151 research outputs found

    Hyperspectral image compression : adapting SPIHT and EZW to Anisotropic 3-D Wavelet Coding

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    Hyperspectral images present some specific characteristics that should be used by an efficient compression system. In compression, wavelets have shown a good adaptability to a wide range of data, while being of reasonable complexity. Some wavelet-based compression algorithms have been successfully used for some hyperspectral space missions. This paper focuses on the optimization of a full wavelet compression system for hyperspectral images. Each step of the compression algorithm is studied and optimized. First, an algorithm to find the optimal 3-D wavelet decomposition in a rate-distortion sense is defined. Then, it is shown that a specific fixed decomposition has almost the same performance, while being more useful in terms of complexity issues. It is shown that this decomposition significantly improves the classical isotropic decomposition. One of the most useful properties of this fixed decomposition is that it allows the use of zero tree algorithms. Various tree structures, creating a relationship between coefficients, are compared. Two efficient compression methods based on zerotree coding (EZW and SPIHT) are adapted on this near-optimal decomposition with the best tree structure found. Performances are compared with the adaptation of JPEG 2000 for hyperspectral images on six different areas presenting different statistical properties

    Zerotree design for image compression: toward weighted universal zerotree coding

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    We consider the problem of optimal, data-dependent zerotree design for use in weighted universal zerotree codes for image compression. A weighted universal zerotree code (WUZC) is a data compression system that replaces the single, data-independent zerotree of Said and Pearlman (see IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol.6, no.3, p.243-50, 1996) with an optimal collection of zerotrees for good image coding performance across a wide variety of possible sources. We describe the weighted universal zerotree encoding and design algorithms but focus primarily on the problem of optimal, data-dependent zerotree design. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm by comparing, at a variety of target rates, the performance of a Said-Pearlman style code using the standard zerotree to the performance of the same code using a zerotree designed with our algorithm. The comparison is made without entropy coding. The proposed zerotree design algorithm achieves, on a collection of combined text and gray-scale images, up to 4 dB performance improvement over a Said-Pearlman zerotree

    Stack-run adaptive wavelet image compression

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    We report on the development of an adaptive wavelet image coder based on stack-run representation of the quantized coefficients. The coder works by selecting an optimal wavelet packet basis for the given image and encoding the quantization indices for significant coefficients and zero runs between coefficients using a 4-ary arithmetic coder. Due to the fact that our coder exploits the redundancies present within individual subbands, its addressing complexity is much lower than that of the wavelet zerotree coding algorithms. Experimental results show coding gains of up to 1:4dB over the benchmark wavelet coding algorithm

    Embedded Morphological Dilation Coding for 2D and 3D Images

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    Current wavelet-based image coders obtain high performance thanks to the identification and the exploitation of the statistical properties of natural images in the transformed domain. Zerotree-based algorithms, as Embedded Zerotree Wavelets (EZW) and Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT), offer high Rate-Distortion (RD) coding performance and low computational complexity by exploiting statistical dependencies among insignificant coefficients on hierarchical subband structures. Another possible approach tries to predict the clusters of significant coefficients by means of some form of morphological dilation. An example of a morphology-based coder is the Significance-Linked Connected Component Analysis (SLCCA) that has shown performance which are comparable to the zerotree-based coders but is not embedded. A new embedded bit-plane coder is proposed here based on morphological dilation of significant coefficients and context based arithmetic coding. The algorithm is able to exploit both intra-band and inter-band statistical dependencies among wavelet significant coefficients. Moreover, the same approach is used both for two and three-dimensional wavelet-based image compression. Finally we the algorithms are tested on some 2D images and on a medical volume, by comparing the RD results to those obtained with the state-of-the-art wavelet-based coders

    Rate-distortion adaptive vector quantization for wavelet imagecoding

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    We propose a wavelet image coding scheme using rate-distortion adaptive tree-structured residual vector quantization. Wavelet transform coefficient coding is based on the pyramid hierarchy (zero-tree), but rather than determining the zero-tree relation from the coarsest subband to the finest by hard thresholding, the prediction in our scheme is achieved by rate-distortion optimization with adaptive vector quantization on the wavelet coefficients from the finest subband to the coarsest. The proposed method involves only integer operations and can be implemented with very low computational complexity. The preliminary experiments have shown some encouraging results: a PSNR of 30.93 dB is obtained at 0.174 bpp on the test image LENA (512×512

    High-Performance Embedded Morphological Wavelet Coding

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    Morphological analysis can be applied in wavelet domain to analyze and represent the position of significant coefficients. New operators have to be introduced which are able to exploit both the multiresolution and the filter bank peculiarities of the subband representation of visual information. In this paper an efficient morphological wavelet coder is proposed. The clustering trend of significant coefficients is captured by a new kind of multi resolution binary dilation operator. The layered and adaptive nature of this subband dilation makes it possible for the coding technique to produce an embedded bit-stream with a modest computational cost and state-of-the-art Rate-Distortion performance. Morphological wavelet coding appears promising because the localized analysis of wavelet coefficient clusters is adequate to capture intrinsic patterns of the source which can have substantial benefits for perceptual or even object-based reconstruction quality concerns. Here we test the performance of our algorithm and compare the effects of different wavelet filters. We obtain state of the art coding performance and good perceptual results both for 2D and 3D images, with a new technique that seems to be well suited for further developments

    Distributed video coding for wireless video sensor networks: a review of the state-of-the-art architectures

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    Distributed video coding (DVC) is a relatively new video coding architecture originated from two fundamental theorems namely, Slepian–Wolf and Wyner–Ziv. Recent research developments have made DVC attractive for applications in the emerging domain of wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art DVC architectures with a focus on understanding their opportunities and gaps in addressing the operational requirements and application needs of WVSNs

    Joint source channel coding for progressive image transmission

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    Recent wavelet-based image compression algorithms achieve best ever performances with fully embedded bit streams. However, those embedded bit streams are very sensitive to channel noise and protections from channel coding are necessary. Typical error correcting capability of channel codes varies according to different channel conditions. Thus, separate design leads to performance degradation relative to what could be achieved through joint design. In joint source-channel coding schemes, the choice of source coding parameters may vary over time and channel conditions. In this research, we proposed a general approach for the evaluation of such joint source-channel coding scheme. Instead of using the average peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) or distortion as the performance metric, we represent the system performance by its average error-free source coding rate, which is further shown to be an equivalent metric in the optimization problems. The transmissions of embedded image bit streams over memory channels and binary symmetric channels (BSCs) are investigated in this dissertation. Mathematical models were obtained in closed-form by error sequence analysis (ESA). Not surprisingly, models for BSCs are just special cases for those of memory channels. It is also discovered that existing techniques for performance evaluation on memory channels are special cases of this new approach. We further extend the idea to the unequal error protection (UEP) of embedded images sources in BSCs. The optimization problems are completely defined and solved. Compared to the equal error protection (EEP) schemes, about 0.3 dB performance gain is achieved by UEP for typical BSCs. For some memory channel conditions, the performance improvements can be up to 3 dB. Transmission of embedded image bit streams in channels with feedback are also investigated based on the model for memory channels. Compared to the best possible performance achieved on feed forward transmission, feedback leads to about 1.7 dB performance improvement

    Improving SPIHT-based Compression of Volumetric Medical Data

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    Volumetric medical data (CT,MR) are useful tools for diagnostic investigation however their usage may be made diffcult because of the amount of data to store or because of the duration of communication over a limited capacity channel. In order to code such information sources we present a progressive three dimensional image compression algorithm based on zerotree wavelet coder with arithmetic coding. We make use of a 3D separable biorthogonal wavelet transform and we extend the zerotree SPIHT algorithm to three dimensions. Moreover we propose some improvements to the SPIHT encoder in order to obtain a better rate distortion performance without increasing the computational complexity. Finally we propose an efficient context-based adaptive arithmetic coding which eliminates high order redundancy. The results obtained on progressive coding of a test CT volume are better than those presented in recent similar works both for the mean PSNR on the whole volume and for the PSNR homogeneity between various slices

    Setting priorities: a new SPIHT-compatible algorithm for image compression

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    We introduce a new algorithm for progressive or multiresolution image compression. The algorithm improves on the Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) algorithm by replacing the SPIHT encoder. The new encoder optimizes the multiresolution code performance relative to a user- defined probability distribution over the code's rates or resolutions. The new algorithm's decoder is identical to the SPIHT decoder. The resulting code achieves the optimal expected performance across resolutions subject to the constraints imposed by the use of the SPIHT decoder and the distribution over resolutions set by the user. The encoder optimization yields performance improvements at the rates or resolutions of greatest importance at the expense of performance degradation at low priority rates or resolutions. The algorithm is fully compatible at the decoder with the original SPIHT algorithm. In particular, the decoder requires no knowledge of the priority function employed at the encoder. Experimental results on an image containing both text and photographic material yield up to 0.86 dB performance improvement over SPIHT at the resolution of highest priority