24 research outputs found

    A holistic power systems asset engineering and decision management framework for railway asset managers.

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    Defining, designing and implementing an asset management system capable of effectively managing assets throughout their life in terms of engineering, financial, digital and stakeholder needs is challenging. Furthermore, governance frameworks of the past have traditionally resulted in 'silo' type asset interventions without considering the total sustainability of system outcomes. In this paper the writers set out a governance framework definition suitable for managing the complex adaptive needs of engineering, financial, digital and stakeholder requirements. In addition, it will set out the components of a framework that can manage complex assemblage of assets by using bottom up aggregation of 'asset realities' and the 'business' or outcomes needs based on stakeholder, socio-economic, technical and or business strategy requirements

    A Reference Process Model for Usage Data-Driven Product Planning

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    Cyber-physical systems generate and collect huge amounts of usage data during operation. Analyzing these data may enable manufacturing companies to identify weaknesses and learn about the users of their products. Such insights are valuable in the early phases of product development like product planning, as they facilitate decision-making for product improvement. The analysis and exploitation of usage data in product planning, however, is a new task for manufacturing companies. To reduce mistakes and improve the results, companies should build upon a suitable reference process model. Unfortunately, established models for analyzing data cannot be easily applied for product planning. In this paper, we propose a reference process model for usage data-driven product planning. It builds on three well-established models for analyzing data and addresses the unique characteristics of usage data-driven product planning. Finally, we customize the model for a manufacturing company and demonstrate how it could be implemented in practice

    Process mapping for project execution from the perspective of the purchasing function: Case ABB Power Grids Finland Oy

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    Project business is a complex and nonroutine type of business. The features of projects’ affect a lot also to purchasing, demanding flexibility and different ways to support the project execution depending, for example, the features of the different kinds of materials and services that are needed during the project execution. This thesis is conducted for ABB Power Grids Finland Oy and the research question is stated as: What is involved in process mapping for successful pro-ject execution from the purchasing function perspective? The aim of clarifying this is to help the purchasing function to operate more proactive during the project execution process and support the needs of projects’ better considering different purchasing function tasks. The objectives for the thesis are to 1) Identify the different stages of project execution relevant for purchasing. 2) Identify the types of material and services needed in different identified project execution stages. 3) To design the process map. The theoretical framework for the thesis handles the project business features and executing the projects as well as the purchasing responsibilities within the projects. The theory also covers the theory of process mapping to act as a guideline for conducting the actual process map. The theory of project execution covers the basic features of project business and the different ele-ments of it, such as project management, scheduling, material planning, and communication. In the theory of purchasing the purpose of SCM and purchasing is explained and the key features and special needs for project purchases specifically are clarified. Process mapping includes the theory of processes and highlights the importance of high quality in processes in all operations and processes. The chapter offers also more detailed information about the process maps and conducting cross-functional process mapping. The study is conducted as a qualitative case study using data triangulation. The primary data for the study was collected through semi-conducted interviews internally in the case company. In addition to primary data, secondary data such as internal documentation was used to support the primary data findings. In the results of the study, it was possible to identify seven different phases of the project execution process from the beginning of the project until handing over to the customer. Findings revealed that all the phases are important in some way also from the perspective of purchasing function. The purchasing of the materials and services happens mostly during the first three phases of project execution, but the purchasing unit had multiple different kinds of tasks throughout the whole project execution process. The findings of identified phases and materials were presented graphically using a cross-functional flowchart. The process map also included an activity detail sheet which includes general information of the project and RACI chart and SIPOC diagram.Projektiliiketoiminta on toimialana monimutkainen eikä seuraa tiukkoja rutiineja. Projektien ominaispiirteet vaikuttavat suuresti myös hankintatoimintoihin, joilta vaaditaan joustavuutta ja uusia tapoja tukea projektien toteutusta, riippuen esimerkiksi erilaisista materiaaleista ja palveluista, joita tarvitaan projektin toteutuksen aikana. Tämä tutkielma on toteutettu yritykselle ABB Power Grids Finland Oy ja tutkimuskysymys on: Mitä kuuluu prosessikaavioon onnistuneeseen projektin toteutukseen hankintayksikön näkökulmasta? Tutkimuskysymyksen selventämisen tavoitteena on auttaa hankintayksikköä toimimaan proaktiivisemmin projektien toteuttamisen aikana ja tukea projektien tarpeita paremmin hankintatoimintojen näkökulmasta. Tutkielmalle on asetettu kolme tavoitetta, jotka ovat: 1) Tunnistaa projektin toteutuksen eri vaiheet, jotka ovat merkittäviä hankinnan näkökulmasta. 2) Tunnistaa erilaiset materiaalit ja palvelut, joita tarvi-taan projektin toteutuksen eri vaiheissa. 3) Luoda prosessikaavio. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys käsittelee projektiliiketoiminnalle ominaisia piirteitä ja projektien toteuttamista, kuten myös hankintatoimintojen vastuita projektiliiketoiminnassa. Teoria kattaa myös prosessikaavioihin liittyvän teorian, joka tässä tutkielmassa toimii suuntaviivana itse prosessikaavion luomiselle. Projektiliiketoiminnan teoria kattaa tälle liiketoimintatyypille tyypilliset piirteet ja sen eri osa-alueita kuten projektinhallinta, aikataulutus, materiaalisuunnittelu ja kommunikaatio. Hankintaan keskittyvässä teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi toimitusketjun johtamisen ja hankinnan tarkoitusta, ja selvennetään näiden merkitystä ja tavoitteita erityisesti projektiliiketoiminnassa. Teoria prosessikaavioista sisältää teoriaa prosesseista ja laadun merkityksessä kaikissa toiminnoissa ja prosesseissa. Kappale tarjoaa lisäksi yksityiskohtaisempaa tietoa prosessikaavioista. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena toimintatutkimuksena, käyttäen apuna aineistotriangulaatiota. Ensisijainen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla yrityksen sisällä. Toissijaista aineistoa, kuten yrityksen sisäistä dokumentaatiota, käytettiin tukemaan ensisijaista ai-neistoa. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena kyettiin tunnistamaan seitsemän eri projektien toteutuksen vaihetta projektien aloituksesta asiakkaalle luovutukseen. Löydökset osoittivat, että kaikki vaiheet ovat omalla tavallaan tärkeitä myös hankinnan näkökulmasta. Materiaalien ja palveluiden hankinnat painottuvat kolmeen ensimmäiseen projektien toteutusvaiheeseen mutta hankintayksiköllä on myös monia muita erilaisia tehtäviä koko projektin toteutusprosessin ajan. Tulokset esitettiin graafisessa muodossa prosessikaaviona, jossa vastuualueet on eroteltu. Prosessikaavion lisäksi luotiin sivu, joka sisältää yleistietoa, vastuullisuustehtävämatriisin (RACI) ja arvovirtakartan (SIPOC), jotka sisältävät vaihekohtaista tietoa prosessikaaviost

    Aplicabilidade da matriz RACI no cenário da unidade de pesquisa clínica do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria

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    Introdução: A pesquisa clínica é uma etapa avançada na concepção de novas estratégias terapêuticas. É realizada de forma sistemática em seres humanos. Somente depois de vencida está etapa é que um produto em investigação poderá ser aprovado por entidades regulatórias e, posteriormente, incorporado à prática clínica. As matrizes de responsabilidades têm se mostrado ferramentas promissoras no gerenciamento de recursos humanos, especialmente quando se trabalha com equipes multiprofissionais inconstantes, muitas vezes transitórias, na execução de atividades críticas. Objetivo: Adaptar e testar a aplicabilidade de uma ferramenta de gestão aliada à pesquisa clínica ao contexto da Unidade de Pesquisa Clínica Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (HUSM). Propor estratégias que visam a fortalecer a equipe de pesquisa, dentre elas elaborar um guia de referências rápidas dedicado a estruturação de uma equipe de pesquisa. Métodos: O projeto foi efetuado através da adaptação da matriz de responsabilidades RACI como ferramenta de gestão de recursos humanos em um estudo clínico multicêntrico. Aos colaboradores foram atribuídas responsabilidades de acordo com as siglas R (Responsável), A (Autoridade), C (Consultado), I (Informado), sobre a efetivação das etapas envolvidas na execução do projeto de pesquisa em questão. Resultados: A adaptação da ferramenta ao contexto da unidade de pesquisa clínica do HUSM demonstrou ser útil na gestão racional de recursos humanos. A matriz de responsabilidades trouxe como resultados o dimensionamento da equipe e a necessidade treinamentos específicos aos novos integrantes da equipe. A sua aplicação trouxe como resultado a elaboração de um guia de referências rápidas destinado à equipe de pesquisa clínica. Conclusões: A utilização da matriz RACI na UPC/HUSM trouxe impacto positivo no gerenciamento de recursos humanos vinculados ao estudo clínico. A ferramenta adaptada também apontou os recursos de infraestrutura necessários ao estudo clínico. A matriz RACI demonstrou-se uma ferramenta versátil na condução de estudos clínicos, pesquisas acadêmicas, ou demais projetos executados na unidade.Introduction: Clinical research is an advanced stage in the design of new therapeutic strategies. It is performed in a systematic way in humans. Only after this stage has passed can a product under investigation be approved by regulatory agencies and subsequently incorporated into clinical practice. Responsibility matrices have been shown to be promising tools for human resource management, especially when working with unstable, often transient, multi-professional teams in the execution of critical activities. Objective: Adapt and test the applicability of a management tool allied to clinical research to the context of the Clinical Research Unit Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (HUSM). To propose strategies that aim to strengthen the research team, among them, to prepare a quick reference guide dedicated to the structuring of a research team. Methods: The project was carried out by adapting the RACI responsibilities matrix as a human resources management tool in a multicenter clinical study. The collaborators were assigned responsibilities according to the acronyms R (Responsible), A (Authority), C (Consulted), I (Informed), on the implementation of the steps involved in the execution of the research project in question. Results: The adaptation of the tool to the context of the HUSM clinical research unit has proved to be useful in the rational management of human resources. The responsibilities matrix brought results as a team dimension and the need for specific trainings to the new team members. Its application has resulted in the development of a quick reference guide for the clinical research team. Conclusions: The use of the RACI matrix in UPC / HUSM has had a positive impact on human resource management linked to the clinical study. The adapted tool also pointed out the infrastructure resources needed for clinical study. The RACI matrix has proven to be a versatile tool in the conduct of clinical studies, academic research, or other projects executed in the unit

    Factors and perspectives influencing accountability and the sustainability of data quality improvements in higher education.

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    MBA University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2013.Worldwide, organisational management is increasingly confronted by the need for data quality to make informed decisions. It has been reported that a significant percentage of turnover is lost due to bad data. The higher education sector also requires quality data in order to keep up with the pace of change in this sector. It is against this background that this study investigates the factors and perspectives influencing accountability and the sustainability of data quality improvements at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). The study used a questionnaire to elicit responses from approximately 120 information system users (IS-Users) at the University on their perspectives of data quality awareness, quality practices, and the cost, accountability and sustainability of data quality improvement in order to support the implementation of the data quality initiative recently launched at UKZN. The sample was selected from a population of primary information system users. Data collection took place over two months, with a response rate of 50%. The findings and recommendations of the study revealed different opinions on various issues from the perspective of the three groups of IS-User constituents that were surveyed. The findings include significant and moderate issues relating to the lack of training, skills and leadership; work-around time problems arising from uncertainty with regard to who owns data at the Institution; and the need for stronger leadership and skills in the area of data quality. The recommendations range from investment in training, to the implementation of performance management to support current data quality activity, service level agreements to enhance data quality from third party suppliers, incentives to reward work that enhances data quality, feedback mechanisms such as metrics or a data quality monitor to report on the condition of data quality in real time and promoting data ownership in order to enhance organisational agility to reduce the work-around or run around time of IS-users

    How to facilitate productive project planning meetings: a practical guide to ensuring project success

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    Rigorous planning is vital to your project execution and success. Projects are often multifunctional, requiring input from various stakeholders. Project planning often tends to be done piecemeal or not at all, often leading to missing and/or incomplete information and correspondingly poor results. This book will show you how to do it right. How to Facilitate Productive Project Planning Meetings is a guide to help you plan your projects by showing you how to effectively facilitate productive face-to-face kickoff sessions (both in person and virtual) and ongoing planning meetings. Effective planning meetings will help you not only develop key artifacts but also provide continuous team building. You’ll also learn about the impacts of culture (organizational and global) on team dynamics and discover methods to ameliorate these impacts. A case study of building a sustainable house will help you understand the concepts and grasp the terminology. The book will also feature dozens of illustrative stories (from the authors as well as other practicing project managers) that will illustrate meeting techniques that went well (or not so well). Numerous templates, sample schedules, and checklists round out the value of this book in helping you facilitate effective meetings

    Introduction of Routine Antenatal Anti-D Prophylaxis for all Rhesus Negative Women (RAADP) attending Cavan General Hospital.

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    Aims The aim of this process improvement was to introduce routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis (RAADP) injection at 28 weeks gestation to all Rhesus (Rh-D) negative women attending Cavan General Maternity services. This was initially achieved by outlining objectives which gave focus to the project. These objectives facilitated the development of the subsequent business case, implementation plan and evaluation process. Rationale The introduction of routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis was in order to be fully compliant with the National Guideline recommendations by the Clinical Care Programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Change Process The writer introduced this change using the Health Service Executive Organisational Development Model as a guiding document. This provided a structured and systematic approach which informed the change process. The four stages of change included initiation, planning, implementation and mainstreaming. Evaluation The evaluation of the project revealed benefits from training with excellent practice and service delivery. Compliance with routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis was successful as evidenced by the laboratory audit carried out following implementation of the project. Results and Conclusion All women at Cavan General Hospital are now offered routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis (RAADP) at 28 weeks gestation. There is a need to further develop the service in order to provide RAADP as an off-site amenity

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