17 research outputs found

    Fine-grained performance analysis of massive MTC networks with scheduling and data aggregation

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    Abstract. The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a substantial shift within wireless communication and constitutes a relevant topic of social, economic, and overall technical impact. It refers to resource-constrained devices communicating without or with low human intervention. However, communication among machines imposes several challenges compared to traditional human type communication (HTC). Moreover, as the number of devices increases exponentially, different network management techniques and technologies are needed. Data aggregation is an efficient approach to handle the congestion introduced by a massive number of machine type devices (MTDs). The aggregators not only collect data but also implement scheduling mechanisms to cope with scarce network resources. This thesis provides an overview of the most common IoT applications and the network technologies to support them. We describe the most important challenges in machine type communication (MTC). We use a stochastic geometry (SG) tool known as the meta distribution (MD) of the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR), which is the distribution of the conditional SIR distribution given the wireless nodes’ locations, to provide a fine-grained description of the per-link reliability. Specifically, we analyze the performance of two scheduling methods for data aggregation of MTC: random resource scheduling (RRS) and channel-aware resource scheduling (CRS). The results show the fraction of users in the network that achieves a target reliability, which is an important aspect to consider when designing wireless systems with stringent service requirements. Finally, the impact on the fraction of MTDs that communicate with a target reliability when increasing the aggregators density is investigated

    Energy aware management of 5G networks

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringBalasubramaniam NatarajanThe number of wireless devices is predicted to skyrocket from about 5 billion in 2015 to 25 billion by 2020. Therefore, traffic volume demand is envisioned to explode in the very near future. The proposed fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks is expected to be a mixture of network components with different sizes, transmit powers, back-haul connections and radio access technologies. While there are many interesting problems within the 5G framework, we address the challenges of energy-related management in a heterogeneous 5G networks. Based on the 5G architecture, in this dissertation, we present some fundamental methodologies to analyze and improve the energy efficiency of 5G network components using mathematical tools from optimization, control theory and stochastic geometry. Specifically, the main contributions of this research include: • We design power-saving modes in small cells to maximize energy efficiency. We first derive performance metrics for heterogeneous cellular networks with sleep modes based on stochastic geometry. Then we quantify the energy efficiency and maximize it with quality-of-service constraint based on an analytical model. We also develop a simple sleep strategy to further improve the energy efficiency according to traffic conditions. • We conduct a techno-economic analysis of heterogeneous cellular networks powered by both on-grid electricity and renewable energy. We propose a scheme to minimize the electricity cost based on a real-time pricing model. • We provide a framework to uncover desirable system design parameters that offer the best gains in terms of ergodic capacity and average achievable throughput for device-to-device underlay cellular networks. We also suggest a two-phase scheme to optimize the ergodic capacity while minimizing the total power consumption. • We investigate the modeling and analysis of simultaneous information and energy transfer in Internet of things and evaluate both transmission outage probability and power outage probability. Then we try to balance the trade-off between the outage performances by careful design of the power splitting ratio. This research provides valuable insights related to the trade-offs between energy-conservation and system performance in 5G networks. Theoretical and simulation results help verify the performance of the proposed algorithms

    Modeling and Analysis of Cellular Networks Using Stochastic Geometry: A Tutorial

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    This paper presents a tutorial on stochastic geometry (SG)-based analysis for cellular networks. This tutorial is distinguished by its depth with respect to wireless communication details and its focus on cellular networks. This paper starts by modeling and analyzing the baseband interference in a baseline single-tier downlink cellular network with single antenna base stations and universal frequency reuse. Then, it characterizes signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio and its related performance metrics. In particular, a unified approach to conduct error probability, outage probability, and transmission rate analysis is presented. Although the main focus of this paper is on cellular networks, the presented unified approach applies for other types of wireless networks that impose interference protection around receivers. This paper then extends the unified approach to capture cellular network characteristics (e.g., frequency reuse, multiple antenna, power control, etc.). It also presents numerical examples associated with demonstrations and discussions. To this end, this paper highlights the state-of-the-art research and points out future research directions

    A Stochastic Geometry approach towards Green Communications in 5G

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    In this dissertation, we investigate two main research directions towards net- work efficiency and green communications in heterogeneous cellular networks (HetNets) as a promising network structure for the fifth generation of mobile systems. In order to analyze the networks, we use a powerful mathematical tool, named stochastic geometry. In our research, first we study the performance of MIMO technology in single-tier and two-tier HetNets. In this work, we apply a more realistic network model in which the correlation between tiers is taken into account. Comparing the obtained results with the commonly used model shows performance enhancement and greater efficiencies in cellular networks. As the second part of our research, we apply two Cell Zooming (CZ) techniques to HetNets. With focus on green communications, we present a K−tier HetNet in which BSs are only powered by energy har- vesting. Despite the uncertain nature of energy arrivals, combining two CZ techniques, namely telescopic and ON/OFF scenarios, enables us to achieve higher network performance in terms of the coverage and blocking probabilities while reducing the total power consumption and increasing the energy and spectral efficiencies

    Sixth Generation (6G)Wireless Networks: Vision, Research Activities, Challenges and Potential Solutions

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    The standardization activities of the fifth generation communications are clearly over and deployment has commenced globally. To sustain the competitive edge of wireless networks, industrial and academia synergy have begun to conceptualize the next generation of wireless communication systems (namely, sixth generation, (6G)) aimed at laying the foundation for the stratification of the communication needs of the 2030s. In support of this vision, this study highlights the most promising lines of research from the recent literature in common directions for the 6G project. Its core contribution involves exploring the critical issues and key potential features of 6G communications, including: (i) vision and key features; (ii) challenges and potential solutions; and (iii) research activities. These controversial research topics were profoundly examined in relation to the motivation of their various sub-domains to achieve a precise, concrete, and concise conclusion. Thus, this article will contribute significantly to opening new horizons for future research direction

    Energy and cost management in shared heterogeneous network deployments

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    Pla de Doctorat industrial de la Generalitat de CatalunyaDuring the recent years, a huge augmentation of the data traffic volume has been noticed, while a further steep increase is expected in the following years. As a result, questions have been raised over the years about the energy consumption needs of the wireless telecommunication networks, their carbon dioxide emissions and their operational expenses. Aiming at meeting the high traffic demands with flat energy consumption and flat incurred expenses, mobile network operators (MNOs) have opted to improve their position (i) by deploying heterogeneous networks (HetNets), which are consisted of macrocell base stations (MBSs) and small cell base stations (SBSs) and (ii) by sharing their infrastructure. However, questions could be raised about the extend to which HetNet densification is of aid. Given that network planning is executed according to high traffic load volumes, BS underutilisation during low-traffic hours cannot be neglected. Similarly, the aggregated energy needs of multiple SBSs equals the ones of an energy hungry MBS, having thus a respectable share of the net energy consumption. In this context, a set of research opportunities have been identified. This thesis provides contribution toward the achievement of a greener and more cost efficient operation of HetNet deployments, where multiple stakeholders develop their activity and where energy support can have the form of various alternate schemes, including renewable energy (RE) sources. Depending on the network energy support, i.e., whether RE sources are used in the network or not, the main body of this thesis is divided in two research directions. The first part of the thesis uses the technology of switching off strategies in order to explore their efficiency in terms of both energy and costs in a HetNet. The HetNet is assumed to be a roaming-based cooperative activity of multiple MNOs that is powered exclusively by grid energy. A switching off and a cost allocation scheme are proposed, using as criteria the BS type, the BS load and the roaming cost for traffic offloading. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated with respect to energy efficiency, cost savings and fairness, using computer-based simulations. The second part of the thesis explores energy and cost management issues in energy harvesting (EH) HetNet deployments where EH-BSs use an EH system (EHS), an energy storage system (ESS) and the smart grid (SG) as energy procurement sources. The EH-HetNet is assumed a two-tier network deployment of EH-MBSs that are passively shared among an MNO set and EH-SBSs that are provided to MNOs by an infrastructure provider. Taking into consideration the infrastructure location and the variety of stakeholders involved in the network deployment, approaches of RE exchange (REE) are proposed as a cooperative RE sharing for the shared EH-MBSs, based on bankruptcy theory, and a non-cooperative, aggregator-assisted RE trading, based on double auctions, for the EH-SBSs. The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated in terms of the hours of independence of the studied system from the SG, the fairness regulated by the provided solution and the economical payoffs extracted for the stakeholdersDurante los últimos años, se ha notado un aumento enorme del volumen de tráfico de datos, mientras que se espera un nuevo aumento en los próximos años. Como resultado, se han planteado preguntas sobre las necesidades de consumo de energía de las redes inalámbricas de telecomunicaciones, sus emisiones de dióxido de carbono y sus gastos operativos. Con el objetivo de satisfacer las altas demandas de tráfico con consumo de energía constante y con gastos incurridos constantes, además de utilizar soluciones basadas en la nube, los operadores de redes móviles (MNOs) han optado por mejorar su posición (i) desplegando redes heterogéneas (HetNets), que consisten en estaciones base de macro-células (MBSs) y estaciones base de células pequeñas (SBSs), y (ii) compartiendo su infraestructura. Sin embargo, podrían plantearse preguntas sobre hasta qué punto la densificación de una HetNet es de ayuda. Dado que la planificación de la red se ejecuta de acuerdo con los volúmenes de carga de tráfico más elevados, no se puede descuidar la subutilización de las estaciones base (BS) durante las horas de poco tráfico. De manera similar, las necesidades de energía agregadas de múltiples SBSs son iguales a las de una MBS que consume mucha energía, teniendo así una parte respetable del consumo neto de energía. En este contexto, se ha identificado un conjunto de oportunidades de investigación. Esta tesis contribuye al logro de una operación más ecológica y rentable de las implementaciones de HetNet, donde múltiples partes interesadas desarrollan su actividad y donde el apoyo energético puede tener la forma de varios esquemas alternativos, incluidas las fuentes de energía renovables (RE). Dependiendo del soporte de energía de red, es decir, si las fuentes de RE se usan en la red o no, el cuerpo principal de esta tesis se divide en dos direcciones de investigación. La primera parte de la tesis utiliza la tecnología de las estrategias de apagado con el objetivo de explorar su eficiencia en términos de energía y gastos en una HetNet. Se asume que la HetNet es una actividad cooperativa basada en la itinerancia de múltiples MNO que se alimenta exclusivamente de energía de la red. Se propone un esquema de desconexión y de asignación de costes, que utiliza como criterios el tipo de BS, la carga de BS y el coste de la itinerancia para la descarga de tráfico. El rendimiento de los esquemas propuestos se evalúa con respecto a la eficiencia energética, el ahorro de costes y la equidad, usando simulaciones en computadora. La segunda parte de la tesis explora los problemas de gestión de energía y de costes en las implementaciones de HetNet donde las estaciones base recolectan energía usando un sistema EH (EHS), un sistema de almacenamiento de energía (ESS) y la red eléctrica inteligente (SG) como sistemas de adquisición de energía. Se asume que el EH-HetNet es una implementación de redes de dos niveles donde los EH-MBSs se comparten pasivamente entre un conjunto de MNOs y EH-SBSs se proporcionan a los MNOs de un proveedor de infraestructura. Teniendo en cuenta la ubicación de la infraestructura y la variedad de partes interesadas e involucradas en el despliegue de la red, se proponen enfoques de intercambio de RE (REE) como un intercambio cooperativo de RE para los EH-MBS compartidos, basado en la teoría de bancarrota, y un no cooperativo comercio de RE para los EH-SBSs, que es asistido por un agregador y basado en las subastas dobles. El rendimiento de los esquemas propuestos se evalúa en términos de las horas de independencia del sistema estudiado con respecto al SG, la imparcialidad regulada por la solución proporcionada y los beneficios económicos extraídos para las interesadas.Postprint (published version