44 research outputs found

    Risc Management in a Selected Company

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá vytvořením systému řízení rizik na základě kritické analýzy pro vybraný podnik. Popisovaným podnikem je živnostenský podnik pana Miroslava Kováře Vinařství Kovář, který se zabývá výrobou vín. První část diplomové práce se zaměřuje na teoretické poznatky z oblasti řízení rizik. Druhá část práce je věnována analýze současné situace v podniku, analýze rizik a hodnocením rizik. Analýza rizik probíhá za pomocí FMEA analýzy. Pomocí které jsou odhaleny nejzávažnější rizika, pro která jsou stanovena opatření. Tato opatření se snaží rizika eliminovat. Poslední část obsahuje návrh systému řízení rizik pro vybraný podnik, který má zamezit vzniku nebo minimalizaci možných rizik.This Thesis deals with creating system for controlling risks based on critical analysis for chosen company. The company is called Vinařství Kovář and it's owned by Mr Miroslav Kovář, who is a wine producer. The first part of the Thesis is focusing on theory of controlling risks. The second part analyses current state of the company, it's risks and evaluation of the risks. The assessment of the risk is done by doing an FMEA analysis. This helps to find the most severe risks which are then eliminated with set actions. The last part of the Thesis contains suggestions of controlling the risks for the company to prevent or minimalise potential risks.


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    Through their daily activities, credit institutions are subject to various risks which could affect both the bank and the whole banking system, national and transnational. The activity field of the banks, marked by volatility, by the internationalization and liberalization of the financial markets, is in a continuous change. The contagion effect, as it has been proved by the spread of the financial crisis' effects, determines the surveillance authorities to pay increased attention to the financial risks and implicitly to the systemic risk. In this study, to start with, there shall be presented some aspects regarding the banking rating systems used by the surveillance authorities and then some ways of improving the models of managing credit risk in banks. In the end, there will be demonstrated that the risk profile of the banking institution has a determining role in the management of the credit portfolio.banking system, banking risk, surveillance, rating systems, credit portfolio, investment.

    An Approach to Forecasting Ukrainian GDP from the Supply Side

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    The aim of this paper is to provide some insights on the estimation and forecasting of Ukrainian GDP from the supply side. The aggregate output is modeled on the basis of the aggregate production function estimated from official data on 33 branches of the economy. Later, the model was enhanced by allowing for some level of disaggregation. In this attempt, production functions for major sectors (manufacturing, agriculture, services etc.) were estimated separately to help account for industry peculiarities. Though the theory underlying this study is straightforward, the Ukrainian context in which it was applied assures a challenge for a researcher. The major difficulties are linked to the transitional state of the economy, characterized by structural flaws, considerable changes in statistical methodology, poor quality of data, very short time series, inconsistency of some indicators, lack of stable economic relationships and a significant shadow economy.GDP, Ukraine

    Design and Operation of Existing Currency Board Arrangements

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    This paper summarizes recent literature on the experience of some existing currency boards. It begins with the definition of the currency board and the description of some existing currency boards. It then discusses advantages and disadvantages of implementing the currency board regime, and concludes with a list of conditions that must be satisfied if a country wants to adopt this monetary framework.currency board

    Mechanisms on Improving the Education System Quality in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    The article presents the analysis of the components of monitoring as one of management tools for the higher education (HE) system at macro- and micro-levels. The aim of the article is to identify problems of its organization and implementation in the system of professional education on the whole and in higher educational institutions in particular, as well as to analyze the application prospects of monitoring. The conducted research has revealed that although monitoring techniques have been used in the education system widely and for a long time, insufficient account has been taken of opportunities emerging from their direct impact on the effectiveness of education quality. In using monitoring as a tool for assessing higher education quality, various problems arise. Monitoring, in this case, is not a universal tool; but if it is adequate to the existing conditions and its results are correctly used, it can essentially improve the quality of the education process and of its outcomes

    Supravegherea, controlul bolilor transmisibile – elemente cheie în supravegherea de stat a sănătății publice

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    Societatea Științifică a Epidemiologilor și Microbiologilor din Republica Moldov

    Financial Crisis in Moldova - Causes and Consequences

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    The introduction of Moldovan leu has been accompanied by a monetary stabilization policy that until 1998 proved to be one of the most successful among FSU countries. The leu showed a remarkable stability and the rate of inflation was brought down to around 10% in 1997. However, fiscal policy was driven by inertia and pressure groups, reflecting the slow path of structural reforms and the general weakness of the state. Loose fiscal policy in turn reduced the determination in reforming state structures. Arrears and nettingout operations led to the development of the non-payment culture. At macroeconomic level, expansionary fiscal policy led to high absorption in the economy that was not met by the supply side response due to the impeded restructuring process, which fuelled imports and deteriorated trade balance. The ultimate result of the policy mix was the rapid accumulation of external debt and expenditure arrears. The unsustainability of both internal and external position of the state led to the inevitable financial crisis. The turmoil that followed in 1998 the crisis in Russia was a catalyst that speeded up the collapse of monetary stabilization. The capital account losses (capital flight) immediately brought the country to the verge of default. The abrupt and probably persistent loss of major export markets will affect the real economic activity over a longer period. More over, the crisis may create a window opportunity for accelerating Moldovan reforms. A critical situation makes the public and policy makers more likely to accept the painful measures that are necessary to revert the negative tendencies accumulated in recent years, while the large external debt makes the country fully dependent on the co-operation with international organizations, especially the IMF. Indeed, the new cabinet of young and liberal reformers voted in March 1999 initiated a more energetic program of reforms. Likewise, the decline of exports to Russia forced Moldovan enterprises to search new export possibilities for many producers trying to enter non-traditional western markets. The remainder of this paper is organised in the following way. The first chapter describes the introduction of the national currency and monetary stabilisation observed in Moldova in years 1993­1997. The second chapter discusses the impact of erroneous fiscal policy on the Moldovan economy in the same period. The third chapter depicts the developments of the crises of 1998 and draws conclusions about possible scenarios for next years. Background information about Moldova is reported in the appendix.Financial Crisis, Moldova

    Studying the RNA silencing pathway with the p19 protein

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    The origins of the RNA silencing pathway are in defense against invading viruses and in response, viruses have evolved counter‐measures to interfere with the host pathway. The p19 protein is expressed by tombusviruses as a suppressor of RNA silencing and functions to sequester small RNA duplexes, thereby preventing induction of the pathway. p19 exhibits size‐specific and sequence‐independent binding of its small RNA ligands, binding with high affinity to duplexes 20–22 nucleotides long. p19's binding specificity and its ability to sequester small RNAs has made it a unique protein‐based tool for probing the molecular mechanisms of the highly complex RNA silencing pathway in a variety of systems. Furthermore, protein engineering of this 'molecular caliper' promises novel applications in biotechnology and medicine where small RNA molecules are of remarkable interest given their potent gene regulatory abilities

    Design and Implementation of a Distributed Ledger Technology Platform to Support Customs Processes within Supply Chains

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    In international trade, customs clearance fulfills complex and country-specific tasks in the execution of supply chain processes. Importers and exporters have to integrate customs authorities into the information flow, as customs authorities require information, e.g., on the bill of lading and the commercial invoice apart from the customs declaration. In addition, involved sub-service providers increase the problem of information asymmetry and the required coordination effort. Practice and research consider Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) as a potential solution since this technology maintains a mutually agreed and secure database of value-creation partners. However, research has hardly investigated the design of such DLT systems. Therefore, we present a requirements catalogue, a concept, and a prototype of a DLT platform to address the outlined problem of information asymmetry, especially with a focus on customs processes

    Crummer Connection Spring 2000

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