24,748 research outputs found

    Robust Adaptive Congestion Control for Next Generation Networks

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    This paper deals with the problem of congestion control in a next-generation heterogeneous network scenario. The algorithm runs in the 'edge' routers (the routers collecting the traffic between two different networks) with the aim of avoiding congestion in both the network and the edge routers. The proposed algorithm extends congestion control algorithms based on the Smith's principle: i) the controller, by exploiting on-line estimates via probe packets, adapts to the delay and rate variations; ii) the controller assures robust stability in the presence of time-varying delays

    The Relativistic Factor in the Orbital Dynamics of Point Masses

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    There is a growing population of relativistically relevant minor bodies in the Solar System and a growing population of massive extrasolar planets with orbits very close to the central star where relativistic effects should have some signature. Our purpose is to review how general relativity affects the orbital dynamics of the planetary systems and to define a suitable relativistic correction for Solar System orbital studies when only point masses are considered. Using relativistic formulae for the N body problem suited for a planetary system given in the literature we present a series of numerical orbital integrations designed to test the relevance of the effects due to the general theory of relativity in the case of our Solar System. Comparison between different algorithms for accounting for the relativistic corrections are performed. Relativistic effects generated by the Sun or by the central star are the most relevant ones and produce evident modifications in the secular dynamics of the inner Solar System. The Kozai mechanism, for example, is modified due to the relativistic effects on the argument of the perihelion. Relativistic effects generated by planets instead are of very low relevance but detectable in numerical simulations

    The Relativistic Factor in the Orbital Dynamics of Point Masses

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    There is a growing population of relativistically relevant minor bodies in the Solar System and a growing population of massive extrasolar planets with orbits very close to the central star where relativistic effects should have some signature. Our purpose is to review how general relativity affects the orbital dynamics of the planetary systems and to define a suitable relativistic correction for Solar System orbital studies when only point masses are considered. Using relativistic formulae for the N body problem suited for a planetary system given in the literature we present a series of numerical orbital integrations designed to test the relevance of the effects due to the general theory of relativity in the case of our Solar System. Comparison between different algorithms for accounting for the relativistic corrections are performed. Relativistic effects generated by the Sun or by the central star are the most relevant ones and produce evident modifications in the secular dynamics of the inner Solar System. The Kozai mechanism, for example, is modified due to the relativistic effects on the argument of the perihelion. Relativistic effects generated by planets instead are of very low relevance but detectable in numerical simulations

    The Energetic Cost of Activation of White Muscle Fibres from the Dogfish Scyliophinus Canicula

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    Link to the publisher's site: http://jeb.biologists.org/The energetic cost of activation was measured during an isometric tetanus of white muscle fibres from the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula. The total heat production by the fibres was taken as a measure of the total energetic cost. This energy consists of two parts. One is due to crossbridge interaction which produces isometric force, and this part varies linearly with the degree of filament overlap in the fibres. The other part of the energy is that associated with activation of the crossbridges by Ca2+, mainly with uptake of Ca2+ into the sarcoplasmic reticulum by the ATP-driven Ca2+ pump. Total heat production was measured at various degrees of filament overlap beyond the optimum for force development. Extrapolation of heat versus force production data to evaluate the heat remaining at zero force gave a value of 34±5 % (mean ± S.E.M., N=24) for activation heat as a percentage of total heat production in a 2.0 s isometric tetanus. Values for 0.4 and 1.0 s of stimulation were similar. Comparison with values in the literature shows that the energetic cost of activation in dogfish muscle is very similar to that of frog skeletal muscle and it cannot explain the lower maximum efficiency of dogfish muscle compared with frog muscle. The proportion of energy for activation (Ca2+ turnover) is similar to that expected from a simple model in which Ca2+ turnover was varied to minimize the total energy cost for a contraction plus relaxation cycle.Peer reviewe

    Constraints for the existence of flat and stable non-supersymmetric vacua in supergravity

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    We further develop on the study of the conditions for the existence of locally stable non-supersymmetric vacua with vanishing cosmological constant in supergravity models involving only chiral superfields. Starting from the two necessary conditions for flatness and stability derived in a previous paper (which involve the Kahler metric and its Riemann tensor contracted with the supersymmetry breaking auxiliary fields) we show that the implications of these constraints can be worked out exactly not only for factorizable scalar manifolds, but also for symmetric coset manifolds. In both cases, the conditions imply a strong restriction on the Kahler geometry and constrain the vector of auxiliary fields defining the Goldstino direction to lie in a certain cone. We then apply these results to the various homogeneous coset manifolds spanned by the moduli and untwisted matter fields arising in string compactifications, and discuss their implications. Finally, we also discuss what can be said for completely arbitrary scalar manifolds, and derive in this more general case some explicit but weaker restrictions on the Kahler geometry.Comment: 22 pages, Latex, no figure

    Cosmological Signatures of a Mirror Twin Higgs

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    We explore the cosmological signatures associated with the twin baryons, electrons, photons and neutrinos in the Mirror Twin Higgs framework. We consider a scenario in which the twin baryons constitute a subcomponent of dark matter, and the contribution of the twin photon and neutrinos to dark radiation is suppressed due to late asymmetric reheating, but remains large enough to be detected in future cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. We show that this framework can lead to distinctive signals in large scale structure and in the cosmic microwave background. Baryon acoustic oscillations in the mirror sector prior to recombination lead to a suppression of structure on large scales, and leave a residual oscillatory pattern in the matter power spectrum. This pattern depends sensitively on the relative abundances and ionization energies of both twin hydrogen and helium, and is therefore characteristic of this class of models. Although both mirror photons and neutrinos constitute dark radiation in the early universe, their effects on the CMB are distinct. This is because prior to recombination the twin neutrinos free stream, while the twin photons are prevented from free streaming by scattering off twin electrons. In the Mirror Twin Higgs framework the relative contributions of these two species to the energy density in dark radiation is predicted, leading to testable effects in the CMB. These highly distinctive cosmological signatures may allow this class of models to be discovered, and distinguished from more general dark sectors.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; added new discussions and figures; references added; matches published versio

    Physical Properties of Giant Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    The Magellanic Mopra Assessment (MAGMA) is a high angular resolution CO mapping survey of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds using the Mopra Telescope. Here we report on the basic physical properties of 125 GMCs in the LMC that have been surveyed to date. The observed clouds exhibit scaling relations that are similar to those determined for Galactic GMCs, although LMC clouds have narrower linewidths and lower CO luminosities than Galactic clouds of a similar size. The average mass surface density of the LMC clouds is 50 Msol/pc2, approximately half that of GMCs in the inner Milky Way. We compare the properties of GMCs with and without signs of massive star formation, finding that non-star-forming GMCs have lower peak CO brightness than star-forming GMCs. We compare the properties of GMCs with estimates for local interstellar conditions: specifically, we investigate the HI column density, radiation field, stellar mass surface density and the external pressure. Very few cloud properties demonstrate a clear dependence on the environment; the exceptions are significant positive correlations between i) the HI column density and the GMC velocity dispersion, ii) the stellar mass surface density and the average peak CO brightness, and iii) the stellar mass surface density and the CO surface brightness. The molecular mass surface density of GMCs without signs of massive star formation shows no dependence on the local radiation field, which is inconsistent with the photoionization-regulated star formation theory proposed by McKee (1989). We find some evidence that the mass surface density of the MAGMA clouds increases with the interstellar pressure, as proposed by Elmegreen (1989), but the detailed predictions of this model are not fulfilled once estimates for the local radiation field, metallicity and GMC envelope mass are taken into account.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Exploring the functional significance of dendritic inhibition in cortical pyramidal cells

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    Inhibitory synapses contacting the soma and axon initial segment are commonly presumed to participate in shaping the response properties of cortical pyramidal cells. Such an inhibitory mechanism has been explored in numerous computational models. However, the majority of inhibitory synapses target the dendrites of pyramidal cells, and recent physiological data suggests that this dendritic inhibition affects tuning properties. We describe a model that can be used to investigate the role of dendritic inhibition in the competition between neurons. With this model we demonstrate that dendritic inhibition significantly enhances the computational and representational properties of neural networks
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