research agenda; and, where appropriate, highlight concerns about any potential areas that need to be considered in terms of precautionary regulation. This report does not present a set of empirical research findings regarding ‘social gambling’ but rather gathers information to improve stakeholder understanding

    A survey on interactive games over mobile networks

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    open4noThe mobile revolution has brought us the possibility to enjoy our favorite applications anywhere and anytime. In this context, interactive games over mobile networks embody a fascinating case study both for their commercial success and for their technical challenges, thus, sparking interest and development. The current state of the art of interactive games over mobile networks is captured in this article. We discuss main requirements and analyze possible combinations of existing solutions to provide better support for highly interactive game sessions with mobile players.This work has been partially supported by the UniPD Web Squared and MIUR/PRIN ALTER_NET projects.openGerla, M.; Maggiorini, D.; Palazzi, C.E.; Bujari, A.Gerla, M.; Maggiorini, D.; Palazzi, C.E.; Bujari, A

    mobile Game-Based Learning – Issues Emerging from Preliminary Research and Implications for Game Design

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    Mobile technologies are increasingly the technologies of choice for social and leisure activities, particularly among young people. Mobile games are among the most popular applications and we are beginning to see how these may be translated into effective learning technologies. The 3-year mobile Game-based Learning project (mGBL) is a practical response to the emerging opportunities, designing new learning game models for delivery via mobile devices. These are to further the development of skills and strategies for dealing with crisis situations, a priority concern of the European Commission, which supports the project. Our vision is for great games that are user-led, not technology-led, informed by theory and competence-based, for use in blended learning programmes. Can all this work, or are the aims too disparate? Now mid-way through the project we take stock, engaging with findings from the first round of field research and from the first User Trials

    Dijital oyunlar ve reklamcılık: E-spor faaliyetlerinden gelir elde etmek üzerine nitel bir araştırma

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    According to simulation theory, individuals live and work in hyperreality. Digitalization transforms the real into simulacra as the world morph into a virtual world. Individuals are represented by their digital twins in the digital world where new possibilities endure. Digital twins transport individuals to the digital world as virtual representatives of real ones. Life in the digital world is almost indistinguishable from reality. It is additionally conceivable to play games in this new environment. Playing games is a crucial determinant in educational life and meeting various needs such as training and relish in adulthood. With the acceleration of digitalization, playing games are transumed to an actor. Digital gaming brings an opportunity for talented individuals to generate an income through social network broadcasting. It is an environment that has emerged in which individuals may meet digitally rather than physically. In this environment, individuals may mentally organize all sports activities as playing chess, face their opponents in the computer environment, and gather fans. In such digital platforms as Twitch and YouTube, gamers may demonstrate e-sports skills to the related audience. Furthermore, advertising in digital games is a win-to-win method to reach generation Z. Digital gamers who broadcast through the social network may monetize their online gaming activities. This research focuses on digital gaming and advertising. Results of the study in which is conducted with a qualitative method with eight interviewers are provided. Participants selected are among individuals who display and monetize their digital gaming skills on the Twitch platform. The findings briefly indicate that individuals who play digital games are achievement-oriented, have a sense of competing, and seize opportunities. According to the results, it can be seen as the digital gamers and gaming industry are new to the Turkish gaming business and face some disadvantages along with opportunities.Simülasyon teorisine göre, insanlar hiper-gerçekliğin içinde yaşamakta ve çalışmaktadır. Dijitalleşme, dünyayı sanal bir dünyaya dönüşürken gerçeği simulakraya dönüştürmektedir. Bireyler bu yeni imkânların bulunduğu dijital dünyada dijital ikizleri vasıtası ile temsil edilmektedir. Dijital ikizler gerçek bireylerin sanal temsilcileri olarak bireyleri dijital dünyaya taşımaktadır. Dijital dünyada yaşam gerçeğinden adeta farksızdır. Bireyler tüm yaşamlarını bu sanal ortamlarda sürdürebilmektedir. Bu yeni ortamda oyun oynamak da mümkündür. Oyun oynamak bireylerin küçük yaşlardan itibaren hayatı öğrenmede ve yetişkinlik dönemlerinde öğrenme ve eğlenme gibi pek çok ihtiyacı karşılamada önemli bir faktördür. Dijitalleşmenin hız kazanması ile birlikte bu faktör bazı bireylerin hayatını değiştirecek bir aktöre dönüşmüştür. Dijital oyun, yetenekli bireylere sosyal ağlar üzerinde yayın yaparak gelir elde etme fırsatı sunmaktadır. Özellikle e-spor denilen bugüne dek bildiğimiz spor dallarından farklı olarak bireylerin fiziksel olarak değil de dijital ortamlarda karşı karşıya gelebildiği, müsabakaların organize edilebildiği bir ortam oluşmuştur. Bu ortamda bireyler satrançta olduğu gibi zihinsel olarak tüm spor aktivitelerini organize ederek bilgisayar ortamında rakipleri ile karşı karşıya gelmekte ve taraftar toplayabilmektedir. İzleyici kitlesi genişleyen e-sporcular daha çok kitleye erişebilmenin getirdiği birtakım avantajlara sahip olabilmektedir. Twitch ve You-Tube gibi dijital platformlarda, oyuncular kitlelerine e-spor becerilerini sergileyebilmektedir. Dahası, dijital oyunlarda reklam verilerek Z kuşağına ulaşılabilmekte kazan-kazan faydası sağlanabilmektedir. Sosyal ağ üzerinden yayın yapan dijital oyuncular, çevrimiçi oyun etkinliklerinden para kazanabilmektedir. Bu araştırma, dijital oyun ve reklamcılığa odaklanmakta ve bu doğrultuda sekiz katılımcı ile nitel bir yöntemle yürütülen araştırmanın sonuçlarını içermektedir. Katılımcılar, dijital oyun becerilerini Twitch platformunda sergileyen ve buradan para kazanan kişiler arasından seçilmiştir. Bulgular kısaca, dijital oyun oynayan bireylerin başarı/kazanım odaklı olduklarını, rekabet etme hissine sahip olduklarını ve fırsatları değerlendirdiklerini göstermektedir. Sonuçlara göre, dijital oyuncuların ve oyun endüstrisinin Türk oyun sektöründe yeni olduğu ve fırsatlar kadar bazı dezavantajlara sahip olduğunu görülmektedir