43 research outputs found


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    The quality of VoIP communication relies significantly on the network that transports the voice packets because this network does not usually guarantee the available bandwidth, delay, and loss that are critical for real-time voice traffic. The solution proposed here is to manage the voice-over-IP stream dynamically, changing parameters as needed to assure quality. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop an adaptive speech encoding system that can be applied to conventional (telephony-grade) and wideband voice communications. This comprehensive study includes the investigation and development of three key components of the system. First, to manage VoIP quality dynamically, a tool is needed to measure real-time changes in quality. The E-model, which exists for narrowband communication, is extended to a single computational technique that measures speech quality for narrowband and wideband VoIP codecs. This part of the dissertation also develops important theoretical work in the area of wideband telephony. The second system component is a variable speech-encoding algorithm. Although VoIP performance is affected by multiple codecs and network-based factors, only three factors can be managed dynamically: voice payload size, speech compression and jitter buffer management. Using an existing adaptive jitter-buffer algorithm, voice packet-size and compression variation are studied as they affect speech quality under different network conditions. This study explains the relationships among multiple parameters as they affect speech transmission and its resulting quality. Then, based on these two components, the third system component is a novel adaptive-rate control algorithm that establishes the interaction between a VoIP sender and receiver, and manages voice quality in real-time. Simulations demonstrate that the system provides better average voice quality than traditional VoIP

    MBMS—IP Multicast/Broadcast in 3G Networks

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    In this article, the Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (MBMS) as standardized in 3GPP is presented. With MBMS, multicast and broadcast capabilities are introduced into cellular networks. After an introduction into MBMS technology, MBMS radio bearer realizations are presented. Different MBMS bearer services like broadcast mode, enhanced broadcast mode and multicast mode are discussed. Streaming and download services over MBMS are presented and supported media codecs are listed. Service layer components as defined in Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) are introduced. For a Mobile TV use case capacity improvements achieved by MBMS are shown. Finally, evolution of MBMS as part of 3GPP standardization is presented

    Utilizing DSP for IP telephony applications in mobile terminals

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    Tässä diplomityössä etsitään ja määritellään optimaalinen ohjelmistoarkkitehtuuri reaaliaikaisen puheenkoodauksen mahdollistamiseksi mobiilin laitteen Internet-puheluohjelmistossa. Arkkitehtuurille asetettiin vaatimus, jonka mukaan puhelu ja siihen liittyvä puheen reaaliaikaisuus ei saa rajoittaa tai liikaa kuormittaa laitteen muuta toiminnallisuutta. Työssä käytetty mobiili laite tarjoaa mahdollisuuden hyödyntää kahta prosessoria. Toinen prosessoreista on tarkoitettu yleisille käyttöjärjestelmille sekä ohjelmistoille ja toinen signaalinkäsittelyoperaatioille. Suunniteltu arkkitehtuuri yhdistää näiden kahden prosessorin toiminnallisuuden ja mahdollistaa reaaliaikaisen puheenkoodauksen (sekä toisto että äänitys) mobiliisissa laitteessa. Arkkitehtuuri toteutettiin ja sen suorituskykyä arvioitiin erilaisilla mittauksilla ja parametreilla. Havaittiin, että toteutus suoriutuu erinomaisesti sille asetetuista vaatimuksista. Todettiin myös, että käytettäessä ainoastaan laitteen yhtä prosessoria reaaliaikavaatimus ei täyty. Tämä johtuu puhekoodekin matemaattisesta kompleksisuudesta ja laitteen rajoitetuista ominaisuuksista. Työn aikana jätettiin kaksi patenttihakemusta.In this thesis, an optimal software architecture is studied and defined for enabling a real-time speech coding scheme in an Internet telephony application of a mobile terminal. According to a requirement set for the architecture, a phone call and the related real-time speech coding shall not limit or overload other functionality of the terminal. The mobile terminal utilized in this thesis provides a potential to take advantage of the efficiency of a dual core processor. One of the processors is designed for general purpose operating systems, and the other one for signal processing operations. The designed software architecture combines the functionality of these processors and enables real-time speech coding (both playback and capture) in the device. The architecture was implemented and its performance was evaluated with different measurements and parameters. It was observed that the implementation outperforms the requirements set. It was also confirmed that the performance of the general purpose processor is inadequate for real-time operations with the chosen speech coder/decoder. Two patent applications were filed by the author during the writing of this thesis

    A-Interface Over Internet Protocol For User-Plane Connection Optimization In GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network

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    This thesis will cover a detailed study about the main motivations and benefits from using IP as a transport protocol for specifically A-interface in GERAN for Circuit Switched User-Plane (CS-UP) connection, in addition to the required protocols. The main study in this document will be around Real Time Protocol (RTP), Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) negotiation for RTP packets multiplexing, for both cases, with and without RTP header compression. The focus will be about the communication between the Base Station Controller (BSC) and the Media GateWay (MGW), the bandwidth gain in accordance to the multiplexing delay for processing and buffering, the voice Quality of Service (QoS) and some other parameters

    Session Description Protocol (SDP) Media Capabilities Negotiation

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    Scalable Speech Coding for IP Networks

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    The emergence of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has posed new challenges to the development of speech codecs. The key issue of transporting real-time voice packet over IP networks is the lack of guarantee for reasonable speech quality due to packet delay or loss. Most of the widely used narrowband codecs depend on the Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) coding technique. The CELP technique utilizes the long-term prediction across the frame boundaries and therefore causes error propagation in the case of packet loss and need to transmit redundant information in order to mitigate the problem. The internet Low Bit-rate Codec (iLBC) employs the frame-independent coding and therefore inherently possesses high robustness to packet loss. However, the original iLBC lacks in some of the key features of speech codecs for IP networks: Rate flexibility, Scalability, and Wideband support. This dissertation presents novel scalable narrowband and wideband speech codecs for IP networks using the frame independent coding scheme based on the iLBC. The rate flexibility is added to the iLBC by employing the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and iii the scalable algebraic vector quantization (AVQ) and by allocating different number of bits to the AVQ. The bit-rate scalability is obtained by adding the enhancement layer to the core layer of the multi-rate iLBC. The enhancement layer encodes the weighted iLBC coding error in the modified DCT (MDCT) domain. The proposed wideband codec employs the bandwidth extension technique to extend the capabilities of existing narrowband codecs to provide wideband coding functionality. The wavelet transform is also used to further enhance the performance of the proposed codec. The performance evaluation results show that the proposed codec provides high robustness to packet loss and achieves equivalent or higher speech quality than state-of-the-art codecs under the clean channel condition

    Opus audiokoodekki matkapuhelinverkoissa

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    The latest generations in mobile networks have enabled a possibility to include high quality audio coding in data transmission. On the other hand, an on-going effort to move the audio signal processing from dedicated hardware to data centers with generalized hardware introduces a challenge of providing enough computational power needed by the virtualized network elements. This thesis evaluates the usage of a modern hybrid audio codec called Opus in a virtualized network element. It is performed by integrating the codec, testing it for functionality and performance on a general purpose processor, as well as evaluating the performance in comparison to the digital signal processor's performance. Functional testing showed that the codec was integrated successfully and bit compliance with the Opus standard was met. The performance results showed that although the digital signal processor computes the encoder's algorithms with less clock cycles, related to the processor's whole capacity the general purpose processor performs more efficiently due to higher clock frequency. For the decoder this was even clearer, when the generic hardware spends on average less clock cycles for performing the algorithms.Uusimmat sukupolvet matkapuhelinverkoissa mahdollistavat korkealaatuisen audiokoodauksen tiedonsiirrossa. Toisaalta audiosignaalinkäsittelyn siirtäminen sovelluskohtaisesta laitteistosta keskitettyjen palvelinkeskusten yleiskäyttöiseen laitteistoon on käynnissä, mikä aiheuttaa haasteita tarjota riittävästi laskennallista tehoa virtualisoituja verkkoelementtejä varten. Tämä diplomityö arvioi modernin hybridikoodekin, Opuksen, käyttöä virtualisoidussa verkkoelementissä. Se on toteutettu integroimalla koodekki, testaamalla funktionaalisuutta ja suorituskykyä yleiskäyttöisellä prosessorilla sekä arvioimalla suorituskykyä verrattuna digitaalisen signaaliprosessorin suorituskykyyn. Funktionaalinen testaus osoitti että koodekki oli integroitu onnistuneesti ja että bittitason yhdenmukaisuus Opuksen standardin kanssa saavutettiin. Suorituskyvyn testitulokset osoittivat, että vaikka enkoodaus tuotti vähemmän kellojaksoja digitaalisella signaaliprosessorilla, yleiskäyttöinen prosessori suoriutuu tehokkaammin suhteutettuna prosessorin kokonaiskapasiteettiin korkeamman kellotaajuuden ansiosta. Dekooderilla tämä näkyi vielä selkeämmin, sillä yleiskäyttöinen prosessori kulutti keskimäärin vähemmän kellojaksoja algoritmien suorittamiseen

    Improving the robustness of CELP-like speech decoders using late-arrival packets information : application to G.729 standard in VoIP

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    L'utilisation de la voix sur Internet est une nouvelle tendance dans Ie secteur des télécommunications et de la réseautique. La paquetisation des données et de la voix est réalisée en utilisant Ie protocole Internet (IP). Plusieurs codecs existent pour convertir la voix codée en paquets. La voix codée est paquetisée et transmise sur Internet. À la réception, certains paquets sont soit perdus, endommages ou arrivent en retard. Ceci est cause par des contraintes telles que Ie délai («jitter»), la congestion et les erreurs de réseau. Ces contraintes dégradent la qualité de la voix. Puisque la transmission de la voix est en temps réel, Ie récepteur ne peut pas demander la retransmission de paquets perdus ou endommages car ceci va causer plus de délai. Au lieu de cela, des méthodes de récupération des paquets perdus (« concealment ») s'appliquent soit à l'émetteur soit au récepteur pour remplacer les paquets perdus ou endommages. Ce projet vise à implémenter une méthode innovatrice pour améliorer Ie temps de convergence suite a la perte de paquets au récepteur d'une application de Voix sur IP. La méthode a déjà été intégrée dans un codeur large-bande (AMR-WB) et a significativement amélioré la qualité de la voix en présence de <<jitter » dans Ie temps d'arrivée des trames au décodeur. Dans ce projet, la même méthode sera intégrée dans un codeur a bande étroite (ITU-T G.729) qui est largement utilise dans les applications de voix sur IP. Le codeur ITU-T G.729 défini des standards pour coder et décoder la voix a 8 kb/s en utilisant 1'algorithme CS-CELP (Conjugate Stmcture Algebraic Code-Excited Linear Prediction).Abstract: Voice over Internet applications is the new trend in telecommunications and networking industry today. Packetizing data/voice is done using the Internet protocol (IP). Various codecs exist to convert the raw voice data into packets. The coded and packetized speech is transmitted over the Internet. At the receiving end some packets are either lost, damaged or arrive late. This is due to constraints such as network delay (fitter), network congestion and network errors. These constraints degrade the quality of speech. Since voice transmission is in real-time, the receiver can not request the retransmission of lost or damaged packets as this will cause more delay. Instead, concealment methods are applied either at the transmitter side (coder-based) or at the receiver side (decoder-based) to replace these lost or late-arrival packets. This work attempts to implement a novel method for improving the recovery time of concealed speech The method has already been integrated in a wideband speech coder (AMR-WB) and significantly improved the quality of speech in the presence of jitter in the arrival time of speech frames at the decoder. In this work, the same method will be integrated in a narrowband speech coder (ITU-T G.729) that is widely used in VoIP applications. The ITUT G.729 coder defines the standards for coding and decoding speech at 8 kb/s using Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code-Excited Linear Prediction (CS-CELP) Algorithm