4,411 research outputs found


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    There are various risks tied to cyberspace. Some of them are social risks because they are cultural risks, being related to new forms of relationships and interactions among people. In the last decade, toxic evils like cyberbullying and other malicious cyber violence are growing, and the search of antidotes is becoming a common concern for governments, educational authorities, teachers, parents and children alike. The available data shows clear evidence that the number of persons affected by cyber violence is increasing (Shariff e Churchill, 2009; U.S. Department of Education, 2011; Dilmac, 2012; Catalano, 2012): a Google search of the word “cyberbullying” finds more the 11 million of items. Despite the popularity of the word, there is a limited knowledge of this issue and many of the first conceptual formulations about it continue to be spread in literature, such as that the characteristics of bullies who act face-to-face and those who do so in cyberspace are very different. The paper analyzes the classic model of cyberbullying behavior, as described in literature, introducing a new element to be considered. It is that, especially for young people, Web and physical world are more and more becoming a whole: virtual-web and real reality are a continuum that we could define as an e-real-reality. Analyzing two of the most known cases of cyberbullying and considering some other evidences emerged by recent researches, we are theoretically convinced that a better understanding of this element could lead to the development of more effective strategies for combating cyberbullying

    From Big Bang to Chanel No. 5

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    Existe la realidad verdadera y la realidad ingenua. La primera es inalcanzable, la segunda es parcial, sesgada y subjetiva; entre las dos existe el hombre, con cuyos sentidos a la vez que son los Ășnicos medios para contactar con la realidad verdadera, le limitan el acceso a la misma. Gracias a los sentidos el hombre puede convertir la realidad ingenua en realidad propicia (Realidad que puede ser disponible, configurada y utilizable, por otra realidad (otro ser) que puede configurar, disponer y utilizarla, dentro del mismo espacio-tiempo). Se exponen trece filtros que interfieren en la transformaciĂłn de la realidad.It exists the real reality and the ingenuous reality. The first is unattainable, the second is partial, biased and subjective. The human being exists between these two realities; he feels this by his senses, which at the same time that they are the only way so as to contact with the real reality, they are restricting the access to it. Thanks to his senses, the human being can turn the ingenuous reality into favourable reality (that is avalaible, shaped and usable by others beings), that at the same time can shape and use. There are we will present thirteen filters that interfere this transformation

    Del Big Bang al Chanel nÂș5

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    Existe la realidad verdadera y la realidad ingenua. La primera es inalcanzable, la segunda es parcial, sesgada y subjetiva; entre las dos existe el hombre, con cuyos sentidos a la vez que son los Ășnicos medios para contactar con la realidad verdadera, le limitan el acceso a la misma. Gracias a los sentidos el hombre puede convertir la realidad ingenua en realidad propicia (Realidad que puede ser disponible, configurada y utilizable, por otra realidad (otro ser) que puede configurar, disponer y utilizarla, dentro del mismo espacio-tiempo). Se exponen trece filtros que interfieren en la transformaciĂłn de la realidadIt exists the real reality and the ingenuous reality. The first is unattainable, the second is partial, biased and subjective. The human being exists between these two realities; he feels this by his senses, which at the same time that they are the only way so as to contact with the real reality, they are restricting the access to it. Thanks to his senses, the human being can turn the ingenuous reality into favourable reality (that is avalaible, shaped and usable by others beings), that at the same time can shape and use. There are we will present thirteen filters that interfere this transformatio

    Literatura y existencia

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    En el presente artĂ­culo se examina el concepto de ficciĂłn aplicado a la literatura y al arte en general, dado que la divisiĂłn entre realidad real y realidad ficticia no puede explicar las emociones evocadas por las narrativas y no concluye en ontologĂ­a satisfactoria de los personajes literarios. Para elaborar una propuesta mĂĄs explicativa, recurro a la concepciĂłn kantiana de la existencia y a las tesis de Meinong y la fenomenologĂ­a.This paper examines the concept of fiction applied to literature and art in general, since the division between real reality and fictional reality cannot explain the emotions raised by narratives and does not conclude in a satisfactory ontology of literary characters. To develop a more explanatory proposal, I turn to Kant's conception of existence as well as to the views of Meinong and phenomenology

    “some kind of thing it aint us but yet its in us”: David Mitchell, Russell Hoban, and metafiction after the millennium

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    This article appraises the debt that David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas owes to the novels of Russell Hoban, including, but not limited to, Riddley Walker. After clearly mapping a history of Hoban’s philosophical perspectives and Mitchell’s inter-textual genre-impersonation practice, the article assesses the degree to which Mitchell’s metatextual methods indicate a nostalgia for by-gone radical aesthetics rather than reaching for new modes of its own. The article not only proposes several new backdrops against which Mitchell’s novel can be read but also conducts the first in-depth appraisal of Mitchell’s formal linguistic replication of Riddley Walker


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    The spread of false news (hoax) is currently widespread in various media. Both print and online media, starting from the spread of someone through broadcast messages, print media, online media, and other mass media. Sadly, most of the people easily believe in the existence of false news (hoax) without finding out the real truth. Hoax news is fake news that is being falsified or reversed from the real reality. This research was conducted to find out how the response and actions of the government in the spread of hoax and criminal acts should be appropriate for disseminating hoax through their legal politics. This research is expected that the general public users of social media, especially among academics, can be more systematic in processing information and sorting out reliable informatio

    Anti-Social Realism

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    Work included in a group exhibition at Charlie Smith Gallery, London curated by Juan Bolivar and John Stark. Exhibting artists include: Juan Bolivar, Dan Coombs, Graham Crowley, Karen David, Nathan Eastwood, Geraint Evans, John Greenwood, Sigrid Holmwood, Kate Lyddon, Maharishi x Rebecca & Mike, John Salt, John Stark. The term 'Anti-Social Realism', which acts as this exhibitions title, is not one that is commonly understood. It is intended to pose questions such as: is 'revolutionary' art a viable possibility today? What does it mean to be (anti) social in an increasingly interconnected but physically separated society? Can we, through archaic practices such as painting and sculpture, engage with notions of 'social realism’ now presented on a daily basis through the new silver-screen veneer of the digital age? In response, this exhibition attempts to pose pictorial possibilities and create tensions through the selected artworks, tackling notions of contemporary realism and in turn offering us a distant echo of a political reality. The wry misnomer of the exhibition title slips between many interwoven threads, simultaneously conjuring up images of 'anti-social behaviour orders' (ASBO), anarchist riots, or the solitary artist locked away from the world attempting to connect on a higher level. In this light, the exhibiting artists are presented as 'social mystics' and it could be said that their work operates by a means of turning inwards to create social radiation
