45 research outputs found

    Boosting-Based Learning Agents for Experience Classification

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    Embedded Automation in Human-Agent Environment

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    A Design Thinking Framework for Human-Centric Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Time-Critical Systems

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seen a surge in popularity as increased computing power has made it more viable and useful. The increasing complexity of AI, however, leads to can lead to difficulty in understanding or interpreting the results of AI procedures, which can then lead to incorrect predictions, classifications, or analysis of outcomes. The result of these problems can be over-reliance on AI, under-reliance on AI, or simply confusion as to what the results mean. Additionally, the complexity of AI models can obscure the algorithmic, data and design biases to which all models are subject, which may exacerbate negative outcomes, particularly with respect to minority populations. Explainable AI (XAI) aims to mitigate these problems by providing information on the intent, performance, and reasoning process of the AI. Where time or cognitive resources are limited, the burden of additional information can negatively impact performance. Ensuring XAI information is intuitive and relevant allows the user to quickly calibrate their trust in the AI, in turn improving trust in suggested task alternatives, reducing workload and improving task performance. This study details a structured approach to the development of XAI in time-critical systems based on a design thinking framework that preserves the agile, fast-iterative approach characteristic of design thinking and augments it with practical tools and guides. The framework establishes a focus on shared situational perspective, and the deep understanding of both users and the AI in the empathy phase, provides a model with seven XAI levels and corresponding solution themes, and defines objective, physiological metrics for concurrent assessment of trust and workload

    Combining Rational and Biological Factors in Virtual Agent Decision Making

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    To enhance believability of virtual agents, this paper presents an agent-based modelling approach for decision making, which integrates rational reasoning based on means-end analysis with personal psychological and biological aspects. The agent model developed is a combination of a BDI-model and a utility-based decision model in the context of specific desires and beliefs. The approach is illustrated by addressing the behaviour of violent criminals, thereby creating a model for virtual criminals. Within a number of simulation experiments, the model has been tested in the context of a street robbery scenario. In addition, a user study has been performed, which confirms the fact that the model enhances believability of virtual agents. © 2009 The Author(s)

    Developing conversational agents for use in criminal investigations

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    The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in environments that involve high risk and high consequence decision-making is severely hampered by critical design issues. These issues include system transparency and brittleness, where transparency relates to (i) the explainability of results and (ii) the ability of a user to inspect and verify system goals and constraints; and brittleness, (iii) the ability of a system to adapt to new user demands. Transparency is a particular concern for criminal intelligence analysis, where there are significant ethical and trust issues that arise when algorithmic and system processes are not adequately understood by a user. This prevents adoption of potentially useful technologies in policing environments. In this article, we present a novel approach to designing a conversational agent (CA) AI system for intelligence analysis that tackles these issues. We discuss the results and implications of three different studies; a Cognitive Task Analysis to understand analyst thinking when retrieving information in an investigation, Emergent Themes Analysis to understand the explanation needs of different system components, and an interactive experiment with a prototype conversational agent. Our prototype conversational agent, named Pan, demonstrates transparency provision and mitigates brittleness by evolving new CA intentions. We encode interactions with the CA with human factors principles for situation recognition and use interactive visual analytics to support analyst reasoning. Our approach enables complex AI systems, such as Pan, to be used in sensitive environments, and our research has broader application than the use case discussed

    Developing conversational agents for use in criminal investigations

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    The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in environments that involve high risk and high consequence decision making is severely hampered by critical design issues. These issues include system transparency and brittleness, where transparency relates to (i) the explainability of results and (ii) the ability of a user to inspect and verify system goals and constraints, and brittleness (iii) the ability of a system to adapt to new user demands. Transparency is a particular concern for criminal intelligence analysis, where there are significant ethical and trust issues that arise when algorithmic and system processes are not adequately understood by a user. This prevents adoption of potentially useful technologies in policing environments. In this paper, we present a novel approach to designing a conversational agent (CA) AI system for intelligence analysis that tackles these issues.We discuss the results and implications of three different studies; a Cognitive Task Analysis to understand analyst thinking when retrieving information in an investigation, Emergent Themes Analysis to understand the explanation needs of different system components, and an interactive experiment with a prototype conversational agent. Our prototype conversational agent, named Pan, demonstrates transparency provision and mitigates brittleness by evolving new CA intentions. We encode interactions with the CA with human factors principles for situation recognition and use interactive visual analytics to support analyst reasoning. Our approach enables complex AI systems, such as Pan, to be used in sensitive environments and our research has broader application than the use case discussed

    PhD Thesis Proposal: Human-Machine Collaborative Optimization via Apprenticeship Scheduling

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    Resource optimization in health care, manufacturing, and military operations requires the careful choreography of people and equipment to effectively fulfill the responsibilities of the profession. However, resource optimization is a computationally challenging problem, and poorly utilizing resources can have drastic consequences. Within these professions, there are human domain experts who are able to learn from experience to develop strategies, heuristics, and rules-of-thumb to effectively utilize the resources at their disposal. Manually codifying these heuristics within a computational tool is a laborious process and leaves much to be desired. Even with a codified set of heuristics, it is not clear how to best insert an autonomous decision-support system into the human decision-making process. The aim of this thesis is to develop an autonomous computational method for learning domain-expert heuristics from demonstration that can support the human decision-making process. We propose a new framework, called apprenticeship scheduling, which learns and embeds these heuristics within a scalable resource optimization algorithm for real-time decision-support. Our initial investigation, comprised of developing scalable methods for scheduling and studying shared control in human-machine collaborative resource optimization, inspires the development of our apprenticeship scheduling approach. We present a promising, initial prototype for learning heuristics from demonstration and outline a plan for our continuing work

    Towards an Expert System for the Analysis of Computer Aided Human Performance

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