9 research outputs found

    \u3cem\u3ek-k\u3c/em\u3e Routing, \u3cem\u3ek-k\u3c/em\u3e Sorting, and Cut Through Routing on the Mesh

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    In this paper we present randomized algorithms for k-k routing, k-k sorting, and cut through routing. The stated resource bounds hold with high probability. The algorithm for k-k routing runs in [k/2]n+o(kn) steps. We also show that k-k sorting can be accomplished within [k/2] n+n+o(kn) steps, and cut through routing can be done in [3/4]kn+[3/2]n+o(kn) steps. The best known time bounds (prior to this paper) for all these three problems were kn+o(kn). [kn/2] is a known lower bound for all the three problems (which is the bisection bound), and hence our algorithms are very nearly optimal. All the above mentioned algorithms have optimal queue length, namely k+o(k). These algorithms also extend to higher dimensional meshes

    Randomized Algorithms For Packet Routing on the Mesh

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    Packet routing is an important problem of parallel computing since a fast algorithm for packet routing will imply 1) fast inter-processor communication, and 2) fast algorithms for emulating ideal models like PRAMs on fixed connection machines.There are three different models of packet routing, namely 1) Store and forward, 2) Multipacket, and 3) Cut through. In this paper we provide a survey of the best known randomized algorithms for store and forward routing, k-k routing, and cut through routing on the Mesh Connected Computers

    Mesh Connected Computers With Multiple Fixed Buses: Packet Routing, Sorting and Selection

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    Mesh connected computers have become attractive models of computing because of their varied special features. In this paper we consider two variations of the mesh model: 1) a mesh with fixed buses, and 2) a mesh with reconfigurable buses. Both these models have been the subject matter of extensive previous research. We solve numerous important problems related to packet routing, sorting, and selection on these models. In particular, we provide lower bounds and very nearly matching upper bounds for the following problems on both these models: 1) Routing on a linear array; and 2) k-k routing, k-k sorting, and cut through routing on a 2D mesh for any k ≄ 12. We provide an improved algorithm for 1-1 routing and a matching sorting algorithm. In addition we present greedy algorithms for 1-1 routing, k-k routing, cut through routing, and k-k sorting that are better on average and supply matching lower bounds. We also show that sorting can be performed in logarithmic time on a mesh with fixed buses. As a consequence we present an optimal randomized selection algorithm. In addition we provide a selection algorithm for the mesh with reconfigurable buses whose time bound is significantly better than the existing ones. Our algorithms have considerably better time bounds than many existing best known algorithms

    Universal Wormhole Routing

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    In this paper, we examine the wormhole routing problem in terms of the “congestion” c and “dilation” d for a set of packet paths. We show, with mild restrictions, that there is a simple randomized algorithm for routing any set of P packets in O(cdη+cLηlogP) time with high probability, where L is the number of flits in a packet, and η=min{d,L}; only a constant number of flits are stored in each queue at any time. Using this result, we show that a fat-tree network of area Θ(A) can simulate wormhole routing on any network of comparable area with O(log^3 A) slowdown, when all worms have the same length. Variable-length worms are also considered. We run some simulations on the fat-tree which show that not only does wormhole routing tend to perform better than the more heavily studied store-and-forward routing in this context, but that performance superior to our provable bound is attainable in practice

    Progress Report : 1991 - 1994

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    Optimal Permutation Routing for Low-dimensional Hypercubes

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    We consider the offline problem of routing a permutation of tokens on the nodes of a d-dimensional hypercube, under a queueless MIMD communication model (under the constraints that each hypercube edge may only communicate one token per communication step, and each node may only be occupied by a single token between communication steps). For a d-dimensional hypercube, it is easy to see that d communication steps are necessary. We develop a theory of “separability ” which enables an analytical proof that d steps suffice for the case d = 3, and facilitates an experimental verification that d steps suffice for d = 4. This result improves the upper bound for the number of communication steps required to route an arbitrary permutation on arbitrarily large hypercubes to 2d − 4. We also find an interesting side-result, that the number of possible communication steps in a d-dimensional hypercube is the same as the number of perfect matchings in a (d + 1)-dimensional hypercube, a combinatorial quantity for which there is no closed-form expression. Finally we present some experimental observations which may lead to a proof of a more general result for arbitrarily large dimension d. 2

    Analysis of algorithms for online routing and scheduling in networks

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    We study situations in which an algorithm must make decisions about how to best route and schedule data transfer requests in a communication network before each transfer leaves its source. For some situations, such as those requiring quality of service guarantees, this is essential. For other situations, doing work in advance can simplify decisions in transit and increase the speed of the network. In order to reflect realistic scenarios, we require that our algorithms be online, or make their decisions without knowing future requests. We measure the efficiency of an online algorithm by its competitive ratio, which is the maximum ratio, over all request sequences, of the cost of the online algorithm\u27s solution to that of an optimal solution constructed by knowing all the requests in advance.;We identify and study two distinct variations of this general problem. In the first, data transfer requests are permanent virtual circuit requests in a circuit-switched network and the goal is to minimize the network congestion caused by the route assignment. In the second variation, data transfer requests are packets in a packet-switched network and the goal is to minimize the makespan of the schedule, or the time that the last packet reaches its destination. We present new lower bounds on the competitive ratio of any online algorithm with respect to both network congestion and makespan.;We consider two greedy online algorithms for permanent virtual circuit routing on arbitrary networks with unit capacity links, and prove both lower and upper bounds on their competitive ratios. While these greedy algorithms are not optimal, they can be expected to perform well in many circumstances and require less time to make a decision, when compared to a previously discovered asymptotically optimal online algorithm. For the online packet routing and scheduling problem, we consider an algorithm which simply assigns to each packet a priority based upon its arrival time. No packet is delayed by another packet with a lower priority. We analyze the competitive ratio of this algorithm on linear array, tree, and ring networks

    Sorting networks using k-comparators

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    Bibliography: leaves 160-167

    Randomized Multipacket Routing and Sorting on Meshes

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