106 research outputs found


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    This document describes current version of the Research Documents Information Format (ReDIF). This is a simple "field: value" data format inspired from the IAFA templates. A primitive nesting stucture syntax is enabled through the use of clusters of fields. ReDIF is currently used by RePEc.

    RePEc and S-WoPEc: Internet access to electronic preprints in Economics

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    The first electronic Economics preprint appeared in 1993. Since then the growth has been dramatic as the use of the World Wide Web has exploded. RePEc has been instrumental in facilitating access to Economics preprints and in bringing order to the chaos that the WWW frequently represents. In a related effort S-WoPEc provides user friendly tools for adding data to the RePEc system. While this is significant in itself it has also been instrumental in fulfilling S-WoPEc's second goal--to provide increased exposure to Swedish Economics research

    Author Identification in Economics, ... and Beyond

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    Identifying authorship correctly and efficiently is a difficult problem when the literature is abundant, but poorly recorded. Homonyms are tedious to differentiate. This paper describes how the field of economics has organized itself with respect to author identification. We describe the RePEc project with a special emphasis on the RePEc Author Service. We then discuss how the concept is currently being expanded to the entire scientific body with the AuthorClaim project

    Author Identification in Economics, ... and Beyond

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    Identifying authorship correctly and efficiently is a difficult problem when the literature is abundant, but poorly recorded. Homonyms are tedious to differentiate. This paper describes how the field of economics has organized itself with respect to author identification. We describe the RePEc project with a special emphasis on the RePEc Author Service. We then discuss how the concept is currently being expanded to the entire scientific body with the AuthorClaim project

    The UPS Prototype: An Experimental End-User Service Across E-Print Archives

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    A meeting was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 21-22, 1999, to generate discussion and consensus about interoperability of publicly available scholarly information archives. The invitees represented several well known e-print and report archive initiatives, as well as organizations with interests in digital libraries and the transformation of scholarly communication. The central goal of the meeting was to agree on recommendations that would make the creation of end-user services -- such as scientific search engines and linking systems -- for data originating from distributed and dissimilar archives easier. The Universal Preprint Service (UPS) Prototype was developed in preparation for this meeting. As a proof-of-concept of a multi-discipline digital library of publicly available scholarly material, the Prototype harvested nearly 200,000 records from several different archives and created an attractive end-user environment. This paper describes the results of the project. This is done in two ways. On the one hand, the experimental end-user service that was created during the project is illustrated. On the other hand, the lessons that the project team drew from the experience of creating the Prototype are presented

    Estudio de un corpus de artículos científicos en economía usando técnicas de minería de datos

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    Este trabajo se centra en la recopilación, transformación y explotación de un corpus de artículos científicos de gran tamaño en el ámbito de la economía. El corpus objeto de estudio se denomina RePEC (Research Papers in Economics). Este conjunto de datos aglutina artículos de trabajo, prepublicaciones, artículos de revistas académicas y componentes de software dentro del ámbito de la investigación en economía

    Development and Maintenance of Self-Disclosure on Facebook: The Role of Personality Traits

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    This study explored the relationships between Facebook self-disclosure and personality traits in a sample of Italian users. The aim was to analyze the predictive role of Big Five personality traits on different parameters of breadth and depth of selfdisclosed behaviors online. Facebook users, aged between 18 and 64 years of age (Mage = 25.3 years, SD = 6.8; N = 958), of which 51% were female, voluntarily completed an online survey assessing personality traits and Facebook self-disclosure. Results at a series of hierarchical regression analyses significantly corroborated the hypotheses that high extroverted and openness people tend to disclose on Facebook a significant amount of personal information, whereas high consciousness and agreeableness users are less inclined to do it. Furthermore, more extroverts and agreeableness people develop less intimacy on Facebook, differently from those with high levels of openness. Results also corroborated the hypothesis of a full mediation of time usage in the relationship between personality factors such as extroversion and conscientiousness with breadth of Facebook self-disclosure. Overall, according to the findings of the current study, personality traits and Facebook self-disclosure become central both as predictive variables for depicting the different profiles of potential addicted and as variables to help educators, teachers, and clinicians to develop training or therapeutic programs aimed at preventing the risk of Internet addiction. Limitations of the study are discussed, and directions for future research are suggested

    The UPS Prototype An Experimental End-User Service across E-Print Archives

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    Digital libraries with open access in science and research area and identification and metadata description of their objects

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    Thesis is devoted to the analysis of open accessible digital libraries in science and research and, at practical level, thesis puts Czech national metadata sets prepared within research and ETD digital libraries development in the Czech Republic. The second chapter presents terminology issues in digital libraries area and general models of digital libraries - "Kahn-Wilensky" architecture and Reference Model Open Archival Information System (OAIS) with special regard to institutional repositories. The third chapter contains the survey of development and current state of open access to information in science and research and its main resources including initiatives of its support. The fourth chapter presents selected systems of open access electronic archives or digital libraries in science and research. Included are selected systems and services in computer science, economics, library and information science, social science, the specific British system of internet resources Intute, digital libraries with citation services and ETDs digital libraries. The fifth chapter presents the outputs of research - Czech national metadata sets for ETDs description and communication with added issues of persistent identifiers of information entities. 3Disertační práce je věnována analýze volně dostupných digitálních knihoven ve vědě a výzkumu a v praktické rovině předkládá české národní metadatové standardy připravené v rámci výzkumu a budování digitálních knihoven vysokoškolských kvalifikačních prací v České republice. Druhá kapitola představuje problematiku terminologie v oblasti digitálních knihoven a obecné modely (rámce) pro jejich budování, konkrétně klasický model "Kahn-Wilensky" a referenční model Otevřeného archivního informačního systému OAIS se zaměřením na oblast institucionálních repozitářů. Třetí kapitola zahrnuje otázky vývoje a současného stavu otevřeného přístupu (angl. "open access") k informacím v oblasti vědy a výzkumu, jeho hlavních zdrojů včetně iniciativ na jeho podporu. Čtvrtá, rozsáhlá kapitola představuje vybrané systémy volně dostupných elektronických archivů nebo digitálních knihoven ve vědě a výzkumu. Zahrnuty jsou vybrané systémy a služby z oboru počítačová věda, ekonomika, oboru informační a knihovní věda, sociálních věd, specifický britský systém pro vědu a výzkum (Intute), digitální knihovny s citačními službami a digitální knihovny VŠKP. Pátá kapitola představuje výsledek praktické výzkumné činnosti - české národní metadatové standardy pro popis a komunikaci vysokoškolských kvalifikačních prací (EVSKP-MS, PersCZ a...Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictvíInstitute of Information Studies and LibrarianshipFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art