225 research outputs found

    Radio-on-Demand Networks for Green Wireless Networks

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    無線通信機器における電力消費量を削減し,ネットワークの省電力化を実現するため,我々は,無線通信が必要とされる時間,場所及び通信用途に応じて,オンデマンドに無線アクセスを提供するRadio On Demand Networks (ROD)の研究開発に取り組んでいる.RODにおける無線アクセス機器は,通信を行わないときにはスリープ状態へ自動的に遷移し,超低消費電力なWake-up受信機で他の機器からの通信要求(Wake-up信号)を待ち受ける.通信要求が発生した機器は,データ送信に先だってWake-up信号を送信し,宛先となる機器のWake-up受信機がそれを検知,機器を通信可能な稼働状態へ遷移させデータを受信する.本論文では,このROD技術を無線LANに適用することによって実現した,オンデマンド型無線LANアクセスポイントの開発成果及び,オンデマンド型無線センサーアクチュエータネットワーク(ROD-SAN)の開発と実証評価の結果について報告し,ROD技術の実用性と有効性を示す

    The legal status of personalized radio in Europe, as exemplified by the NETRADIO project in Poland

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    This presentation is focused on introducing the concept behind the NETRADIO project, developed by regional broadcasting stations of the Polish Radio Company, Poznan Centre Computer Super-Net and The Press Systems and Media Law Department of the Political Science and Journalism Institute, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. The basic idea behind this project is the introduction of an automatic system of individual creation of a broadcasting programme in real-time, corresponding with expectations of listeners who thereby create the programmes themselves, and according to the manner of transmission of a given programme. This project will enable everyone to take advantage of the rich stock of archives situated in regional Polish radio broadcasting stations and top-class content of news and political commentary journalism, continuously produced by radio stations. In this way, NETRADIO is a practical realisation of the concept of radio on-demand. Moreover, it will probably become an important alternative for traditional broadcasting. The system functions in the following manner. From the base of archival recordings (news, political commentary journalism and recorded music are divided into thematic categories) - the content goes to a database, which generate for instance a programme “x”, through a system of electronic controllers defined by listeners. Each broadcast programme is addressed for one radio set (one terminal computer, a mobile phone in UMTS standard, one radio set in a car – also acting as a UMTS terminal). The use of this technology by a single listener or client, does not exclude many formatted thematic radio programs for the listeners at large, according to the music profile created (e.g. jazz radio, radio for business). Against this background, a comparative analysis will be presented, concerning regulations by law defining the legal status of radio on-demand in the European Union, particularly in the context of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive. For example, the Broadcasting Act of 29 December, 1992 in Poland excludes audio services offered by radio on-demand as out of its scope. The question then arises, which judicial norms actually define the legal status of radio on-demand? It may be worth asking if this new form of radio transmission is to be interpreted as just services sent by electronic route or still as classic broadcasting

    Internet Radio: A New Engine for Content Diversity?

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    While traditional radio stations are subject to extensive government regulations, Internet radio stations remain largely unregulated. As Internet radio usage has increased certain stakeholders have begun to argue that these Internet radio broadcasters are providing significant and diverse programming to American audiences and that government regulation of spectrum-using radio station ownership may be further relaxed. One of the primary justifications for regulation of ownership has been to protect diversity in broadcasting. This study hypothesizes that Internet radio broadcasting does add diversity to the radio broadcasting industry and that it should be considered as relevant by regulators. This study evaluates the role of Internet radio broadcasters according to five criteria intended to gauge the level of diversity being delivered to listeners online. By measuring the levels of format, channel, ownership, location and language diversity among Internet radio stations, it is possible to draw benchmark lessons about the new medium's ability to provide Americans with diverse broadcasting options. The study finds that Internet radio broadcasters are in fact adding measurable diversity to the radio broadcasting industry. Internet broadcasters are providing audiences with access to an increasing number of stations, owners, formats, and language choices, and it is likely that technologies aiding in the mobility of access as well as broadband evolution will reinforce these findings.Comment: 29th TPRC Conference, 200

    The Impact of Podcasts in Education

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    This article will be covering the impact of podcasts in education. Multimedia has been apart of education and classroom environments for over 40 years. With the recent rise in podcast creators and consumers, it is natural that this aspect of media would also spread into education. The use of podcasts in education is controversial, one side argues that podcasts have no place in education and are merely a distraction. The same was said about PowerPoint presentations and in-class videos at one point of time, however multimedia in the classroom has become the new norm. This article will provide the argument of how podcasts are beneficial in education in multiple ways. Specifically, podcasts can be used as a teaching resource by teachers, a learning resource by students, and a preparation tool for teacher candidates


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    In considering the liability principles that apply to sport and recreational activities, it is important to give attention to immunity, since it is often a factor in sport and recreational activity liability cases in the U.S.A. There are several types of immunity : 1)recreational useracts related to land use, 2) legislation relating to volunteers, and 3) statutes related to renderingemergency care. A recent addition to the immunity umbrella is the so-called Recreational Use Statutes. The basic principle is that landowners who allow free recreational use of their property, owe no duty of care to keep their premises in safe condition or warn of dangerousor hazardous conditions. Then, this study aims to grasp influence, role and function of recreational use immunity in sport and recreational activity law through analyzing judicial precedents of sport and recreational activity these days in the U.S.A

    New communication practices on the radio and in the audiosphere

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    For the past decade or so, internet radio, podcasts, mobile sound apps, and digital libraries of audio content have enjoyed increasing popularity among researchers and receivers of culture. Radio, similarly to other traditional media, often experiments with the opportunities offered by the new media technologies enabling the emergence of new communicational practices. As a starting point, I consider the contemporary audiosphere, which constitutes the auditory part of the audio-visual culture, and the influence of technological changes on radio communications, artists, and receivers. I attempt to answer the question, what happens at genre fringes? What are the characteristic features of the emerging forms? How, when one is faced with new technology, the multimedia world, and virtual reality, can one reach a reflection on the fiction and non-fiction genres on the radio? The expansive character of new technologies is often the source of inspiration for that which is traditional, thus renewing the object of its study. The inclusion of new phenomena within the widely understood auditoriness has a rescuing nature for traditional forms, and, at the same time, offers new opportunities for creators, and thus an area of research for literary scientists, media scientists and literary critics

    Radio does not die on the air: Podcasting and on-demand broadcast strategies among speech-based radio stations

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    In recent decades, speech-based radio stations in Spain, whose programmes have been aimed at the general public, have transformed their on-demand content broadcasting strategy by incorporating audio processes in the form of podcasts, followed by transmission through websites, aggregators and applications. The overall objective of this article is to provide a detailed account of the evolution and scope of the podcast as an on-demand distribution channel for speech-based Spanish radio broadcasters, and to reveal how this format is changing the approaches taken by the most prominent national radio stations [Cadena SER, COPE, Onda Cero, and Radio Nacional de España (RNE)], with special emphasis on prime-time morning shows. The methodology employed combines quantitative and qualitative techniques along with an analysis of the content uploaded to the website of these morning programmes, which are part of the weekly programming cycle, together with semi-structured interviews using closed-ended questions that have been given to the main heads of programming and digital areas of the broadcasters under study. The results show that radio stations have incorporated podcast distribution into their usual routine in order to give new life to the content emitted, with the aim of serving both traditional users as well as new generations of digitised native listeners. In addition, they process daily content in an increasingly systematic way, on the basis of a model of mixed management coordination between programmes and digital areas. Similarly, broadcasters have made considerable progress in the measurement and analysis of the time-shifted audience, as well as in broadcast multiplication techniques using push notifications, social media, and monetisation