23 research outputs found

    A scalable diffraction-based scanning 3D colour video display as demonstrated by using tiled gratings and a vertical diffuser

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    A high quality 3D display requires a high amount of optical information throughput, which needs an appropriate mechanism to distribute information in space uniformly and efficiently. This study proposes a front-viewing system which is capable of managing the required amount of information efficiently from a high bandwidth source and projecting 3D images with a decent size and a large viewing angle at video rate in full colour. It employs variable gratings to support a high bandwidth distribution. This concept is scalable and the system can be made compact in size. A horizontal parallax only (HPO) proof-of-concept system is demonstrated by projecting holographic images from a digital micro mirror device (DMD) through rotational tiled gratings before they are realised on a vertical diffuser for front-viewing.This work was supported by Huawei Innovation Research Program FLAGSHIP (HIRP FLAGSHIP) project at University of Cambridge

    Coherent and Holographic Imaging Methods for Immersive Near-Eye Displays

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    Lähinäytöt on suunniteltu tarjoamaan realistisia kolmiulotteisia katselukokemuksia, joille on merkittävää tarvetta esimerkiksi työkoneiden etäkäytössä ja 3D-suunnittelussa. Nykyaikaiset lähinäytöt tuottavat kuitenkin edelleen ristiriitaisia visuaalisia vihjeitä, jotka heikentävät immersiivistä kokemusta ja haittaavat niiden miellyttävää käyttöä. Merkittävänä ratkaisuvaihtoehtona pidetään koherentin valon, kuten laservalon, käyttöä näytön valaistukseen, millä voidaan korjata nykyisten lähinäyttöjen puutteita. Erityisesti koherentti valaistus mahdollistaa holografisen kuvantamisen, jota käyttävät holografiset näytöt voivat tarkasti jäljitellä kolmiulotteisten mallien todellisia valoaaltoja. Koherentin valon käyttäminen näyttöjen valaisemiseen aiheuttaa kuitenkin huomiota vaativaa korkean kontrastin häiriötä pilkkukuvioiden muodossa. Lisäksi holografisten näyttöjen laskentamenetelmät ovat laskennallisesti vaativia ja asettavat uusia haasteita analyysin, pilkkuhäiriön ja valon mallintamisen suhteen. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan laskennallisia menetelmiä lähinäytöille koherentissa kuvantamisjärjestelmässä käyttäen signaalinkäsittelyä, koneoppimista sekä geometrista (säde) ja fysikaalista (aalto) optiikan mallintamista. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa keskitytään holografisten kuvantamismuotojen analysointiin sekä kehitetään hologrammien laskennallisia menetelmiä. Holografian korkeiden laskentavaatimusten ratkaisemiseksi otamme käyttöön holografiset stereogrammit holografisen datan likimääräisenä esitysmuotona. Tarkastelemme kyseisen esitysmuodon visuaalista oikeellisuutta kehittämällä analyysikehyksen holografisen stereogrammin tarjoamien visuaalisten vihjeiden tarkkuudelle akkommodaatiota varten suhteessa sen suunnitteluparametreihin. Lisäksi ehdotamme signaalinkäsittelyratkaisua pilkkuhäiriön vähentämiseksi, ratkaistaksemme nykyisten menetelmien valon mallintamiseen liittyvät visuaalisia artefakteja aiheuttavat ongelmat. Kehitämme myös uudenlaisen holografisen kuvantamismenetelmän, jolla voidaan mallintaa tarkasti valon käyttäytymistä haastavissa olosuhteissa, kuten peiliheijastuksissa. Väitöskirjan toisessa osassa lähestytään koherentin näyttökuvantamisen laskennallista taakkaa koneoppimisen avulla. Kehitämme koherentin akkommodaatioinvariantin lähinäytön suunnittelukehyksen, jossa optimoidaan yhtäaikaisesti näytön staattista optiikka ja näytön kuvan esikäsittelyverkkoa. Lopuksi nopeutamme ehdottamaamme uutta holografista kuvantamismenetelmää koneoppimisen avulla reaaliaikaisia sovelluksia varten. Kyseiseen ratkaisuun sisältyy myös tehokkaan menettelyn kehittäminen funktionaalisten satunnais-3D-ympäristöjen tuottamiseksi. Kehittämämme menetelmä mahdollistaa suurten synteettisten moninäkökulmaisten kuvien datasettien tuottamisen, joilla voidaan kouluttaa sopivia neuroverkkoja mallintamaan holografista kuvantamismenetelmäämme reaaliajassa. Kaiken kaikkiaan tässä työssä kehitettyjen menetelmien osoitetaan olevan erittäin kilpailukykyisiä uusimpien koherentin valon lähinäyttöjen laskentamenetelmien kanssa. Työn tuloksena nähdään kaksi vaihtoehtoista lähestymistapaa ristiriitaisten visuaalisten vihjeiden aiheuttamien nykyisten lähinäyttöongelmien ratkaisemiseksi joko staattisella tai dynaamisella optiikalla ja reaaliaikaiseen käyttöön soveltuvilla laskentamenetelmillä. Esitetyt tulokset ovat näin ollen tärkeitä seuraavan sukupolven immersiivisille lähinäytöille.Near-eye displays have been designed to provide realistic 3D viewing experience, strongly demanded in applications, such as remote machine operation, entertainment, and 3D design. However, contemporary near-eye displays still generate conflicting visual cues which degrade the immersive experience and hinders their comfortable use. Approaches using coherent, e.g., laser light for display illumination have been considered prominent for tackling the current near-eye display deficiencies. Coherent illumination enables holographic imaging whereas holographic displays are expected to accurately recreate the true light waves of a desired 3D scene. However, the use of coherent light for driving displays introduces additional high contrast noise in the form of speckle patterns, which has to be taken care of. Furthermore, imaging methods for holographic displays are computationally demanding and impose new challenges in analysis, speckle noise and light modelling. This thesis examines computational methods for near-eye displays in the coherent imaging regime using signal processing, machine learning, and geometrical (ray) and physical (wave) optics modeling. In the first part of the thesis, we concentrate on analysis of holographic imaging modalities and develop corresponding computational methods. To tackle the high computational demands of holography, we adopt holographic stereograms as an approximative holographic data representation. We address the visual correctness of such representation by developing a framework for analyzing the accuracy of accommodation visual cues provided by a holographic stereogram in relation to its design parameters. Additionally, we propose a signal processing solution for speckle noise reduction to overcome existing issues in light modelling causing visual artefacts. We also develop a novel holographic imaging method to accurately model lighting effects in challenging conditions, such as mirror reflections. In the second part of the thesis, we approach the computational complexity aspects of coherent display imaging through deep learning. We develop a coherent accommodation-invariant near-eye display framework to jointly optimize static display optics and a display image pre-processing network. Finally, we accelerate the corresponding novel holographic imaging method via deep learning aimed at real-time applications. This includes developing an efficient procedure for generating functional random 3D scenes for forming a large synthetic data set of multiperspective images, and training a neural network to approximate the holographic imaging method under the real-time processing constraints. Altogether, the methods developed in this thesis are shown to be highly competitive with the state-of-the-art computational methods for coherent-light near-eye displays. The results of the work demonstrate two alternative approaches for resolving the existing near-eye display problems of conflicting visual cues using either static or dynamic optics and computational methods suitable for real-time use. The presented results are therefore instrumental for the next-generation immersive near-eye displays


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    Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) are becoming increasingly accessible and useful nowadays. This dissertation focuses on several aspects of designing effective displays for VR and AR. Compared to conventional desktop displays, VR and AR displays can better engage the human peripheral vision. This provides an opportunity for more information to be perceived. To fully leverage the human visual system, we need to take into account how the human visual system perceives things differently in the periphery than in the fovea. By investigating the relationship of the perception time and eccentricity, we deduce a scaling function which facilitates content in the far periphery to be perceived as efficiently as in the central vision. AR overlays additional information on the real environment. This is useful in a number of fields, including surgery, where time-critical information is key. We present our medical AR system that visualizes the occluded catheter in the external ventricular drainage (EVD) procedure. We develop an accurate and efficient catheter tracking method that requires minimal changes to the existing medical equipment. The AR display projects a virtual image of the catheter overlaid on the occluded real catheter to depict its real-time position. Our system can make the risky EVD procedure much safer. Existing VR and AR displays support a limited number of focal distances, leading to vergence-accommodation conflict. Holographic displays can address this issue. In this dissertation, we explore the design and development of nanophotonic phased array (NPA) as a special class of holographic displays. NPAs have the advantage of being compact and support very high refresh rates. However, the use of the thermo-optic effect for phase modulation renders them susceptible to the thermal proximity effect. We study how the proximity effect impacts the images formed on NPAs. We then propose several novel algorithms to compensate for the thermal proximity effect on NPAs and compare their effectiveness and computational efficiency. Computer-generated holography (CGH) has traditionally focused on 2D images and 3D images in the form of meshes and point clouds. However, volumetric data can also benefit from CGH. One of the challenges in the use of volumetric data sources in CGH is the computational complexity needed to calculate the holograms of volumetric data. We propose a new method that achieves a significant speedup compared to existing holographic volume rendering methods

    Virtual Reality

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    At present, the virtual reality has impact on information organization and management and even changes design principle of information systems, which will make it adapt to application requirements. The book aims to provide a broader perspective of virtual reality on development and application. First part of the book is named as "virtual reality visualization and vision" and includes new developments in virtual reality visualization of 3D scenarios, virtual reality and vision, high fidelity immersive virtual reality included tracking, rendering and display subsystems. The second part named as "virtual reality in robot technology" brings forth applications of virtual reality in remote rehabilitation robot-based rehabilitation evaluation method and multi-legged robot adaptive walking in unstructured terrains. The third part, named as "industrial and construction applications" is about the product design, space industry, building information modeling, construction and maintenance by virtual reality, and so on. And the last part, which is named as "culture and life of human" describes applications of culture life and multimedia-technology

    Rapid hologram generation utilizing layer-based approach and graphic rendering for realistic three-dimensional image reconstruction by angular tiling

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    An approach of rapid hologram generation for the realistic three-dimensional (3-D) image reconstruction based on the angular tiling concept is proposed, using a new graphic rendering approach integrated with a previously developed layer-based method for hologram calculation. A 3-D object is simplified as layered cross-sectional images perpendicular to a chosen viewing direction, and our graphics rendering approach allows the incorporation of clear depth cues, occlusion, and shading in the generated holograms for angular tiling. The combination of these techniques together with parallel computing reduces the computation time of a single-view hologram for a 3-D image of extended graphics array resolution to 176 ms using a single consumer graphics processing unit card. © 2014 SPIE and IS and T

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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