8 research outputs found

    Latency-Sensitive 5G RAN Slicing for Deterministic Aperiodic Traffic in Smart Manufacturing

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    5G and beyond networks will support the digitalization of smart manufacturing thanks to their capacity to simultaneously serve different types of traffic with distinct QoS requirements. This can be achieved using Network Slicing that creates different logical network partitions (or slices) over a common infrastructure, and each can be tailored to support a particular type of traffic. The configuration of the Radio Access Network (RAN) slices strongly impacts the capacity of 5G and beyond to support critical services with stringent QoS requirements, and in particular deterministic requirements. Existing RAN Slicing solutions only consider the transmission rate (or bandwidth) requirements of the different services to partition the radio resources. This study demonstrates that this approach is not suitable to guarantee the stringent latency requirements of deterministic aperiodic traffic that is characteristic of industrial critical applications. We then propose designing RAN slices using descriptors that consider both the services’ transmission rate and latency requirements, and demonstrate that this approach can support critical services that generate deterministic aperiodic traffic

    Sharing gNB components in RAN slicing: A perspective from 3GPP/NFV standards

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    To implement the next Generation NodeBs (gNBs) that are present in every Radio Access Network (RAN) slice subnet, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) enables the deployment of some of the gNB components as Virtual Networks Functions (VNFs). Deploying individual VNF instances for these components could guarantee the customization of each RAN slice subnet. However, due to the multiplicity of VNFs, the required amount of virtual resources will be greater compared to the case where a single VNF instance carries the aggregated traffic of all the RAN slice subnets. Sharing gNB components between RAN slice subnets could optimize the trade-off between customization, isolation and resource utilization. In this article, we shed light on the key aspects in the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)/NFV standards for sharing gNB components. First, we identify four possible scenarios for sharing gNB components. Then, we analyze the impact of sharing on the customization level of each RAN slice subnet. Later, we determine the main factors that enable isolation between RAN slice subnets. Finally, we propose a 3GPP/NFV-based description model to define the lifecycle management of shared gNB componentsComment: Article accepted for publication in IEEE Conference on Standards and Networking (CSCN) 201

    Enable advanced QoS-aware network slicing in 5G networks for slice-based media use cases

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Media use cases for emergency services require mission-critical levels of reliability for the delivery of media-rich services, such as video streaming. With the upcoming deployment of the fifth generation (5G) networks, a wide variety of applications and services with heterogeneous performance requirements are expected to be supported, and any migration of mission-critical services to 5G networks presents significant challenges in the quality of service (QoS), for emergency service operators. This paper presents a novel SliceNet framework, based on advanced and customizable network slicing to address some of the highlighted challenges in migrating eHealth telemedicine services to 5G networks. An overview of the framework outlines the technical approaches in beyond the state-of-the-art network slicing. Subsequently, this paper emphasizes the design and prototyping of a media-centric eHealth use case, focusing on a set of innovative enablers toward achieving end-to-end QoS-aware network slicing capabilities, required by this demanding use case. Experimental results empirically validate the prototyped enablers and demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework in such media-rich use cases.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Traffic Classification for Network Slicing in Mobile Networks

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    Network slicing is a promising technique used in the smart delivery of traffic and can satisfy the requirements of specific applications or systems based on the features of the 5G network. To this end, an appropriate slice needs to be selected for each data flow to efficiently transmit data for different applications and heterogeneous requirements. To apply the slicing paradigm at the radio segment of a cellular network, this paper presents two approaches for dynamically classifying the traffic types of individual flows and transmitting them through a specific slice with an associated 5G quality-of-service identifier (5QI). Finally, using a 5G standalone (SA) experimental network solution, we apply the radio resource sharing configuration to prioritize traffic that is dispatched through the most suitable slice. The results demonstrate that the use of network slicing allows for higher efficiency and reliability for the most critical data in terms of packet loss or jitter.This research was supported by the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under grant/project CER-20191015/Open, Virtualized Technology Demonstrators for Smart Networks (Open-VERSO)

    Latency-Sensitive 5G RAN Slicing for Industry 4.0

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    Network slicing is a novel 5G paradigm that exploits the virtualization and softwarization of networks to create different logical network instances over a common network infrastructure. Each instance is tailored for specific Quality of Service (QoS) profiles so that network slicing can simultaneously support several services with diverse requirements. Network slicing can be applied at the Core Network or at the Radio Access Network (RAN). RAN slicing is particularly relevant to support latency-sensitive or timecritical applications since the RAN accounts for a significant part of the end-to-end transmission latency. In this context, this study proposes a novel latency-sensitive 5G RAN slicing solution. The proposal includes schemes to design slices and partition (or allocate) radio resources among slices. These schemes are designed with the objective to satisfy both the rate and latency demands of diverse applications. In particular, this study considers applications with deterministic aperiodic, deterministic periodic and nondeterministic traffic. The latency-sensitive 5G RAN slicing proposal is evaluated in Industry 4.0 scenarios where stringent and/or deterministic latency requirements are common. However, it can be evolved to support other verticals with latency-sensitive or time-critical applicationsThis work has been funded by the European Commission through the FoF-RIA Project AUTOWARE: Wireless Autonomous, Reliable and Resilient Production Operation Architecture for Cognitive Manufacturing (No. 723909),and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness, AEI, and FEDER funds (TEC2017-88612-R)

    RAN runtime slicing system for flexible and dynamic service execution environment

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