5 research outputs found

    Random Generation of Positive TAGEDs wrt. the Emptiness Problem

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    Tree automata are a widely used formalism in Computer Science. Since their creation in the fifties, numerous more expressive extensions have been proposed. Unfortunately, the decision problems associated with these extensions are quite often undecidable or in prohibitive classes of algorithmic complexity (NP-complete or worse), and little work has gone into finding efficient heuristics for them. Beyond the inherent difficulty of those problems, a common hitch in this line of research is the experimental evaluation of new algorithms. As those extensions of tree automata have remained in chiefly theoretical spheres, there are no established testbeds from the "real world" against which to quantify the efficiency (or lack thereof) of new algorithms. Failing that, there is a need to generate suitable testbeds at random. Regrettably, there is little material in the literature regarding random generation of tree automata, and none at all regarding extensions such as Tree Automata with Global Equality and Disequality Constraints (TAGEDs). It should also be noted that what little material there is does not concern itself with the interest of the generated automata wrt. specific decision problems. In this report we present a scheme for random generation of positive TAGEDs, with a focus on making them interesting wrt. the Emptiness problem

    Modélisation et vérification des processus métier orientés données probabilistes

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    There is a wide range of new applications that stress the need for business process models that are able to handle imprecise data. This thesis studies the underlying modelling and analysis issues. It uses as formal model to describe process behaviours a labelled transitions system in which transitions are guarded by conditions defined over a probabilistic database. To tackle verification problems, we decompose this model to a set of traditional automata associated with probabilities named as world-partition automata. Next, this thesis presents an approach for testing probabilistic simulation preorder in this context. A complexity analysis reveals that the problem is in 2-exptime, and is exptime-hard, w.r.t. expression complexity while it matches probabilistic query evaluation w.r.t. data-complexity. Then P-LTL and P-CTL model checking methods are studied to verify this model. In this context, the complexity of P-LTL and P-CTL model checking is in exptime. Finally a prototype called ”PRODUS” which is a modeling and verification tool is introduced and we model a realistic scenario in the domain of GIS (graphical information system) by using our approach.Un large Ă©ventail de nouvelles applications met l’accent sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© de disposer de modĂšles de processus mĂ©tier capables de manipuler des donnĂ©es imprĂ©cises ou incertaines. Du fait de la prĂ©sence de donnĂ©es probabilistes, les comportements externes de tels processus mĂ©tier sont non markoviens. Peu de travaux dans la littĂ©rature se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s Ă  la vĂ©rification de tels systĂšmes. Ce travail de thĂšse Ă©tudie les questions de modĂ©lisation et d’analyse de ce type de processus mĂ©tier. Il utilise comme modĂšle formel pour dĂ©crire les comportements des processus mĂ©tier un systĂšme de transitions Ă©tiquetĂ©es dans lequel les transitions sont gardĂ©es par des conditions dĂ©finies sur une base de donnĂ©es probabiliste. Il propose ensuite une approche de dĂ©composition de ces processus qui permet de tester la relation de simulation entre processus dans ce contexte. Une analyse de complexitĂ© rĂ©vĂšle que le problĂšme de test de simulation est dans 2-EXPTIME, et qu’il est EXPTIME-difficile en termes de complexitĂ© d’expression, alors que du point de vue de la complexitĂ© en termes des donnĂ©es, il n’engendre pas de surcoĂ»t supplĂ©mentaire par rapport au coĂ»t de l’évaluation de requĂȘtes boolĂ©ennes sur des bases de donnĂ©es probabilistes. L’approche proposĂ©e est ensuite Ă©tendue pour permettre la vĂ©rification de propriĂ©tĂ©s exprimĂ©es dans les logiques P-LTL et P-CTL. Finalement, un prototype, nommĂ© ‘PRODUS’, a Ă©tĂ© implĂ©mentĂ© et utilisĂ© dans le cadre d’une application liĂ©e aux systĂšmes d’information gĂ©ographiques pour montrer la faisabilitĂ© de l’approche proposĂ©e

    Random Generation of Deterministic Tree (Walking) Automata

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    The original publication is a available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceUniform random generators deliver a simple empirical means to estimate the average complexity of an algorithm. We present a general rejection algorithm that generates sequential letter-to-letter transducers up to isomorphism. We tailor this general scheme to randomly generate deterministic tree walking automata and deterministic top-down tree automata. We apply our implementation of the generator to the estimation of the average complexity of a deterministic tree walking automata to nondeterministic top-down tree automata construction we also implemented