869 research outputs found

    Programmable photonics : an opportunity for an accessible large-volume PIC ecosystem

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    We look at the opportunities presented by the new concepts of generic programmable photonic integrated circuits (PIC) to deploy photonics on a larger scale. Programmable PICs consist of waveguide meshes of tunable couplers and phase shifters that can be reconfigured in software to define diverse functions and arbitrary connectivity between the input and output ports. Off-the-shelf programmable PICs can dramatically shorten the development time and deployment costs of new photonic products, as they bypass the design-fabrication cycle of a custom PIC. These chips, which actually consist of an entire technology stack of photonics, electronics packaging and software, can potentially be manufactured cheaper and in larger volumes than application-specific PICs. We look into the technology requirements of these generic programmable PICs and discuss the economy of scale. Finally, we make a qualitative analysis of the possible application spaces where generic programmable PICs can play an enabling role, especially to companies who do not have an in-depth background in PIC technology

    On the Trade-Off Between Quality Factor and Tuning Ratio in Tunable High-Frequency Capacitors

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    A benchmark of tunable and switchable devices at microwave frequencies is presented on the basis of physical limitations to show their potential for reconfigurable cellular applications. Performance limitations are outlined for each given technology focusing on the quality factor (Q) and tuning ratio (eta) as figures of merit. The state of the art in terms of these figures of merit of several tunable and switchable technologies is visualized and discussed. If the performance of these criteria is not met, the application will not be feasible. The quality factor can typically be traded off for tuning ratio. The benchmark of tunable capacitor technologies shows that transistor-switched capacitors, varactor diodes, and ferroelectric varactors perform well at 2 GHz for tuning ratios below 3, with an advantage for GaAs varactor diodes. Planar microelectromechanical capacitive switches have the potential to outperform all other technologies at tuning ratios higher than 8. Capacitors based on tunable dielectrics have the highest miniaturization potential, whereas semiconductor devices benefit from the existing manufacturing infrastructure

    Reconfigurable RF Front End Components for Multi-Radio Platform Applications

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    The multi-service requirements of the 3G and 4G communication systems, and their backward compatibility requirements, create challenges for the antenna and RF front-end designs with multi-band and wide-band techniques. These challenges include: multiple filters, which are lossy, bulky, and expensive, are needed in the system; device board size limitation and the associated isolation problems caused by the limited space and crowd circuits; and the insertion loss issues created by the single-pole-multi-through antenna switch. As will be shown, reconfigurable antennas can perform portions of the filter functions, which can help solve the multiple filters problem. Additionally, reconfigurable RF circuits can decrease the circuit size and output ports, which can help solve board size limitation, and isolation and antenna switch insertion loss issues. To validate the idea that reconfigurable antennas and reconfigurable RF circuits are a viable option for multi-service communication system, a reconfigurable patch antenna, a reconfigurable monopole antenna, and a reconfigurable power amplifier (PA) have been developed. All designs adapt state-of-the-art techniques. For the reconfigurable antenna designs, an experiment demonstrating its advantages, such as jamming signal resistance, has been performed. Reconfigurable antennas provide a better out-ofoperating- band noise performance than the multi-band antennas design, decreasing the need for filters in the system. A full investigation of reconfigurable antennas, including the single service reconfigurable antenna, the mixed signal service reconfigurable antenna, and the multi-band reconfigurable antenna, has been completed. The design challenges, which include switches investigation, switches integration, and service grouping techniques, have been discussed. In the reconfigurable PA portion, a reconfigurable PA structure has first been demonstrated, and includes a reconfigurable output matching network (MN) and a reconfigurable die design. To validate the proposed reconfigurable PA structure, a reconfigurable PA for a 3G cell phone system has been designed with a multi-chip module technique. The reconfigurable PA structure can significantly decrease the real-estate, cost, and complexity of the PA design. Further, by decreasing the number of output ports, the number of poles for the antenna switch will be decreased as well, leading to an insertion loss decrease

    A 2.4 GHz CMOS class-F power amplifier with reconfigurable load-impedance matching

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A novel reconfigurable CMOS class-F power amplifier (PA) at 2.4 GHz is proposed in this paper. It is able to match the output load variations mainly due to the effect of hand and head on a mobile phone. The effect of load variation on power-added efficiency (PAE), output power, and distortion is compensated by reconfiguring the output network using an impedance tuner. The tuner controls the output matching at fundamental frequency without affecting the class-F harmonic tuning up to 3rd harmonic. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first design of a CMOS class-F PA addressed to compensate the effect of load variation. Measurement results for 50 ohm load impedance show a maximum PAE of 26% and maximum output power of 19.2 dBm. The measured total harmonic distortion is 4.9%. Measurement results for load values other than 50 ohm show that PAE increases from 6.5% (not-tuned PA) up to 19.9% (tuned PA) with the same output power (19.2 dBm). Tuning also reduces the adjacent-channel leakage ratio by 5 dB and the spectral regrowth of a Wi-Fi signal at the PA output. The size of the fabricated chip is 1.6 mm × 1.6 mm.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Design of a class-F power amplifier with reconfigurable output harmonic termination in 0.13 µm CMOS

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    Next generation wireless communication technology requires mobile devices and base stations to support multiband multimode frequencies with higher data rate because of the type of enriched and enhanced features and services that are provided to the end user. The challenge for next generation PA designers is to provide high efficiency, output power and good linearity across multiple frequency bands, modulation standards and bandwidth. Current industry solution involves parallel PAs dedicated to a single band of operation. As more and more features are added, more and more PAs will be required with increasing cost, area and complexity. As a solution to this problem, one tunable fully integrated class-F power amplifier with reconfigurable output harmonic termination is proposed, designed, fabricated and tested with a commercially available 0.13µm CMOS process technology. By using the coupling between the primary and the secondary winding of an on chip transformer with a variable secondary termination capacitance, the second and third harmonic short and open circuit frequencies are dynamically tuned from 700 MHz to 1200 MHz and achieve high efficiency and output power. To overcome CMOS process low break down voltage, a series voltage combining approach is used for the power device to boost output power, by allowing the power supply to exceed process limits. The fabricated die was packaged and mounted to a printed circuit board for evaluation. Compared to previously publish fully integrated PAs, our design exhibits superior peak power added efficiency, 48.4%, and decent saturated output power and power gain of 24.6 dBm and 16.5 dB respectively with reconfigurability from 700 MHz to 1200 MHz

    Microwave class-E power amplifiers: a brief review of essential concepts in high-frequency class-E PAs and related circuits

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    Since Nathan Sokal's invention of the class-E power amplifier (PA), the vast majority of class-E results have been reported at kilohertz and millihertz frequencies, but the concept is increasingly applied in the ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) [1]-[13], microwave [14]-[20], and even millimeter-wave range [21]. The goal of this article is to briefly review some interesting concepts concerning high-frequency class-E PAs and related circuits. (The article on page 26 of this issue, "A History of Switching-Mode Class-E Techniques" by Andrei Grebennikov and Frederick H. Raab, provides a historical overview of class-E amplifier development.)We acknowledge support, in part, by a Lockheed Martin Endowed Chair at the University of Colorado and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (MINECO) through TEC2014-58341-C4-1-R and TEC2017-83343-C4-1-R projects, cofunded with FEDER

    Towards a Universal Multi-Standard RF Receiver

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    Future wireless communication market calls for the need of an extreme compact wireless device that can easily access to all the available services at any time and at any location with minimum power consumption and cost. The key is to find a multi-standard wireless receiver that can cover all the service specifications while keeping redundant components to minimum. Reconfigurable concept is right fit the need. In this thesis, a fully integrated universal multi-standard receiver using low-cost CMOS technology has been proposed based on the survey for different wireless receiver specifications and optimum architectures. Tunable receiver building blocks such as filters, LNAs, Mixers, VCOs, gain blocks are the main factor to approach this novel receiver. In order to realize frequency agility, low cost as well as low power consumption, a good switch is a must. In this thesis, MEMS switches are preferred rather than active switches or active tuning elements based on their performance comparisons. In the feasibility study, as an example, first, a reconfigurable LNA and a reconfigurable oscillator using hard wires as switches have been developed, and then a LNA and an oscillator have been designed using a MEMS switch. The effect of hard-wire connection and MEMS to the circuits has been evaluated. No performance degradation has been found when using hard-wire connections, while some has been observed when using MEMS. However, MEMS could be integrated with other circuits on the same die if it could be built on low resistive silicon substrate without performance degradation