33,971 research outputs found

    Future of Jets, Heavy Flavor, and EM Probes at RHIC and RHIC II

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    Exciting results from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have been presented at this Workshop. However, fundamental questions remain to be addressed in the future regarding whether the system is deconfined, chiral symmetry is restored, a color glass condensate exists in the initial state, and how the system evolves through eventual hadronization. Jets, heavy flavors and electromagnetic probes are sensitive to the initial high density stage of RHIC collisions, and should provide new insight. Significant additional capabilities will be added with a luminosity upgrade of RHIC (to RHIC II), upgrades of present detectors and a possible, new comprehensive detector at RHIC II.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, Proceedings of the 21st Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Breckenridge, Colorado, February 5--12, 200

    Collective Flow Distributions and Nuclear Stopping in Heavy-ion Collisions at AGS, SPS and RHIC

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    We study the production of proton, antiproton and net-proton at \AGS, \SPS and \RHIC within the framework non-uniform flow model(NUFM) in this paper. It is found that the system of RHIC has stronger longitudinally non-uniform feature than AGS and SPS, which means that nuclei at RHIC energy region is much more transparent. The NUFM model provides a very good description of all proton rapidity at whole AGS, SPS and RHIC. It is shown that our analysis relates closely to the study of nuclear stopping and longitudinally non-uniform flow distribution of experiment. This comparison with AGS and SPS help us to understand the feature of particle stopping of thermal freeze-out at RHIC experiment.Comment: 16 pages,7 figure

    Using dileptons to probe the Color Glass Condensate

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    The rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of the nuclear modification ratio for dilepton production at RHIC and LHC is presented, calculated in the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework. The transverse momentum ratio is compared for two distinct dilepton mass values and a suppression of the Cronin peak is verified even for large mass. The nuclear modification ratio suppression in the dilepton rapidity spectra, as obtained experimentally for hadrons at RHIC, is verified for LHC energies at large transverse momentum, although not present at RHIC energies. The ratio between LHC and RHIC nuclear modification ratios is evaluated in the CGC, showing the large saturation effects at LHC compared with the RHIC results. These results consolidate the dilepton as a most suitable observable to investigate the QCD high density approaches.Comment: 5 pages, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Energy Dependence of pp and p-carbon CNI analyzing power

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    The method described in my RHIC Spin Note (hep-ph/305085) is applied to recently reported data from RHIC experiments in order to obtain values for the spin-flip Regge couplings. The data comes from both 100 GeV/c proton elastic scattering on a carbon target and on the recently commissioned polarized hydrogen gas jet target. These couplings are used to predict the analyzing power for proton-carbon scattering at the top RHIC fixed target energy of 250 GeV/c and for pppp scattering at RHIC collider energy.Comment: for proceedings of SPIN200

    Highlights from BNL-RHIC-2012

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    Recent highlights from Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) are reviewed and discussed in the context of the discovery of the strongly interacting Quark Gluon Plasma (sQGP) at RHIC in 2005 as confirmed by results from the CERN-LHC Pb+Pb program. Outstanding RHIC machine operation in 2012 with 3-dimensional stochastic cooling and a new EBIS ion source enabled measurements with Cu+Au, U+U, for which multiplicity distributions are shown, as well as with polarized p-p collisions. Differences of the physics and goals of p-p versus A+A are discussed leading to a review of RHIC results on pi0 suppression in Au+Au collisions and comparison to LHC Pb+Pb results in the same range 5<pT<20 GeV. Results of the RHIC Au+Au energy scan show that high pT suppression takes over from the "Cronin Effect" for c.m. energies > 30 GeV. Improved measurements of direct photon production and correlation with charged particles at RHIC are shown, including the absence of a low pT (thermal) photon enhancement in d+Au collisions. Attempts to understand the apparent equality of the energy loss of light and heavy quarks in the QGP by means of direct measurements of charm and beauty particles at both RHIC and LHC are discussed.Comment: Invited lecture at the International School of Subnuclear Physics, 50th Course, "What we would like LHC to give us", Erice, Sicily, Italy, June 23-July 2, 2012. 16 pages, 12 figure

    Excitation functions of baryon anomaly and freeze-out properties at RHIC-PHENIX

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    The intermediate pTp_T region (2 - 5 GeV/cc) in central Au+Au collisions at RHIC has a rich physics content. The (anti)proton to pion ratio at the intermediate pTp_T gives us a powerful tool to investigate the bulk properties of the hot and dense matter created at RHIC and their hadronization processes. We present the preliminary results of identified charged hadron spectra at the lower beam energies at RHIC. The excitation function of (anti)proton to pion ratios from SPS to RHIC are shown. We also discuss the onset of the baryon enhancement at the high energy heavy ion collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Quark Matter 2006 conference proceeding
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