120 research outputs found

    Personal Knowledge Models with Semantic Technologies

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    Conceptual Data Structures (CDS) is a unified meta-model for representing knowledge cues in varying degrees of granularity, structuredness, and formality. CDS consists of: (1) A simple, expressive data-model; (2) A relation ontology which unifies the relations found in cognitive models of personal knowledge management tools, e. g., documents, mind-maps, hypertext, or semantic wikis. (3) An interchange format for structured text. Implemented prototypes have been evaluated

    Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference GISRUK 2010

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    This volume holds the papers from the 18th annual GIS Research UK (GISRUK). This year the conference, hosted at University College London (UCL), from Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 April 2010. The conference covered the areas of core geographic information science research as well as applications domains such as crime and health and technological developments in LBS and the geoweb. UCL’s research mission as a global university is based around a series of Grand Challenges that affect us all, and these were accommodated in GISRUK 2010. The overarching theme this year was “Global Challenges”, with specific focus on the following themes: * Crime and Place * Environmental Change * Intelligent Transport * Public Health and Epidemiology * Simulation and Modelling * London as a global city * The geoweb and neo-geography * Open GIS and Volunteered Geographic Information * Human-Computer Interaction and GIS Traditionally, GISRUK has provided a platform for early career researchers as well as those with a significant track record of achievement in the area. As such, the conference provides a welcome blend of innovative thinking and mature reflection. GISRUK is the premier academic GIS conference in the UK and we are keen to maintain its outstanding record of achievement in developing GIS in the UK and beyond

    The use of TRAO to manage evolution risks in e-government

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    The need to develop and provide more efficient ways of providing Electronic Government Services to key stakeholders in government has brought about varying degrees of evolution in government. This evolution is seen in different ways like the merging of government departments, the merging of assets or its components with legacy assets etc. This has involved the incorporation of several practices that are geared towards the elimination of processes that are repetitive and manual while attempting to progressively encourage the interaction that exists between the different stakeholders. However, some of these practices have further complicated processes in government thus creating avenues for vulnerabilities which if exploited expose government and government assets to risks and threats. Focusing on ways to manage the issues accompanied with evolution can better prepare governments for manging the associated vulnerabilities, risks and threats. The basis of a conceptual framework is provided to establish the relationships that exist between the E-Government, asset and security domains. Thus, this thesis presents a design research project used in the management of evolution-related risks. The first part of the project focusses on the development of a generic ontology known as TRAO and a scenario ontology TRAOSc made up of different hypothetical scenarios. The resulting efficiency of the development of these ontologies have facilitated the development of an intelligent tool TRAOSearch that supports high-level semantically enriched queries. Results from the use of a case study prove that there are existing evolution-related issues which governments may not be fully prepared for. Furthermore, an ontological approach in the management of evolution-related risks showed that government stakeholders were interested in the use of intelligent processes that could improve government effectiveness while analysing the risks associated with doing this. Of more importance to this research was the ability to make inferences from the ontology on existing complex relationships that exist in the form of dependencies and interdependencies between Stakeholders and Assets. Thus, this thesis presents contributions in the aspect of advancing stakeholders understanding on the types of relationships that exist in government and the effect these relationships may have on service provisioning. Another novel contribution can be seen in the correction of the ambiguity associated with the terms Service, IT Service and E-Government. Furthermore, the feedback obtained from the use of an ontology-based tool during the evaluation phase of the project provides insights on whether governments must always be at par with technological evolution

    In Search of a Common Thread: Enhancing the LBD Workflow with a view to its Widespread Applicability

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    Literature-Based Discovery (LBD) research focuses on discovering implicit knowledge linkages in existing scientific literature to provide impetus to innovation and research productivity. Despite significant advancements in LBD research, previous studies contain several open problems and shortcomings that are hindering its progress. The overarching goal of this thesis is to address these issues, not only to enhance the discovery component of LBD, but also to shed light on new directions that can further strengthen the existing understanding of the LBD work ow. In accordance with this goal, the thesis aims to enhance the LBD work ow with a view to ensuring its widespread applicability. The goal of widespread applicability is twofold. Firstly, it relates to the adaptability of the proposed solutions to a diverse range of problem settings. These problem settings are not necessarily application areas that are closely related to the LBD context, but could include a wide range of problems beyond the typical scope of LBD, which has traditionally been applied to scientific literature. Adapting the LBD work ow to problems outside the typical scope of LBD is a worthwhile goal, since the intrinsic objective of LBD research, which is discovering novel linkages in text corpora is valid across a vast range of problem settings. Secondly, the idea of widespread applicability also denotes the capability of the proposed solutions to be executed in new environments. These `new environments' are various academic disciplines (i.e., cross-domain knowledge discovery) and publication languages (i.e., cross-lingual knowledge discovery). The application of LBD models to new environments is timely, since the massive growth of the scientific literature has engendered huge challenges to academics, irrespective of their domain. This thesis is divided into five main research objectives that address the following topics: literature synthesis, the input component, the discovery component, reusability, and portability. The objective of the literature synthesis is to address the gaps in existing LBD reviews by conducting the rst systematic literature review. The input component section aims to provide generalised insights on the suitability of various input types in the LBD work ow, focusing on their role and potential impact on the information retrieval cycle of LBD. The discovery component section aims to intermingle two research directions that have been under-investigated in the LBD literature, `modern word embedding techniques' and `temporal dimension' by proposing diachronic semantic inferences. Their potential positive in uence in knowledge discovery is veri ed through both direct and indirect uses. The reusability section aims to present a new, distinct viewpoint on these LBD models by verifying their reusability in a timely application area using a methodical reuse plan. The last section, portability, proposes an interdisciplinary LBD framework that can be applied to new environments. While highly cost-e cient and easily pluggable, this framework also gives rise to a new perspective on knowledge discovery through its generalisable capabilities. Succinctly, this thesis presents novel and distinct viewpoints to accomplish five main research objectives, enhancing the existing understanding of the LBD work ow. The thesis offers new insights which future LBD research could further explore and expand to create more eficient, widely applicable LBD models to enable broader community benefits.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 202


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    The Second International Conference on Health Information Technology Advancement

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    TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Message from the Conference Co-Chairs B. Han and S. Falan …………………………....….……………. 5 II. Message from the Transactions Editor H. Lee …...………..………….......………….……….………….... 7 III. Referred Papers A. Emerging Health Information Technology and Applications The Role of Mobile Technology in Enhancing the Use of Personal Health Records Mohamed Abouzahra and Joseph Tan………………….……………. 9 Mobile Health Information Technology and Patient Care: Methods, Themes, and Research Gaps Bahae Samhan, Majid Dadgar, and K. D. Joshi…………..…. 18 A Balanced Perspective to Perioperative Process Management Jim Ryan, Barbara Doster, Sandra Daily, and Carmen Lewis…..….…………… 30 The Impact of Big Data on the Healthcare Information Systems Kuo Lane Chen and Huei Lee………….…………… 43 B. Health Care Communication, Literacy, and Patient Care Quality Digital Illness Narratives: A New Form of Health Communication Jofen Han and Jo Wiley…..….……..…. 47 Relationships, Caring, and Near Misses: Michael’s Story Sharie Falan and Bernard Han……………….…..…. 53 What is Your Informatics Skills Level? -- The Reliability of an Informatics Competency Measurement Tool Xiaomeng Sun and Sharie Falan.….….….….….….…. 61 C. Health Information Standardization and Interoperability Standardization Needs for Effective Interoperability Marilyn Skrocki…………………….…….………….… 76 Data Interoperability and Information Security in Healthcare Reid Berryman, Nathan Yost, Nicholas Dunn, and Christopher Edwards.…. 84 Michigan Health Information Network (MiHIN) Shared Services vs. the HIE Shared Services in Other States Devon O’Toole, Sean O’Toole, and Logan Steely…..……….…… 94 D. Health information Security and Regulation A Threat Table Based Approach to Telemedicine Security John C. Pendergrass, Karen Heart, C. Ranganathan, and V.N. Venkatakrishnan …. 104 Managing Government Regulatory Requirements for Security and Privacy Using Existing Standard Models Gregory Schymik and Dan Shoemaker…….…….….….… 112 Challenges of Mobile Healthcare Application Security Alan Rea………………………….……………. 118 E. Healthcare Management and Administration Analytical Methods for Planning and Scheduling Daily Work in Inpatient Care Settings: Opportunities for Research and Practice Laila Cure….….……………..….….….….… 121 Predictive Modeling in Post-reform Marketplace Wu-Chyuan Gau, Andrew France, Maria E. Moutinho, Carl D. Smith, and Morgan C. Wang…………...…. 131 A Study on Generic Prescription Substitution Policy as a Cost Containment Approach for Michigan’s Medicaid System Khandaker Nayeemul Islam…….…...……...………………….… 140 F. Health Information Technology Quality Assessment and Medical Service Delivery Theoretical, Methodological and Practical Challenges in Designing Formative Evaluations of Personal eHealth Tools Michael S. Dohan and Joseph Tan……………….……. 150 The Principles of Good Health Care in the U.S. in the 2010s Andrew Targowski…………………….……. 161 Health Information Technology in American Medicine: A Historical Perspective Kenneth A. Fisher………………….……. 171 G. Health Information Technology and Medical Practice Monitoring and Assisting Maternity-Infant Care in Rural Areas (MAMICare) Juan C. Lavariega, Gustavo Córdova, Lorena G Gómez, Alfonso Avila….… 175 An Empirical Study of Home Healthcare Robots Adoption Using the UTUAT Model Ahmad Alaiad, Lina Zhou, and Gunes Koru.…………………….….………. 185 HDQM2: Healthcare Data Quality Maturity Model Javier Mauricio Pinto-Valverde, Miguel Ángel Pérez-Guardado, Lorena Gomez-Martinez, Martha Corrales-Estrada, and Juan Carlos Lavariega-Jarquín.… 199 IV. A List of Reviewers …………………………..…….………………………208 V. WMU – IT Forum 2014 Call for Papers …..…….…………………20

    Process Mining Handbook

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    This is an open access book. This book comprises all the single courses given as part of the First Summer School on Process Mining, PMSS 2022, which was held in Aachen, Germany, during July 4-8, 2022. This volume contains 17 chapters organized into the following topical sections: Introduction; process discovery; conformance checking; data preprocessing; process enhancement and monitoring; assorted process mining topics; industrial perspective and applications; and closing