277 research outputs found

    Reachability of Five Gossip Protocols

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    Gossip protocols use point-to-point communication to spread information within a network until every agent knows everything. Each agent starts with her own piece of information (‘secret’) and in each call two agents will exchange all secrets they currently know. Depending on the protocol, this leads to different distributions of secrets among the agents during its execution. We investigate which distributions of secrets are reachable when using several distributed epistemic gossip protocols from the literature. Surprisingly, a protocol may reach the distribution where all agents know all secrets, but not all other distributions. The five protocols we consider are called 햠햭햸, 햫햭햲, 햢햮, 햳햮햪, and 햲햯햨. We find that 햳햮햪 and 햠햭햸 reach the same distributions but all other protocols reach different sets of distributions, with some inclusions. Additionally, we show that all distributions are subreachable with all five protocols: any distribution can be reached, if there are enough additional agents

    An Adaptive Probabilistic Model for Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Ad hoc peer-to-peer mobile phone networks (phone MANETs) enable cheap village level telephony for cash-strapped, off-the-grid communities. Broadcasting is a fundamental operation in such manets and is used for route discovery. This paper proposed a new broadcast technique that is lightweight, efficient and incurs low latency. Using extensive simulations, we compare our proposed technique to existing lightweight protocols. The results show that our technique is successful in outperforming existing lightweight techniques on the criteria that are critical for a phone-MANET.

    Resource-Aware Multimedia Content Delivery: A Gambling Approach

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    In this paper, we propose a resource-aware solution to achieving reliable and scalable stream diffusion in a probabilistic model, i.e. where communication links and processes are subject to message losses and crashes, respectively. Our solution is resource-aware in the sense that it limits the memory consumption, by strictly scoping the knowledge each process has about the system, and the bandwidth available to each process, by assigning a fixed quota of messages to each process. We describe our approach as gambling in the sense that it consists in accepting to give up on a few processes sometimes, in the hope of better serving all processes most of the time. That is, our solution deliberately takes the risk not to reach some processes in some executions, in order to reach every process in most executions. The underlying stream diffusion algorithm is based on a tree-construction technique that dynamically distributes the load of forwarding stream packets among processes, based on their respective available bandwidths. Simulations show that this approach pays off when compared to traditional gossiping, when the latter faces identical bandwidth constraint

    Broadcasting Scenario under Different Protocols in MANET: A Survey

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    A wireless network enables people to communicate and access applications and information without wires. This provides freedom of movement and the ability to extend applications to different parts of a building, city, or nearly anywhere in the world. Wireless networks allow people to interact with e-mail or browse the Internet from a location that they prefer. Adhoc Networks are self-organizing wireless networks, absent any fixed infrastructure. broadcasting of data through proper channel is essential. Various protocols are designed to avoid the loss of data. In this paper an overview of different broadcast protocols are discussed

    Resource-Aware Multimedia Content Delivery: A Gambling Approach

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    In this paper, we propose a resource-aware solution to achieving reliable and scalable stream diffusion in a probabilistic model, i.e. where communication links and processes are subject to message losses and crashes, respectively. Our solution is resource-aware in the sense that it limits the memory consumption, by strictly scoping the knowledge each process has about the system, and the bandwidth available to each process, by assigning a fixed quota of messages to each process. We describe our approach as gambling in the sense that it consists in accepting to give up on a few processes sometimes, in the hope of better serving all processes most of the time. That is, our solution deliberately takes the risk not to reach some processes in some executions, in order to reach every process in most executions. The underlying stream diffusion algorithm is based on a tree-construction technique that dynamically distributes the load of forwarding stream packets among processes, based on their respective available bandwidths. Simulations show that this approach pays off when compared to traditional gossiping, when the latter faces identical bandwidth constraint

    Sharp Thresholds in Random Simple Temporal Graphs

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    A graph whose edges only appear at certain points in time is called a temporal graph (among other names). Such a graph is temporally connected if each ordered pair of vertices is connected by a path which traverses edges in chronological order (i.e., a temporal path). In this paper, we consider a simple model of random temporal graph, obtained from an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph G Gn,pG~G_{n,p} by considering a random permutation π\pi of the edges and interpreting the ranks in π\pi as presence times. Temporal reachability in this model exhibits a surprisingly regular sequence of thresholds. In particular, we show that at p=logn/np=\log n/n any fixed pair of vertices can a.a.s. reach each other; at 2logn/n2\log n/n at least one vertex (and in fact, any fixed vertex) can a.a.s. reach all others; and at 3logn/n3\log n/n all the vertices can a.a.s. reach each other, i.e., the graph is temporally connected. Furthermore, the graph admits a temporal spanner of size 2n+o(n)2n+o(n) as soon as it becomes temporally connected, which is nearly optimal as 2n42n-4 is a lower bound. This result is significant because temporal graphs do not admit spanners of size O(n)O(n) in general (Kempe et al, STOC 2000). In fact, they do not even admit spanners of size o(n2)o(n^2) (Axiotis et al, ICALP 2016). Thus, our result implies that the obstructions found in these works, and more generally, all non-negligible obstructions, must be statistically insignificant: nearly optimal spanners always exist in random temporal graphs. All the above thresholds are sharp. Carrying the study of temporal spanners further, we show that pivotal spanners -- i.e., spanners of size 2n22n-2 made of two spanning trees glued at a single vertex (one descending in time, the other ascending subsequently) -- exist a.a.s. at 4logn/n4\log n/n, this threshold being also sharp. Finally, we show that optimal spanners (of size 2n42n-4) also exist a.a.s. at p=4logn/np = 4\log n/n

    Resource-Aware Multimedia Content Delivery: A Gambling Approach

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    In this paper, we propose a resource-aware solution to achieving reliable and scalable stream diffusion in a probabilistic model, i.e. where communication links and processes are subject to message losses and crashes, respectively. Our solution is resource-aware in the sense that it limits the memory consumption, by strictly scoping the knowledge each process has about the system, and the bandwidth available to each process, by assigning a fixed quota of messages to each process. We describe our approach as gambling in the sense that it consists in accepting to give up on a few processes sometimes, in the hope of better serving all processes most of the time. That is, our solution deliberately takes the risk not to reach some processes in some executions, in order to reach every process in most executions. The underlying stream diffusion algorithm is based on a tree-construction technique that dynamically distributes the load of forwarding stream packets among processes, based on their respective available bandwidths. Simulations show that this approach pays off when compared to traditional gossiping, when the latter faces identical bandwidth constraints

    The dynamic counter-based broadcast for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Broadcasting is a fundamental operation in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) crucial to the successful deployment of MANETs in practice. Simple flooding is the most basic broadcasting technique where each node rebroadcasts any received packet exactly once. Although flooding is ideal for its simplicity and high reachability it has a critical disadvantage in that it tends to generate excessive collision and consumes the medium by unneeded and redundant packets. A number of broadcasting schemes have been proposed in MANETs to alleviate the drawbacks of flooding while maintaining a reasonable level of reachability. These schemes mainly fall into two categories: stochastic and deterministic. While the former employs a simple yet effective probabilistic principle to reduce redundant rebroadcasts the latter typically requires sophisticated control mechanisms to reduce excessive broadcast. The key danger with schemes that aim to reduce redundant broadcasts retransmissions is that they often do so at the expense of a reachability threshold which can be required in many applications. Among the proposed stochastic schemes, is counter-based broadcasting. In this scheme redundant broadcasts are inhibited by criteria related to the number of duplicate packets received. For this scheme to achieve optimal reachability, it requires fairly stable and known nodal distributions. However, in general, a MANETs‟ topology changes continuously and unpredictably over time. Though the counter-based scheme was among the earliest suggestions to reduce the problems associated with broadcasting, there have been few attempts to analyse in depth the performance of such an approach in MANETs. Accordingly, the first part of this research, Chapter 3, sets a baseline study of the counter-based scheme analysing it under various network operating conditions. The second part, Chapter 4, attempts to establish the claim that alleviating existing stochastic counter-based scheme by dynamically setting threshold values according to local neighbourhood density improves overall network efficiency. This is done through the implementation and analysis of the Dynamic Counter-Based (DCB) scheme, developed as part of this work. The study shows a clear benefit of the proposed scheme in terms of average collision rate, saved rebroadcasts and end-to-end delay, while maintaining reachability. The third part of this research, Chapter 5, evaluates dynamic counting and tests its performance in some approximately realistic scenarios. The examples chosen are from the rapidly developing field of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs). The schemes are studied under metropolitan settings, involving nodes moving in streets and lanes with speed and direction constraints. Two models are considered and implemented: the first assuming an unobstructed open terrain; the other taking account of buildings and obstacles. While broadcasting is a vital operation in most MANET routing protocols, investigation of stochastic broadcast schemes for MANETs has tended to focus on the broadcast schemes, with little examination on the impact of those schemes in specific applications, such as route discovery in routing protocols. The fourth part of this research, Chapter 6, evaluates the performance of the Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a route discovery mechanism based on dynamic-counting. AODV was chosen as it is widely accepted by the research community and is standardised by the MANET IETF working group. That said, other routing protocols would be expected to interact in a similar manner. The performance of the AODV routing protocol is analysed under three broadcasting mechanisms, notably AODV with flooding, AODV with counting and AODV with dynamic counting. Results establish that a noticeable advantage, in most considered metrics can be achieved using dynamic counting with AODV compared to simple counting or traditional flooding. In summary, this research analysis the Dynamic Counter-Based scheme under a range of network operating conditions and applications; and demonstrates a clear benefit of the scheme when compared to its predecessors under a wide range of considered conditions