153 research outputs found

    Multi-axial real-time hybrid simulation framework for testing nonlinear structure systems with multiple boundary interfaces

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    Hybrid simulation is a widely accepted laboratory testing approach that partitions a proposed structure into numerical and physical substructures, for a space- and cost-effective testing method. Structural elements that are expected to remain in the linear elastic range are usually modeled numerically, while computationally intractable nonlinear elements are tested physically. The loads and conditions at the boundaries between the numerical and physical substructures are imposed by servo-hydraulic actuators, with the responses measured by load cells and displacement transducers. Traditionally, these actuators impose boundary condition displacements at slow speeds, while damping and inertial components for the physical specimen are numerically calculated. This slow application of the boundary conditions neglects the rate-dependent behavior of the physical specimen. Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is an alternative to slow speed hybrid simulation approach, where the responses of the numerical substructure are calculated and imposed on the physical substructure at real-world natural hazard excitation speeds. Damping, inertia, and rate-dependent material effects are incorporated in the physical substructure as a result of real-time testing. For a general substructure, the boundary interface has six degrees-of-freedom (DOF); therefore, an actuation system that can apply multi-axial loads is required. In these experiments, the boundary conditions at the interface between the physical and numerical substructures are imposed by two or more actuators. Significant dynamic coupling can be present between the actuators in such setups. Kinematic transformations are required for the operation of each actuator to achieve desired boundary conditions. Furthermore, each actuator possesses inherent dynamics that need appropriate compensation to ensure an accurate and stable operation. Most existing RTHS applications to date have involved the substructuring of the reference structures into numerical and physical components at a single interface with a one-DOF boundary condition and force imposed and measured. Multi-DOF boundary conditions have been explored in a few applications; however a general six-DOF stable implementation has never been achieved. A major research gap in the RTHS domain is the development of a multi-axial RTHS framework capable of handling six DOF boundary conditions and forces, as well as the presence of multiple physical specimens and numerical-to-physical interfaces. In this dissertation, a multi-axial real-time hybrid simulation (maRTHS) framework is developed for realistic nonlinear dynamic assessment of structures under natural hazard excitation. The framework is comprised of numerical and physical substructures, actuator-dynamics compensation, and kinematic transformations between Cartesian and actuator/transducer coordinates. The numerical substructure is compiled on a real-time embedded system, comprised of a microcontroller setup, with onboard memory and processing, that computes the response of finite element models of the structural system, which are then communicated with the hardware setup via the input-output peripherals. The physical substructure is composed of a multi-actuator boundary condition box, loadcells, displacement transducers, and one or more physical specimens. The proposed compensation is a model-based strategy based on the linearized identified models of individual actuators. The concepts of the model-based compensation approach are first validated in a shake table study, and then applied to single and multi-axis RTHS developments. The capabilities of the proposed maRTHS framework are demonstrated via the multi-axial load and boundary condition boxes (LBCBs) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, via two illustrative examples. First, the maRTHS algorithm including the decoupled controller, and kinematic transformation processes are validated. In this study, a moment frame structure is partitioned into numerical beam-column finite element model, and a physical column with an LBCB boundary condition. This experiment is comprised of six DOFs and excitation is only applied in the plane of the moment frame. Next, the maRTHS framework is subjected to a more sophisticated testing environment involving a multi-span curved bridge structure. In this second example, two LBCBs are utilized for testing of two physical piers, and excitation is applied bi-directionally. Results from the illustrative examples are verified against numerical simulations. The results demonstrate the accuracy and promising nature of the proposed state-of-the-art framework for maRTHS for nonlinear dynamic testing of structural systems using multiple boundary points

    Inverse Dynamics Problems

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    The inverse dynamics problem was developed in order to provide researchers with the state of the art in inverse problems for dynamic and vibrational systems. Contrasted with a forward problem, which solves for the system output in a straightforward manner, an inverse problem searches for the system input through a procedure contaminated with errors and uncertainties. An inverse problem, with a focus on structural dynamics, determines the changes made to the system and estimates the inputs, including forces and moments, to the system, utilizing measurements of structural vibration responses only. With its complex mathematical structure and need for more reliable input estimations, the inverse problem is still a fundamental subject of research among mathematicians and engineering scientists. This book contains 11 articles that touch upon various aspects of inverse dynamic problems

    Seismic response control of structures using novel adaptive passive and semi-active variable stiffness and negative stiffness devices

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    Current seismic design practice promotes inelastic response in order to reduce the design forces. By allowing the structure to yield while increasing the ductility of the structure, the global forces can be kept within the limited bounds dictated by the yield strength. However, during severe earthquakes, the structures undergo significant inelastic deformations leading to stiffness and strength degradation, increased interstory drifts, and damage with residual drift. The research presented in this thesis has three components that seek to address these challenges. To prevent the inelastic effects observed in yielding systems, a new concept “apparent weakening” is proposed and verified through shake table studies in this thesis. “Apparent weakening” is introduced in the structural system using a complementary “adaptive negative stiffness device” (NSD) that mimics "yielding” of the global system thus attracting it away from the main structural system. Unlike the concept of weakening and damping, where the main structural system strength is reduced, the new system does not alter the original structural system, but produces effects compatible with an early yielding. Response reduction using NSD is achieved in a two step sequence. First the NSD, which is capable of exhibiting nonlinear elastic stiffness, is developed based on the properties of the structure. This NSD is added to the structure resulting in reduction of the stiffness of the structure and NSD assembly or “apparent weakening”-thereby resulting in the reduction of the base shear of the assembly. Then a passive damper, designed for the assembly to reduce the displacements that are caused due to the “apparent weakening”, is added to the structure-thereby reducing the base shear, acceleration and displacement in a two step process. The primary focus of this thesis is to analyze and experimentally verify the response reduction attributes of NSD in (a) elastic structural systems (b) yielding systems and (3) multistory structures. Experimental studies on 1:3 scale three-story frame structure have confirmed that consistent reductions in displacements, accelerations and base shear can be achieved in an elastic structure and bilinear inelastic structure by adding the NSD and viscous fluid damper. It has also been demonstrated that the stiffening in NSD will prevent the structure from collapsing. Analogous to the inelastic design, the acceleration and base shear and deformation of the structure and NSD assembly can be reduced by more than 20% for moderate ground motions and the collapse of structure can be prevented for severe ground motions. Simulation studies have been carried on an inelastic multistoried shear building to demonstrate the effectiveness of placing NSDs and dampers at multiple locations along the height of the building; referred to as “distributed isolation”. The results reported in this study have demonstrated that by placing a NSD in a particular story the superstructure above that story can be isolated from the effects of ground motion. Since the NSDs in the bottom floors will undergo large deformations, a generalized scheme to incorporate NSDs with different force deformation behavior in each storey is proposed. The properties of NSD are varied to minimize the localized inter-story deformation and distribute it evenly along the height of the building. Additionally, two semi-active approaches have also been proposed to improve the performance of NSD in yielding structures and also adapt to varying structure properties in real time. The second component of this thesis deals with development of a novel device to control the response of structural system using adaptive length pendulum smart tuned mass damper (ALP-STMD). A mechanism to achieve the variable pendulum length is developed using shape memory alloy wire actuator. ALP-STMD acts as a vibration absorber and since the length is tuned to match the instantaneous frequency, using a STFT algorithm, all the vibrations pertaining to the dominant frequency are absorbed. ALP-STMD is capable of absorbing all the energy pertaining to the tuned-frequency of the system; the performance is experimentally verified for forced vibration (stationary and non-stationary) and free vibration. The third component of this thesis covers the development of an adaptive control algorithm to compensate hysteresis in hysteretic systems. Hysteretic system with variable stiffness hysteresis is represented as a quasi-linear parameter varying (LPV) system and a gain scheduled controller is designed for the quasi-LPV system using linear matrix inequalities approach. Designed controller is scheduled based on two parameters: linear time-varying stiffness (slow varying parameter) and the stiffness of friction hysteresis (fast varying parameter). The effectiveness of the proposed controller is demonstrated through numerical studies by comparing the proposed controller with fixed robust H∞ controller. Superior tracking performance of the LPV-GS over the robust H∞ controller in different displacement ranges and various stiffness switching cases is clearly evident from the results presented in this thesis. The LPV-GS controller is capable of adapting to the parameter changes and is effective over the entire range of parameter variations

    Deployable Vibration Control Systems for Lightweight Structures

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    The recent push towards lightweight, efficient, and innovative structural designs has brought forth a range of vibration control issues related to implementation, effectiveness, and control system design that are not fully addressed by existing strategies. In many cases, these structures are capable of withstanding day-to-day loads and only experience excessive vibrations during predictable peak-loading events such as large crowds or wind storms. At the same time, the use of lightweight material coupled with innovative construction methods has given rise to temporary structures which are designed to facilitate rapid implementation and intended for short-term applications. Both scenarios point towards a vibration control system that is suitable for immediate, short-term applications which motivates the concept of deployable autonomous control systems (DACSs). The deployability aspect implies the control system is capable of being readily implemented on a range of structures with only minor customization to the structure or device while the autonomy aspect refers to the ability of the system to react to changes in the dynamic response and effectively control different structural modes of vibration. A prototype device, consisting of an electromagnetic mass damper (EMD) mounted on an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) equipped with vision sensors and on-board computational hardware, is developed to study the vibration control performance and demonstrate the advantages of the DACS concept. Both numerical and experimental modelling techniques are used to identify system models for each component of the prototype device. Given the system models, the dynamic interaction between the device and underlying structure is derived theoretically and validated experimentally. The use of an EMD and UGV introduce a number of practical challenges associated with controller design. These challenges arise due to the presence of physical operating constraints as well as uncertainty in the controller model. Three different candidate controllers, based on linear-quadratic Gaussian (LQG), model-predictive control (MPC), and robust H-infinity control theory, are formulated for the prototype device and comparatively assessed with respect to their ability to address these challenges. The MPC framework provides a systematic approach to incorporate physical operating constraints directly in the control formulation while robust synthesis of an H-infinity controller is well suited for addressing uncertainty in both the controller and structure models. A key property of the prototype device is the ability to reposition itself at different locations on the structure. To study the impact of this mobility on the overall control performance, a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) solution is implemented for bridge structures. The SLAM solution generates a map of the structure that can later be used for autonomous navigation of the prototype device. In achieving autonomous mobility, the location of the control force can be added as an additional parameter in the controller formulation. The overall performance of the prototype device is evaluated through a combination of numerical simulations and experimental studies. Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is used extensively to study the dynamic interaction effects and evaluate the control performance of the prototype device on various structures. A full-scale modular aluminum pedestrian bridge is used to demonstrate autonomous navigation and assess the advantages of a mobile control device. The results from each study point towards DACSs as being a favourable alternative to existing control systems for immediate, short-term vibration control applications

    MUSME 2011 4 th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics

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    El libro de actas recoge las aportaciones de los autores a través de los correspondientes artículos a la Dinámica de Sistemas Multicuerpo y la Mecatrónica (Musme). Estas disciplinas se han convertido en una importante herramienta para diseñar máquinas, analizar prototipos virtuales y realizar análisis CAD sobre complejos sistemas mecánicos articulados multicuerpo. La dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo comprende un gran número de aspectos que incluyen la mecánica, dinámica estructural, matemáticas aplicadas, métodos de control, ciencia de los ordenadores y mecatrónica. Los artículos recogidos en el libro de actas están relacionados con alguno de los siguientes tópicos del congreso: Análisis y síntesis de mecanismos ; Diseño de algoritmos para sistemas mecatrónicos ; Procedimientos de simulación y resultados ; Prototipos y rendimiento ; Robots y micromáquinas ; Validaciones experimentales ; Teoría de simulación mecatrónica ; Sistemas mecatrónicos ; Control de sistemas mecatrónicosUniversitat Politècnica de València (2011). MUSME 2011 4 th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13224Archivo delegad

    Bio-Inspired Robotics

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    Modern robotic technologies have enabled robots to operate in a variety of unstructured and dynamically-changing environments, in addition to traditional structured environments. Robots have, thus, become an important element in our everyday lives. One key approach to develop such intelligent and autonomous robots is to draw inspiration from biological systems. Biological structure, mechanisms, and underlying principles have the potential to provide new ideas to support the improvement of conventional robotic designs and control. Such biological principles usually originate from animal or even plant models, for robots, which can sense, think, walk, swim, crawl, jump or even fly. Thus, it is believed that these bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in the face of complex applications. Bio-inspired robotics is leading to the study of innovative structures and computing with sensory–motor coordination and learning to achieve intelligence, flexibility, stability, and adaptation for emergent robotic applications, such as manipulation, learning, and control. This Special Issue invites original papers of innovative ideas and concepts, new discoveries and improvements, and novel applications and business models relevant to the selected topics of ``Bio-Inspired Robotics''. Bio-Inspired Robotics is a broad topic and an ongoing expanding field. This Special Issue collates 30 papers that address some of the important challenges and opportunities in this broad and expanding field

    Becoming Human with Humanoid

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    Nowadays, our expectations of robots have been significantly increases. The robot, which was initially only doing simple jobs, is now expected to be smarter and more dynamic. People want a robot that resembles a human (humanoid) has and has emotional intelligence that can perform action-reaction interactions. This book consists of two sections. The first section focuses on emotional intelligence, while the second section discusses the control of robotics. The contents of the book reveal the outcomes of research conducted by scholars in robotics fields to accommodate needs of society and industry

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 257)

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    This bibliography lists 560 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in September 1990. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    ESSE 2017. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy

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    Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical-, biological-, and information sciences to study and solve environmental problems. ESSE - The International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy provides a platform for experts, professionals, and researchers to share updated information and stimulate the communication with each other. In 2017 it was held in Suzhou, China June 23-25, 2017

    Down-Conditioning of Soleus Reflex Activity using Mechanical Stimuli and EMG Biofeedback

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    Spasticity is a common syndrome caused by various brain and neural injuries, which can severely impair walking ability and functional independence. To improve functional independence, conditioning protocols are available aimed at reducing spasticity by facilitating spinal neuroplasticity. This down-conditioning can be performed using different types of stimuli, electrical or mechanical, and reflex activity measures, EMG or impedance, used as biofeedback variable. Still, current results on effectiveness of these conditioning protocols are incomplete, making comparisons difficult. We aimed to show the within-session task- dependent and across-session long-term adaptation of a conditioning protocol based on mechanical stimuli and EMG biofeedback. However, in contrast to literature, preliminary results show that subjects were unable to successfully obtain task-dependent modulation of their soleus short-latency stretch reflex magnitude