69 research outputs found

    Design and Robustness Analysis on Non-volatile Storage and Logic Circuit

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    By combining the flexibility of MOS logic and the non-volatility of spintronic devices, spin-MOS logic and storage circuitry offer a promising approach to implement highly integrated, power-efficient, and nonvolatile computing and storage systems. Besides the persistent errors due to process variations, however, the functional correctness of Spin-MOS circuitry suffers from additional non-persistent errors that are incurred by the randomness of spintronic device operations, i.e., thermal fluctuations. This work quantitatively investigates the impact of thermal fluctuations on the operations of two typical Spin-MOS circuitry: one transistor and one magnetic tunnel junction (1T1J) spin-transfer torque random access memory (STT-RAM) cell and a nonvolatile latch design. A new nonvolatile latch design is proposed based on magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) devices. In the standby mode, the latched data can be retained in the MTJs without consuming any power. Two types of operation errors can occur, namely, persistent and non-persistent errors. These are quantitatively analyzed by including models for process variations and thermal fluctuations during the read and write operations. A mixture importance sampling methodology is applied to enable yield-driven design and extend its application beyond memories to peripheral circuits and logic blocks. Several possible design techniques to reduce thermal induced non-persistent error rate are also discussed

    Exploring Spin-transfer-torque devices and memristors for logic and memory applications

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    As scaling CMOS devices is approaching its physical limits, researchers have begun exploring newer devices and architectures to replace CMOS. Due to their non-volatility and high density, Spin Transfer Torque (STT) devices are among the most prominent candidates for logic and memory applications. In this research, we first considered a new logic style called All Spin Logic (ASL). Despite its advantages, ASL consumes a large amount of static power; thus, several optimizations can be performed to address this issue. We developed a systematic methodology to perform the optimizations to ensure stable operation of ASL. Second, we investigated reliable design of STT-MRAM bit-cells and addressed the conflicting read and write requirements, which results in overdesign of the bit-cells. Further, a Device/Circuit/Architecture co-design framework was developed to optimize the STT-MRAM devices by exploring the design space through jointly considering yield enhancement techniques at different levels of abstraction. Recent advancements in the development of memristive devices have opened new opportunities for hardware implementation of non-Boolean computing. To this end, the suitability of memristive devices for swarm intelligence algorithms has enabled researchers to solve a maze in hardware. In this research, we utilized swarm intelligence of memristive networks to perform image edge detection. First, we proposed a hardware-friendly algorithm for image edge detection based on ant colony. Next, we designed the image edge detection algorithm using memristive networks

    Perpendicular STT-MTJs with Double Reference Layers and its Application to Downscaled Memory Cells

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    Chip design presents problems due to scaling as the technology node reaches to the physical limits. The roadmap to 7nm technology node and beyond is already traced and overcome the problems in power and energy dissipation have become a fundamental part in the chip design...El diseño del chip presenta problemas debido al escalamiento de dispositivos a medida que el nodo tecnológico llega a sus límites físicos. La ruta para el desarrollo de nodos de 7nm en adelante se ha trazado, y superar los problemas de potencia y disipación de energía se ha convertido una parte fundamental para el diseño de chips..

    Design of robust spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memories for ultralow power high performance on-chip cache applications

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    Spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memories (STT-MRAMs) based on magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) has become the leading candidate for future universal memory technology due to its potential for low power, non-volatile, high speed and extremely good endurance. However, conflicting read and write requirements exist in STT-MRAM technology because the current path during read and write operations are the same. Read and write failures of STT-MRAMs are degraded further under process variations. The focus of this dissertation is to optimize the yield of STT- MRAMs under process variations by employing device-circuit-architecture co-design techniques. A devices-to-systems simulation framework was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques proposed in this dissertation. An optimization methodology for minimizing the failure probability of 1T-1MTJ STT-MRAM bit-cell by proper selection of bit-cell configuration and access transistor sizing is also proposed. A failure mitigation technique using assistsin 1T-1MTJ STT-MRAM bit-cells is also proposed and discussed. Assist techniques proposed in this dissertation to mitigate write failures either increase the amount of current available to switch the MTJ during write or decrease the required current to switch the MTJ. These techniques achieve significant reduction in bit-cell area and write power with minimal impact on bit-cell failure probability and read power. However, the proposed write assist techniques may be less effective in scaled STT-MRAM bit-cells. Furthermore, read failures need to be overcome and hence, read assist techniques are required. It has been experimentally demonstrated that a class of materials called multiferroics can enable manipulation of magnetization using electric fields via magnetoelectric effects. A read assist technique using an MTJ structure incorporating multiferroic materials is proposed and analyzed. It was found that it is very difficult to overcome the fundamental design issues with 1T-1MTJ STT-MRAM due to the two-terminal nature of the MTJ. Hence, multi-terminal MTJ structures consisting of complementary polarized pinned layers are proposed. Analysis of the proposed MTJ structures shows significant improvement in bit-cell failures. Finally, this dissertation explores two system-level applications enabled by STT-MRAMs, and shows that device-circuit-architecture co-design of STT-MRAMs is required to fully exploit its benefits

    High-Performance Energy-Efficient and Reliable Design of Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Memory

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    In this dissertation new computing paradigms, architectures and design philosophy are proposed and evaluated for adopting the STT-MRAM technology as highly reliable, energy efficient and fast memory. For this purpose, a novel cross-layer framework from the cell-level all the way up to the system- and application-level has been developed. In these framework, the reliability issues are modeled accurately with appropriate fault models at different abstraction levels in order to analyze the overall failure rates of the entire memory and its Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) along with considering the temperature and process variation effects. Design-time, compile-time and run-time solutions have been provided to address the challenges associated with STT-MRAM. The effectiveness of the proposed solutions is demonstrated in extensive experiments that show significant improvements in comparison to state-of-the-art solutions, i.e. lower-power, higher-performance and more reliable STT-MRAM design

    Evaluation of STT-MRAM main memory for HPC and real-time systems

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    It is questionable whether DRAM will continue to scale and will meet the needs of next-generation systems. Therefore, significant effort is invested in research and development of novel memory technologies. One of the candidates for nextgeneration memory is Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM). STT-MRAM is an emerging non-volatile memory with a lot of potential that could be exploited for various requirements of different computing systems. Being a novel technology, STT-MRAM devices are already approaching DRAM in terms of capacity, frequency and device size. Special STT-MRAM features such as intrinsic radiation hardness, non-volatility, zero stand-by power and capability to function in extreme temperatures also make it particularly suitable for aerospace, avionics and automotive applications. Despite of being a conceivable alternative for main memory technology, to this day, academic research of STT-MRAM main memory remains marginal. This is mainly due to the unavailability of publicly available detailed timing parameters of this novel technology, which are required to perform a cycle accurate main memory simulation. Some researchers adopt simplistic memory models to simulate main memory, but such models can introduce significant errors in the analysis of the overall system performance. Therefore, detailed timing parameters are a must-have for any evaluation or architecture exploration study of STT-MRAM main memory. These detailed parameters are not publicly available because STT-MRAM manufacturers are reluctant to release any delicate information on the technology. This thesis demonstrates an approach to perform a cycle accurate simulation of STT-MRAM main memory, being the first to release detailed timing parameters of this technology from academia, essentially enabling researchers to conduct reliable system level simulation of STT-MRAM using widely accepted existing simulation infrastructure. Our results show that, in HPC domain STT-MRAM provide performance comparable to DRAM. Results from the power estimation indicates that STT-MRAM power consumption increases significantly for Activation/Precharge power while Burst power increases moderately and Background power does not deviate much from DRAM. The thesis includes detailed STT-MRAM main memory timing parameters to the main repositories of DramSim2 and Ramulator, two of the most widely used and accepted state-of-the-art main memory simulators. The STT-MRAM timing parameters that has been originated as a part of this thesis, are till date the only reliable and publicly available timing information on this memory technology published from academia. Finally, the thesis analyzes the feasibility of using STT-MRAM in real-time embedded systems by investigating STT-MRAM main memory impact on average system performance and WCET. STT-MRAM's suitability for the real-time embedded systems is validated on benchmarks provided by the European Space Agency (ESA), EEMBC Autobench and MediaBench suite by analyzing performance and WCET impact. In quantitative terms, our results show that STT-MRAM main memory in real-time embedded systems provides performance and WCET comparable to conventional DRAM, while opening up opportunities to exploit various advantages.Es cuestionable si DRAM continuará escalando y cumplirá con las necesidades de los sistemas de la próxima generación. Por lo tanto, se invierte un esfuerzo significativo en la investigación y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de memoria. Uno de los candidatos para la memoria de próxima generación es la Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM). STT-MRAM es una memoria no volátil emergente con un gran potencial que podría ser explotada para diversos requisitos de diferentes sistemas informáticos. Al ser una tecnología novedosa, los dispositivos STT-MRAM ya se están acercando a la DRAM en términos de capacidad, frecuencia y tamaño del dispositivo. Las características especiales de STTMRAM, como la dureza intrínseca a la radiación, la no volatilidad, la potencia de reserva cero y la capacidad de funcionar en temperaturas extremas, también lo hacen especialmente adecuado para aplicaciones aeroespaciales, de aviónica y automotriz. A pesar de ser una alternativa concebible para la tecnología de memoria principal, hasta la fecha, la investigación académica de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM sigue siendo marginal. Esto se debe principalmente a la falta de disponibilidad de los parámetros de tiempo detallados públicamente disponibles de esta nueva tecnología, que se requieren para realizar un ciclo de simulación de memoria principal precisa. Algunos investigadores adoptan modelos de memoria simplistas para simular la memoria principal, pero tales modelos pueden introducir errores significativos en el análisis del rendimiento general del sistema. Por lo tanto, los parámetros de tiempo detallados son indispensables para cualquier evaluación o estudio de exploración de la arquitectura de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM. Estos parámetros detallados no están disponibles públicamente porque los fabricantes de STT-MRAM son reacios a divulgar información delicada sobre la tecnología. Esta tesis demuestra un enfoque para realizar un ciclo de simulación precisa de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM, siendo el primero en lanzar parámetros de tiempo detallados de esta tecnología desde la academia, lo que esencialmente permite a los investigadores realizar una simulación confiable a nivel de sistema de STT-MRAM utilizando una simulación existente ampliamente aceptada infraestructura. Nuestros resultados muestran que, en el dominio HPC, STT-MRAM proporciona un rendimiento comparable al de la DRAM. Los resultados de la estimación de potencia indican que el consumo de potencia de STT-MRAM aumenta significativamente para la activation/Precharge power, mientras que la Burst power aumenta moderadamente y la Background power no se desvía mucho de la DRAM. La tesis incluye parámetros detallados de temporización memoria principal de STT-MRAM a los repositorios principales de DramSim2 y Ramulator, dos de los simuladores de memoria principal más avanzados y más utilizados y aceptados. Los parámetros de tiempo de STT-MRAM que se han originado como parte de esta tesis, son hasta la fecha la única información de tiempo confiable y disponible al público sobre esta tecnología de memoria publicada desde la academia. Finalmente, la tesis analiza la viabilidad de usar STT-MRAM en real-time embedded systems mediante la investigación del impacto de la memoria principal de STT-MRAM en el rendimiento promedio del sistema y WCET. La idoneidad de STTMRAM para los real-time embedded systems se valida en los applicaciones proporcionados por la European Space Agency (ESA), EEMBC Autobench y MediaBench, al analizar el rendimiento y el impacto de WCET. En términos cuantitativos, nuestros resultados muestran que la memoria principal de STT-MRAM en real-time embedded systems proporciona un desempeño WCET comparable al de una memoria DRAM convencional, al tiempo que abre oportunidades para explotar varias ventajas

    Design Space Exploration and Comparative Evaluation of Memory Technologies for Synaptic Crossbar Arrays: Device-Circuit Non-Idealities and System Accuracy

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    In-memory computing (IMC) utilizing synaptic crossbar arrays is promising for deep neural networks to attain high energy efficiency and integration density. Towards that end, various CMOS and post-CMOS technologies have been explored as promising synaptic device candidates which include SRAM, ReRAM, FeFET, SOT-MRAM, etc. However, each of these technologies has its own pros and cons, which need to be comparatively evaluated in the context of synaptic array designs. For a fair comparison, such an analysis must carefully optimize each technology, specifically for synaptic crossbar design accounting for device and circuit non-idealities in crossbar arrays such as variations, wire resistance, driver/sink resistance, etc. In this work, we perform a comprehensive design space exploration and comparative evaluation of different technologies at 7nm technology node for synaptic crossbar arrays, in the context of IMC robustness and system accuracy. Firstly, we integrate different technologies into a cross-layer simulation flow based on physics-based models of synaptic devices and interconnects. Secondly, we optimize both technology-agnostic design knobs such as input encoding and ON-resistance as well as technology-specific design parameters including ferroelectric thickness in FeFET and MgO thickness in SOT-MRAM. Our optimization methodology accounts for the implications of device- and circuit-level non-idealities on the system-level accuracy for each technology. Finally, based on the optimized designs, we obtain inference results for ResNet-20 on CIFAR-10 dataset and show that FeFET-based crossbar arrays achieve the highest accuracy due to their compactness, low leakage and high ON/OFF current ratio

    Stochastic Memory Devices for Security and Computing

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    With the widespread use of mobile computing and internet of things, secured communication and chip authentication have become extremely important. Hardware-based security concepts generally provide the best performance in terms of a good standard of security, low power consumption, and large-area density. In these concepts, the stochastic properties of nanoscale devices, such as the physical and geometrical variations of the process, are harnessed for true random number generators (TRNGs) and physical unclonable functions (PUFs). Emerging memory devices, such as resistive-switching memory (RRAM), phase-change memory (PCM), and spin-transfer torque magnetic memory (STT-MRAM), rely on a unique combination of physical mechanisms for transport and switching, thus appear to be an ideal source of entropy for TRNGs and PUFs. An overview of stochastic phenomena in memory devices and their use for developing security and computing primitives is provided. First, a broad classification of methods to generate true random numbers via the stochastic properties of nanoscale devices is presented. Then, practical implementations of stochastic TRNGs, such as hardware security and stochastic computing, are shown. Finally, future challenges to stochastic memory development are discussed

    Algorithm and Hardware Co-design for Learning On-a-chip

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    abstract: Machine learning technology has made a lot of incredible achievements in recent years. It has rivalled or exceeded human performance in many intellectual tasks including image recognition, face detection and the Go game. Many machine learning algorithms require huge amount of computation such as in multiplication of large matrices. As silicon technology has scaled to sub-14nm regime, simply scaling down the device cannot provide enough speed-up any more. New device technologies and system architectures are needed to improve the computing capacity. Designing specific hardware for machine learning is highly in demand. Efforts need to be made on a joint design and optimization of both hardware and algorithm. For machine learning acceleration, traditional SRAM and DRAM based system suffer from low capacity, high latency, and high standby power. Instead, emerging memories, such as Phase Change Random Access Memory (PRAM), Spin-Transfer Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (STT-MRAM), and Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM), are promising candidates providing low standby power, high data density, fast access and excellent scalability. This dissertation proposes a hierarchical memory modeling framework and models PRAM and STT-MRAM in four different levels of abstraction. With the proposed models, various simulations are conducted to investigate the performance, optimization, variability, reliability, and scalability. Emerging memory devices such as RRAM can work as a 2-D crosspoint array to speed up the multiplication and accumulation in machine learning algorithms. This dissertation proposes a new parallel programming scheme to achieve in-memory learning with RRAM crosspoint array. The programming circuitry is designed and simulated in TSMC 65nm technology showing 900X speedup for the dictionary learning task compared to the CPU performance. From the algorithm perspective, inspired by the high accuracy and low power of the brain, this dissertation proposes a bio-plausible feedforward inhibition spiking neural network with Spike-Rate-Dependent-Plasticity (SRDP) learning rule. It achieves more than 95% accuracy on the MNIST dataset, which is comparable to the sparse coding algorithm, but requires far fewer number of computations. The role of inhibition in this network is systematically studied and shown to improve the hardware efficiency in learning.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Fabrics for In-circuit Training and Evaluation of Neuromorphic Architectures

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    A heterogeneous device technology reconfigurable logic fabric is proposed which leverages the cooperating advantages of distinct magnetic random access memory (MRAM)-based look-up tables (LUTs) to realize sequential logic circuits, along with conventional SRAM-based LUTs to realize combinational logic paths. The resulting Hybrid Spin/Charge FPGA (HSC-FPGA) using magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) devices within this topology demonstrates commensurate reductions in area and power consumption over fabrics having LUTs constructed with either individual technology alone. Herein, a hierarchical top-down design approach is used to develop the HSCFPGA starting from the configurable logic block (CLB) and slice structures down to LUT circuits and the corresponding device fabrication paradigms. This facilitates a novel architectural approach to reduce leakage energy, minimize communication occurrence and energy cost by eliminating unnecessary data transfer, and support auto-tuning for resilience. Furthermore, HSC-FPGA enables new advantages of technology co-design which trades off alternative mappings between emerging devices and transistors at runtime by allowing dynamic remapping to adaptively leverage the intrinsic computing features of each device technology. HSC-FPGA offers a platform for fine-grained Logic-In-Memory architectures and runtime adaptive hardware. An orthogonal dimension of fabric heterogeneity is also non-determinism enabled by either low-voltage CMOS or probabilistic emerging devices. It can be realized using probabilistic devices within a reconfigurable network to blend deterministic and probabilistic computational models. Herein, consider the probabilistic spin logic p-bit device as a fabric element comprising a crossbar-structured weighted array. The Programmability of the resistive network interconnecting p-bit devices can be achieved by modifying the resistive states of the array\u27s weighted connections. Thus, the programmable weighted array forms a CLB-scale macro co-processing element with bitstream programmability. This allows field programmability for a wide range of classification problems and recognition tasks to allow fluid mappings of probabilistic and deterministic computing approaches. In particular, a Deep Belief Network (DBN) is implemented in the field using recurrent layers of co-processing elements to form an n x m1 x m2 x ::: x mi weighted array as a configurable hardware circuit with an n-input layer followed by i ≥ 1 hidden layers. As neuromorphic architectures using post-CMOS devices increase in capability and network size, the utility and benefits of reconfigurable fabrics of neuromorphic modules can be anticipated to continue to accelerate